Poetry competition CLOSED 27th April 2021 8:44am
View Profile Poems by EleazarSwan
RUNNERS-UP: slipalong and Bluevelvete

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16722

Poetry Contest

What will you sacrifice for your belief
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.- John 15:13
“We will sacrifice the fun and freedom of today for the glory of tomorrow.”
― Emmanuel Apetsi

What will you sacrifice for something or someone you believe in.  
Narrative Poem
Two entries per poets
any length but not a novella
old or new writes but not a previous winner
No collabs
No extreme contents
No chats in thread

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16722

Blood Sacrifice

I kill for its god’s will
he shares his prayer
as he presses his knife
against her throat

for thou shall not suffer
a witch to live
he says
gritting his teeth

he whispers
I shall kill thee
thus thou shalt not raise
a false report

thine hand shall not
with the wicked
be an unrighteous witness
therefore, death for thee

I offer thee
from sinning
No more shall thou transgress

Death I pay upon thee
not for mine own
but for the salvation
of thy soul

this chalice I offer thee
not for thy lips
but for thy throat
unto the gods of darkness...

Inclinate vos
ad benedictionem.

Not an Entry
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 69awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2802

Witching Whisperings

- Witching Whisperings -

I sacrifice!
What would I give for love unending?
A question asked since time’s birth…
And, in the midst of my remembering,
I know what such a dream is worth.

Days of rain, days of water poured…
Then dried when days of fire dawned.
The winds have howled and roared,
Because of the darkness that is born!
Oh sweet gods and goddesses on high,
How thou must laugh at these times…
Even as angels weep and devils sigh!
Whilst darker things hear my rhymes,
For I have heard oft, their whisperings.

Long it hath been, in time’s reckoning,
Since I traded my pale white banner…
For one of black, with sound reasoning!
For love, for desire, passionate manner,
I whispered back, to the darker forces.

Many hath passed into the deep night,
Their silence falling heavily upon me…
Friends and loved ones, of my delight.
I grieved the loss of sweet company,
As theirs, had been, ere the dark fell!
Who knows me, who understands all?
Mayhap spirits of Heaven, or of Hell.
I hear their songs, I heed of their call,
I knew ice’s burn and fire’s blistering.

Long it hath been, in time’s wandering,
Since I traded my pale white armor…
For one of black, in fair understanding!
For love, for desire, to sate my hunger,
I touched the fabric of magic’s courses.

Despite it all, I am wholly untainted…
Unmarred by the night’s hot embrace.
The witching night, so long awaited…
Soon, shall greet my most eager face.
Beyond fire, water, earth, and wind,
A new darkness beckons so lovingly!
Lesser hearts break, and even bend,
But I will remain strong unto eternity!
Even: if stars blacken their glistening.

What would I give for love unending?
A question asked since time’s birth…
And, in the midst of my remembering,
I know what such a dream is worth.
I sacrifice!
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16722

Thank you Kara for kick-starting the competition.

Thought Provoker
Joined 25th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 92

A Wondrous Journey

for months I longed, for your words to appear
a chance introduction and we set off chatting
a fated interference, I was helpless only for you to immediately disappear
I hoped in silence, our introduction wouldn’t end up with nothing

sensing the pain you endured as your journey took a detour
that was not by chance, but it’s the fate that you started to make
a lover at his “highness”, a toxicity that left you totally insecure
like crushing waves in the, it’s time you left the negativity at its wake

I saw you suffered, laying down below the wicked sky
the black of day and dark of night, the light in your heart flickers
cracking open the wall around your heart, letting the past go by
and you know, the brightest flame in the heart glows quickest

Time passes, Unruly storms were confounded
remnants of that stress stopped you from sleeping
locked in prison as you disappeared, I remained dumbfounded
just through the little window I followed your moments, patiently hoping

for you to be drawn by the raw energy of the ocean
the closer you got, you would see a white whale’s emotion
infusing into your soul, for your emotion to blissfully revive
energizing your lost soul, with passion and love, bringing you alive!!

in my virtual prison, I was just quiet and slow
devoid of human love, emptiness, I felt senseless
“should I give all hope up and simple let her go?”
thoughts that took me backwards, leaving me clueless

from the moment of our meeting, a twenty four hours of chatting!
i remember your smile, as it appears, it leaves me floating
a soul with a vision fleeting, and a brightness that was simply tempting
a beauty of angel pure and clear, lost in wilderness, you are something

a stroke of luck, you miraculously appeared
as though all these while you we’re always counting
how often I would give up and react as you had feared
yet your soul could not stop this connection that was resonating

in ecstasy my heart is now beating
you’re a soulmate that was always waiting
on the path that I once thought has disappeared
and you should know that ahead is a wondrous journey to be heard!
Written by XiaoLong
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16722

XiaoLong, thank you for your participation.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 27awards
Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525

The war cabinet

Alcho-pops where are you?    
that’s it, come on  
don’t be shy.    
Now get over there    
in front of the lager.    
Everyone else,    
I said everyone else!    
My Intel has confirmed a teenage party    
so I don't want any mistakes.    
Alcho-pops you're in first    
and you don't stand a chance    
so make your peace with    
the Blue nun before you go.    
Lagers, two packs in the kitchen,    
the rest, in the fridge.    
Cherries take the night off.    
Cocktail sticks, erm, just straighten up    
Vodka, label front, please try and last the night.    
Orange and Blackcurrant    
give yourself a wipe, it’s been a while    
but if vodka goes you need to go with him,    
I need you in the mix.    
Babycham it could be a rough night my love    
but whatever happens try to reach the nose.    
Boxed wines, boxed wines over here now.    
Get in line and taps out.    
White, if red gets spilt, try to get on top,    
less carpet damage and    
we should be able to get you both out.    
Twelve year old Malt, hold the rear,    
I won’t sacrifice my best on this rabble.    
Now Bells you need to go first, followed by,    
all though it breaks my heart, Glen Fiddich    
Lads if you both go, give em hell    
so they won’t come back for Malt.    
Snowball, not a chance in hell    
but be ready just in case.    
Eggnog you have to be the    
dumbest drink I have    
but you do look like custard    
so try to make em puke.    
Gin, what are you laughing at.    
Nothing sir.    
nnnnnothing sir, you shit, they call you Lilly    
and you taste like frikin perfume,    
get out of my sight before I go blind.    
Everyone be quiet, here they come.    
Lagers look lively, sixes not fours.    
Shit straight for the cabinet.    
Little bastard put me down,    
put me down, what did you call me?    
Fuckin JD its Mr Frikin Daniels to you    
you, spot faced little shit.    
Come on then let’s have it    
two shots, try me.    
I'll rip yer throat out,
I'll singe your spleen, come on then,    
lets see what yer made of,    
just, you, me    
and my friend Mr glass.    
Wait, what, what’s that    
Frikin Coke, drink me like a man    
shittin bubbles, fuckin caramel    
and ice, in a tall glass, whhhyyy!!!.    
That’s right swill me round    
showin off to your mates    
all watered down.    
To start a war with JD    
be sure you can hold my dead    
I'll bring the violent    
you carry the sick.
Written by Razzerleaf
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Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 5th May 2015
Forum Posts: 93

A Sacrifice Of

Forgiveness and love
A nailed scarred hand
On the wings of a dove

A Light from above
Not as a command
Forgiveness and love

No open shove
A victory planned
On the wings of a dove

Endurance without a glove
A cross not a stand
Forgiveness and love

A sacrifice of
They don’t understand
On the wings of a dove

The spirit thereof
Arose across the land
Forgiveness and love
On the wings of a dove
Written by buddydog
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 11th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 44

To Arlington

Have you been to Arlington?
A dreadful sight to see
To gaze ahead at those long dead
Springs readily to me
Go see them there at Arlington!
The cross of memory
The tombs of lead of those long dead
Who fought for you and me
Don't weep for those at Arlington!
For tears have flowed far more than blood
By those who haven't tasted death
But tasted of its torrent flood
Recall the souls of Arlington!
The men who fought for freedom's cause
And when your mind drifts down to war
Give space to life
And pause.

Written by EleazarSwan
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 41awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 838

Carry the card

In my wallet warm and secure
a bond with others to embrace  
no badge to wear, no grinning face  
 faith, your hearts in the right place  
Throw your cape 'or a puddle  
 know the pain of toil and struggle  
 cast your hat into the ring  
and help the others suffering  
Give of yourself while you still live  
for blood and tissue to a relative  
and humanity be the sacred book  
the cross to bear while others LOOK  
Depreciate your time sublime  
for god will mark your card in time  
as they nailed him to the wood  
gave his soul for the greater good  
As we were cast in his perfect image  
 death be the start and not the finish  
self sacrifice, I will not grimace  
the card its offering , best of meagre limits.    
For I heard, a higher callings need    
I proffer at my self discretion  
gift to keep, an ace hidden up your sleeve  
 no need to quote the bibles lesson.  
Written by slipalong
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Lost Thinker
South Africa
Joined 13th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 13

Alternatively educated

We always bury the dead. Or at least were supposed to, according to tradition. But if you’re one of the alternatively educated types, then why limit yourself. The only reason people demonise what we do is because they have no idea how to do it. They wish they could. That’s why they hate us so much. Envious and hateful at the same time. Imagine a world where nobody died. Where instead of eternal damnation, you were allowed to live on and continue your sworn duties in this world. Keep your promises.

For instance, I will always be here for you would take a literal meaning. If you’re a husband, or … or better yet a parent. You would never worry about leaving your children alone to fend off predators and murderers after an untimely death. The nobleness of submitting your body to a higher cause. Guiding and protecting those you love. Calling the reaper to come hither when he knocks, with the knowledge that dying means opening new doors. Renewed channels for expressing your love. That the weak and the innocent would never be left to fend for themselves ever again.
Written by the_good_guy (Ntombikayise)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16722

Please be reminded not to comment on poems in the competitions. Please comment on the poet's page. Thank You so much.

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349


Bound by blood,  
down to the marrow  
a heart beats heavy  
at the years that have narrowed    
Not one day passes  
without a closing grace    
that my thoughts are very far,    
from your similar freckled face    
Your history is mine, forever entwined    
Those formative years  
of shared life changing 'firsts'    
You were the sun,  
who's orbit I traversed    
It was made to be so difficult    
every step of our way  
I carried this so-called little sister's curse  
'twas my unwitting card to play  
You swore that I was favored  
and never let me live it down  
was such a raw thorn in my side  
in youth, but especially as we've grown    
With age comes wisdom  
and relationships, they slowly change    
two sisters once so very bonded,  
now, five years estranged  
These days, my mind finds yours  
in the ether were past sins don't dare    
I reflect on what we've missed    
and relish,  
for what we once did share  
Now, a sister's sad secret  
To have you  
hear me,  
not just listen as I speak  
A hope—  
To quash all pent up animosity,  
finally allowing this toxic dam to break;  
To drain this much sullied water;  
under the bridge it would now flow ~  
In a new harmonious wake  
Written by Bluevelvete
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16722

Congratulations to all the winners! They are:
1. To Arlington by EleazarSwan
2. Carry the card by Slipalong
3. binx by Bluevelvete
Everyone had entered marvellous entries, but these were adjudged the top three. Thank you for your participations, and please be with me again in our next competition.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 41awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 838

A privilege  to read all the entries my congrat`s to Eleazer Swan

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