Poetry competition CLOSED 3rd April 2022 4:04pm
RevolutionAL (Alistair Plint)
View Profile Poems by RevolutionAL


Mental Illness and Homelessness

Leticia Arroyo
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 24th Sep 2021
Forum Posts: 7

Poetry Contest

Mental Illness and Poetry
There are things we all may not
understand. Those those that are
suffering from homelessness are the
mentally ill, and those that are suffering
from major life threatening illnesses
that are not cureable. But yet, society
continues to ignore them. You hear
about it on the news, and on social
media. The 1% people chooses to ignore
these individuals! Society is a very tough
place to live with the way things are. Even
buildings in major cities are being built
for luxury rentals, only to keep the poor and
low income out of the picture. We have so
much crimes in the city that it has caused people
to move out and not wanting to return to
the city they used to love.

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

A Really Unattractive Fruitcake

she arrived with    
garbage bags    
(one in each hand)    
they were her life    
make up    
and no tooth brush    
moved in    
ruled the house    
ate the empty fridge    
dull grocery cupboard    
strolled the kitchen    
in a pair of hot pants    
she started speaking    
and never stopped    
slept all day    
never worked a night    
a year later    
she left with eight    
garbage bags    
a boyfriend    
and a toothbrush    
didn't leave a tip    
or gratuity    
(complained about the service    
to anyone with a ear    
or social media page)    
the heavy of her
lived with us
in a
cheap deodorant    
after taste
for months afterwards  
still scared shitless    
she'll find us    
and we've moved twice    
Written by RevolutionAL (Alistair Plint)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2181

The Forgotten Ones

Is the thrill gone away    
Do I have nothing more to say  
This is the day I have silently prayed never to come    
I cannot hear the beat of my own mental drums    
My mind is trying to stay afloat    
Waves rocking against my paddle boat    
Do you see what I mean    
My thoughts have never been this far in between    
However, I’m somewhat tinkled pink    
Fingers gliding as I think    
Giving everything, I got bedsides the kitchen sink    
Is the thrill really gone away    
Is this the day I have nothing else to add or convey    
Mentally flowing day by day    
Hoping something strikes my thinking as I lay    
So many things the mind goes through    
The Highs the Lows    
The Mental Blues    
Hey, I did like someone’s poem today about the homeless    
I can’t fathom not having a place to rest my head or a permanent address    
No comforting shoes    
Salvation for them is so long overdue    
As the poem stated the homeless hold up signs    
We ride or walk pass them daily, cannot even toss them a dime    
Let alone lend an ear of our time    
Its cold outside    
I’m sure it has been a million times the bitter winds have heard their cries    
Guilt never shields their pride    
As a society of people, we take their untidy presence in stride    
The bed of my slumber is hard and sometimes cold    
A sight to others to look away as they behold    
Pushing my cart without a care in world    
You know I was once a working girl    
My husband’s jeweled pearl    
Mishaps and bad decisions have gotten us here    
We make it together daily through the grief of our tears    
At times they ask the masses for a small handout    
Which I know we all have qualms about    
So, the next time give the homeless the benefit of the doubt    
We do not know how they ended up on their route    
Although, you may hear my hands are tied    
Get away from me you’re a thorn in my side    
I hope this never will be applied worldwide    
I do toss coins every once in a while    
I have to remember it may be an Angel who returns a smile    
Humanity, thank you for showing me the misplaced humbleness of my mind    
Everyone here is living on borrowed time    
For a minute, I almost forget I could rhyme    
One less mountain for me to mentally climb    
I’ve read countless thoughts on the homeless through true stories, poems    
I wonder if I saw anyone as that on the streets, would my words keep them warm    
Would I have dazzled them with my Aquarian charms    
Or would I have brainstormed to get each and every one of you back on a higher platform    
Sheltering your existence through the darken hour of your storms    
Sometimes how you started is not always where your feet will lease    
Personally, for me and the powers that be    
I have the riddle while living fancy free    
French Haitian named given unto me    
The universal alliance to the 33rd degree    
Using my spiritual key    
Not the revelations of the Masonic    
My words whispering in your mind as a beautiful symphonic    
While keeping it strictly platonic    
When your mind is relaxing, you know a state of cerebrally catatonic    
I really didn’t have nothing to say    
I hope my poem have paved the way    
Just remember tomorrow is a new day    
To the hopeless and homeless    
I will continue to pray    
Now I have everything to say and everything to do    
Never in life pity a fool    
Exception does sometimes prove that rule    
Hopefully you never encounter someone being cruel    
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 4th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 214


this what
rises out of me
this black ooze
that binds me,
sinks me,
smothers me,
wants me broken,

this what bends me in the middle
and hollows me
and scrapes me from the inside
and makes me waste my wishes
and my good prayers
and scoffs
and sneers
and puts me out
to wander in its cold

this bully

this monster
rising from a cancer
in my soul,
this bleak thing
that calls itself Truth
and spits
and curses
and howls my name
and mocks my good effort
and puts me in my place

this black hole
in my chest
that wants
and begs
and threatens
and rails
and finally takes
and licks my bones
with poison tongue
and swallows me

and goddamn

Written by javalini
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Tyrant of Words
United States 157awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1892

The Throwaways

Another block of new luxury homes just went up
As the farms are getting further and further away
And the freeway overpasses are getting pretty large
The city seems to be expanding every single day

The rental buildings around here go on for miles
I’m guessing some folks are raking in a lot of cash
America, one of the richest nations in the world
As I watch the homeless search through the trash

The nice cars pull out of the nicer neighborhoods
While the destitue walk aimlessly in the boulevard
Pushing their carts with all their belongings
Some hungry, some high and some mentally scarred

Somewhere in every city and every town in the nation
Secret labs are cooking up their crank
And the addicts fall deeper into the spiral
While politicians worry more about what’s in their bank

Call it an eyesore, call it sad, it should make you mad
The imbalance in the system is destroying many lives
While homes and buildings go up every single day
The throwaways of society are helplessly trying to survive
Written by wallyroo92
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Lost Thinker
United Kingdom 2awards
Joined 29th Mar 2022
Forum Posts: 5

A Junkie's Paradise.

What does paradise mean to a junkie on the street?
Is it Caviar &,Champagne, laying down on satin sheets,
Is it basking in the midday sun on an island far away?
Well if you asked me this question ,then this is what I'd say,
"Youcan keep your shiny diamond's, you can keep your sand and sea,cause they're just material things and they don't mean f*ck all to me, you can keep your Caviar &,Champagne, keep your satin sheets, you can't lay down in a bed at night when ya living on the streets"
Well .my idea of paradise is a roof above my head,
And to open up my eyes each day and find that I'm not dead,
It's the thought of no cold turkey and always being calm,
Cause paradise you crave just like a needle in your arm,
And it's never needing gear,cause they give it to you free,
There's no sweats,no shakes, no agony, this is paradise to me,
It's not losing my three children and it's watching as they grow,
And it's having the strength when offered Smack to turn and tell em no,
It's a Crack pipe with a rock upon it any time you need,
You imagine never going without that's Paradise indeed,
But it's winter, cold and windy and a warm room has it's price,
So I'm huddled in my doorway, it's a junkie's paradise.
Written by mzlyrical (JuleZzz)
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DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

Northern_Soul, to_be_me, Bluevelvete, lepperochan, Phantom2426, Josh, Marks, RevolutionAL, PoetsRevenge, MadameLavender, DevonJones409, FateOfMyFable, senid, admin, Her, TIG

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

umm hello

I'm most grateful for this one. so a word to say thank you to the voting public, who arrived ID in hand, being scanned and marking X in the spot. Blue skies to you all!

thank you sweetlovin for hosting a unique idea!

have a good weekend my peeps!

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