Poetry competition CLOSED 23rd April 2023 9:36am
View Profile Poems by Bluevelvete

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16884

Poetry Contest

What flowers mean to you
What do flowers mean to you? Or reminds you of?
Weddings? Funerals? Gardens....?
Spoken words on a background.
No collaborations
No extreme content.
Two entries per poet.

Fire of Insight
Canada 6awards
Joined 11th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 514


Flowers to me are a symbol of life
Of beauty and color, free from strife
They remind me of new beginnings and hope
Of love and joy, and how to cope

In weddings, they symbolize the start of something new
A fresh and vibrant love that will continue to bloom
Their sweet fragrance fills the air with delight
And sets the tone for a future that's bright

At funerals, they offer solace and peace
A reminder that even in death, life will never cease
Their soft petals and gentle hues
Bring comfort and hope to those who mourn and lose

In gardens, they are a treasure to behold
A peaceful haven where the mind and spirit can unfold
Their beauty is a reminder that life is fragile yet strong
And that amidst the chaos, we can still find a song

Flowers to me are a precious gift
A reminder that life is meant to be lived
Their essence lingers long after they are gone
And reminds us to keep moving on.
Written by mcjay
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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Twelve white roses

Twelve white roses on the small cenotaph
For the man who'd seen to the terrible crash
Which had taken the life of her monstrous huband
A few years back.

Twelve white roses for Jim, who preferred men, secretly
But who loved her unconditionally
Worked for him, publishing books at Gray and Grey
In that mansion up the hill most every day.

Her jealous husband never understood
But Jim saw the bruises, knew she had troubles
Contacted friends from his turbulent past back in the 'hood
They knew how to make inconveniences disappear

Lung cancer had recently taken Jim away
The irony, for he'd never touched a cigarette in his life
So on occasion she was here to remember the good times
To tell him how she would have loved to have been his wife.
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16884

robert43041 and mcjay, thank you for your entry. Please add those in a video as spoken words.

Dangerous Mind
India 6awards
Joined 9th Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 134

Innocence of flowers

Morning comes,
the sun rises
and the black sky
turns bluish n white.
and the twinkling stars
of the sky,
comes to the earth
and turns into
the beautiful flowers.
they become guests
of the world of butterflies
and make the surrounding
world fragrant
they are companions
of young age
but keep laughing
whole life
they adorns the nature
and bows down
at the feet of the Lord
they get excited by
the touch of a light breeze
and never they complain
even when a fierce storm comes.
they are so beautiful
but yet they are not
worshipers of pride
they bloom even
in the mud,
and keep on smelling
even after falling in
the filth of the garbage.
Sometimes they make
their existence by
tearing apart cement concrete.
sometimes they adorns
someone's hair too,
and respects someone's
dead body too.
Sometimes they become
witnesses to the
new journey of someone's life
and sometimes they are involved
in mending someone's broken life.
they also get involved
in the sparkling love of two people.
Sometimes they make a day of a person
who lives under stress and
living in the odor of medicines,
sometimes they makes
the falling dew sit on their lap,
and gives them a love
and sometimes they face
the red eyes of the sun.
these flowers!!!!
awwww these wonderful flowers!!!
they are very soft and
very beautiful and colorful,
they bloom in every season
and make the earth a heaven.
Written by dimpy (dimpsmoon)
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 11th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 44

The Rose

Hatred is a bitter rose
And blooms where bitterness will please
The warmest hearts, its charm has froze
And none escape its tortured freeze

A boy betrayed by mothers love
A girl ensnared by father's pains
A lover's lust that kills a dove
A friend no traitor yet regains

A wise man wrote that bitterness
Can rot the bone like mold
And no-one can betray the thought
Nor wise, nor young, nor old

For men have held that bitter rose
Whose thorns within them lay
Whose wounds they say they cannot feel
From scars of yesterday

And though the thorns that pierce so deep
Within the hand don't bleed
Far gone the tears of red we weap
When men let flowers lead

And some men cry when they let go
And in their writhing pain
They pray to God that they may know
That Love is not in vain

They hurt a time and half a time
And ages roll on by
And yet they're free to find their rhyme
And bask in Love devine
Written by EleazarSwan
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Tyrant of Words
United States 19awards
Joined 1st Sep 2021
Forum Posts: 83

Don’t Bring Her Flowers

Their love was new and brighter than the stars
They waited five years after loving from afar
Bigotry’s nasty head stood in the way
No closeness allowed until that fateful day
The world spun on a new axis tipped in their favor
They were always together, their time they savored
Dancing in the clubs to the heat of their hearts
It was a fairytale romance from the start
He sent her flowers the first day at the law firm
When she read the card aloud she watched her colleges squirm
“Baby I love you, can’t wait to caress your vanilla skin
All this chocolate lovin’s gonna get you to commit a thousand sins”
Excitedly she told her colleagues she would be moving in with Him
She couldn’t wait for their new life to begin
She had no care for society’s scowl
All she wanted to do was set up house
That night when she arrived home
Her parents screamed and threatened to disown
They had no idea of her secret love
She defiantly told them he was The One
On the weekend when she was supposed to move
She wasn’t worried about what her parents would do
Then suddenly he said it wouldn’t work out
He solemnly said he had to put her out
Her world cracked, she went back home
No longer living in love’s zone
Her flame was extinguished, she gave up hope
Then flowers arrived, what a cruel joke
“Congratulations on your new job and your success
We always knew your talent would impress”
Her shocked heart immediately shut down
From that day forward, no more flowers, they made her tears drown
Over the years she told all her men
No more flowers, never again
They all asked the same thing, “what shall we buy for you then?”
Her only reply, “all I want is for you to be Him”
Thirty years passed and a pandemic hit
She had no idea how long the world would exist
She reached out to Him with one phone call
Hello it’s me, do you recall
Who I am from your past
I don’t know how long this virus will last
But I need you to know I still think of you
I hope you’re well and think of me too
Within the night he was at her side
Nothing in the way, no pride to hide
He called her his sweetheart and told her to love herself
He told her he still all her old letters on his shelf
When she couldn’t respond, so overwhelmed with joy
Not giving one thought to her parent’s devious ploy
To tear them apart all those years ago
And stifle the love society couldn’t watch grow
He slowly reached behind his back
His large, strong hands seeking out a paper bag
Tentatively he brought out a single rose
Then leaned in and lightly kissed her nose
He caught each tear as it slid down her cheek
He wiped away her heartache, the world no longer looked so bleak
He held her in his large, warm embrace
Then lightly held her face
I’ve never forgotten you, I never will
For a very long time my hearts been filled
With longing for one glimpse of your beautiful face
And the warmth of your elegant embrace
The love you always so freely gave
With no thought or care for other’s hate
You always gave me the very best of you
For the rest of my life I’ll live to prove
That I’ll never again leave your side
I’ll do my best to always abide
By my everlasting love for you
If it’s the very last thing I do
Written by Her
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16884

dimpy,  Her and EleazarSwan, thank you for your entry. Can you add 'Spoken word' video to your entry?

Dangerous Mind
India 6awards
Joined 9th Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 134

Thank you grace for your approval but personally I have no idea about video. Sorry

Tyrant of Words
United States 19awards
Joined 1st Sep 2021
Forum Posts: 83

I’ve tried several times and can never quite get through speaking my words out loud. The poem is so deeply personal. Please remove my submission.

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

I, Unfurled

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16884

dimpy said:Thank you grace for your approval but personally I have no idea about video. Sorry
Thats alright.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16884

dimpy said:Thank you grace for your approval but personally I have no idea about video. Sorry
You can try again.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16884

Thank you B for your entry.

Fire of Insight
Portugal 18awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 271


endless paths
in the garden
crumbs alms
cut buttons
lost flowers
spike capsules

birds fall from the sky
like sheets of paper
with little errands
by postal air
crickets cicadas
rain wet paths
crushed petals
jasmine pistil stalks
dark garden paths

love ghosts
between leaves
pain ghosts
in the dew
rosehips oak acorns
paths without beginning
no end

clouds that pass like this
bluebells tendrils
loves blackberries
bitter days
sparrow bees traps
lost paths on the ground!

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