Poetry competition CLOSED 3rd December 2021 5:47pm
RUNNERS-UP: PoeticInjustice and robert43041

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2152


I want the poem to be an experience - for both the listener and for myself.
Anne Waldman

Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance.
Carl Sandburg

Such a beautiful narrative to convey
Uplifting words at the moment we just can’t say
When we are feeling down and out
A detour through life or traveling a different route
The great times we thought, some have forgot
A poem to tell you, when declaring love is a long shot
Thank you and how do you do
Verses I give you when you’re feeling down and blue
No chicken soup, but a Get Well poem for you
My romantic partner is Mr. Poetry as you can see
An appointee to the heart, the real master key
We say as we please
Words given in laughter to tease
Written narratives to caress as a soft gentle breeze
To thaw the heart during an emotional deep freeze

I take over when Miss. Poem has failed
Promises to enlighten you when your emotions have sailed

What do you mean, when Miss. Poem has failed
I am the seductive mistress of words to make you inhale and exhale
Rhymes in poetic details
Sunken emotions after reading me will be prevailed
For you Mr. Poetry, what’s your story

Well since you asked, I am the hidden words behind your daily glory
When your rhymes are no longer mandatory
My lines are allegory
It’s up to me
For you to see
The beauty in everything
From A to Z
As a poem I could do without you
Without Miss. Poem you do not have clue

As Mr. Poetry, I could stand in front of a microphone and read my pedigree
Bringing the crowds down to their knees
During open mic my words are winning
When the versus of Mr. Poetry are spinning
Yeah, but with Miss. Poem, chocolates, and wine is usually thrown in it
We are an item through and through
Your Poems and my Poetry I’m sure people feel our grove

Our emotions as we push our words
We’re like a handsome Blue Jay and a sexy Red Cardinal bird
Who could stop us
Someone who does not know the meaning of true love
Or just utter words to sink not ordained from above
No expressive reactions to discuss
Or capture the essence of the heart in an emotional rush

Miss. Poem, what are you doing tonight
SweetKittyCat is borrowing my lines for her readers as she writes
She’s giving them a piece of Miss. Poem and Mr. Poetry’s birthright
Then I’ll see you sexy come the next time around
Or, on a written narrative rebound
Hopefully, for Mr. Poetry
You’ll l find me downtown
My words read from a man to a gorgeous dame in a flimsy nightgown
In your dreams
Don’t get jealous, remember we’re a team
Where you can’t, Mr. Poetry will
Then a goodbye kiss handsome to seal this unified deal

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.
Emily Dickinson

A poem can provide testimony. A poem can provide solace. It can provide a connection.
Kevin Young

Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Fire of Insight
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 43

I Write

I write for those who write and I write for those who read
I write for those who want and I write for those that need
I write for those who cut and I write for those that bleed
I write for free spirits and for those of creed
I write for those who triumph and for those who concede

I write for the night and for the day
I write to preserve and to slay
I write for fun and for play
I write when I’m lost to find my way

I write for love and I write for hate
I write for purpose, I write for fate
I write when no one else can relate
I write when there is no other way to escape

I write for you and I write for me
I write to blind, I write to see
I write if no one will agree
I write for what was and for what will be

Written by FreeLove87 (SamuraiEde)
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Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 4th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 214


i loved you
not so much for your verse
as your prose
and Jack
known for prose
it was your verse that grabbed me
and, goddamn, my fourteen year old brain
feasting on Desolation Row
and Welcome to the Monkey House
and Hesse's Demian
and later Miller's delicious
and Rollins
and Patti railing  
and Rimbaud,
that genius androgyne hoofing it to Paris
and Lou's walk on the wild side
and Allen haunting the streets of new york
and priestly zen-saint poet Thomas Merton
and fumbling virtuoso Dylan Thomas
and Caldwell
and Nabokov
and all you crazy genius motherfuckers
and, damn, baby,
how you do you do that?
how do you write that?
be that?
touch me like that?
and god knows
it might be
but, shit, I got to try
i just got to
Written by javalini
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1879

Magic and Alchemy

I don’t know much time I have left in this world
So I rather write right to purge these thoughts
I’m not sure what may await me tomorrow
So I compose poems and prose while fate casts lots

I go late into the night looking for new expressions
Setting them on the fire with fun puns and rhymes
Instead of seeking fame or fortune while I’m alive
I’ll leave words behind trying to stand the test of time

I look for grace and beauty in the littlest of things
Musings recorded with secrets encoded in verse
So that once I’m long gone I may be remembered
By loads of odes I once put out into the universe

I pen with my heart on my sleeve searching reprieve
Converting tears into rivers that can deliver light
So the flow will go deep into the subconscious;
Looking for magic and alchemy within me when I write

Written by wallyroo92
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 9th May 2020
Forum Posts: 50

Jermaine Should Be A Household Name

I watched the television at high noon
Laughed and made mean gestures as that uncouth, Orange buffoon boarded a helicopter and knew that soon WE the people would come together, brave the steel winter’s unforgiving weather, and welcome adults back into the room. YES! We would watch, teary eyed as the racist underbelly of this country, crawling back to hide beneath the rocks and stones, left a country to atone, for this stolen land. America, raise your crimson hands and know you’re not alone. When suddenly... who should step up to the podium, to speak the truth from their heart? An upstart. Lemme make it plain. Jermaine should be a household name.

I don’t know this “poet laureate”- and I reckon I won’t soon forget. America, you failed, my inauguration invite must’ve got lost in the mail cause I sitting at home watching this on the TV when our leaders should be in front of me, saying “Jermaine you nailed that shit.” “Jermaine where did you find the words.” “Jermaine, you been graced with a gift”- but now our country limps forward cause I can’t uplift the nation if they can’t hear what I was gonna say. Cancel the celebration. Who likes Tom Hanks anyway? Not to belabor the point, but allow me once more to explain. Jermaine should be a household name.

Y’all fucked up.
Written by Jermainesplain
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Fire of Insight
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 96

Why I write

I write coz I want to read..  
For to read is the first ever message
I believed to be revealed down to Who and What I believed in..
To put it simply..
I must read to live.. To survive..
I won't cease to read until I die..
I don't write as well as I can get..  
I write  everything; good and bad, dark to light, evil, freedom, captive.... See!  
I write everything I can possibly be..
When I was a kid, my brain got a little bit more tricked than the rest of the kids..
My ink blurt sees and consider sympathy, not as a deed and empathy not as a need..  
In my spill patient sound ancient..  
And judgment is ambient..

Written by Numer90 (Numer0-un0)
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DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

cold_fusion, Marks, Phantom2426, Honoria, nightbirdblue, lepperochan, Insiderew, RichardJ, MadameLavender, Dragonnora, CherryLoveNotes, Sweetlovin76, Bluevelvete, runaway-mindtrain, ReggiePoet, AspergerPoet56, Northern_Soul, KittyFromHell, javalini, Eerie, badmalthus, LtDansLegs, Whyme, RobinHood

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