#NoPoo Book 1 An ode to Gabriel
Joined 4th Dec 2018
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Tyrant of Words

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Deity Bashing (NoPoo 32)
Lies bleeding
Solemn reminder
That belief
Is a twisted concept
Both in silence
And in the true light
The fallacy of it all
On a higher being
That doesn't listen
Allows killing
In his name
Deserves nothing
No breath
Bo words
No love
Or pain
We pray
Whispering for hope
Give ourselves
To false gods
That only take
Any miracle
Is given to them
As a sign
Of divine
Rather than
Our inner will
To survive
Lies bleeding
Solemn reminder
That belief
Is a twisted concept
Both in silence
And in the true light
The fallacy of it all
On a higher being
That doesn't listen
Allows killing
In his name
Deserves nothing
No breath
Bo words
No love
Or pain
We pray
Whispering for hope
Give ourselves
To false gods
That only take
Any miracle
Is given to them
As a sign
Of divine
Rather than
Our inner will
To survive
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Forum Posts: 2149
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
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Suicide’s Plight
Unhealthy thoughts taking a free ride
Should I just keep walking by
Or write a poem for someone else’s mind to decide
There are so many people out there
Not caring if they have a last breath to spare
Not having remorse to no longer care
Stress, Life, Hopeless, down on luck
Not having a penny let alone a buck
You’ve had it to the point you’re ripping out your hair
Some people’s mind freefalling into thin air
A silent battle of the brain within
If I comment suicide no more problems taking me on a major tailspin
I know you are tired, worn out, and yes, from taking it on the chin
Think of a time when your life was soaring and then think again
Think of a time your life was going great, very good as it should
Starting first with memories of your childhood
During those times things were never misunderstood
Now you’re knocking your head against hardwood
Trying to figure it all out
Finding ways to keep your mental status up no doubt
Reminiscences that once stirred your heart
Mental breakdowns from the initial start
Unspoken anger now for the most part
Has the world now cloaked your brain in mental darkness
Allowing no one to reach you, oh, that concept sounds so heartless
We have all walked a mile in tight shoes
Dark storms of the mind from society abuse
Hanging on by a thread hoping no one judges your ruse
However, who gives you that sole right to choose
A word no one likes to comprehend win or lose
God giveth, not for man or woman to taketh away
As your life flashes you by as acting it out on Broadway
SOS, May Day, Wait, I think I’ve changed my mind
Noose has tightened to my neck, blood running from my wrist, sleeping pills have all been washed down
Stomach pumped, oh no
I really really never intended to go
Save me please
The next time I will ask for these thoughts to be removed on my knees
Paddles of life to chest couldn’t help
The third time it worked, yelp
As I lay still
No more turmoil to fit this earthly bill
Had I hung in, would this had passed, but still
There was always a tomorrow
Tears from someone else’s eyes at the expense of my sorrow
I’m on my ascending pathway
You will see the understanding of this self-demise revealed to you on Judgment Day
There will be no more words from you to say
When you’re dealing with the mental blues I know it’s not my call
I have to pass this insight of this universal protocol
I was ordained and yes, I want my Angel wings
Sent back here to say or do some strange things
All for a great cause
Under God’s universal laws
However, I will never know where you come from
Slow down, let’s talk, I may be able to tell you how to channel that raging weather, and then some
This is not a fad, way out, or words to get lost in
Surrendering your last breath is when your life truly begins
You think you are experiencing hell on earth now
Going up against God with the excuse I refuse to give earth my final bow
Trust me you shall reap what you sow
No reasons accepted I thought this was my only way out from a mental drought
A shake of God’s head for an eternal lockout
It hurts if only you knew from the soul’s earthly remembrance to let it be
At the Pearly Gates begging if only you could see
Do not allow your mind to attempt to unlocked God’s universal mysterious
You can’t
Therefore, when you’re feeling down, pray, meditate, or chant
No one wants to come back here
And still adhere
To the same plan you thought for a quick escape
Accepting your fate again on this planet we call earth, denied until you reshape
Trust me that’s not a Heavenly debate
At any rate
You never get those moments in time to backdate
When in doubt, talk it out, take medication if you must to get you through
I know this has been tried and true
Just please keep this angle of view in mind
And allow your thoughts to naturally unwind
Channel your temple and leave the negative energy of your mind behind
Once you close your eyes
No more second chances to understand, the what, when you cannot fathom the whys
NoPoo #19 (12-13-20)
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408
Dangerous Mind

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cold_fusion said:13.12.2020
2144 AEDST
there is a faint scent of her in this stagnant air
otherwise it
is another warm and humid
unbearable night
matter's not tonight
for the visibility is zero
in her absence
these lungs
they're saturated
the adjacent heart
their neighbour within
the rib cage
is mired
in a struggle of its own
dawn cannot come
soon enough
amazing cf... the unbearably weighing down emptiness..in beautiful tender yearns of love 🙏💖✍️🔥.. its touching poetics daily .. from soulful poets of the you, Lep & more so.. Loving them all ..feeling deep in gratitude to be part of this thread.. light & love & hope & truth .. amidst whatever veils & masks & lies this worldly MAYA churns in their drama ... only to be dissolving nowhere ..unto the Warrioring~ One Absolute Truth . TRUTH shall prevail 💖🔥
2144 AEDST
there is a faint scent of her in this stagnant air
otherwise it
is another warm and humid
unbearable night
matter's not tonight
for the visibility is zero
in her absence
these lungs
they're saturated
the adjacent heart
their neighbour within
the rib cage
is mired
in a struggle of its own
dawn cannot come
soon enough
amazing cf... the unbearably weighing down emptiness..in beautiful tender yearns of love 🙏💖✍️🔥.. its touching poetics daily .. from soulful poets of the you, Lep & more so.. Loving them all ..feeling deep in gratitude to be part of this thread.. light & love & hope & truth .. amidst whatever veils & masks & lies this worldly MAYA churns in their drama ... only to be dissolving nowhere ..unto the Warrioring~ One Absolute Truth . TRUTH shall prevail 💖🔥
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408
Dangerous Mind

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simple inspired verses.. from a night's husky melodious oozing honey breeze fm- radio music🎶♥️
language of a flower
she says.. "when this flower
even is in the lucid talking, my
breathing air & moving wind..
why can't you be still standstill
.. & spell at least a word.. that
one willing bliss of a word that
which will help me live intact..
with my tendrilous meristem
else, will be in an eternal plea
to you .. even as i wither & fall
off as an earthen rotting piece
of an abscissa, in patient brown.."
bird of love
favourite RJ reads out
some deep poetry, yet
so minimalist verses. ..
of a soulful sender..
"my love, why there
be even a dotting pint
of any doubt or fear..
wrinkling your birdy-self
in a tight prison~ pull of
a hurting compression...
in Love, the utmost truth..
is there any-
a decreasing
or dissociating
there is only
an increase ever...
unto an infinity"
yet another song, indeed
a hitting lyrical revolution..
"a heart unto another..
it is in the one fusioning
Isn't this undoubtedly.. a
modernistic~ poetry ever..
& wait, its never in the
stopping.. continuing
forevermore.. as
a serial~ poetry.."
magical alchemy
& now, this pyretic tongue
of a bitterish feverishness..
are in a needful sweetslowburn...
from your feeding in evergreenery..
the principle actives of your cordate
betelvine~ leafy tenderness.. merges
seamlessly to a fuelling red~ vibrance..
you are the Nature... a
zealous josh presence
with~ within this praying
self beyond spacetimes
in an ageless destiny..
that we verse as Love
Written by summultima
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#NoPoo/ 141220/ 01;13:31
Joined 31st Mar 2020
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Fire of Insight

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^ Uma this crackles & whips like a radio frequency beyond the moon. Of another wordscape. Of a better world.
Joined 27th June 2013
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Lost Thinker

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
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how easy that hour glass sand flow
as fluid as changes from someone
to no one, and soon forgotten
I went against the grain
you loom larger
than before
how easy that hour glass sand flow
as fluid as changes from someone
to no one, and soon forgotten
I went against the grain
you loom larger
than before
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5405
summultima said:
amazing cf... the unbearably weighing down emptiness..in beautiful tender yearns of love 🙏💖✍️🔥.. its touching poetics daily .. from soulful poets of the you, Lep & more so.. Loving them all ..feeling deep in gratitude to be part of this thread.. light & love & hope & truth .. amidst whatever veils & masks & lies this worldly MAYA churns in their drama ... only to be dissolving nowhere ..unto the Warrioring~ One Absolute Truth . TRUTH shall prevail 💖🔥
For reasons more than I can state.
I thank Craic and The Soulman for this wonderful journey.
This day 33 for me and I've savored every moment of it. ALL the poets on this journey, I thank them wholeheartedly for their company and jewels they're adding to this string.
Much appreciation Uma dear artist admired. Stellar works. 🙏
amazing cf... the unbearably weighing down emptiness..in beautiful tender yearns of love 🙏💖✍️🔥.. its touching poetics daily .. from soulful poets of the you, Lep & more so.. Loving them all ..feeling deep in gratitude to be part of this thread.. light & love & hope & truth .. amidst whatever veils & masks & lies this worldly MAYA churns in their drama ... only to be dissolving nowhere ..unto the Warrioring~ One Absolute Truth . TRUTH shall prevail 💖🔥
For reasons more than I can state.
I thank Craic and The Soulman for this wonderful journey.
This day 33 for me and I've savored every moment of it. ALL the poets on this journey, I thank them wholeheartedly for their company and jewels they're adding to this string.
Much appreciation Uma dear artist admired. Stellar works. 🙏
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405
Tyrant of Words

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no words
stoked fires
and death bed
neither started
off with the current state
as their destination
that bitch
never afforded them
that luxury
uncertainty fucks with the best of the minds
long shot then
escaping it
for the lonesome and
the uber sensitive
the poetic kind
you know what
empty belly and wounded hearts
they say are the fertile grounds
where the succulents of the artistic graveyards bloom
too many poets fucked around
for far too long
i see one smart arse decided
to rather take the plunge
. _
and death bed
neither started
off with the current state
as their destination
that bitch
never afforded them
that luxury
uncertainty fucks with the best of the minds
long shot then
escaping it
for the lonesome and
the uber sensitive
the poetic kind
you know what
empty belly and wounded hearts
they say are the fertile grounds
where the succulents of the artistic graveyards bloom
too many poets fucked around
for far too long
i see one smart arse decided
to rather take the plunge
. _
Written by cold_fusion
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Forum Posts: 2149
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
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Have Mercy On Who You May Entertain Unaware
Mercy is such a beautiful word with forgiven intentions
At times with Heavenly interventions
A hug at the moment to ease ill-related tensions
No shoes on my feet I’m soaking wet
I don’t know you man we just met
Have mercy on me and let me warm my hands
I understand
But no, you’re a man
Who is wet, with no shoes
If you give me a blanket, you will never lose
Door slammed in my face
An Angel walking this earth, the first time feeling human disgrace
Could you help me with some food, please
My cup held up, I’m begging on my knees
I got mine you could get yours
Another opportunity slammed by a door
Michael the Archangel sighs in disbelief
My Heavenly father’s son got nailed for all this earthly grief
Help me someone, he’s got my purse
I sprint into action, no shoes, wet, hungry, but ready to serve
Police shows up, the woman is now confused
Ahh...the man was black, I…I think he didn’t have on any shoes
Curious eyes darted over to me
The purse in my hand I’m guilty as can be
The woman’s eyes looked upon me with disgust
My Heavenly creed I had to somehow mentally adjust
The judge looks at my Moorish face
I felt like an Angel who had fallen from grace
Condemned by the color of my skin
Guilty as charged guilty as sin
The woman hugs her attorney her revengeful eyes enlarged
No remorse from her actions silently discharged
As I’m led away
I heard the woman say
See you can’t trust people like that
Their sneaky as sewer rats
Judgment Day
Sins of old speak with words to say
As the Archangel, I stand to the right of God’s throne
I look at the weary faces, to decide their fate will not take that long
A woman bows her head. Her life is read in spans
My child have you been kind to woman or to man
Yes, I go to daily worship I give my weekly ties
I’ve never stole, or even told lies
I pray on my knees every night
Accepting everyone in my eyes as being right
As the commandment thy should never lie
Have you complied
Yes, at best
Are you sure my child
Take a moment and think a good while
Yes, I have nothing to fear
Okay then my dear
Two roads to lead my feet
Your destiny you shall soon meet
Would you like to repent from the lie you just told
Not me, my life’s history is the guide to one of those roads
Hell, hath no fury like a woman scorned
In life you had an Angel adorned
With a number in the system
Stigmatized as a black man with a striped uniform and plastered to his shirt, a long injustice digit
And you stand before me on Judgment Day and lie
As your life continues to flash by
I am not an earthy dictator
Your fate given by me, your Heavenly Creator
For this, you will be confined to hell’s damnation
Down with the other liars with no reincarnations
The woman looks up in shame, ready to debate
This final ruling no soul shall anticipate
You orchestrated the life of another
His color of another mother
And you never even knew his name
You showed no remorse or earthly shame
He came to your defense when you cried out to me
You were too blinded by his skin color is all you could see
For this, there is no second chance
In regards to such a hideous circumstance
Hatred, Bigotry, Discrimination
Will never stand on feet in my heavenly congregation
Hebrews 13:2
It’s ordained by me to you
“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”
So, beware
To treat everyone kind
So, you will never find
When your life span is flashed back
No one wants their determination to enter my home thrown out of whack
We all want to hear with joyous eyes of tears
A Job well done
Yes, I am a determined one
No more time to atone
This day I have been blessed to sit with God on his Heavenly throne
Reputation is what men and women think of us; character is what God and angels know of us
Thomas Paine
NoPoo #20 (12-14-20)
We are moving into the throne on the Great Conjunction, watch the skies from 12-14-21-12-21-20
Joined 4th Dec 2018
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Tyrant of Words

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Freedom Is Admission (NoPoo 33)
Admit it
An exciting prospect
Giving all
Every thought
Each breath
Those quickening
Of anticipation
Naked skin
A little fear
Of losing it
You secretly
Want it
Need it
A recurring fantasy
That constantly plays
An urgency
Keeps it
Flowing inside
Like a fire
Never extinguished
It sears
The naughty in you
Wants to be
Totally coveted
An exciting prospect
Giving all
Every thought
Each breath
Those quickening
Of anticipation
Naked skin
A little fear
Of losing it
You secretly
Want it
Need it
A recurring fantasy
That constantly plays
An urgency
Keeps it
Flowing inside
Like a fire
Never extinguished
It sears
The naughty in you
Wants to be
Totally coveted
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Joined 3rd Feb 2012
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Dangerous Mind

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Tyrant of Words

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A Lovely Way To Burn (NoPoo 34)
Do i
Let you
Near my soul
Cause the fever
You've placed in me
Is dangerous
I see
Stars around me
Every time
Your lips
Draw mine
In the deepest kiss
The world
Maybe calm
In our enbrace
Rages a fire storm
That only astronomers
Would recognise
Your eyes
Light up the night
No darkness
When i stare
Deeply into them
Bathing in cosmic rays
Its a lovely way
To burn
To late
To really care
For i am now
In the eye of your fire
Let you
Near my soul
Cause the fever
You've placed in me
Is dangerous
I see
Stars around me
Every time
Your lips
Draw mine
In the deepest kiss
The world
Maybe calm
In our enbrace
Rages a fire storm
That only astronomers
Would recognise
Your eyes
Light up the night
No darkness
When i stare
Deeply into them
Bathing in cosmic rays
Its a lovely way
To burn
To late
To really care
For i am now
In the eye of your fire
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Joined 21st July 2020
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Tyrant of Words

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What the funk? (blues & jazz)
my heart's desire...
she beats a mean beat;
every pound in my chest
is another secret that reverberates
a cacophony of beating pitter patter
becomes a heartbeat of a jazz infused
swing-styled scatting scatter
another beat~ Billie Holiday croons
still another ~ Armstrong's cornet looms
pulse quickens in innocent shivers
whilst Thelonious Monk's piano delivers
or Miles Davis to lead a swing band
as his trumpet is blowing jams
The beating becomes incessant
like the stylings of Coltrane or George Clinton
with a P-Funk - only kinda rhythm
My innermost soundtrack
of jazzy blues, funky, fuck fusion
Songs that beat or grind every other beat,
a certain groove and funk
from one desperate beating heart to another
in an amused, free abandonment of
love, sex, desire, pain
that spills forth and is accentuated
by a very particular brand
of love with no shame
I am your 45 minute sweaty jazz fuck fusion.
Written by Bluevelvete
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12:36am EST
Joined 14th June 2017
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Tyrant of Words

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topaz and aquamarine
the rock and the gem
different refractions
ended up
exposed to the sun
and faded
after being traded
and again
one of the softer targets
quite unlike the fist into the wall
a(ny) hand can be right
or wrong
just depends on the moment
someone just needs to be crossed
marked with stones
birth stones
all the way to the
life of a stone
by its own
internal reflection
if i were a stone
i would've absolutely hated
and when a beam of light
the blue topaz and
the aquamarine
how are you
they both
replied in unison
fuck hue.
topaz and aquamarine
the rock and the gem
different refractions
ended up
exposed to the sun
and faded
after being traded
and again
one of the softer targets
quite unlike the fist into the wall
a(ny) hand can be right
or wrong
just depends on the moment
someone just needs to be crossed
marked with stones
birth stones
all the way to the
life of a stone
by its own
internal reflection
if i were a stone
i would've absolutely hated
and when a beam of light
the blue topaz and
the aquamarine
how are you
they both
replied in unison
fuck hue.