Poetry competition CLOSED 16th July 2023 6:07am
Ahavati (Tams)
View Profile Poems by Ahavati
RUNNERS-UP: buddhakitty and Bluevelvete

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In memory of Bukowski

Fire of Insight
United States 1awards
Joined 22nd Apr 2023
Forum Posts: 34

Be On Guard

A mesmerizing moment,
Like a sudden guess,
Quickly steals away the
Breathing assurance
Of what is true,
As if to believe the
Thief in the night,
Stringing together attention,
Like a bow to
Fire flames from the shadows.

In the after hours,
With no limit,
And a full belly,
Knowing what to say
Philosophizes the aesthetic of
Bringing death to life,
Summoning innuendos
Of trickery, allusion,
Proudly jesting double standards,
With tales of the dragon.

Bestial guts,
Like the sword slayed,
Hung out of the pitch black,
Fabled fortune,
Directly dissected,
With haughty puns,
And inconsequential laughter,
Like a barbarian mob,
Hallowing hell for the slaughter,
And a graven summit.

A poisonous heart,
Affects fallacy of
Heathen ritual,
As its merrily conjured,
Entombed reasons
Feast on infatuation,
Like flesh and bone was
The chewed fat
Of a cannibalistic,
Bloody chin.

You could never decipher,
Betwixt the cover,
The tone and inflection,
As proper confidence,
Since unseen,
Transpiring serpentine secrecy
Showed caskets beneath
The intoxicated,
Hypnotizing voices with
Fermentation, rot.

The core of the castle,
Was about to give,
As inside the chasm,
Amazing manifestation for
A sudden collapse could
Fold the walls to
The gravity of a foundation,
Like hidden claustrophobia
Came to plunder, as
Fear takes over.

An obvious fate,
As the enemy invades,
And everything falls,
Along with the unsuspecting
Guards on watch,
That were fixated,
Which perfects flummox,
Demonic superstition,
To come galloping
Unto one's perdition.
Written by Connotation
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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 27awards
Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525

Waking disappointment on a child's face  

I shouldn't of come here,
not tonight,
too many mouths
that guzzle and gawp.
I want to sweep them with the buffet
into black plastic bags,
smash bottles into faces
slit several throats
with one coria graphed kata.

The rat has only just finished.
It wasn't content with three days
gnawing inside my muscles,
now it wants me to rot,
watch it run down my legs.

There's a resonance behind the bar
each liquid surface trembles.
I feel like a hunter breathing with the stag
as the optics rise and fall.
Then he's gone and I'm left with shredded
beer mats and soft drink labels,
enough confetti for a church wedding
or bedding for family of field mice.

The door opens and lets in
the outside.
I chromatograph the scent
of a thousand stale nights
wrapped in a cigarette smoke carrier,
trace elements I pick out and assemble
until I have that one drink
that isn't going to hurt anyone.
Written by Razzerleaf
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Tyrant of Words
United States 19awards
Joined 1st Sep 2021
Forum Posts: 83

Related submission no longer exists.

Dangerous Mind
United States 17awards
Joined 4th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 213


Buk was a poet  
who could write a  
goddamn novel  
better 'n' any  
fuckin' poem  
and make you laugh  
and let you dream  
and make you think  
maybe you could  
break out of that  
mind numbing  
soul crushing  
nine to five  
kiss ass bullshit  
and actually be  
do something  
make something  
write something  
instead of just shoveling shit  
day after day after  
miserable goddamned day  
make you sit down
at the keyboard  
and try  
fuckin' drunk asshole
Written by javalini
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Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 11th Jan 2023
Forum Posts: 45

Dark Aquarius, Tetanus Lockjaw

Then, there was nothingness in my abomination.  
From the cornice of my mind. Dark's Aquarius,  
Tetanus Lockjaw. Without a jigger of gin to spill.  
Unemotionally smitten by the signs of the Str8 on  
the Ouija including pigs and stones. "Grandmom,  
what big eyes you have!" Better to salivate, than to  
bone the old crone. Listening to the Wooly Bully  
pounding the ground. Running the gauntlet of  
Twilight's cleft jaw. Beneath the omelet moon  
winging through the door. Wagging my truncheon as  
Mr. Sandman brings me a dream of a ham sandwich
on rye before you die. From the cornice of my mind.  
Dark's Aquarius, Tetanus Lockjaw. Triggered by the  
latte's smothering insomnia.    
Written by PaleSkies
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Fire of Insight
Joined 4th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 69

Mankind in Dreamland

Pestered and pursued  
by unknown foes  
A topsyturvy land  
where snakes can have horns  
and cows can have fangs.  
Night'mares' where the day's stallions  
make mountains out of molehills  

A chance to witness greek mythology-like creatures for real  
For dreamland tis a place for the unreal and surreal.  
Those hair-raising scary scary dreams  
beset with horrified silent screams!  
We do try to interrupt nightmares, pinching ourselves  
With relief wake up to see there aren't any horrid elves.  
We also try to interpret dreams filled with mystery  
But gifted dream interpreters like prophet Joseph  
Are now part of biblical human history  
All in all, dreamland's fascination  
for extra-ordinary exaggeration  
and tall-tale imagination  
Where myth and legend come to life  
An amalgam of fiction or real strife  
Where assorted monsters of the mind  
reign supreme in that REM sleep of our kind.  
Yet on the other hand the wishful, wistful sweet sweet dreams  
where fantasies form mirages bordered by fanciful seams.  
Where castles in the air that humans build, float gently down to earth  
only to shoot back up unto nowhere from the awakened one's berth.  
In dreamland a pauper girl can be a princess or fairy fair  
for daydreams extend into the night and linger on there.  
A quote I took to heart and it to console all and sundry  
'that if your sweet dreams don't come true, don't you fret  
for atleast your nightmares didn't come true either,  
so just heave a sigh, by and by.  
Every night let us all just fly away and escape  
And lo behold  the extraordinary world of Dreamscape.
Written by Zaynab_kamoonpury
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 50


the most we can
hope for,
is to survive the
terror of the
Written by buddhakitty
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Lost Thinker
Joined 27th June 2023
Forum Posts: 5


With a rusted metal spike,
A puncture is made
That lets a pressured breath
Escape it's ironed cage.

With a brother spike,
the spine is crumbled.
Each vertebrae screaming,
with a cry, that's muffled.

Another sister spike,
takes a victim of the throat.
Stifling your voice,
spluttering and mute.

A final mother spike
tears into the heart.
Contracting it's muscles,
clawing love apart.

You can hold the spikes
in your body like scars
bottled up, waiting
to let it all start.

But eventually the spikes
will begin to bleed
or rot with rust
or stop a route of life

And you'll have to face the problem
you left dwelling in your chest,
you can always keep it in,
but letting it out is best.

Even if that means,
you'll bleed until you die.
You would rather delay the inevitable?
I can't see why,

when you'll bleed anyway.
You'll remain in pain.
You can always keep it in.
Go ahead.
Rot away in shame.
Written by anonymouszoe
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Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1845

Don't Try


Don’t try
It may imply that you’re giving yourself some wiggle room
In case you fail
There may be some obstacles too big to overcome
Therefore it questions your dedication
Your determination to get it done

Don’t half ass it and then expect to get great returns
Nothing special comes out of mediocrity
It is as they say, you reap what you sow
And if your mode is to be average
You’ll never stand out, if you know what I mean

I guess the important thing here is to be honest
Do you really want to accomplish what you set out to do?
Taking all the unknowns into consideration
Will you get discouraged if things get too complicated?

All bullshit aside
It should be noted that when you say you’ll try
It’s like a passive voice command you communicate to your brain
You say you’re sick and tired
Stuck in the same rut
And go back to that cycle until you finally decide to…
“Go all the way”
Written by wallyroo92
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Thought Provoker
Palestine 1awards
Joined 24th Feb 2021
Forum Posts: 91

The Loitering Twilight

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DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

dimpy, Phantom2426, lepperochan, JiltedJohnny, Rew, javalini, Betty, MadameLavender, LadyRain, Northern_Soul, mysteriouslady, monovox128, ReggiePoet, James_A_Knight, SonderNinja, AspergerPoet56, VeronikaB, sheepskinxtearaway, Razzerleaf, Zenman, nutbuster, Heisenberg68, Blackdove, Kinkpoet, Her, Tallen, cold_fusion, WillowsWhimsies, PoetSpeak, ds3371

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16219

Wow. There was some powerful poetry in this competition. Thank you to all who voted. Congratulations Kitts ( I honestly thought you'd take this one ) and Bluevelvet.

Tyrant of Words
United States 56awards
Joined 17th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 167

Congratulations Ahavati !!

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16219

PoetSpeak said:Congratulations Ahavati !!

Thanks, Poet. Faux Daddy 2 was brilliant, I thought. Surprised you didn't make the podium.

Tyrant of Words
United States 56awards
Joined 17th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 167

I thought it had a good chance but you blew it away.... Some great entries.  Good competition !  Glad you got the win !

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