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Kitty's Korner

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2181

What observations were questionable in nature?
I am 41 and do not do breast self exams. I know all too well that lumps come and go. I have breastfed 11 children so far, preferring child-led weaning and gentle parenting. Mammograms and cancer prevention seem - to me - be increasing mortality from cancer. Not surprising when modern medicine is white supremacy on steroids.

My lived experience, for what it’s worth! 💖

Thank you for replying my poetess, I can understand your frustration, but it still does not affect how I must perform my job as a medical profession.
Those government mandated restrictions were sanctioned by your government. Therefore, if you think the healing of my hands supposed to cease in its assistance, they do not..

There were several medical staff terminated for their beliefs who chose not to take that Covid-19 vaccine,
The Covid-19, yes it was a total fiasco for the American people, which I prefer not to revisit, its past related events and the interchangeable is fruitless.

If you want to raise your voice in arms, about the mistreatment of your government, call for a boycott, strike, plan a march, or make change when you case your vote at the at the ballot, but not here.

When I am triaging my patient, or on a televisit with my patients.  At that time, when they are presenting follow-up symptoms, the onset of new mental health symptom, I am worrying about what the government related issues and the mishandling  of  American people. To be truthful, I do not, I cannot, I treat, and that is what I do

Therefore, as I state, pease redirect your governmental frustration where they belong on the ballot

And regards to your questionable observation, in the beginning, you stated White Supremacy was the
Then you stated lumps come and go, yes they are questionable and quote frankly alarming.

Now I may not be “classy as hell” but I don’t care if I’m a root out of dry ground. This is serious human rights and health issues.

I do think the humbling words of the  poet was not referring to you and I find it very offensive that you would intrude upon someone personal admiration that had no direct bearing on your what so ever.

And please make this the last entry on my Forum, I have been as patience, but I am the Moderation, I have medical and the political science of medicine.

For a person as I stated who advised me she will advocate for a new generation of Spiritual Healers, you need to begin on the path to your own enlighten journey, I have paved my one and it is with good intentions.

Speechifying does not get platforms raised without the intent purpose, it can only clarify the existence of its current state of condition.  

Words, with the absence of progress is only an idle mouth moving without a blueprint of path to success.

And you continue to regress to past related issues, which your hands or my hands cannot change. And excuse me for saying, and I to blame, because I continue to heal, help, save, no. I am who I am, a Healer, board certified who adhere to that Hippocratic Oath, my poetess, and that will always stand rather the government is against or for my profession.

Henceforth, it is you that cannot grasp that concept. Pick a side and chose, but you will not do it on my FORUM.
I have moved on, and I suggest you do the same, my poetess. In addition, I am Mental Health Counselor.

The main objective we will always uphold the moral responsibility to [b]alleviate a patient’s suffering. [/b]

Oh, how I wish that was a factually true statement in practice.

That’s not what happens when the suffering of the treatment is worse than the disease.   It’s also not true if the patient is coerced or deceived, which also happens.

Hospital Birth verses A Home Birth (Planned Natural Birth)

You have been in labor for hours now, the fetal monitor is showing your baby while still in the womb is showing signs of fetal stress, Pitocin is given to assist or speed the dilatation's.

Infant’s oxygen level are the main concern and to assure the parent to remain calm in this per-crisis situation.

You as the patient have now been given oxygen, your spouse is now becoming worried, you saying this is the first time this has ever happened.

The  baby in is the birth canal, contractions are coming on as if you are giving birth, the doctor do not want to use the forceps ( birth trauma/birth rape).

The fetal monitors are now beeping, full stress code and that umbilical cord happens to get wrapped around that infant’s neck, the infant is suffering, a medication flush has been administered through your IV to suppress  the umbilical cord, the baby is still (suffering) the OR (Operating Room) has been contacted and on standby.

Mother is worried, father is praying, doctor must make that ethical decision with the mutual understanding of mother and father (family).
Mothered holding on to this thought she wanted to go natural, time is a factor but to alleviate the suffering of her infant she to agrees to that C-Section

An emergency C-section is performed, successful delivery.

Mother has staples in her abdomen, and for her pain to have brought such a joy into this world.

Now, you ask yourself, how suffering is truly defined, my poetess. It is any less when something goes to the dentist with an abscess on the gum, a tooth is infected, cannot be extracted until the antibiotic has been taken.

Pain is a physical sensations
Suffering is the interpretation of that which includes thoughts, its beliefs or judgments.

Each time you are feeling that pain as a beautiful reminder and hitting that morphine drip to relive that excruciating pain to that unplanned surgical site.

I do not play the opposite of medical advocacy, I have to promote it, if you do see it, than that is something you have to come to your own conclusion until you do, do not narrate any more questions or misleading information to my Forum.

If this had been a Home Birth scenario above, that baby would have been delivered as a stillbirth.

I did not mean to use such realistic entry here, but I have advised you this is the medical side of my hands I push and to see a smile, a patient who is getting discharged from SICU or an infant being discharge from NICU, we feel good about the outcome of the prognosis, not the situation that arose to bring them within our care.

Remember I was a Charge Nurse Trauma/Critical Care Level III when I resided in Philadelphia, prion to my accenting the salaried position of Director Of Nursing in New York.

In the near future if you come on my Forum and insult anyone, or their suggestions, I will personally block you myself.

I stated my mission, and my advocacy, I really do not have any further means for this interchange.

You have attempted to bring your broaden viewpoints that has nothing to do with the mission of healing or preventive care.
Now as a woman, I advised you keep politics off this Forum.

Going forward.
I hope I have made myself clear …and have a blessed day.

SKC, Interim DON, APRN

Any errors, I am on my laptop at work

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2181

Straight Talk Live (Use All The Capabilities Your Mind Will You)

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.    
I was recently asked by a very affluent poet within his own right of existence here on DUP regarding the duality of the brain and the mind and can the theories of either two be divided among the cause of thinking and the specific concentration of specific actions.    
What a beautiful question to ponder and the afterthought to dwell on such a relevant matter when it pertains to human development and intellectual awareness.    
In my studies and relevant theorists based of Einstein’s ideology. The man was simply brilliant in his mental aptitude of creating mind of matter and using all the dynamics of the brain’s two hemispheres. Before we even begin, we must come to understand in brevity exactly what gifts we receive from either side of the brain.    
The left side of the brain is responsible for logic and reasoning    
The right side of the brain controls intuition and the core of our emotions    
Therefore, if a person has had an unfortunate cerebrovascular accident (stroke) the damages to the body such as partial paralysis, speech is noted to be on the left side, then the right side of the body will be affected and vice versa with the complexities of the brain the thought process. With that being said, let’s delve into the beautiful necessaries of life and what the brain’s two hemispheres are capable of allocating.      
The speech pattern, that enticing and alluring vernacular engagement we use daily or in the stare of its receptive responses. Have you ever wondered the phases one must adhere to bring the thoughts into the medium of communication for someone to comprehend its subsidies?      
In simplistic terms of gravities terms, the left side of your brain primarily controls the right side of your body, and the right side of your brain dominates the left side of your body.    
Now comes the intuition of the question, which was asked, can you separate the brain and the mind yet can still operate as a whole from a spiritual level or in quantum physics adaptations.      
You must keep the notion in mind, the brain is made of physical matter and the mind is not.      
In my adolescent years, my grann use to say use your brain and not your mind… reading several volumes of English Britannica Encyclopedias all day long, and not quite understanding the visual dialect, I think I was using my brain and, in my mind, I was thinking how to make an excuse in disregarding them, and finding any means not to be disrespectable to sass her stern educational politics when being self-taught of what my brain evidently came to tolerate.      
Upon that conception, my mind had to systemically absorb a cognitive patten to balance those two hemispheres to finally accept, either I grasp the presented circumstances or continue to be ignorant of information, which was there, although, gibberish, unlearned, and foreign to my mindset.      
Somehow through the grace and many hard smacks upon my hand to pay attention and focus. I became the concept in differing the dynamics of the brain, mental growing into the understanding, it is a very powerful tool of chance in the progress of where we stand, sit, or lie, my motto is, ‘knowledge is power’ it is our most divine reward to separate fact from fiction and discord from the distinction of reasoning; it opens oppressed doors by utilizing dialogue, or by the sense of contributing to the cause and constructive liabilities of its beautiful or haunting actions.      
In essence, the brain is a substantial organ in the body that controls all vital human functions, along with the factual account we only use ten percent of our brain’s compatibles. There are different advantages one could use to unlock its potential; meditation, yoga, Chakra channeling, and adhering to the rare offering to succeed in astral quantum mechanics (it is very hard to obtain in not being spiritually attuned and using the limited of the brain power and central core of the mind-the hidden chamber, I refer to in respect).      
The mind is a terrible thing to waste therefore, when in doubt, use it to your fullest benefit. The mind is merely an epiphenomenon of the brain and can only be recognized in terms of neurology broaden terms.    
The human brain has three primary principalities. The greatest portion of the brain is what we refer to as the cerebrum, its main role is the center for intellectual functioning or reasoning. The cerebellum is the second structure, located at the back of the skull. It helps us in the prominence of balance. The third composition is the medulla, a stem which leads into the spinal column, that section along aids in the involuntary tasks such as respiration.      
These three basis components work together to help carry out the role of cognition, but they are not mind itself. The mind is not a physical entity.    
Regarding the cosmic nature of the mind, the element of surprise has been described for centuries from some of the greatest men of prominence in their field of studies, from philosophers and psychologists; Kant’s theories and Plato, Descartes, Einstein, and Socrates just to a few, in retrospect these legends within their time offered their general musings of the brain and the mind, and in comparison.    
Therefore, the brain versus the mind may not be a scientific question to sustain a quick solution, although, a question of quantum reality it is interchangeable of mind and matter.    
That has been another Straight Talk Live for you, this is a preface to a piece I have been working. I have been doing research in regard to Scientology and their dynamics, mind blowing. I see why so many stars take up their philosophy, it differs from the theory of Kabbalah in so many aspects.      
Stay blessed in your heart, stay focused in mind, and see the beauty in your eyes in everything you perceive and take consideration of others’ beauty in what they don’t.      
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2181

Straight Talk Live (Living On The Edge Of Society)

As of late I have been studying human nature. Society’s pivotal problems, court documented crime cases, bemoans, unusual circumstances at the highest level, the duality of the sex’s indifferences. I have sat in a cushioned chair and listened intensely to the most deep rooted mental insufficient people who cannot seen to cope on a basic superficial level outside the realm of civilization.  
Within my observation, I have come to recognize, no one is better off than the other when it comes to composing our conduct to what is deemed adequate by humanity’s requirements.
We as a whole walk around each other in silent fits of rage, we drive in our expensive cars, travel outside the city limits to our places of employment, live in our suburban homes, and have our executive jobs to keep us afloat at a prestige level of existence. In addition, a lucrative education gifted from generation rites from ivy league institutions.
Therefore, sadly when the mind can no longer compute within the dwelling of self-success or self-reliance to master what is acceptable in the eyes of the law then this is where my expertise comes into play. I have always fathom how anyone who has the epitome to build their own success seem to self-demise. I can comprehend we all come from different walks of life, different upbringing, and social disadvantages for a vast segment of society.  
Could it be the debauched route one would praise of its worth? Silver spoons held in hands and dreams already given on silver platters that lessens our values when we become the prey to the inferiority in our mind who we have curtailed to be.
Most people I have had the pleasure to interact with has worked hard for their legacy, whereas, when the chemical component of the mind breaks down. Most therapists must comb through the two hemispheres with a fine-tooth comb.  
During counseling the mouth becomes a tape recorder we must repeatedly play back to listen, in earnest, to catch that one glitch, which would explain the deviant wheels set in motion to become a malevolent mind.
Segregating the boundaries and the parallels into fine particles; is it the family unit, finding it’s not a deterring factor, most have been reared by parents of superior education values and most have educated offsprings of exception distention, and the gateway to sow future success, it is a lack of sexual preference, desires. Or lack thereof, I cannot quite elaborate, that is moreso a medical related issue, however, it is discussed in retrospect, most may tell you, they, meaning, the majority of men are quite satisfying to the opposite sex.  
I have yet to counsel any criminals with follies toward transgender people to comment a heinous crime, not saying they are not out there, because studies show they are.
After those demographics have been discussed and taken into consideration, then we come into the forensic science of how a precarious mind can develop into becoming sadistic in its own stability to lessen in its value to demoralize in a narrow mindless façade giving way to criminal intent.  
I am new at this; therefore, I am still processing. I am no longer in college, sometimes to read about others and then properly diagnosis someone's sanity does tend to make one question its on. Therefore, when you view those criminal element shows and you see someone in court accused of a violent crime and there is a doctor testifying as a expect witness, take into consideration the countless mental health sessions that psychologist or psychiatrist has spent with that patient trying to isolate the mind from the crime and the person from the criminal determination.  
It is disheartening at times to be the judge and jury of anyone else’s mind, to have to be dispassionate and disassociated from a mind that were once full of vigor, life, now from listening I am still perplexed because you never can come to the understanding what went awry.  
You can grasp at concepts, perceptions, histories, but it will never give you the true reason of is objective, you can medicate to quiet the mental instability.

Subsequently, when it comes to that day in court. These patients stand on the oath of the crime they are accused of as a badge of honor, no regrets noted in therapy, and no remorse, the mind has been self altered and adapted to that particular person way of thinking.
As I will always advise, please take care of the mind, it is a precious commodity in all its beautiful stages of life from birth to the medical diagnosis of its natural decline, Alzheimer’s and Dementia  
Time will be going back momentary therefore, please pay most attention to Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, it is a form of depression, and its silent culprit is triggered by a lack of sunlight. Most people are most often affected by SAD during winter months, when the days are shorter and darker. Therefore, Light therapy, medications, and psychotherapy are the treatments available this disorder…
And that’s another Straight Talk Live For You
Take care of yourself, mask up, vaccinate if you believe, and always be kind to others
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2181

Give Love and Hugs, always, they go along way

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2181

I will be embarking on some broad-ranged ideas, as we speak, I am doing much needed research on relevant topics, which would affect individuals as well as how cultures, and various ethnicity would come into play.

I am also in training to compete in a full marathon with my running crew..., next month.

Everyone have a safe and blessed Resurrection Day weekend.

SKC, Interim DON, APRP

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2181


Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2181

The Transference And Then Conversion of Cosmic Energy (Journal I of Journal III)

Why I chose this particular subject manner. To answer your question(s). I will give you the specifics to your intrinsic thoughts.    
Since the beginning of time man has attempted to harness the concept of what categorizes energy and within its properties what is the single particle for its usage and the dynamics of sound, mind, and body.    
Surely the pioneers of relativity at best honed the law of physics (the study of state of its existence) granting us such greats patented invention from Alexander Graham Bell and the official patented granted for his device on March 7, 1876, giving us a better understanding of the conduit of electrical signals, in addition, Benjamin Franklin’s lightening rod and the mainstream of utilizing his models    
on the usage of its source of power as vibration.    
If we were to ask Sir Isaac Newton here today will his concept on the laws of motion and gravity still stand on its oath in regard to the adaption of technology in broadband interchanges and the revolution of vibration that constitute as relative energy.  
Would his ideology slightly vary with more attuned variables, modern technology at the speed of megabytes and gigabytes, NASA’s exploration of the galaxy and the creation of aviation      
Let’s explore the meaning of energy in its truest form.    
Energy is not made it up it is a source that has been around since the beginning time, it cannot be created, lessen in terms, or destroyed it shall always remain to be.    
Within the five elements of the exchange of energy for the necessity of life is water, wood, fire, earth, and metal.    
This perception and intrinsic journey I had to research and explore was due in part to my five-hundred-page clinical thesis on Psychiatric Medicine and its Properties of Energy and its relativity stimuli and the chemical alterations the brain’s hemispheres functionality when biochemical imbalanced or induced can offset.    
I had to write, research, and then prove my hypothesis. As an undergrad, to show several variables, which had to be explained according to the fundamental transformation of energy transference, to be candid, it became tedious to explain factual in theoretically terms. A part of my goal in submitting my ethics and with proficiency as prior to getting my Master’s Degree in Forensic Psychiatric Nursing. My dissertation was well received.      
Take under advisement I did consult with two Neuroscientists to explain and help me to correlate my findings with their scope of expertise to explain the laws of energy after one has expired of earthly life death.    
The extension of my research led me in the direct path of researching and studying Dr. Kevorkian’s ideology. (The late Jack Kevorkian was a U.S. physician who assisted in the remedial decision to advocate patient suicides).    
His segment will be what occurs after death and the sequence of energy if the body expires by natural cause versus intravenous by western medication, in addition, if you can recollect if you have studied physics, vital energy is used for the functioning of the physique.    
The essence of any person never truly dies. In its place, embodiments are finalized and the soul, what I deem the Higher Self, or spirit will move on giving into a comic rebirth. Keep in mind we may mourn for the vessel, however, the grieving process should give anyone great comfort to know energy is released back into the universe and only because everything is complied of energy, which will never be destroyed; only transformed and metamorphosed into something else.    
Therefore, I have laid out my preliminary findings, objections, and conclusions for this first posted journal there are three in all.      
And I am considering resubmitting to the American Journal of Psychiatry in September a article of Postpartum Depression and what your Obstetrician is not relating to you during those pre-natal consults. Trust me I’ve tried and was flat out rejected at the time simply because I was a student and not enough field work.      
I will explore this three-part series and if there are any Physics Major/Undergrads feel free to add your input with a module of scientific data.      
There are numerous elements to discuss when channeling energy in religion, spiritually, my favorite topic.      
The next segment I will elaborate on the transference of negative and positive energy. To be less cavalier on the subject, have you ever listened to an chagrined person while conversing, and you are in the right frame of mind. The aftermath of their unstable intellect has become yours to bear, their emotions have transferred, and this person walks away feeling much better, yet you are now the host of their negative energy.      
 Energy is perceived as attention in motion.    
For further reading and an excellent book to engage the mind    
Living Energies: An Exposition of Concepts Related to the Theories of Viktor Schauberger by Callum Coats (2001-07-05) Paperback – January 1, 178    
And that was another Straight Talk Live For you    
Until our souls takes a rest from the chaos of the world where your mind can rest upon my canvas, please take care of yourself and always take a moment to check on each other.    
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Footnote (04-27-23)

I am working on the concept, what does a woman do with her Placenta after birth, readers, I have had some strange, emailed replies from all over the globe, I am very interested in this observation.

That beautiful conduction that contains those enriched stem cells are no longer being stuff in a Bio-hazard bag.

This is a sacred in my culture with what the women do with the placenta after birth
This will be my next Straight Talk piece, I am just answering my blog replies on this sacred decision, I say sacred because in some religion the placenta is revered more than what reaches the eye.  I will continue to gather relevant information as I present it to you in its entirety.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2181

Ladies, please make sure that you check your breasts for the Month of May 2023

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2181

Bleed (Straight Talk Live)

Love, respect, honor, is the root of the universe    
Men’s kindred spirits saturating his sacred seeds of life in the bed of Mother Earth    
The land of ancient rites of his passage he bestows    
Bequeathing the beautiful expansion of crowned Kings, Queens    
To the throne of grace, his reverence speaks of his greatness    
We kneel, bowing our heads in the benediction of unity    
Chanting to a higher calling to bestow, truth, justice, peace    
Whole Blood, Plasma, Serum    
Galloping through our veins    
Yet, we claim power, uplifting to the madness    
Falsified insignias we parade in hindsight    
Glorifying, gloating of self-righteous power, privilege, and hindrance of one another    
Are we not the same when the lights go out      
I hear you cry out, yet, I cannot see your fears    
I reach out for you in comfort    
Darkness shrouds my way    
We are not of our Creator’s shame, we are the same    
The womb, the cradle, the suckle, the crawl in the beginning of life    
Common necessities of survival we share    
We all wobble to stand in this world, our identity defines our stance, once erected      
It gives us our Strawman’s marking for the progression of our wayward footsteps    
Segregated in the minds by tones, dialects, cultures    
Only do we humble in daily strife, as we all befall to grief, as a whole    
An ungodly intellect speaks in the dark what an ugly heart refuses to surrender in the light    
You may censor me of my free will with agitated words, bind my presence with unorthodox deeds    
However, never, the power of anyone's life force that blinds their hearts seeking truth, covers their eyes in disparity , and restrain their hands from need    
For which we all bleed, let my soul uprise for the past seepage in the fields of swaltering labor    
I am the corporation of my soul that embodies my minds, gives credence to my heart, and passion to my oral dialect    
When you walk pass me, do not shudder, tremble, or turn away    
By the chance of fate, it could my blood that pumps through your veins    
Extending your life, your lineage as I bleed for you    
This thoughtful inspiration came upon me when I had my nursing staff, and doctors donate blood today, as I sat there, intently watching my commodity centrifuge I wondered where my donated pints of blood would end up and within whom.    
United We Stand, Divided We Fall    
I am in the midst of gathering pertinent information about my Strawman’s Account Piece. Measuring out the bureaucratic ways to see if you can really emancipate your person from the dividends of the government and be your own individualized corporation, whereas, you get paid, and become exempts from paying taxes. Be advised that number on the back of your birth certificate is only a rhetorical trade-off for government purpose, who utilizes your person, as a borrowing and trading tool.    
From the information, I’ve gathered this far, it is much deeper than what meet the eyes.. and very confusing in the beginning    
Be safe and vigilant my friends    
Now that’s Straight Talk Live For You    
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2181

Reading is knowledge as it is power. And that is through each stage of life

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2181

The Family, The Elite, The Brotherhood

The Families Part I of Part III    
This written narrative under my signature, my pen is utilized to inform and decipher all the possibilities, hence more, may you keep an open mind, yes, and rely on your third eye of your intellect if you so deem.    
Before I get too deep in his narrative, please take into consideration these are my initial thoughts, silent observations, occurrences I have witnessed in the first-person aspect.    
When I was in attending college, I was psychologically brainwashed and sexually programmed to believe in this life, it is not so much as to what you know, but who you know, and who speaks of your truth.    
I am not speaking in reference to your typical neighbor, your co-worker, or your preacher, I am elaborating on the means of power, privilege, and prestige.    
The silent hushed puppeteers in society who pull stings to allow, make, or stop occurrences from taking place.    
I came to this investigated conclusion, years ago regarding the powers that be, working in the universe, which makes one take extra notice of how things are processed, mentally, financially, and politically.    
I will add spiritually in Part II, and more in depth.    
The Families And Their World Renown Influences    
There are thirteen family bloodlines who masterfully rule different sectors of the word.

The upper echelons controlling everything from the school systems, pharmaceutical, the bank systems, the music industry, the media, to the oil refineries.    
A hidden agenda to bring mandated laws under the New World Order; as we speak, we are moving into the throne of that agenda.

With the rate of broken school system scores, computer technology has replaced the thirst with the press of a button, informative aspects is at our future generation fingertips, producing more zombified intelligence.
Prescribed mood altering medication to control and disrupt your children’s brain raves, yet, lessening the essence of brain cells to properly regenerate, it is a designed plan to mental manipulate.   
The medication crisis, outbreaks, disorder caused by the media, with limited amount of proof.  I call them propaganda scare tactics.
You feed the masses chaos, and surely, the world would mentally succumb.    
The fear, the pandemic is controlled by powerful people behind the scenes whom has a hand in the soil to cause anxiety, then to sit back and reap the rewards throughout , by the means of manufactured, created, or falsehood claims of several contagion elements.    
It was a rumored theory the Rockefeller Foundation manufactured the Zika virus and to this day, does hold the patent to the virus, however, as I stated, the theory has never been declared, denied, or refuted.    
The CDC is bought and paid for my friends this narrative is so much deeper when it pertains to medication,    
As a Nursing Director/Critical Care ER Trauma Nurse Level III. I know the dire straits, when you mix required medications for the needy, the business behind the supply and demand, and spiking profits rendered in the end.    
Then you have mainstream voices singing about wearing gold chains around their neck, mansion, bitches, and hoes they fuck, that is not even placed in the steps of hierarchy, it is not even a threat to cause panic or an alarm; not unless members in society speak ill will of exposure, and denounce the secrets one must take as an blood oath to uphold.    
We need to wake up and realize this world does not operate on gold and titanium or obtaining earth’s beautiful resources; it is ordained by blood and the monarch of power.    
These families have made astronomical contributions which, are warranted, however, there comes a sacrifice with that hefty price tag.    
Sacrifices in the name of Satanism, inbreeding to retain power within the structrul roots of the family, and tactful orders one must adhere to carry out initial plans, which would not disrupt the progress of order you and I will never come to comprehend, even with a keen eye, a superiority stability one will never come to grips.    
They say knowledge is power, is it really, no, it can be your downfall,  an end to your death or demise.  It appears some have fallen to that destined cause and consequence effect.    
The late Mickey Leland who made several trips to Ethiopia to help a third world country in need, and to combat hunger. He is remembered for his advocacy and organizing the Black Citizens Action Teams politically correct, the Black Cats, a worthy cause to protest police brutality.  Dies in a plane crash on one of his mission, he was very vocal in Congress to play close attention to world related issues, moreso, bussing in the wrong ears, in regards to the wrong issues.
Dr Sebi, a naturopathist is famed for curing all diseases including diabetes, cancer and AIDS, who died in police custody, his methods would place a damper on the pharmaceutical development, meaning more medications, for you and more profits for their stock profile and shareholders.    
Today, Sebi’s cure for all modern day diseases go unrecognized. Truly a Noble Prize is past due and thousands around the world have died unnecessarily.
Dr. Sebi cured Lisa Left Eye Lopez and she promised to talk about him and make sure he gets famous, then she died.    
He has also treated Michael Jackson, who swore by his therapy.    
Excerpt from https://newsrescue.com/the-black-man-who-found-a-cure-for-aids-all-diseases-taken-to-court-and-won-in-new-york/    
Cited SKC-08-11-19    
Dr Sebi methods to his cures were unorthodox, yet was holistic, and tolerable to the human body.    
I have laid out the format, therefore, allow me to introduce in brevity some of these families and their bloodlines in Part II titled the Elite, which dates to centuries up to date.    
I would evolve more on the Original Illuminati and their New World Order, a global hidden agenda, in addition more focal points on the Skulls And Bones, and the Freemasonry in Part III, The Brotherhood    
Until our souls engage to speak of greater truth continue to seek knowledge and accept wisdom  from all intellectual avenues.
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Footnote (05-27-23)

It appears we have arrived at a crossroad in humanity, this piece was written in 2019, I have been writing my Straight Talk that has led up to the moment. War, recession, financial institutions merging or failing to stay afloat, medication shortage, chemtrails, the dollar is slowly being phased out, we are in digital currency, digital coupons. Some shops do not accept paper cash, political turmoil, #WOKE, Implanted Brain Chips (Elon Musk).

Bill Gates is buying up land unbelievable, if there is a food shortage, where can you plant. Two things I will always say to have, a storage of canned foods, antibiotics, a water purifier, and a generator. You taint the water reservoirs you kill the masses.

How many acres does Bill Gates own

With the Washington state acreage and other recent additions to his portfolio, O’Keefe calculated, Gates now owns at least 242,000 acres of American farmland. “Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, has an alter ego,” O’Keefe wrote: “Farmer Bill, the guy who owns more farmland than anyone else in America.”

What is the truth about Chemtrails?

Truth Wins. Chemtrails, also known as Geoengineering, is the spraying of toxic chemicals from planes in our skies. The spraying is ongoing and has been especially prevalent since 1992. The chemicals being sprayed are primarily Aluminum, Barium, Strontium, Titanium, Cadmium, Mercury and Lithium, and many people deny this ongoing program.

The body can only survive three days without water, no more than four days.

Be advised these things must come to past, it is not going to ger better, I am so sorry to say that we are heading into a great division; not so much as spiritual.  In these malevolent times, I’ve noticed society’s anger in increasing, violent acts are committed by children under the age of eighteen devoid of feeling or remorse in the aftermath. Readers, please be mindful when you are driving, practice patience and if your windows are not tinted, watch that middle finger in anger, it is causing death in road rage incident, therefore, be slow to anger.

Happy Memorial Day to all the Veterans and thank you for your military contributions to your country.

SKC, Interim DON, APRN

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2181


As I sit at my desk and ponder the time of my residents’ lives while signing off for billing under Medicare and private insurance.

It makes me wonder, how can vitality slip away from us, where we are in the prime of our lives, year by year, knowledge and wisdom we gain, the past remains the key to our longevity.

Is their disparity in healthcare in lieu of providing short/long-term care. Is the myth really as predicated as I once have believed but turned my head to ignore the rules of its hidden regulations.

The cost effectiveness shaved unto the segmented of society of geriatric care.

Those that have the currency really makes the rules and those without, only stifle by without a clue.

I solemnly ponder, as I look upon faces, gray hairs nestled upon the scalp foretelling the wealth of lineage in those deep lines of time filled with laughter, regret, sorrow, or happiness.

Being the Interim Director of Nursing for a non-profit Nursing and Rehabilitation Residential Health Organization my staff assured under my care is to oversee the population of geriatric care and maintain the vital well-being of their person.

And as I’m deterred in the hallways, prior to arriving to my office, held up by pushing bodies filled in wheelchairs humbly morning greetings for breakfast, slow moving walkers in my pathway, trying to stretch those long-forgotten limbs, or walking by residential rooms, filled with souls who have been there as long as me; many for long term nursing care due to an unforeseen medical related issues, strokes, who has been left in my staff’s rehabilitation care.  

Casting my eyes upon dethroned appearances without the capacity of a no longer thriving mind, forgotten by loved ones, not even acknowledged by a card, a hug, a longing kiss, or a soft caress.

This musing came to me as I look upon life as a blessed commodity rather than a civil duty. When you have placed yourself in someone else’s shoes, not by the fit, but by the core of heart, the delicate complexity of the mind, or the embodiment of their soul, you will come to realize, life is meant to be enjoyed, revered in kindness, echoed in laughter, and enjoyed as seen and experienced through the eyes of an innocent child.

I hear so many troubled horrific stories told from the onset of one's youth to adulthood, how minds have systemically become distorted in its way of thinking, failure to thrive in the real world.

Controlled dosages of scheduled classification medication to wake them up, calm them down, put them to sleep or a pill to change the molecular structure of the brain’s hemisphere, ping-ponging a zombified existence just to sound or appear normal to a society that could care less if you are sane, insane, coming or going.

Holding onto the cold hands, warm hearts layered with thin veiled blue veins, giving a reassuring pat to comfort withering souls, advising their turmoil minds they you have lived a great life, sitting in silence sharing pictures that cannot hold memories once the mind forgets of a person suffering from Alzheimer's or Dementia, and yes the intellect it is a terrible thing to waste, therefore, explore it to the fullest, learn something new, challenge it, and push it to the brink.

Time is the manufacture of how you use it or what you make of it, most will only realize there is not enough when the value of it has been shortened in age, or by the devastation of a terminal illness.

The old adage ‘live life like there's no tomorrow’ holds so much grace in its truest form when you do not know if you will cross over into one.

That is why I will always advise anyone to live your life to the fullest, like no one is watching, laugh, it is good for the soul, and to cherish the moments when in the company of loved ones, time is not promised, and neither is the next breath.

In as much, when you look back, you want to smile in remembrance, pump your fist in glee, even in your darkest storms you never gave in, or you've never gave up. You will then discern the only baggage the soul has while breathing is nostalgia.

I’ve seen wrestling spirits on death beds, the ending of memories, and I have heard new parents' joy of their moments, in the beginning of new ones.

And no matter how much wealth the soul has accumulated through the course of their lifespan. No matter how poor the soul is in the toll of empty success. Eternal rest in the unknown is all that seems to matter and a soft hand with words of praise, letting ears know they have lived life their way, struggled in their time, have been the best they could have been and hopefully, have been an example to have assisted others.

Only a bitter heart, likes to sit in the reflective company of self, therefore, live, love, laugh, and enjoy yourself you only have one shot of life, please make it count in all you do and in all you say.

Have a blessed day world... it’s yours to enjoy and share your existence among others.

SKC, Interim DON, APRN

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2181

Love they self and you will always learn to love others

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2181

Straight Talk Live  (Finding Some Common Ground)

This world is slowly cruising to Hell. Sinner’s flip of a coin landing on tails, fire pit one could only tell. The harmonic dreams of illusions America everyday tries to sell.  

The docile, paradise they shall seek, don’t be naïve, justice does peek. The Believer who held on to the earthly promise, even as we endured the pain and grief, one hundred and forty-four souls entering the Kingdom, that number gives me no relief.  
Are the days long gone where we feel compassion for one another. In need, we comfort each other, in reverence not to emotionally smother.  
We march in streets to the tune of the raging Beast, invading spaces we sinfully greet, our uncivil chats louder than the path of our feet.  
Who is to blame, when politics plays the name game, Democrats’ hidden agenda Republicans’ polices trying to take us back, it does not really matter, we are all in Hell’s kitchen rather you’re white, native, or black.  
The Haves rules, the system, the air you breathe, to the toxic gas expelled in the air, the Have Nots suffer in silence under their wicked care. Creator, can you hear our thunderous outcries. Weary souls do not have time to wait for their pie in the sky.  
It doesn’t matter what hue of the mother. We all seem to have divided ourselves, the mirror’s reflective values is now our immoral lover, bullets flying, store fronts vandalize, we all running for cover, no more coming together in any state of weather, someone please tell me things are going to get better.  
Is the only way to get relief from our daily strife is to take a last breath. Leaving behind pain, tears, and possession of material wealth our hands are now empty, we have nothing left.  
Pull the lever casting a vote for the next man, the best man, will we really be better off no matter who stands.  
Life, liberty and the pursuit happiness, what a beautiful declaration, yet, I am not clapping.  
We must find a way people to respect each other and learn to get along. We’re all on earth, singing the same old tired song. Therefore, how long will treacherous, greed, deceitfulness, and loath continue on.  
My God I can attest; I see people in their last stages of life with so many earthly regrets, but not enough time. Wishing their breath will not be taken away in the blink of an eye. Praying they have made amends to atone for an eternal home in the sky.  
Whereas, we walk around each day, self-centered in our own world, the self-appointed self- righteous spewing word of unfurl, forgetting the proper words to say, be that it may, no faith, yet on our knees we nightly pray, asking for wants, needs, is all we can say.  
Pray within your heart for self, and then for others, no rhyme, no reason. Never allowing the mind to escape to emotional treason. Be graceful to the world, bow under stress in any seasons.  
If only you could see the slow decline of a riddled or fragile body living on borrowed father time. Sight of such, is enough to blow the strongest mind. Tears will drop from the eyes. Questions of the afterlife always takes one by surprise.  
Therefore, make a promise to yourself. Evolve your mind; the body is the vessel that carries us to the throne of death.  
Silence pleads in the dark, regrets the whys. Last rites, preacher has verily testified. An obituary read from birth to sunset by church designs, grief follows for a while, tick tock of life continues to fly by.  
After the threshold has been crossed, stripped down to the essence of your soul, your life flashes as the Almighty behold, a precious life has flashed by a wondrous being already foretold, your earthly life as your credits of love, understanding, and compassion rolls.  
Make good choices while you’re still breathing, believing, no time for deceiving, it will carry you through, in the infinity of time, give you your spiritual just due.  
Live, laugh, and love. Your soul will be reborn above, should it matter who or what you was.  
Down here in the wicked abyss, we can only reminisce, but once those eyes close, sadly, that’s it.  
Make Love, with your five senses, Peace unto each other you, seek, and not be an enemy to War, only blood shed unto the land it slowly seeps, and disunity and chaos we shall come to reap  
As we blend our intellects to come to a beautiful understanding of our true purpose, be safe, stay strong, and remain humbling in your daily  travels  
And That’s Straight Talk Live For You
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2181

A Navigational Forecast

Should a person vital organs be donated without consent
Sadly, organ harvesting seems to be a practice of relent
Missing people who have suddenly disappeared
Another rich person in another country life expectation has been bio-engineered

Trust me America, stolen organs are on the rise
At an alarming rate that the news report chooses to hide
Blood type matched from a black market computerized database
Studied interest profile to abduct to take
Posters, milk cartons, hopefully a face of the past shows up
A heartbeat not of their own donated to another by chance of unethical luck
No one wants to talk about this hidden transmit
Being a Critical Care ER Nurse, I swear this conversation is a big hit

Patients of third world countries organs voluntary donated
Body parts have been surgically segregated
The higher bidder’s money, lips sealed under intense interrogation
Cambodia refugees
Here without a breath of energy
Voluntary butchered beyond despair
Life expectancy now hanging in the balance by thin air
Meals for the family one must eat
At the price of donating their consecrated meat

This is a business…shh my lips are sealed
Money, bills, look the other way for a meal
DNA match for ancestral history rites
Here today, disappeared tomorrow, now supine under an involuntary knife
Read through the lines
My doctrine of oath has seen, once various future kings and queens
Poster face now, donor waits across the continent unforeseen

Consent forms, where the hell are they
Practice of unethical dismay, sadly it just goes down that way
White collar by degree takes all
The higher ups final call
Grants, stocks, boardroom meetings
Yet, the cycle of black market harvesting keeps repeating
These are such mean streets
Make sure you watch your heartbeats
There are bidding wars to compete

For life sustaining body parts
Hushed requests of the kidneys, liver, and the heart
In the progress of unknown destination, they depart

Operation here comes the iced filled red bio bag
Presence marked expired before the official toe tag
You fall ill, knowledge better be your intuitive guide
Or not, half of you here, the rest of you on a private jet ride
Stay Alert
For all it’s worth

This Nursing Chronicle was written and then posted  in 2018 -Entitled (Missing).

Footnote Noted Today

This is a serious matter, and yes, it is still happening, therefore, make sure you are hesitant about entering your DNA, in one of those ancestry registry, just remember your DNA should be personal to you. If perhaps someone is wanted in a crime,they will check that data, base, and if any of your relatives have registered, God forbid you are innocent, just a thought to keep in mind.

Power, wealth, and prestige, something refuses to give earth those last breaths of life, therefore, to prolong longevity and recyclable those dying organs, you have harvesting, voluntary, or by involuntary.

SKC, Interim DON, APRN

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