Poetry competition CLOSED 29th June 2022 4:06am

Poem of the Month - June
Poetry Contest Description
Three weeks to nominate your favorite poems!
You have THREE weeks to nominate no more than THREE of your favorite poems from another DUP poet!
Please note the following guidelines when making nominations:
The voting for this competition is anonymous; therefore,spoken word nominations will be disqualified. You may nominate Spoken Word pieces in the competition below.
Spoken Word of the Month Comp (every other month) is here:
(Link coming soon!)
New Member ( six ( 6 ) months or less ) of the Month comp is here:
(Link coming soon!)
1. Self nominations are not accepted. The great majority of the competitions here are about spotlighting one's own work on a particular topic or theme. This is a chance to nominate that poem that you wish you had written but some other great talent here beat you to it.
2. You may nominate only THREE poems from THREE different DU members.
3. No DUPLICATE NOMINATIONS. If you nominate a poem that has already been nominated you will be asked to replace the nomination.
4. Any genre except erotica or pornography. This is a Facebook feature and we must adhere to their guidelines.
5. Any member who is banned or disables their account PRIOR to winning will be automatically disqualified.
6. One win per member per calendar year, beginning with the month they win.
7. Please notify your nominee they have been nominated.
Nomination Duration is three weeks followed by a week of site voting!
Current Poem of the Month Hall of Famers:
January - Luna Greyhawk
February - AspergerPoet
March - Relic-54
April - Alan-S-Jeeves
May - _feral
January - brokentitanium (k.)
February - SatinUgal
March - X
April - RiAN
May - DaisyGrace
June - Bluevelvete
July - Jemac
August - Northern_Soul (-Missy-)
September - Joshsam
October - cold_fusion
November - Buddhakitty
December - Particles_of_HerII
August - Daniel Christensen
September - Aspergerpoet
October - Lunagreyhawk
November - Kristinax
December - Ahavati
July - LAYLA
August, 2019 - AHAVATI
September - MISS_SUB
February - LEPPEROCHAN Craic in a Box
March - TINABUBUYA (Tee Mali)
June - MISS_SUB (Missy)
August - LAYLA
September - COLD FUSION
October - TODSKI28
November - TheMUSE22
December - BENDER
January - VEE
February - CRIMSIN
June - AEMelia564
July - THE_SILLY_SIBYL (Jack Thomas Heslop)
September - _SHADOE_
November - NAAJIR
December - POETSPEAK
December - AHAVATI
Please note the following guidelines when making nominations:
The voting for this competition is anonymous; therefore,spoken word nominations will be disqualified. You may nominate Spoken Word pieces in the competition below.
Spoken Word of the Month Comp (every other month) is here:
(Link coming soon!)
New Member ( six ( 6 ) months or less ) of the Month comp is here:
(Link coming soon!)
1. Self nominations are not accepted. The great majority of the competitions here are about spotlighting one's own work on a particular topic or theme. This is a chance to nominate that poem that you wish you had written but some other great talent here beat you to it.
2. You may nominate only THREE poems from THREE different DU members.
3. No DUPLICATE NOMINATIONS. If you nominate a poem that has already been nominated you will be asked to replace the nomination.
4. Any genre except erotica or pornography. This is a Facebook feature and we must adhere to their guidelines.
5. Any member who is banned or disables their account PRIOR to winning will be automatically disqualified.
6. One win per member per calendar year, beginning with the month they win.
7. Please notify your nominee they have been nominated.
Nomination Duration is three weeks followed by a week of site voting!
Current Poem of the Month Hall of Famers:
January - Luna Greyhawk
February - AspergerPoet
March - Relic-54
April - Alan-S-Jeeves
May - _feral
January - brokentitanium (k.)
February - SatinUgal
March - X
April - RiAN
May - DaisyGrace
June - Bluevelvete
July - Jemac
August - Northern_Soul (-Missy-)
September - Joshsam
October - cold_fusion
November - Buddhakitty
December - Particles_of_HerII
August - Daniel Christensen
September - Aspergerpoet
October - Lunagreyhawk
November - Kristinax
December - Ahavati
July - LAYLA
August, 2019 - AHAVATI
September - MISS_SUB
February - LEPPEROCHAN Craic in a Box
March - TINABUBUYA (Tee Mali)
June - MISS_SUB (Missy)
August - LAYLA
September - COLD FUSION
October - TODSKI28
November - TheMUSE22
December - BENDER
January - VEE
February - CRIMSIN
June - AEMelia564
July - THE_SILLY_SIBYL (Jack Thomas Heslop)
September - _SHADOE_
November - NAAJIR
December - POETSPEAK
December - AHAVATI
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
In the Waters
Oh, yes! Listen, new blood, and you will weep...
At the legend of the things that below you creep.
Look on the dark waters, oh how they are glistening!
But if you look deeper, there is something just beneath,
Watching, waiting, hoping for you to get a bit closer!
Oh so peaceful, just to look at the ripples for a while.
Wait until the waters turn, wait until the waters churn,
Then you will see what I have witnessed, only to see no more.
I will still be waiting, watching for you from the far shore!
In the waters, in the waters,
Beware the green daughters!
The rains fall, the streams rise,
The dark ones whisper truth and lies.
From the rocks and the sand, from the dark listening!
They are rising up, crowned with seaweed for a wreath,
Around drowned heads, which look up from down lower!
Digging their way up from the beach, their hearts vile.
Go with them and you will know what it is to in cold burn,
The mother of the murk, who is an ancient one's wild whore.
Speak her name, speak her name, a name you should abhor!
Beneath the waves, beneath the waves,
More come with the fading of the day!
The storms rage, the arrogant sage,
Should have foreseen this feral age!
Upon the island, upon the mainland, carrion feeders flock!
They sense the horrors of those who lie in graves no longer,
Come with me, let me show you the way into the labyrinth!
I know the paths, I have the key to the gate of desolation.
From the elders it was given, but no name did they grant it,
When they watched from the dark, whispering their secrets.
Before the rising of the damned from their own torments!
In the dark clouds, in the dark clouds,
The winged things come in foul crowds!
We know the riddle, death plays the fiddle,
While we walk the path, in the very middle.
Our own demons are dancing so gleefully upon the rock!
But it is too late to send them back, they just grow stronger,
While into the murk the latest sacrifices are made to sink!
The ones who live below, accept them with celebration.
We who look, watch, and wait must do all that we see fit,
Calling up the greater powers, the ones that purity protects.
Pristine traditions keep us wise, as we cast magical nets!
To catch the drowned devils within the dark,
Binding them until to us they hark! Oh, yes!
Listen to the waters and to them confess.
At the legend of the things that below you creep.
Look on the dark waters, oh how they are glistening!
But if you look deeper, there is something just beneath,
Watching, waiting, hoping for you to get a bit closer!
Oh so peaceful, just to look at the ripples for a while.
Wait until the waters turn, wait until the waters churn,
Then you will see what I have witnessed, only to see no more.
I will still be waiting, watching for you from the far shore!
In the waters, in the waters,
Beware the green daughters!
The rains fall, the streams rise,
The dark ones whisper truth and lies.
From the rocks and the sand, from the dark listening!
They are rising up, crowned with seaweed for a wreath,
Around drowned heads, which look up from down lower!
Digging their way up from the beach, their hearts vile.
Go with them and you will know what it is to in cold burn,
The mother of the murk, who is an ancient one's wild whore.
Speak her name, speak her name, a name you should abhor!
Beneath the waves, beneath the waves,
More come with the fading of the day!
The storms rage, the arrogant sage,
Should have foreseen this feral age!
Upon the island, upon the mainland, carrion feeders flock!
They sense the horrors of those who lie in graves no longer,
Come with me, let me show you the way into the labyrinth!
I know the paths, I have the key to the gate of desolation.
From the elders it was given, but no name did they grant it,
When they watched from the dark, whispering their secrets.
Before the rising of the damned from their own torments!
In the dark clouds, in the dark clouds,
The winged things come in foul crowds!
We know the riddle, death plays the fiddle,
While we walk the path, in the very middle.
Our own demons are dancing so gleefully upon the rock!
But it is too late to send them back, they just grow stronger,
While into the murk the latest sacrifices are made to sink!
The ones who live below, accept them with celebration.
We who look, watch, and wait must do all that we see fit,
Calling up the greater powers, the ones that purity protects.
Pristine traditions keep us wise, as we cast magical nets!
To catch the drowned devils within the dark,
Binding them until to us they hark! Oh, yes!
Listen to the waters and to them confess.
Written by LaBrujaOscura_75
(Camilla Beatriz Flores)
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Okay, I would like very much to nominate this poem that was written by my girlfriend Cami.
(I've never done this before, so I have no idea how this works!)
The poem of hers that I would like to nominate is the above:
In the Waters
I already sent her a private message, and let her know I was nominating her, and she is totally cool with it.
Now, I am not sure if it is okay because she is technically a new member, so should I wait and nominate her for the new member competition once it is up? Also, would she be able to nominate me in *this* competition, if she wanted to? I mean, despite her being a new member. Just so I can let her know, since she was wondering about that. In any case, I hope everyone does well in the contests! *Smiles* :D
(I've never done this before, so I have no idea how this works!)
The poem of hers that I would like to nominate is the above:
In the Waters
I already sent her a private message, and let her know I was nominating her, and she is totally cool with it.
Now, I am not sure if it is okay because she is technically a new member, so should I wait and nominate her for the new member competition once it is up? Also, would she be able to nominate me in *this* competition, if she wanted to? I mean, despite her being a new member. Just so I can let her know, since she was wondering about that. In any case, I hope everyone does well in the contests! *Smiles* :D

i once asked a therapist
one i continued to see out of resignation
too lazy to find a new one
why i was so hard to medicate
it's because you have so many things wrong with you!!
she laughed glibly
not a trace of shame
for such a hideous remark
maybe i did have a lot of things wrong with me
but maybe i didn't
for a while i was seeing both a psychologist
and a psychiatrist
within the same practice
i thought of the psychiatrist
a heavyset man from India
as the drug fairy
he had a busy practice
gave me dull textbook responses
but I could request any drug from him
and get it
for a while i requested Ambien
not because it helped my chronic insomnia
but because i loved staying awake on it
happy zombie cartoonland
was an interesting place
a softer reality
one rife with possibility
one ambien night
around 3:00 AM
I thought i was in an iron chef competition
in the morning (less than four hours sleep)
I woke to find a colander
full of barely blanched spaghetti
and a horrid variety of opened cans, bludgeoned vegetables and spilled flour
i suppose were going to comprise a sauce
i also sent late night emails
on ambien
semi-porn missives to exboyfriends
one giving lurid details
of how i missed our steamy showers
it built to a fever pitch
before ending in iwaotnwerp-[
his response: are you okay?
i didn't answer
i stopped ambien
switched to a different therapist
her office was in a posh part of town
great view
luxurious furniture
she was in love with her shoes
expensive designer heels
she twirled her slim ankles this way and that
gazing at her fashionably shod feet
managing to tell me she thought i was hor MO nal
in a nasal whine
that could peel paint off a wall
i think she gave me prozac
who knows
i've tried them all
she said it was possible i had bipolar 2
characterized by irritability and anger instead of mania (what a ripoff)
lithium's a possibility
she nasaled
but it's known to cause weight gain
she looked me up and down
"i know you certainly don't want that"
there were more therapists
more drugs
two three ten months at a time
they didn't work
or made things worse
meanwhile my diet sucked
too much sesame beef
from the Chinese place down the street
sesame beef was an almost comical confluence
of sugar salt and fat
damn it was good
my sugar cravings were fierce
maybe i was hor MO nal
lots of ice cream
whole bags of those brachs glucose pumpkins around Halloween
i walked a lot
and several times a week
i skipped the elevator
trudging nine flights of stairs to my apartment
sometimes rewarding myself with a cigarette
when I got to the top
my parents were paying my exclusive health club membership
i'd drag myself there every day
or twice a month
plod along 20 minutes on the treadmill
maybe 30
counting away the minutes
dying of boredom
same with the rowing machine
i hated resetting the seat height and weights
on the machines
which sometimes had droplets
of other people's sweat
i hated the lockerroom too
skinny naked women on towels
deftly applying curling irons and spray
to create their big late 80's hair
in the curtainless showers
one woman vigorously soaped her pussy
alex, i'll take things i don't want to see for 1000
i stopped going
kept eating sesame beef and ice cream
but didn't get much aerobic exercise
went without sex or had too much indiscriminate sex
missed the boyfriend i should have married
took one jazzercise class
hated it
decades passed
two and a half years ago
i moved into an apartment complex with a basketball court
i went to target
bought a basketball
like i knew i'd been waiting my life for this
hit the court
by myself
shot baskets
no, not hoops
i'm postmenopausal and nerdy
i shot baskets
and when i missed
i ran after the ball
half an hour would fly by
soon an hour
whole muscle groups hurt
my body waking up
becoming toned
or at least more toned
i loved it
i increased my time on the court
a true addict
when I developed vertigo
from all the looking up at the hoop
i didn't care
i countered it with the exercises my doctor gave me
i hit the court at noon today
i've moved into a new place
so i was at one of the city parks i play in
it was 102 degrees
no shade
50 minutes running around
86% aerobic activity
according to my fitbit
i guess that's good
i've gotten compliments
from people watching me play
maybe they are refraining from adding
'for your age'
after telling me i'm good
maybe the 20 year old guy
i went one on one with
lost because he was a crappy athlete
maybe i look stupid on the court
red faced and sweaty
running around like an idiot in the arizona sun
i don't care
playing basketball
makes me healthier
and happier than any drug
it even makes me feel
like i have a lot of things about me
that are right
one i continued to see out of resignation
too lazy to find a new one
why i was so hard to medicate
it's because you have so many things wrong with you!!
she laughed glibly
not a trace of shame
for such a hideous remark
maybe i did have a lot of things wrong with me
but maybe i didn't
for a while i was seeing both a psychologist
and a psychiatrist
within the same practice
i thought of the psychiatrist
a heavyset man from India
as the drug fairy
he had a busy practice
gave me dull textbook responses
but I could request any drug from him
and get it
for a while i requested Ambien
not because it helped my chronic insomnia
but because i loved staying awake on it
happy zombie cartoonland
was an interesting place
a softer reality
one rife with possibility
one ambien night
around 3:00 AM
I thought i was in an iron chef competition
in the morning (less than four hours sleep)
I woke to find a colander
full of barely blanched spaghetti
and a horrid variety of opened cans, bludgeoned vegetables and spilled flour
i suppose were going to comprise a sauce
i also sent late night emails
on ambien
semi-porn missives to exboyfriends
one giving lurid details
of how i missed our steamy showers
it built to a fever pitch
before ending in iwaotnwerp-[
his response: are you okay?
i didn't answer
i stopped ambien
switched to a different therapist
her office was in a posh part of town
great view
luxurious furniture
she was in love with her shoes
expensive designer heels
she twirled her slim ankles this way and that
gazing at her fashionably shod feet
managing to tell me she thought i was hor MO nal
in a nasal whine
that could peel paint off a wall
i think she gave me prozac
who knows
i've tried them all
she said it was possible i had bipolar 2
characterized by irritability and anger instead of mania (what a ripoff)
lithium's a possibility
she nasaled
but it's known to cause weight gain
she looked me up and down
"i know you certainly don't want that"
there were more therapists
more drugs
two three ten months at a time
they didn't work
or made things worse
meanwhile my diet sucked
too much sesame beef
from the Chinese place down the street
sesame beef was an almost comical confluence
of sugar salt and fat
damn it was good
my sugar cravings were fierce
maybe i was hor MO nal
lots of ice cream
whole bags of those brachs glucose pumpkins around Halloween
i walked a lot
and several times a week
i skipped the elevator
trudging nine flights of stairs to my apartment
sometimes rewarding myself with a cigarette
when I got to the top
my parents were paying my exclusive health club membership
i'd drag myself there every day
or twice a month
plod along 20 minutes on the treadmill
maybe 30
counting away the minutes
dying of boredom
same with the rowing machine
i hated resetting the seat height and weights
on the machines
which sometimes had droplets
of other people's sweat
i hated the lockerroom too
skinny naked women on towels
deftly applying curling irons and spray
to create their big late 80's hair
in the curtainless showers
one woman vigorously soaped her pussy
alex, i'll take things i don't want to see for 1000
i stopped going
kept eating sesame beef and ice cream
but didn't get much aerobic exercise
went without sex or had too much indiscriminate sex
missed the boyfriend i should have married
took one jazzercise class
hated it
decades passed
two and a half years ago
i moved into an apartment complex with a basketball court
i went to target
bought a basketball
like i knew i'd been waiting my life for this
hit the court
by myself
shot baskets
no, not hoops
i'm postmenopausal and nerdy
i shot baskets
and when i missed
i ran after the ball
half an hour would fly by
soon an hour
whole muscle groups hurt
my body waking up
becoming toned
or at least more toned
i loved it
i increased my time on the court
a true addict
when I developed vertigo
from all the looking up at the hoop
i didn't care
i countered it with the exercises my doctor gave me
i hit the court at noon today
i've moved into a new place
so i was at one of the city parks i play in
it was 102 degrees
no shade
50 minutes running around
86% aerobic activity
according to my fitbit
i guess that's good
i've gotten compliments
from people watching me play
maybe they are refraining from adding
'for your age'
after telling me i'm good
maybe the 20 year old guy
i went one on one with
lost because he was a crappy athlete
maybe i look stupid on the court
red faced and sweaty
running around like an idiot in the arizona sun
i don't care
playing basketball
makes me healthier
and happier than any drug
it even makes me feel
like i have a lot of things about me
that are right
Written by Pinkdreams
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Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5405

<< post removed >>
Joined 2nd Sep 2020
Forum Posts: 6
Strange Creature
Forum Posts: 6
All My Demons
I'm lonely but I'm never alone,
'Cause all my demons share my home,
And the Devil's looking after me.
Ensuring I suffer happily.
'Cause all my demons share my home,
And the Devil's looking after me.
Ensuring I suffer happily.
Written by tomgoonery
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I nominate this poem because it’s short, yet precise. Every word has a purpose, and it accurately represents depression that so many people experience.
Camilla Beatriz Flores
Joined 4th June 2022
Forum Posts: 47
Camilla Beatriz Flores
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 47
In the Waters
Oh, yes! Listen, new blood, and you will weep...
At the legend of the things that below you creep.
Look on the dark waters, oh how they are glistening!
But if you look deeper, there is something just beneath,
Watching, waiting, hoping for you to get a bit closer!
Oh so peaceful, just to look at the ripples for a while.
Wait until the waters turn, wait until the waters churn,
Then you will see what I have witnessed, only to see no more.
I will still be waiting, watching for you from the far shore!
In the waters, in the waters,
Beware the green daughters!
The rains fall, the streams rise,
The dark ones whisper truth and lies.
From the rocks and the sand, from the dark listening!
They are rising up, crowned with seaweed for a wreath,
Around drowned heads, which look up from down lower!
Digging their way up from the beach, their hearts vile.
Go with them and you will know what it is to in cold burn,
The mother of the murk, who is an ancient one's wild whore.
Speak her name, speak her name, a name you should abhor!
Beneath the waves, beneath the waves,
More come with the fading of the day!
The storms rage, the arrogant sage,
Should have foreseen this feral age!
Upon the island, upon the mainland, carrion feeders flock!
They sense the horrors of those who lie in graves no longer,
Come with me, let me show you the way into the labyrinth!
I know the paths, I have the key to the gate of desolation.
From the elders it was given, but no name did they grant it,
When they watched from the dark, whispering their secrets.
Before the rising of the damned from their own torments!
In the dark clouds, in the dark clouds,
The winged things come in foul crowds!
We know the riddle, death plays the fiddle,
While we walk the path, in the very middle.
Our own demons are dancing so gleefully upon the rock!
But it is too late to send them back, they just grow stronger,
While into the murk the latest sacrifices are made to sink!
The ones who live below, accept them with celebration.
We who look, watch, and wait must do all that we see fit,
Calling up the greater powers, the ones that purity protects.
Pristine traditions keep us wise, as we cast magical nets!
To catch the drowned devils within the dark,
Binding them until to us they hark! Oh, yes!
Listen to the waters and to them confess.
At the legend of the things that below you creep.
Look on the dark waters, oh how they are glistening!
But if you look deeper, there is something just beneath,
Watching, waiting, hoping for you to get a bit closer!
Oh so peaceful, just to look at the ripples for a while.
Wait until the waters turn, wait until the waters churn,
Then you will see what I have witnessed, only to see no more.
I will still be waiting, watching for you from the far shore!
In the waters, in the waters,
Beware the green daughters!
The rains fall, the streams rise,
The dark ones whisper truth and lies.
From the rocks and the sand, from the dark listening!
They are rising up, crowned with seaweed for a wreath,
Around drowned heads, which look up from down lower!
Digging their way up from the beach, their hearts vile.
Go with them and you will know what it is to in cold burn,
The mother of the murk, who is an ancient one's wild whore.
Speak her name, speak her name, a name you should abhor!
Beneath the waves, beneath the waves,
More come with the fading of the day!
The storms rage, the arrogant sage,
Should have foreseen this feral age!
Upon the island, upon the mainland, carrion feeders flock!
They sense the horrors of those who lie in graves no longer,
Come with me, let me show you the way into the labyrinth!
I know the paths, I have the key to the gate of desolation.
From the elders it was given, but no name did they grant it,
When they watched from the dark, whispering their secrets.
Before the rising of the damned from their own torments!
In the dark clouds, in the dark clouds,
The winged things come in foul crowds!
We know the riddle, death plays the fiddle,
While we walk the path, in the very middle.
Our own demons are dancing so gleefully upon the rock!
But it is too late to send them back, they just grow stronger,
While into the murk the latest sacrifices are made to sink!
The ones who live below, accept them with celebration.
We who look, watch, and wait must do all that we see fit,
Calling up the greater powers, the ones that purity protects.
Pristine traditions keep us wise, as we cast magical nets!
To catch the drowned devils within the dark,
Binding them until to us they hark! Oh, yes!
Listen to the waters and to them confess.
Written by LaBrujaOscura_75
(Camilla Beatriz Flores)
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Kou_Indigo said:Okay, I would like very much to nominate this poem that was written by my girlfriend Cami.
(I've never done this before, so I have no idea how this works!)
The poem of hers that I would like to nominate is the above:
In the Waters
I already sent her a private message, and let her know I was nominating her, and she is totally cool with it.
Now, I am not sure if it is okay because she is technically a new member, so should I wait and nominate her for the new member competition once it is up? Also, would she be able to nominate me in *this* competition, if she wanted to? I mean, despite her being a new member. Just so I can let her know, since she was wondering about that. In any case, I hope everyone does well in the contests! *Smiles* :D
Thank you for nominating me honey! I be sure to pick one of yours to nominate too. Just trying to decide which one out of so many.
(I've never done this before, so I have no idea how this works!)
The poem of hers that I would like to nominate is the above:
In the Waters
I already sent her a private message, and let her know I was nominating her, and she is totally cool with it.
Now, I am not sure if it is okay because she is technically a new member, so should I wait and nominate her for the new member competition once it is up? Also, would she be able to nominate me in *this* competition, if she wanted to? I mean, despite her being a new member. Just so I can let her know, since she was wondering about that. In any case, I hope everyone does well in the contests! *Smiles* :D
Thank you for nominating me honey! I be sure to pick one of yours to nominate too. Just trying to decide which one out of so many.
Camilla Beatriz Flores
Joined 4th June 2022
Forum Posts: 47
Camilla Beatriz Flores
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 47
Swirling Shadows
- Swirling Shadows -
The swirling shadows outside my window, with the fall of the current night...
Are they any less dark than those wings that unfold, unseen, form my being?
Would that I could see once more the brighter hue, once so filled with light,
But, too much have I endured long since, with scars cut in places unseeing!
I am not my pain, but neither do I hide from it like a craven coward might...
My blood has flowed in its' season, yet do I remain like a beacon gleaming.
What worlds, when turned to ash, have witnessed when I shed bitter tears?
Awaiting a dawn never risen, forced to embrace the night despite my fears.
Amid the treetops fly the ravens and crows who were of old my dark eyes...
But no longer wish I to look through their sight; as I have grown beyond it!
The moon calls to me from its' place upon the blackness of the ebony skies,
Where on high, there might be seen the places where the errant bat may flit.
Its' cries, reminding me that I am free, unbound to the chains of mortal lies,
Which ensnare so many heedless souls, with acts too horrid to ever remit.
I prefer to act as I do, with honestly however dark, my words full of truth!
The deceivers but fool themselves, divorcing from all that wisdom knew.
Can they imagine a love so profound, that it informs all a person's deeds...
Darkness and light in equal measure, perfectly balanced even as it sways!
Only to explode asunder with passionate fury, beyond all humanity sees...
The scales broken, for they cannot contain the power that only yet obeys,
A mind, that understands the knowledge that was lost, for which bleeds...
The very soul that is eternal, upon which the hungry vulture never preys.
We can be like gods and goddesses, if we choose, and settle for not less!
Yet, some sell themselves short, and know not the peril of their distress.
The swirling shadows of the void between the stars of the outer spaces...
Are not as cold as the heart of those who have lost the capacity for love!
For love have I raise up works of beauty to endure beyond man's places,
And done things of which I cannot speak, except under the moon above.
There are secrets held there, which are sung of only by the very graces...
Unknown to all they who think that peace is only in the form of a dove.
It comes, sometimes, with cost and how dearly have I in my time paid!
I, who stood in the deeper void and yet came hither, never being afraid.
Do not fear what lies outside the confines of your window, lest you fail...
To grasp the beauty that lies beyond the infinite, outside all your thought.
One needs not, a craft finely wrought, to in the highest of seas thus sail...
As some battles need not shed blood, to win once one has boldly fought.
It is enough that my will is strong, my heart set, my mind free of travail,
So that I may remember the noble truths, that of old I was wisely taught.
Transcendence comes in that hour, when you step outside your destiny!
Unchained at last, and able to soar with even dark wings, to high glory.
The swirling shadows outside my window, with the fall of the current night...
Are they any less dark than those wings that unfold, unseen, form my being?
Would that I could see once more the brighter hue, once so filled with light,
But, too much have I endured long since, with scars cut in places unseeing!
I am not my pain, but neither do I hide from it like a craven coward might...
My blood has flowed in its' season, yet do I remain like a beacon gleaming.
What worlds, when turned to ash, have witnessed when I shed bitter tears?
Awaiting a dawn never risen, forced to embrace the night despite my fears.
Amid the treetops fly the ravens and crows who were of old my dark eyes...
But no longer wish I to look through their sight; as I have grown beyond it!
The moon calls to me from its' place upon the blackness of the ebony skies,
Where on high, there might be seen the places where the errant bat may flit.
Its' cries, reminding me that I am free, unbound to the chains of mortal lies,
Which ensnare so many heedless souls, with acts too horrid to ever remit.
I prefer to act as I do, with honestly however dark, my words full of truth!
The deceivers but fool themselves, divorcing from all that wisdom knew.
Can they imagine a love so profound, that it informs all a person's deeds...
Darkness and light in equal measure, perfectly balanced even as it sways!
Only to explode asunder with passionate fury, beyond all humanity sees...
The scales broken, for they cannot contain the power that only yet obeys,
A mind, that understands the knowledge that was lost, for which bleeds...
The very soul that is eternal, upon which the hungry vulture never preys.
We can be like gods and goddesses, if we choose, and settle for not less!
Yet, some sell themselves short, and know not the peril of their distress.
The swirling shadows of the void between the stars of the outer spaces...
Are not as cold as the heart of those who have lost the capacity for love!
For love have I raise up works of beauty to endure beyond man's places,
And done things of which I cannot speak, except under the moon above.
There are secrets held there, which are sung of only by the very graces...
Unknown to all they who think that peace is only in the form of a dove.
It comes, sometimes, with cost and how dearly have I in my time paid!
I, who stood in the deeper void and yet came hither, never being afraid.
Do not fear what lies outside the confines of your window, lest you fail...
To grasp the beauty that lies beyond the infinite, outside all your thought.
One needs not, a craft finely wrought, to in the highest of seas thus sail...
As some battles need not shed blood, to win once one has boldly fought.
It is enough that my will is strong, my heart set, my mind free of travail,
So that I may remember the noble truths, that of old I was wisely taught.
Transcendence comes in that hour, when you step outside your destiny!
Unchained at last, and able to soar with even dark wings, to high glory.
Written by Kou_Indigo
(Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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This for my love Kara! One of their best poems in my opinion.
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
Swirling Shadows
- Swirling Shadows -
The swirling shadows outside my window, with the fall of the current night...
Are they any less dark than those wings that unfold, unseen, form my being?
Would that I could see once more the brighter hue, once so filled with light,
But, too much have I endured long since, with scars cut in places unseeing!
I am not my pain, but neither do I hide from it like a craven coward might...
My blood has flowed in its' season, yet do I remain like a beacon gleaming.
What worlds, when turned to ash, have witnessed when I shed bitter tears?
Awaiting a dawn never risen, forced to embrace the night despite my fears.
Amid the treetops fly the ravens and crows who were of old my dark eyes...
But no longer wish I to look through their sight; as I have grown beyond it!
The moon calls to me from its' place upon the blackness of the ebony skies,
Where on high, there might be seen the places where the errant bat may flit.
Its' cries, reminding me that I am free, unbound to the chains of mortal lies,
Which ensnare so many heedless souls, with acts too horrid to ever remit.
I prefer to act as I do, with honestly however dark, my words full of truth!
The deceivers but fool themselves, divorcing from all that wisdom knew.
Can they imagine a love so profound, that it informs all a person's deeds...
Darkness and light in equal measure, perfectly balanced even as it sways!
Only to explode asunder with passionate fury, beyond all humanity sees...
The scales broken, for they cannot contain the power that only yet obeys,
A mind, that understands the knowledge that was lost, for which bleeds...
The very soul that is eternal, upon which the hungry vulture never preys.
We can be like gods and goddesses, if we choose, and settle for not less!
Yet, some sell themselves short, and know not the peril of their distress.
The swirling shadows of the void between the stars of the outer spaces...
Are not as cold as the heart of those who have lost the capacity for love!
For love have I raise up works of beauty to endure beyond man's places,
And done things of which I cannot speak, except under the moon above.
There are secrets held there, which are sung of only by the very graces...
Unknown to all they who think that peace is only in the form of a dove.
It comes, sometimes, with cost and how dearly have I in my time paid!
I, who stood in the deeper void and yet came hither, never being afraid.
Do not fear what lies outside the confines of your window, lest you fail...
To grasp the beauty that lies beyond the infinite, outside all your thought.
One needs not, a craft finely wrought, to in the highest of seas thus sail...
As some battles need not shed blood, to win once one has boldly fought.
It is enough that my will is strong, my heart set, my mind free of travail,
So that I may remember the noble truths, that of old I was wisely taught.
Transcendence comes in that hour, when you step outside your destiny!
Unchained at last, and able to soar with even dark wings, to high glory.
The swirling shadows outside my window, with the fall of the current night...
Are they any less dark than those wings that unfold, unseen, form my being?
Would that I could see once more the brighter hue, once so filled with light,
But, too much have I endured long since, with scars cut in places unseeing!
I am not my pain, but neither do I hide from it like a craven coward might...
My blood has flowed in its' season, yet do I remain like a beacon gleaming.
What worlds, when turned to ash, have witnessed when I shed bitter tears?
Awaiting a dawn never risen, forced to embrace the night despite my fears.
Amid the treetops fly the ravens and crows who were of old my dark eyes...
But no longer wish I to look through their sight; as I have grown beyond it!
The moon calls to me from its' place upon the blackness of the ebony skies,
Where on high, there might be seen the places where the errant bat may flit.
Its' cries, reminding me that I am free, unbound to the chains of mortal lies,
Which ensnare so many heedless souls, with acts too horrid to ever remit.
I prefer to act as I do, with honestly however dark, my words full of truth!
The deceivers but fool themselves, divorcing from all that wisdom knew.
Can they imagine a love so profound, that it informs all a person's deeds...
Darkness and light in equal measure, perfectly balanced even as it sways!
Only to explode asunder with passionate fury, beyond all humanity sees...
The scales broken, for they cannot contain the power that only yet obeys,
A mind, that understands the knowledge that was lost, for which bleeds...
The very soul that is eternal, upon which the hungry vulture never preys.
We can be like gods and goddesses, if we choose, and settle for not less!
Yet, some sell themselves short, and know not the peril of their distress.
The swirling shadows of the void between the stars of the outer spaces...
Are not as cold as the heart of those who have lost the capacity for love!
For love have I raise up works of beauty to endure beyond man's places,
And done things of which I cannot speak, except under the moon above.
There are secrets held there, which are sung of only by the very graces...
Unknown to all they who think that peace is only in the form of a dove.
It comes, sometimes, with cost and how dearly have I in my time paid!
I, who stood in the deeper void and yet came hither, never being afraid.
Do not fear what lies outside the confines of your window, lest you fail...
To grasp the beauty that lies beyond the infinite, outside all your thought.
One needs not, a craft finely wrought, to in the highest of seas thus sail...
As some battles need not shed blood, to win once one has boldly fought.
It is enough that my will is strong, my heart set, my mind free of travail,
So that I may remember the noble truths, that of old I was wisely taught.
Transcendence comes in that hour, when you step outside your destiny!
Unchained at last, and able to soar with even dark wings, to high glory.
Written by Kou_Indigo
(Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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LaBrujaOscura_75 said:
This for my love Kara! One of their best poems in my opinion.
Thank you for the nomination, beloved! You told me you were going to pick one... you really made a great choice, too. I poured a lot into that poem of mine. Great to see you on here today too, sweetheart!
This for my love Kara! One of their best poems in my opinion.
Thank you for the nomination, beloved! You told me you were going to pick one... you really made a great choice, too. I poured a lot into that poem of mine. Great to see you on here today too, sweetheart!

Francisco J Vera
Joined 25th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 5295
Francisco J Vera
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5295
Francisco J Vera
Joined 25th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 5295
Francisco J Vera
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5295
Oracular Flames
The Dipper loomed straight up above
A column of campfire smoke...
In dead calm almost unheard of
By not making the camper choke,
Since wind that night was next to nil
Blowing not upon the embers,
Which nevertheless fought the chill
That midnight always remembers...
Connected as it ever was
To absolute cold infinity...
And the pulse of its cosmic buzz,
Intrinsic to humanity...
As a strange zenith pot or pan
Spilling fate...on double helix man!
A column of campfire smoke...
In dead calm almost unheard of
By not making the camper choke,
Since wind that night was next to nil
Blowing not upon the embers,
Which nevertheless fought the chill
That midnight always remembers...
Connected as it ever was
To absolute cold infinity...
And the pulse of its cosmic buzz,
Intrinsic to humanity...
As a strange zenith pot or pan
Spilling fate...on double helix man!
Written by MidnightSonneteer
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Francisco J Vera
Joined 25th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 5295
Francisco J Vera
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5295
The Storm
The tears falling like rain in a storm, and screaming like thunder in the clouds. The tornado of anger with the wind of hurt and pain. Whipping through the body racing than calming and picking up again.
Like a storm the emotions flood the judgment of life. Not thinking clearly because everything is covered by the black clouds of sadness, anger, and doubt.
Why is this happening , why now, why when everything was so bright like that first day of summer at the beach.
How did this turn from a calm beautiful day into the dark storm tearing everything apart.
The cries of thunder with the tears of rain falling to the ground flooding any good memories made on those bright days.
Not able to see because judgment is clouded and forget hearing anything the wind of anger had made it impossible to hear anything.
But when everything dies down and and the storm has passed you are able to assess the damage. You realize you've lost so much in the storm.
But the most important thing was torn down , but like everything it can be built back up it won't be the same because the damage was already done.
It will take time but the building process is a healing process. Build the foundation to withstand any storm. And everything else will stay together.
Like a storm the emotions flood the judgment of life. Not thinking clearly because everything is covered by the black clouds of sadness, anger, and doubt.
Why is this happening , why now, why when everything was so bright like that first day of summer at the beach.
How did this turn from a calm beautiful day into the dark storm tearing everything apart.
The cries of thunder with the tears of rain falling to the ground flooding any good memories made on those bright days.
Not able to see because judgment is clouded and forget hearing anything the wind of anger had made it impossible to hear anything.
But when everything dies down and and the storm has passed you are able to assess the damage. You realize you've lost so much in the storm.
But the most important thing was torn down , but like everything it can be built back up it won't be the same because the damage was already done.
It will take time but the building process is a healing process. Build the foundation to withstand any storm. And everything else will stay together.
Written by Thickandie78
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Joined 12th July 2013
Forum Posts: 31
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 31
Six Feet Underground
When my friend was a teenager, he started smoking pot.
If you're wondering if my friend is still alive, sadly, he's not.
The pot that he smoked led him to take worse drugs like Meth.
All John cared about was getting high and it caused his death.
He started doing Meth and other drugs because they made him get more high.
Those drugs gave him a bigger buzz than pot and that's what caused him to die.
If poor John had said no to drugs, he would still be walking around.
He died three years ago and now he's buried six feet underground.
I asked John to stop taking drugs but he wouldn't even try.
If you do drugs, your friends may also have to say goodbye.
Certain people may think that smoking pot can't lead people to take worse drugs but sometimes it can.
John was proof of that, doing drugs killed him three years ago today, he's a dead man.
If you're wondering if my friend is still alive, sadly, he's not.
The pot that he smoked led him to take worse drugs like Meth.
All John cared about was getting high and it caused his death.
He started doing Meth and other drugs because they made him get more high.
Those drugs gave him a bigger buzz than pot and that's what caused him to die.
If poor John had said no to drugs, he would still be walking around.
He died three years ago and now he's buried six feet underground.
I asked John to stop taking drugs but he wouldn't even try.
If you do drugs, your friends may also have to say goodbye.
Certain people may think that smoking pot can't lead people to take worse drugs but sometimes it can.
John was proof of that, doing drugs killed him three years ago today, he's a dead man.
Written by randyjohnson
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Forum Posts: 106
Fire of Insight
Joined 7th May 2017
Forum Posts: 106
DU Webmistress
DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.
Thank you to the following members for voting:
Rianne, AspergerPoet56, Bluevelvete, stevenyprince, MissPoppet, monovox128, Marks, tomgoonery, Honoria, S-m-sawyer, Razzerleaf, lepperochan, Joseph-Zenieh, DanielChristensen, LunaGreyhawk, Miss_Haides
Thank you to the following members for voting:
Rianne, AspergerPoet56, Bluevelvete, stevenyprince, MissPoppet, monovox128, Marks, tomgoonery, Honoria, S-m-sawyer, Razzerleaf, lepperochan, Joseph-Zenieh, DanielChristensen, LunaGreyhawk, Miss_Haides