Feminist poetry
Mr Karswell
Joined 4th Oct 2021
Forum Posts: 508
Mr Karswell
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 508
Poetry Contest Description
Write a feminist poem
Oxford Languages defines “feminism” as “the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.” Famous feminist poets include Audre Lorde, Margaret Atwood, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman. I've included an example of one of those writers’ feminist poems below.
I'm not going to lay down any rules other than don't be a dick. (Although having a dick is fine!) If you’re anti-feminist, you're free to share your anti-feminist poetry elsewhere.
Afterimages by Audre Lorde
However the image enters
its force remains within
my eyes
rockstrewn caves where dragonfish evolve
wild for life, relentless and acquisitive
learning to survive
where there is no food
my eyes are always hungry
and remembering
however the image enters
its force remains.
A white woman stands bereft and empty
a black boy hacked into a murderous lesson
recalled in me forever
like a lurch of earth on the edge of sleep
etched into my visions
food for dragonfish that learn
to live upon whatever they must eat
fused images beneath my pain.
The Pearl River floods through the streets of Jackson
A Mississippi summer televised.
Trapped houses kneel like sinners in the rain
a white woman climbs from her roof to a passing boat
her fingers tarry for a moment on the chimney
now awash
tearless and no longer young, she holds
a tattered baby's blanket in her arms.
In a flickering afterimage of the nightmare rain
a microphone
thrust up against her flat bewildered words
“we jest come from the bank yestiddy
borrowing money to pay the income tax
now everything's gone. I never knew
it could be so hard.”
Despair weighs down her voice like Pearl River mud
caked around the edges
her pale eyes scanning the camera for help or explanation
she shifts her search across the watered street, dry-eyed
“hard, but not this hard.”
Two tow-headed children hurl themselves against her
hanging upon her coat like mirrors
until a man with ham-like hands pulls her aside
snarling “She ain't got nothing more to say!”
and that lie hangs in his mouth
like a shred of rotting meat.
I inherited Jackson, Mississippi.
For my majority it gave me Emmett Till
his 15 years puffed out like bruises
on plump boy-cheeks
his only Mississippi summer
whistling a 21 gun salute to Dixie
as a white girl passed him in the street
and he was baptized my son forever
in the midnight waters of the Pearl.
His broken body is the afterimage of my 21st year
when I walked through a northern summer
my eyes averted
from each corner's photographies
newspapers protest posters magazines
Police Story, Confidential, True
the avid insistence of detail
pretending insight or information
the length of gash across the dead boy's loins
his grieving mother's lamentation
the severed lips, how many burns
his gouged out eyes
sewed shut upon the screaming covers
louder than life
all over
the veiled warning, the secret relish
of a black child's mutilated body
fingered by street-corner eyes
bruise upon livid bruise
and wherever I looked that summer
I learned to be at home with children's blood
with savored violence
with pictures of black broken flesh
used, crumpled, and discarded
lying amid the sidewalk refuse
like a raped woman's face.
A black boy from Chicago
whistled on the streets of Jackson, Mississippi
testing what he'd been taught was a manly thing to do
his teachers
ripped his eyes out his sex his tongue
and flung him to the Pearl weighted with stone
in the name of white womanhood
they took their aroused honor
back to Jackson
and celebrated in a whorehouse
the double ritual of white manhood
“If earth and air and water do not judge them who are
we to refuse a crust of bread?”
Emmett Till rides the crest of the Pearl, whistling
24 years his ghost lay like the shade of a raped woman
and a white girl has grown older in costly honor
(what did she pay to never know its price?)
now the Pearl River speaks its muddy judgment
and I can withhold my pity and my bread.
“Hard, but not this hard.”
Her face is flat with resignation and despair
with ancient and familiar sorrows
a woman surveying her crumpled future
as the white girl besmirched by Emmett's whistle
never allowed her own tongue
without power or conclusion
she stands adrift in the ruins of her honor
and a man with an executioner's face
pulls her away.
Within my eyes
the flickering afterimages of a nightmare rain
a woman wrings her hands
beneath the weight of agonies remembered
I wade through summer ghosts
betrayed by vision
hers and my own
becoming dragonfish to survive
the horrors we are living
with tortured lungs
adapting to breathe blood.
A woman measures her life's damage
my eyes are caves, chunks of etched rock
tied to the ghost of a black boy
crying and frightened
her tow-headed children cluster
like little mirrors of despair
their father's hands upon them
and soundlessly
a woman begins to weep.
I'm not going to lay down any rules other than don't be a dick. (Although having a dick is fine!) If you’re anti-feminist, you're free to share your anti-feminist poetry elsewhere.
Afterimages by Audre Lorde
However the image enters
its force remains within
my eyes
rockstrewn caves where dragonfish evolve
wild for life, relentless and acquisitive
learning to survive
where there is no food
my eyes are always hungry
and remembering
however the image enters
its force remains.
A white woman stands bereft and empty
a black boy hacked into a murderous lesson
recalled in me forever
like a lurch of earth on the edge of sleep
etched into my visions
food for dragonfish that learn
to live upon whatever they must eat
fused images beneath my pain.
The Pearl River floods through the streets of Jackson
A Mississippi summer televised.
Trapped houses kneel like sinners in the rain
a white woman climbs from her roof to a passing boat
her fingers tarry for a moment on the chimney
now awash
tearless and no longer young, she holds
a tattered baby's blanket in her arms.
In a flickering afterimage of the nightmare rain
a microphone
thrust up against her flat bewildered words
“we jest come from the bank yestiddy
borrowing money to pay the income tax
now everything's gone. I never knew
it could be so hard.”
Despair weighs down her voice like Pearl River mud
caked around the edges
her pale eyes scanning the camera for help or explanation
she shifts her search across the watered street, dry-eyed
“hard, but not this hard.”
Two tow-headed children hurl themselves against her
hanging upon her coat like mirrors
until a man with ham-like hands pulls her aside
snarling “She ain't got nothing more to say!”
and that lie hangs in his mouth
like a shred of rotting meat.
I inherited Jackson, Mississippi.
For my majority it gave me Emmett Till
his 15 years puffed out like bruises
on plump boy-cheeks
his only Mississippi summer
whistling a 21 gun salute to Dixie
as a white girl passed him in the street
and he was baptized my son forever
in the midnight waters of the Pearl.
His broken body is the afterimage of my 21st year
when I walked through a northern summer
my eyes averted
from each corner's photographies
newspapers protest posters magazines
Police Story, Confidential, True
the avid insistence of detail
pretending insight or information
the length of gash across the dead boy's loins
his grieving mother's lamentation
the severed lips, how many burns
his gouged out eyes
sewed shut upon the screaming covers
louder than life
all over
the veiled warning, the secret relish
of a black child's mutilated body
fingered by street-corner eyes
bruise upon livid bruise
and wherever I looked that summer
I learned to be at home with children's blood
with savored violence
with pictures of black broken flesh
used, crumpled, and discarded
lying amid the sidewalk refuse
like a raped woman's face.
A black boy from Chicago
whistled on the streets of Jackson, Mississippi
testing what he'd been taught was a manly thing to do
his teachers
ripped his eyes out his sex his tongue
and flung him to the Pearl weighted with stone
in the name of white womanhood
they took their aroused honor
back to Jackson
and celebrated in a whorehouse
the double ritual of white manhood
“If earth and air and water do not judge them who are
we to refuse a crust of bread?”
Emmett Till rides the crest of the Pearl, whistling
24 years his ghost lay like the shade of a raped woman
and a white girl has grown older in costly honor
(what did she pay to never know its price?)
now the Pearl River speaks its muddy judgment
and I can withhold my pity and my bread.
“Hard, but not this hard.”
Her face is flat with resignation and despair
with ancient and familiar sorrows
a woman surveying her crumpled future
as the white girl besmirched by Emmett's whistle
never allowed her own tongue
without power or conclusion
she stands adrift in the ruins of her honor
and a man with an executioner's face
pulls her away.
Within my eyes
the flickering afterimages of a nightmare rain
a woman wrings her hands
beneath the weight of agonies remembered
I wade through summer ghosts
betrayed by vision
hers and my own
becoming dragonfish to survive
the horrors we are living
with tortured lungs
adapting to breathe blood.
A woman measures her life's damage
my eyes are caves, chunks of etched rock
tied to the ghost of a black boy
crying and frightened
her tow-headed children cluster
like little mirrors of despair
their father's hands upon them
and soundlessly
a woman begins to weep.

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Joined 10th Jan 2021
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Tyrant of Words

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Joined 10th May 2020
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Fire of Insight

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Self run (Riot)
I walk
6 feet tall
All of me
(I have been told I lead with my vagina, it is unintentionally thrust forward if I do. My head is usually in the clouds. I’m assuming my pussy is too. Once I think about it . .. I’m away to something else. Figuratively and literally. I guess If my vagina leads, I soon follow.)
All of me
5 foot 9
And 6 feet tall
My perfume
But at most I’m self aware
At least
I’m oblivious
It wafts around
At 6 feet
(I have been told I look like Debbie Harry, I prefer Chrissy Hynde, but Debbie Harry will do. Especially on those one shoe Sunday morning afters. Even then I douse myself O! DAY! Perfumed. Pride and all of its bilingual manifestations)
6 feet tall
I’ll take you to Church
O! Faced
(A man once once winked at me and said; Jennifer I’m going to take you to church. He meant a good fuck. Or intended a phenomenal one.. regardless, I took him. I usually do. Jennifer the pew.)
Straight up
No inclination
6 feet tall
6 feet tall
All of me
(I have been told I lead with my vagina, it is unintentionally thrust forward if I do. My head is usually in the clouds. I’m assuming my pussy is too. Once I think about it . .. I’m away to something else. Figuratively and literally. I guess If my vagina leads, I soon follow.)
All of me
5 foot 9
And 6 feet tall
My perfume
But at most I’m self aware
At least
I’m oblivious
It wafts around
At 6 feet
(I have been told I look like Debbie Harry, I prefer Chrissy Hynde, but Debbie Harry will do. Especially on those one shoe Sunday morning afters. Even then I douse myself O! DAY! Perfumed. Pride and all of its bilingual manifestations)
6 feet tall
I’ll take you to Church
O! Faced
(A man once once winked at me and said; Jennifer I’m going to take you to church. He meant a good fuck. Or intended a phenomenal one.. regardless, I took him. I usually do. Jennifer the pew.)
Straight up
No inclination
6 feet tall
Written by Calamityofgin
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Joined 9th Oct 2021
Forum Posts: 8
Twisted Dreamer
Forum Posts: 8
the ugliest person on earth
Why have I been cursed
as the most beautiful person on earth
where my looks have become a purse
from my shapely derriere
enticing men to play
thinking of all you can eat buffets
to my translucent skin
invoking the spirits within
why do you men get so maudlin
where my looks have become their sin
for when I use your lust
doing what I must
you throw me to the dust
calling harlot and whore
when I don't let you score
thinking these insults cut to the core
well here's a newsflash gentlemen
and something you need to ken
I live within my inner garden
working on my soul
holding true and staying whole
while you're paying the toll
as the most beautiful person on earth
where my looks have become a purse
from my shapely derriere
enticing men to play
thinking of all you can eat buffets
to my translucent skin
invoking the spirits within
why do you men get so maudlin
where my looks have become their sin
for when I use your lust
doing what I must
you throw me to the dust
calling harlot and whore
when I don't let you score
thinking these insults cut to the core
well here's a newsflash gentlemen
and something you need to ken
I live within my inner garden
working on my soul
holding true and staying whole
while you're paying the toll
Written by Heart_of_Stone
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Joined 3rd Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 349
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 349
Women and Freedom
I seek not to disparage
Nor strive to be like you
Difference, not inequality
I am woman, authentic, true
Not at liberty to provide
Emancipation, up to me
Asking of you the privilege
Implies I am unfree
Approval is unnecessary
Not a question of causality
Needing not your permission
To establish equality
Uninspired to be you
My own self on a stage
For he who wishes to dominate
I shall refuse to engage
Inspired by Simone De Beauvoir – The Second Sex
Nor strive to be like you
Difference, not inequality
I am woman, authentic, true
Not at liberty to provide
Emancipation, up to me
Asking of you the privilege
Implies I am unfree
Approval is unnecessary
Not a question of causality
Needing not your permission
To establish equality
Uninspired to be you
My own self on a stage
For he who wishes to dominate
I shall refuse to engage
Inspired by Simone De Beauvoir – The Second Sex
Written by mel44
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Joined 9th Oct 2021
Forum Posts: 8
Twisted Dreamer
Forum Posts: 8
Completely free
I was always demure
and seemingly so mature
oh what a shock
please stuff my mouth with a sock
my filthy mind has been unlocked
with morals forever gridlocked
I'm in need of life support
thinking I'm some hot escort
I blame it all on poetry
for destruction of my pedigree
all I do is want to flee
this wanton harlot that is me
but the rhymes keep calling me back
writing words imbued with black
or just wisecracks
about my rack
now I am completely free
and it's OK if you disagree
I'm not my brother's keeper don't you see
we don't even need a referee
the age old role models have all died
and my spirit is my only guide
and seemingly so mature
oh what a shock
please stuff my mouth with a sock
my filthy mind has been unlocked
with morals forever gridlocked
I'm in need of life support
thinking I'm some hot escort
I blame it all on poetry
for destruction of my pedigree
all I do is want to flee
this wanton harlot that is me
but the rhymes keep calling me back
writing words imbued with black
or just wisecracks
about my rack
now I am completely free
and it's OK if you disagree
I'm not my brother's keeper don't you see
we don't even need a referee
the age old role models have all died
and my spirit is my only guide
Written by Heart_of_Stone
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Joined 10th Jan 2021
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Tyrant of Words

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Joined 11th July 2012
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Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1897
She Is...
She said she didn’t dwell too much on the past things
“Resolve the issue and move on
Time is of the essence and if you don’t work the plan
You can easily be left behind”
They’d call her a bitch, a ball buster, all those things
Behind her back
But the truth was whenever she’d flex her knowledge
To get the work done, they just didn’t like it
She has worked longer hours than anyone else
Then go home and be a mother
A teacher
A counselor
A planner
Maintenance and Operations
And yet somehow still find to some time to herself
To relax and recharge
Before another day would begin
To get that bread
And deal with the bullshit male counterparts spewed
She was mentally tough
Spiritually firm
Emotionally strong
And still a fragile soul
She’s been the dream girl
Trying to be better
She’s been a leader
The example to many young women
She’s been the pioneer
The innovator with a greater purpose
She’s been down on her luck
And ridden the wave of success
She’s been beaten and broken
And put back together
Fallen and risen with too many times to count
She has the heart of warrior
And fought bigger battles than any man has ever known
She has cried tears that overflowed rivers
And roared louder than ominous thunder
She has given life
And at times sacrificing her own
She is a…
She is the sum of love in family
The history of those who suffered in the past
At times she may have been afraid
But always willing to face her fear
Striving be better than the rest
She is woman
She is…
Written by wallyroo92
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Joined 30th June 2016
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Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 749
A Woman In Parts
All the parts of me are obvious, see:
I consist of a heart in a tight corseted sternum
pressed upward in constant female expansion;
the weighty dreams I hold to
lean into this caving posture.
Womanhood should be
an easy aspiration yet
it holds uncertain things as stones
stuck into mud hold such after it rains
(I know what is there already, that
is the riddle) --
Its metallic taste rises in my mouth
to meet my every desire:
Crumb by crumb,
I see it fall from the air;
the empty air where love
hangs suspended, undefinable
as a gaping mouth.
It is an odyssey to reach such heights
but it feels like a descent,
its true nature a secret cave dweller
brooding among cobwebs
and ancient detritus.
But, it never ages,
we know this,
and it lives here like a faint, tiny drum
being struck in persistent repetition --
O, how I want more than this
yet it snaps me back every time
to view these passive observations:
I can't be cold even with
fully erect vertebrae stacked and straight
as able, unfettered hands sort keeps
from throwaways,
frugal and practical.
Letting go is a journey taken
in baby steps
(the calculations never quite fit
the final outcome).
The female persuasion is
transitory; a wavering blanket
in the wind resisting its moorings,
stuck to a thin, drifting fraying rope --
see how she floats unsteadily
but sturdily unfolded and aloft;
this is fragility --
Yet it won't give in or can't;
it rides a swell of forced growth
like a flower blooming in the sun
is forced to.
I consist of a heart in a tight corseted sternum
pressed upward in constant female expansion;
the weighty dreams I hold to
lean into this caving posture.
Womanhood should be
an easy aspiration yet
it holds uncertain things as stones
stuck into mud hold such after it rains
(I know what is there already, that
is the riddle) --
Its metallic taste rises in my mouth
to meet my every desire:
Crumb by crumb,
I see it fall from the air;
the empty air where love
hangs suspended, undefinable
as a gaping mouth.
It is an odyssey to reach such heights
but it feels like a descent,
its true nature a secret cave dweller
brooding among cobwebs
and ancient detritus.
But, it never ages,
we know this,
and it lives here like a faint, tiny drum
being struck in persistent repetition --
O, how I want more than this
yet it snaps me back every time
to view these passive observations:
I can't be cold even with
fully erect vertebrae stacked and straight
as able, unfettered hands sort keeps
from throwaways,
frugal and practical.
Letting go is a journey taken
in baby steps
(the calculations never quite fit
the final outcome).
The female persuasion is
transitory; a wavering blanket
in the wind resisting its moorings,
stuck to a thin, drifting fraying rope --
see how she floats unsteadily
but sturdily unfolded and aloft;
this is fragility --
Yet it won't give in or can't;
it rides a swell of forced growth
like a flower blooming in the sun
is forced to.
Written by PoetsRevenge
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Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6108
Tyrant of Words

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DU Webmistress
DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.
Thank you to the following members for voting:
_feral, lepperochan, Grace, AspergerPoet56, nutbuster, Phantom2426, Honoria, LoveHound, JohnnyBlaze, Marks, PoetsRevenge, cold_fusion, wallyroo92, Wired6, Sweetlovin76, Northern_Soul
Thank you to the following members for voting:
_feral, lepperochan, Grace, AspergerPoet56, nutbuster, Phantom2426, Honoria, LoveHound, JohnnyBlaze, Marks, PoetsRevenge, cold_fusion, wallyroo92, Wired6, Sweetlovin76, Northern_Soul