Poetry competition CLOSED 18th July 2021 5:13am
View Profile Poems by wallyroo92

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Parallel Selves

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

Poetry Contest

Think about a major decision you’ve made in the past.
Think back to a decision you made in the past that directly altered the course of your life.

Now, consider what life might look like, had you made a different decision at that crucial time. How would your parallel self be living?

Write a poem about this decision and how life would look had you made another choice. You might know how your life would be now, or you might be guessing. Either is acceptable!


1. No extreme erotica. I don’t want to slap a warning label on the comp.
2. The poem can be in any form of your choice.
3. One life altering piece per poet
4. No colabs— unless the two of you know each other in real life and one or both of you could have contributed to the altered life.
4. New writes only.

I’ll be judging the comp and will pick the winner.
Questions? PM me! Good luck, in the discovery of the parallel you!

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 27awards
Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525

My other self

There's a boy I used to glimpse,
with punk cut, black dyed hair
and morning stubble,
sitting thin in a mohair jumper and jeans,
his voice was cigarettes
through nicotine stained fingers
that pointed out the freedom of self belief
and dole queue haze.

I walk past him some days
and snatch the bottle from his hand
whisper in his ear of the secrets
of unkind years and the change
that is yet to come, rage in his face
with mute expressions of regret.
I'd smooth out my Captains map
and plot him a different chart
an early chance for a too late start.
Written by Razzerleaf
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

Thank you Razzerleaf, for kicking things off with a fantastic submission!

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 96


My frowning face..      
My teary face..    
My straight face..        
My smiling face..        
Behind the expressions on my many faces is everything you'll never understand..
You keep scolding me for whatever reason..        
You keep harassing me for every little fault knowingly or unknowingly .        
You blame me subliminally for the fault of others..        
All in the name of righteousness?..        
We are the same..        
Just trailing opposite paths..        
You act I react..        
I act you react..        
Putting everything in motion..        
That 3rd law..        
Our actions..        
Our reactions..        
Equal just opposite..        
Time changes yesterday..        
I change with time..        
Normally I will expect you to do the same..      
But the less I care the happier I am..        
Like me believing and feeling in public when I am alone..
In this family I am the black sheep a fact I accepted a long time ago..        
While all you all choose to ignore the white patches on this black sheep.. Well, not my problem..        
Love or hate me, not my problem..        
Consider me one of you not my problem..        
Denounce, me not my problem ..        
Reject me, not my problem..        
I declared myself an outcast for a while now..        
Every one has to break at some point only that we differ respectively;        
Some people's heart melts thus going by melting..        
Some ended up freezing..        
Some condensate..        
Others vaporize..        
Curtains up all is set as a premonition..      
Right before your eyes, I will sublime..        
And on this occasion..        
Mounting a comeback by means of a DEPOSITION        
Far away somewhere exist again as a solid form in human..
Written by Numer90 (Numer0-un0)
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

Thanks, Numer90 for your introspective entry!

Garrett Asa Hughes
Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 17th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 88

Looking Back in Hindsight

The struggle hasn't stopped.
Though through each passing day.
I reflect on how i used to handle,
In all my unhealthy ways.
Where we as a group,
Survived the best we could.
Clinging as we needed.
But not reacting as we should.
A tribe contrived of failure.
Each of us missing adults.
So we banded together.
Raised our glasses to cope.
Children playing grown up games.
In crazy ways-
In crazy days-
Waiting for it all to change.
On full delay-
For full display-
If i could go back,
I'd wring my own neck.
To gasp my airways,
From the time i spent.
From lying to myself that i was a bother.
And rotting inside from time i squandered.
Looking back all it would really take,
Would be some maturity to spark change.
But instead i ignored myself.
And as result, behind on life.
It wasn't all negativity.
But the least, i could've tried.
And if i did I'm sure my life could be easier.
If i could go back and chat the lad convinced he's damned.
And let him know, that no control, is not fixed through it's embrace.
But that the change to be made laid in my hands.
If i had simply tried,
Instead of just waiting to die,
I imagine that my life,
Would hold more pleasure.
But with the past aside,
I now reflect upon my tribe,
Loving the memories of them and i,
But i just wish that we did better.
If i could just go back so i could say...
That I'm sorry to myself for how i behaved.
That i can't fault others for the choices i made.
And need to take responsibility into my own hands.
So now i don't mind the price i paid.
I'm happy that i worked to turn out this way.
Still finding out the path i paved,
From being a boy, forced into a man.
Written by DCLXVI_1989 (Garrett Asa Hughes)
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

Thank you for your fantastic entry, Garrett.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

To Persist In The Twist Of Astrology Cosmology

By And By , Nary

The Two Shall Meet ,

The Twain Fact Of One

As A Gem In The Eye

Of Both As The Beholders

Of The Divided M Path

Of Perception ;

For Soothe The Heart In

Misery And Mystery As

It May Never Rest In A  Nest

Whose Own Self Is Colluding

In Cacophony  In The Mind ;

Blind To The Bind Bound

Caught In The Sound Of Cries

Wound Round One's Core

All The More To Abhor ;

And In The Mirror Of Divinity

Where Upon The Me Of Me

Thus Now A Trinity Of A Unity

Some Would Call Opportunity

And Still Others , Possibility ,

I As I , See But Fatality , For This

Is But Yet , Never To Forget ,

The Reaction To A Passion  

Of The Dark Duel Of Duplicity

In Implicit And Complicit Simplicity ;

Unbind The Mind , So Wings May Fly Free !
Written by Blackwolf (I.M.Blackwolf)
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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 6th July 2021
Forum Posts: 12


Quietly, I found myself
a secret place to hide my things
it's in the space,
the vacant places
the empty sockets that were left
the dead veins holding the rest,
holding the rest from a decent shot
at taking a nice, new breath.
It's all I've got.
This is all I've got left.
Try not to leave this place a mess,
when it's time.
When it's the end of the end.
I hope to God I don't think of it.
I hope to God that I can get out of it.

Atleast I think that I did.
So what the fuck kind of sense does it make to do this?
And you fucking know that I did.
Every ounce of hate I've tamed, and let go to the wind.
Because it's impossible to win.
There's nothing left to fight for when there's no one left to see it.
It's in the empty, vacant places.
The place where the deepest darks are kept locked a secret.
The empty sockets that it left.|
Quietly, I cursed myself.
I guess I just haven't changed much yet
Written by Dreamboy
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

Thank you, Blackwolf, for your superb entry!

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

Thanks for your very reflective submission, Dreamboy.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 20th June 2021
Forum Posts: 28

Shoulda Went

I got accepted to a college, broadcasting school
Turned it down to make a dollar, drinking like a fool
It was in another town, 81 miles away
Had some jingle in my pocket, decided I would stay

I made speeches in grade 12, as the student president
My chemistry professor, said my voice could make a cent
That's why I applied, pictured calling a title game
Instead I kept on working in a job I knew was lame

I had original ideas, and a penchant for amusing
Could've been a talk show host, made movies of my choosing
Would've graciously accepted the award, and accolade
For the voice-over I did on a blockbuster I made

My success has made me famous, and wealth is just a charm
A loving, beautiful woman accepts an extended arm
Children fill the mansion, with laughter, joy, and worth
As my political career blossoms at its birth

I'm on the cover of magazines, twice Man of the Year
Changing the world with words so many long to hear
When that's been accomplished, I'll retire humbly meeker
Then I'll make some cents, as the honorary speaker
Written by Mastersensation (Pent)
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

Thank you, Mastersensation, for your submission, offering an interesting peek into your parallel self.

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1881


(From the Walternate Universe)
It was on the outskirts of the great city
When I ran into me from another universe
He was sitting in a café reading the paper
Waiting for me, ready for us to converse
We stared at each other for about a second
He looked like me but just a skinnier a version
He had a goatee, mustache and a black beret
I wondered about this parallel world excursion
Right on man, the beatnik said with a smile
Have a seat, he added putting the paper down
And I still baffled at seeing a Walternate style
Had trouble speaking and verbalizing our pronoun
How is this? I started but only uttered and muttered
Don’t think too much about it, he said reaching out
We shook hands as I said “but, but” and stuttered
Bro, just chill because there’s so much to talk about
I sat across from him as he took a sip of his coffee
Just then the waiter served me one just like I like
I know, he said as I thought how many of us exist
As he said: you should see MC you spit on the mic
…There’s an infinite number of us in the multi-verse
I’m just one version here to visit your world
But there’s not enough time so let me get to the point…
Our worlds split when I went chasing that girl

Remember college, freshmen year, we were undeclared
You said “I’m going into banking to make that money”
Well, how’s that working for you Wallyroo? Nine and Two
I departed from you because I wanted that honey

You mean, I said remembering all those classes I took
Our lives split when you went into finance and I into English Lit
And remember that cutie from class who was interested in us
It was a short but torrid affair and a crazy one I must admit

But I stuck with my studies and went on to chase dreams
I have a great career and I even got to see the world
And yet somehow even across this vast multi-verse
Destiny seems to have brought us to the same girl

I still remember filling out the paper work, declaring a major
While as the years passed my head and heart kept fighting
I doubted that “logical” decision for the longest time
When I passed on my passions for music and writing  
Don’t worry, you’re still going to be alright, Beatnik said
We still have work to do Wallyroo, we are still at the helms!
And so we sat in that café conversing for several hours
Regaling each other with stories and tales from our realms.
Written by wallyroo92
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Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 17th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 327

Marnie (Mother)

From embryonic start our relationship was problematic    
You risked your life for mine repeatedly for seven months  
The fact that I suffered no permanent consequence    
a miracle, as divine the blessing of my old-new name    
Before it was mine you had to swear to never change it  
It never has, and it never will, I give my promise    
The world never was your friend    
You were abused, used, seduced, betrayed.    
with little help and less mercy    
Chronically ill in agonizing pain constantly    
vodka and prescription drugs were your solace    
Filled your world with a haze that gave refuge    
from pain, crushing poverty, your unusual children    
for whom you felt nothing you did was ever enough    
You would tell your sister in law, your best friend    
I was her child, not your daughter.    
You would insist that you were a carrier of genetics    
A surrogate, you have no idea your accuracy    
that she is in truth my mother in all ways  
You've been dead twelve years and now  
I am her daughter, the treasure of her heart    
in all ways that truly matter because at the last    
your family is the one you choose for yourself.    
Blood gives existence, love makes life worth all.    
I have your blood, true, but you never loved me    
Your mind could not fathom such a concept    
When I was nine, I stood before a court of law    
condemning you and my father for your sins    
Of most heinous abuse, neglect, but I was jailed    
eleven years to a family that never let me forget  
I was Different, I would always be Other.    
In the world of blonde Mennonite Christians    
My Jewishness, my dark ringlets, my revered name    
incited a rabid hatred that almost killed me.    
Even reunion did not make us mother and daughter    
We were too logical, too far in time, from sentiment    
content in the trajectories of our distinct lives    
Vomiting force-fed Christianity, I embraced my heritage    
You, who wore the orange, believed in logic above all.    
When you decided to die, I was expecting a daughter    
I couldn’t mourn you, I had no idea until far too late    
For a half-hour I sat on the ground, reminiscing    
Suddenly realizing death was your desired goal    
I stood, feeling nothing but peace for our souls  
You took the last of your dwindling agency    
refused to take the medication that gave you life    
You knew you would die, literally stop your own heart    
Your best friend, my now-mother, filled your wishes    
She adopted me as her own treasured daughter    
She spilled your ashes with no tears or prayers    
into a free-flowing river, leaving no trace of you    
I forgive you, Marnie    
Blaming you would be cruel    
Thank you for fighting ,not giving up on me    
Wherever you are, may you have repose eternally.
Written by inechoingsilence
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