#NoPoo Book 1 An ode to Gabriel
Forum Posts: 17124
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17124
travelling down country road today
breathing in crystal clear fresh air
forests rushing by in all shades of green
the band across my heart broke
and I could breathe again
travelling down country road today
breathing in crystal clear fresh air
forests rushing by in all shades of green
the band across my heart broke
and I could breathe again
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6088
Tyrant of Words

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Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903
Tyrant of Words

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(NoPoo 160) Muse
the muse shines upon
ln guided inspiration
for words on paper
forming all the syllables
in describing her beauty
the muse shines upon
ln guided inspiration
for words on paper
forming all the syllables
in describing her beauty

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Forum Posts: 17124
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17124
the birds pecked on my window pane
this morning
I tapped back
they watched me for a moment
and then flew away
I'm grinning
and I don't know why
the birds pecked on my window pane
this morning
I tapped back
they watched me for a moment
and then flew away
I'm grinning
and I don't know why
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6088
Tyrant of Words

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Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903
Tyrant of Words

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[(NoPoo 161) Blush
flushing red spreading
her trembling ragged breathing
emotional high
flushing red spreading
her trembling ragged breathing
emotional high
Forum Posts: 17124
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17124
his fingers ran through my hair
his eyes looked deep into mine
as the waters closed over my head
I stared at him
and refused to blink
came up gasping for air
no, not today, Naiads
I thought walking away
from the pool under the waterfalls
his fingers ran through my hair
his eyes looked deep into mine
as the waters closed over my head
I stared at him
and refused to blink
came up gasping for air
no, not today, Naiads
I thought walking away
from the pool under the waterfalls
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6088
Tyrant of Words

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Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903
Tyrant of Words

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(NoPoo 162)
To Be Gladly Lost...
gazing within eyes
floating in azure oceans
in the warmth of love
The title =
To Be Gladly Lost...
gazing within eyes
floating in azure oceans
in the warmth of love
The title =
Forum Posts: 17124
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17124
so much words spoken
so much thoughts shared
there was never enough time
to say it all out
then like a Phoenix
you rose up
from cold ashes
to say something
so much words spoken
so much thoughts shared
there was never enough time
to say it all out
then like a Phoenix
you rose up
from cold ashes
to say something
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1903
(NoPoo 162)
To Be Gladly Lost...
gazing within eyes
floating in azure oceans
in the warmth of love
To Be Gladly Lost...
gazing within eyes
floating in azure oceans
in the warmth of love
Forum Posts: 2149
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2149
Immigration Reform
Immigration Reform
Question I must ask, were you American born
If not
Then X marks the spot
Voices crying, marches to hear
Congress turning a political deafening ear
As a Nurse, I meet all nationalities, all races
Worrisome looks upon so many faces
Living the American dream
Eight years ago, this issue was unforeseen
New rules and new game
Nothing ever stays the same
Old players must now apply
I have a job, family, we’re living the American pie
Go back to where? To do what? Voices of so many immigrant outcries
If this is America, to leave, we cannot understand why
We contributed to a land not of our own
Cooks, painters, landscapes, working our fingers as well to the bone
You cannot get no more blood out of a stone
Keeping love flowing within our homes
Senate playing God while sitting upon their thrones
Some, not all would say it contributes to our national debts
Send them packing, and let our quota of employment be met
Lazy is as lazy does
No one blocks your path from taking care of the ones you love
Is immigration reform right, should we feel less for others
Babies left here without their mothers
ICE knocking on the door, the new age Gestapo
Deported pass the boarder wall, what an uncoordinated fiasco
School rules, two languages it’s best you learn
Jobs posted for bi-lingual, canceling out your money you needed to earn
I speak English, it’s my official tongue
This is where the spiraling effects of demonstrations dividing us all as one
Making revisions for my living
Interpreters seeking while my tax dollars are giving
Medicaid coverage, most likely, the source of income
I fought in the military, yet my journey to exist has not been won
Expensive food items set on the table
I’m hard working, yet my refrigerator is set to disabled
My taxes paying for immigration care
I have health insurance, my medical conditions causing me to live on thin air
Mexican restaurants erected everywhere
From money sent from over there
No jobs to assist, other than their own
Now you understand when a voice like mine are not alone
This is the land of the free and the brave
Cross their border, you dig your own grave
Cross ours you live
We give, we give, and we give
Some have not even taken it upon themselves to be considered free
It sometimes makes it harder for the working to some degree
The oath to stay, presence hidden in the dark
No papers, looking over shoulders caring who larks
Criminal acts
Known facts
Running across the border not even looking back
You will return once all is settled in time
Crossing back over the border, using your American’s family dime
All in all, we must get along to remain emotional prefilled
Congress will come to sign a legislator bill
I have enough love to concur, in times such as this
It never mattered who was sailing their ship
For the silent voices, I brought this issue as due
What you do with the concept is totally up to you
Take care of your home, as if it was your own
Life related issues sings its own song
Therefore, we must all coexist
Immigration Reform, was a matter to discuss on my Nurse’s wish list
Question I must ask, were you American born
If not
Then X marks the spot
Voices crying, marches to hear
Congress turning a political deafening ear
As a Nurse, I meet all nationalities, all races
Worrisome looks upon so many faces
Living the American dream
Eight years ago, this issue was unforeseen
New rules and new game
Nothing ever stays the same
Old players must now apply
I have a job, family, we’re living the American pie
Go back to where? To do what? Voices of so many immigrant outcries
If this is America, to leave, we cannot understand why
We contributed to a land not of our own
Cooks, painters, landscapes, working our fingers as well to the bone
You cannot get no more blood out of a stone
Keeping love flowing within our homes
Senate playing God while sitting upon their thrones
Some, not all would say it contributes to our national debts
Send them packing, and let our quota of employment be met
Lazy is as lazy does
No one blocks your path from taking care of the ones you love
Is immigration reform right, should we feel less for others
Babies left here without their mothers
ICE knocking on the door, the new age Gestapo
Deported pass the boarder wall, what an uncoordinated fiasco
School rules, two languages it’s best you learn
Jobs posted for bi-lingual, canceling out your money you needed to earn
I speak English, it’s my official tongue
This is where the spiraling effects of demonstrations dividing us all as one
Making revisions for my living
Interpreters seeking while my tax dollars are giving
Medicaid coverage, most likely, the source of income
I fought in the military, yet my journey to exist has not been won
Expensive food items set on the table
I’m hard working, yet my refrigerator is set to disabled
My taxes paying for immigration care
I have health insurance, my medical conditions causing me to live on thin air
Mexican restaurants erected everywhere
From money sent from over there
No jobs to assist, other than their own
Now you understand when a voice like mine are not alone
This is the land of the free and the brave
Cross their border, you dig your own grave
Cross ours you live
We give, we give, and we give
Some have not even taken it upon themselves to be considered free
It sometimes makes it harder for the working to some degree
The oath to stay, presence hidden in the dark
No papers, looking over shoulders caring who larks
Criminal acts
Known facts
Running across the border not even looking back
You will return once all is settled in time
Crossing back over the border, using your American’s family dime
All in all, we must get along to remain emotional prefilled
Congress will come to sign a legislator bill
I have enough love to concur, in times such as this
It never mattered who was sailing their ship
For the silent voices, I brought this issue as due
What you do with the concept is totally up to you
Take care of your home, as if it was your own
Life related issues sings its own song
Therefore, we must all coexist
Immigration Reform, was a matter to discuss on my Nurse’s wish list
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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NoPoo #125 (04-22-21)
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2349
A Kryptonite of Flesh
a thunder of delicacy
as formidable as it is tender
under my ear
almost to neck
not quite
close enough
to distinctly hear
which is done
of course
as that spot
is where
all my willpower
goes to die
a slow glorious death
that spot
of my most sensitive flesh
wired by nerves
directly connected
to my innermost core
the sanctum
of all
that is welcomed torture
and where unmitigated willing abandon,
awaits to be tapped
to forget anything and all
and to just
to everything.
#Nopoo 4/22/21 (162)