
Naming poems...

Strange Creature
Joined 31st July 2022
Forum Posts: 2 possibly the hardest part of all of this for me.
How do you do it?
Does the name come to you freely, or do you have to force it out?
Does it come before or after the poem is complete?
It sadly pains me, making me sit and stare at the finished product with no name...

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 21awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1219

I have to do it at the end, when I know how the poem has concluded and what the overarching themes were.  Nothing worse than a title and poem that just don't match because the title was thought of before the poem wandered off on one.  I have to admit, I find it hard to come up with interesting, creative titles... especially as I favour one-word titles.  It's a bit of a drag!

Strange Creature
Joined 11th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 3

My contention with titles has giving me this formula. Titles create expectations of what you write. You have two options: meet those expectations, or break rapport. I use "break rapport" in a comedic frame: "Apple, apple, tampon!" HAhaha! Tampon isn't even remotely close to apple. Example you write sad poem: You can write sad title, or you can write happy/stoic/etc title that's still relevant.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2327

Brammer possibly the hardest part of all of this for me.
How do you do it?
Does the name come to you freely, or do you have to force it out?
Does it come before or after the poem is complete?
It sadly pains me, making me sit and stare at the finished product with no name...

You could ask Your Poet support group for assistance.  Many a Poet, here in the underground has post ink without a title and sought assistance.

For me,
i never title my ink until my final phrase in cemented and i share that many many re-writes and re-thinks are in the works before that happens.
This might sound odd but i started my poetry writing using the Term Paper Outline method.  i gradually picked up tips and knowledge shared from Poetry sites (Yes, even here in the deep underground).

Not certain if i helped You
but hoping i did and that You never cede with Your thirst for more ways to spill ink on paper or monitor screen.  

poet Anonymous

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Steven W.
Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 30th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 15

I try to wait until I'm finished writing the piece, but sometimes the title will just  come to me when I'm still in the process of writing. I don't have a favorite title style, just whatever fits best for the piece I'm working on. Hope this helps.

Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 7th Mar 2021
Forum Posts: 281

I mostly title a poem, after writing...

I think this is a skill, rooted in trust in one's self...

Ever since I can remember...  

I have felt a certain electricity when the title surfaces...

In any case...

There is a perfect title, within a white page...

And this title comes from within...

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 21awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1219

Yep. Best to do it at the end.

Bat Powers
Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 7th Jan 2023
Forum Posts: 2

I have named a write in the beginning, the middle, the end, two years later and so on.  I think mine seem to come to their own when they decide it.

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 5th Oct 2023
Forum Posts: 70

Sometimes I will know the name of a poem before I even start it, then other times I won't come up with it until the end. It takes longer if you think about it too much. Just read through it slowly and think about what your poem is saying and the right title will come to you.

Ivelina Boneva
Thought Provoker
Bulgaria 2awards
Joined 7th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 152

I usually try to reread my poem,and  I name it with words,that I find fit best the poem. Usually two or three words,a phrase maybe even. Something that explains the poem's concept or theme,

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