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#NoPoo Book 1     An ode to Gabriel

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2159

For The Love Of Money

The lure of Money
The sweetest of such compared to the taste of having Honey  
The syrupiest reward given or ever received  
Some have sold their soul for the price to be relieved  
In the end untimely deceived  
Most say it’s the root of all evil  
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle  
Than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God  
That concept is much harder to digest than sparing the rod and spoiling the child  
But wait, you cannot get any goods without cash  
For the ones who do not have access to get it  
Robbing for it, embezzling it, or shamefully selling their ass  
If the world did not have money as the tool to survive  
Would so many people still be able to thrive  
The rich, and wealthy’s stance in life will take a nose dive  
The Have and Have Nots cannot feel as elite  
What you bring to the table for your family is what you eat  
Share only if you have a spare  
Grow it, trade it, or Barter  
I’m just telling you like it should be  
Honest lines from the mind of a universal martyr  
The pyramid and almighty Seeing Eye  
Ask the founding forefathers and adhere to bicentennial lies  
Watching intently the Masonic Eye of Horus  
Many meanings of this dollar bill icon, not even listed in a thesaurus  
What an interesting symbol  
I am well read and intellectually nimble  
Gold, Silver, Bronze precious metals for what it’s worth  
Money within the economy, produces a wicked uprising rebirth  
A paper chase hell on earth  
Paper, Coins, CD, stocks and bonds  
Investment portfolios soaring, returned legal tender from the paper magic wand  
What shall be first shall be last shall be first again  
Moneyless, Penniless  
Bargaining with a pig, chicken, or even a hen  
Payment rendered and served  
I wish that concept was still preserved  
It keeps everyone’s mind on a straight universal road  
It’s only from what I’ve been told  
Slow your flow sexy, life is not always so serene  
While you are writing your dogma someone else have money dreams  
The cream of their crop  
Hustling is their primary money prop  
What about a day’s work and compensation  
Well of course it’s one God under one nation  
Such a shame money seems to be our greatest fixation  
I have no pig, no chicken, and certainly no hen  
I tell you this now, but remember this was way back when  
I wish that concept was still preserved  
If you listened intently you would have heard  
From what I’ve just stated  
This was true values before money was ever created  
Therefore, go to work  
By the sweat of one’s brow does bring in its everlasting perks  
Do as you should  
And what you could  
No money No bank account  
Don’t count yourself out  
Just remember, to give, and appreciate when it’s received  
No concepts too low to ever conceive or believe  
The green paper does earthly rule  
Stay mentally equipped it will always be your barging tool  
You would have thought this jargon was taught in elementary school
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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NoPoo #58 (01-25-21)

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

lepperochan said:Chapter and Verse

"If you kneel before me I will place my hands on your head and bless you to high heavens. I will shout the name of the lord, and his father until heaven itself appears around us"

-The good book of Sozĕ

.. this burrows into my evil, wicked, atheist heart with a flicker of a thought of a notion...
of... "shame on Blue for thinking" ...
'prolly just me and where my mind is always circling... lol
No matter,
it's a eyebrow waggle write, Eamonn
Some of my favorite!


Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

cherry picked

when I think of you
it's only your love
that's left
dancing within

10:14pm EST

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6090

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17134


A friend
lie in bed tonight
at the end of the ward
his heart beating hard
he may lose one of his legs tomorrow
if they can't save it
he thinks about his children and their mother
his tears up...
pain of another level


Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903

Sweetest Truth (NoPoo 76)

More blood!!!

Seems nurses
Are modern day vampires
Always after blood

Little prick here
Just fill these tubes
No problem!!
Got eight pints worth

Be sure not to waste it
Of course
It tastes sweet
I'm diabetic
We are the sweetest
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2159


The wonder drug since the electric paddles of life to comply
Prolonging your existence in the twinkling of an eye
Eyes closed no heartbeats pushing through
A night of Opiates indulgence, a needle for me none for you
That ultimate high
Taking your mind to an illusion of the sky
Crashing while coming down
Another hit, mindful delusion going around and around
Nothing stirring or making a sound
Eyes closed, as I’m greeting my destination
Mental trepidation without any hesitation
The highest point I can reach of my imagination
If only you could see what I mean
Everything up here looks and feels so serene
Yeah, thou, I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
The veins of my salvation, God, I’ve already met
My Narcan Angel has saved me twice
For the sickness of not having my medication is a huge sacrifice
My kids are crying, I refuse to care, do their hair, or give them a fresh breath of air
My liquid gold dependence has placed them all in foster care
My veins have told my story, the pages of my life are on display
I have sold the soul of my character as I grind with a I stranger as I lay
Counseling, Drug Rehabilitation, once, and then I choose to decline
I cannot be held responsible if this feeling is too divine
I did not start my journey as all would think
I was once an Accountant living the illustrious American dream
So, it may have seemed
Back went out, surgery pursued
One pill, then two, the whole bottle just to get me through, the feeling overruled
Pain was excruciating as one would believe, prescribed medications just to appease
Oxycontin, Percocet, Vicodin was just a swallowing tease
Try this, it could be a hit or miss
As I took my first initial hit
My severe pain, gone
Sending my mind in space all alone
But wait, this isn’t so bad
I’m too glad to even be mad
For sticking my vein in a hasten cure
And yes, I’m positively sure
This will be the last time I take this route
But it did knock the pain completely out
Back pain anymore, who me, it doesn’t exist
Maybe it would not occur at all, if I just take one more hit
Plantation of veins, hum, which one do I pick
Collapsed veins over time, I must now slap to get
Ahh, there she is, my belt waiting to wrap
No judgments here, a downfall of a relapse
Tapping the throne not to get my twenty-dollar investment insertion wrong
Strange things to get it, I had to do all night long
Injecting glory of satisfaction into my arm
Body churning in anticipation, a raging internal storm
Pulling the bevel back pushing liquid comforts of warmth
Slumped forward waiting to greet
My mind heading beyond the clouds, made for my vein and me to meet
A new batch in desperation I just got from off the streets
Wait, this feeling is tearing up my insides
Head rolls back, white affixed eyes, I tell you no lies
What’s happening, as I cry out from my world of darkness, where no one larks
I hear screaming voices, dogs barking, sirens, people talking over me making medical remarks
I cannot breathe, someone help me please
My mind, my body has been snatched away
I hope it wasn’t a Fentanyl batch, known to take one’s life, I silently pray
What...,what, is this feeling that has hit my heart
It’s still not beating, it’s too lazy to even jump start
Hit again, hey where is this jolt coming from
I cannot feel anything, my body is still numb
Seconds later, there that feeling goes again
Hospital staff patiently waiting for Narcan to sink in
I can finally catch a breath to live, presence accounted this time to win
Seeing Angels before, I came through
I must stop meeting this door, before my granted visits become overdue
And between me and you
I want my life back without the Opiate blues
Things I once enjoyed, to experience it anew
I have not seen my kids, is this what I’ve reduced myself too
With a shake of His head, a voice spoke out to me
As you lie still, you must live and learn to believe a need to be
Believe in me, as I give all another tomorrow
For your ignorance, you lay in your own thistles of sorrow
 I have once again pitied a fool
I tell you all, I have been academically schooled
As I lay here I will make my promise to you
No more, I’ve seen the other dark side
I have better choices for my mind in life to decide
I will beat this nightmare, it’s behind me once I stand
No one wants life or death decided under the wonder drug, Narcan
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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This poem is dedicated to the many people who have come under the rescue of Narcan. Last week while working in the ER on third shift, as a favor to another nurse who was on vacation. There were several people who were brought to the ER from apparent Heroin overdosing. Most of those patients were women. The protocol to save anyone’s life is challenging under normal circumstances, but to assume one has overdosed without any medical information, is even alarming, and an adrenaline rush of time.

Love and Hugs,
SKC5 Just breathe…was the call that night

NoPoo 59 (01-26-21)
Originally Posted 2018, when I was a ER Critical Care/Trauma Nurse, Level III in Philadelphia

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349


spaces you filled
now empty
blank pages weep
your pen,
once fierce mighty
quiets in deep sleep

fused in cold and that certain light

10:07pm EST

Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903

Crocodile Prayers (NoPoo 77)

This fear
Of acient gods
Shed your sins
For forgiveness

We don't need
Enough confusion
In this fast moving
Modern world

Break the guilt cycle
These prayers
Fall on deaf ears
Its mother nature
Verus human mature

What's written in stone
Soon erodes
Over time
Smoothed over
Slowly forgotten

Shake the shackles
Kick it in
Blatant religious lies
Belief is a cancer
That will kill

Written by AspergerPoet56
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17134


Did one assignment today
I'm tired and weary,
lying down
browsing through the library of my memories
I've lived such an adventurous life
maybe I deserve to be as I am
tired and weary...
I'm missing you.


Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6090

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17134


cold morning today
a day to live through
brightness to darkness
and brightness again
I feel no desire
to walk out the door
or to return
once I'm outside
I'm an ameoba
floating within a pond of sludgy consciousness


Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2159

Echoes Of A Hunter Moon

A mighty swordsman oh yes, thou are    
Beckoning the temptation of a twinkling star        
Orion’s belt        
The spitfire of his heat seeking mission dutifully felt        
No soft silver amulets to ward off its call        
Standing to remain from the spiraling silent fall        
The moon so grand in its magnetic force        
Hungering for my heart, my mind my sweetest vows of choice        
Caressing the skin of such hidden fires        
Surrendering unto the taste of the mind’s kindred desires        
Temptation whispered from the skies above        
Orion’s melody of relentless love        
A Hunter Moon within the enrapture of        
As an erected stance dances into the bed of earth’s silken glove        
Minds and hearts in exile dances in moonlight        
Entangled, embraced, anticipated Heavenly passion in sight        
Remnants touched of its blending emotions        
Hearts under the moon cast of its love potion        
Captive souls colliding, within the universe we cajole        
Entwined essence heightened as one soul        
Bodies serenading, the rapture of love marinating        
Lips, hands, blindly patrolling        
Moans, loudly echoing and consoling        
Seasonal passion of January sailing the ocean of December        
Sundown to sunset, a kiss of a Hunter Moon, the heart remembers        
Even in life’s fragile state        
Suspended time is the absence to recreate      
A beautiful cadence of stalwart beating hearts        
Where does the core of shifting positive energy end, where does it even start        
Creating an alliance upon a naked canvass, enchanting, illuminating within the dark        
Soft brushstrokes gently roaming over my temple, crafting its masterpiece work of art        
Time catches up, as sunrays gradually peep through        
Paradise in the sky left behind for me and you        
Passion instilled, infused, peaked beyond the galaxy to the moon bodies now earthbound        
Meditation attuned forgotten of its whispered sounds

NoPoo #60 (01-27-21)

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

deep steady pull

relaxing slowly
deep breath in
an exhale out with purpose
closed eyes
Avett brothers singing
and a deep steady pull
holding briefly
exhale with a smile
a comfort spreading
of a mind not spinning
perhaps another....

11:26pm EST

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