Poetry competition CLOSED 31st October 2020 12:32pm
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Thoughts on government

Strange Creature
United Kingdom
Joined 17th Oct 2020
Forum Posts: 2

Poetry Contest

Thoughts on government

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

America Matters

“It’s a good thing
to put your
country first”

Trump said
to the U.N.

It’s not xenophobic
...it’s inclusive

because it invites
all other nations

to do likewise

nations have
a future
Written by EdibleWords
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

A Platoon of Unarmed Patriots

Imagine men
with no weapons

aside from their
angry wills

marching in lockstep
feeding their meat

Into the raging flames
of Satan’s
shameful defeat
Written by EdibleWords
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Francisco J Vera
Tyrant of Words
United States 21awards
Joined 25th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 5295

Age of the Goverments Machines

Goverments are corrupted
because they have their
secret labs where they
test out diseases to find
a cure so do we have the
vaccine/cure for Covid 19
I hope so because we
have traded our lives in
for our own safety
Now to which devil
will win for president
will he do a great job
who the hell knows
Will the machines take over
I hope not we
need to fix our
Broken Corrupted Goverments
Written by Phantom2426 (Francisco J Vera)
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Francisco J Vera
Tyrant of Words
United States 21awards
Joined 25th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 5295

Broken Goverments

Goverments are broken
because of the Covid 19 Era
We need to fix this now
Because we are living in
Newton's 3rd Law: Aftermath
Which is of has destroyed
small businesses because
of the frenzy and our
goverments try to help
but they are stuck
within the corruption
of the system
So when are the
machines taking over
to bring us into
Judgement Day
Written by Phantom2426 (Francisco J Vera)
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Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14624

terribly sorry,  wrong thread

Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 12th June 2017
Forum Posts: 945



If you're happy with the direction government is moving,
and looking forward to better days

for you can rest assured

someone else isn't

Written by Amorous_tryst
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Strange Creature
United Kingdom
Joined 17th Oct 2020
Forum Posts: 2


Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Resistance Futile  

Resistance Futile
Democratic socialists spill their bile
It's moronic, stupid and infantile
The sheep are so easy to beguile
Encouragement to hate and revile
Violently protest and looting, always hostile
Sheep are easy to brainwash and rile
Communist totalitarian is their honest style
The lies that they tell you are evil and vile
Listing falsehoods are so easy to compile
Their bull shit forcibly dropped in a pile
Enjoying cruelty wearing a crocodile smile
Should be locked up not needing a trial
Nothing they ever say is at all worthwhile
We need to fight with cunning and guile
If we give them an inch they'll take a mile
Resistance to the leftists is not futile
To protect our freedoms, it is vital!
Written by David_Macleod (14397816)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 12th June 2017
Forum Posts: 945

Life Amongst The Woodlands


when a right was wronged
trees bent against the wind
when a wrong was righted
trees bent against the wind

Oft it's the forest that doesn't see the trees.

Written by Amorous_tryst
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Thought Provoker
Joined 5th Aug 2014
Forum Posts: 72

Word Salad

At different times
Different faces
Preach hope
Predict change
Color blue
Color red
In the end
They all
The same

Different colors
Does not mean
Speak louder
Than words
Tossed around
To sound
Written by LUUH19 (Emeraldia)
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864

Putting it to  the vote

All to know that great ideal, standing in the bear pit
the hot air of oratory  
the put-down of the sarcastic quip  
all the parties the majority and minority  
Duplicity the speed turned on its heel  
self serving rats that just exploit  
backhanders slipped, to oil the wheels  
complicity that's never joint  
Economy of truth a wayward quoit  
no fairness deemed to fight the cause  
the spinning ring that missed the point  
in aimlessness without a pause  
Spin and wind of misdirection  
for those all green behind the ears    
a law for good, a misperception  
cuddle all the babies, to endear  
Now load the powder in the keg  
conspiracy to gain the edge  
for government the useless gang  
prevarication  destroyed in a gigantic bang
Written by slipalong
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Tyrant of Words
United States 156awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1883

The Slaughter at the Water's Edge

The drought had dried up most of the lakes and rivers,
Fire, it seemed, had consumed most of the vegetation,
The animals made the arduous journey across the plains,
In search for water and food, or else face starvation.

The masses followed the donkeys at first to the mountains,
But the animals didn’t like the difficult and dangerous path,
So, they followed the giant elephants through the desert,
But then felt the unforgiving heat and the wilderness’ wrath.

And every time they came to a watering hole they’d find hope,
But the elephants with their size would push everyone away,
Their appetite and thirst were always bigger than everyone else,
And so, many of the other animals would have to wait another day.

When they’d find some foliage, close to another water source,
The elephants would connive using their great strength and power,
Soon dust would rise and it confused the others still in the back,
Taking more for themselves while smaller creatures would cower.

Finally, when the animals discovered a small fresh-water lake,
The little faster beasts rushed to the edge to get a drink,
But the elephants in a stampede would run some of them over,
Killing some of the weaker ones before the others could blink.

Once the pachyderms had their fill they would bathe in the water,
Stomping and raising all the sediment from the bottom to the surface,
Exerting their strength and reach for all the other animals to see,
Claiming it was their right to rule them, as if this was their purpose.
Written by wallyroo92
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Fire of Insight
Jamaica 3awards
Joined 8th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 86

Makers of Lies Hate Truth

Makers of lies hate truth, but I shall speak the truth even if it costs me my life.  
Something is fundamentally wrong with the minds of world leaders.  
Presidents, prime ministers, kings and queens, all politicians think alike.  
They do not regard the people in worn-out clothes as their equals.  
In fact, they do not even accept these persons as real men and women.  
The lives of all human beings doubtlessly have the same worth.  
Race, nationality, economic status, rank or religion, makes no difference at all.  
The senseless warmongers neither appreciate nor value truth and right.  
And they squander taxpayers’ money on the study of supremacy and aggression.  
They cannot love one another because they do not know the Creator of life.  
The leaders of countries are public servants; they are not gods and goddesses.  
Greedy political candidates instigate bloodshed to win seats in the whorehouses.  
People with integrity certainly do not get involved in the nastiness of politics.  
Radicalism is not terrorism; sly politicians like to invent definitions for words.  
Simply put, radicalism is the aim at fundamental change in the structure of society.  
Terrorism is the employment and incitation of terror to drive fear in others,  
And in their book of rules, this definition matches the armed forces of the states.  
Rich, bourgeoisie and poor, everybody has the right to freedom of expression.  
Spokespersons for the governments falsely accuse people of terrorism and extremism.  
They regard anybody who disagrees with their delusion as a terrorist and an extremist.  
I have a few thought-provoking questions for the leaders and the so-called intellectuals:  
Is it true or false that the states are the biggest terrorist organizations in the world?  
Who has the nuclear capability to cause worldwide death and mass destruction?  
Do you think it is the one who resists oppression or the one who oppresses others?  
The mother of terrorism is in fact the notorious self-styled world power,  
Yet so many misguided people scurry to that modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah.  
Some people have turned their backs on good morals to achieve dishonest financial gains.  
The power-hungry Lamblike Beast and its hypocritical allies are under the control of Satan,  
But none of them is able to see it because they are afraid to look in the mirror.  
They have blind minds, and they murder innocent people to cover up their evil deeds.  
The wicked conspirators are buried deep in fright, lunacy, and confusion.  
If you ask them who the real enemy is, they will give you a nonsensical answer.  
They do not have a clue that their pride, ignorance, and hatred are their worst enemies.  
Injustice, intimidation, corruption, and preconception reign in their legislative bodies.  
What they call the best system of law and justice is actually dungy toilet tissue.  
In plain language, the law and justice of mankind is full of human excrement and urine.  
They run for their lives and seek a hiding place when there is no pursuer.  
Every day they improve the technology of weapons and the strategy of war because of fear.  
How long will the evil, satanic authorities go on building an imaginary foe?  
The foul scent of their disgusting filth and pollution is suffocating them to death.  
Preachers, teachers, and dignitaries give such eloquent talks on the podiums.  
I for one do not take a single word they say seriously, and I do not respect any of them.  
All of them have the same rotten intention, and that is to mislead poor people.  
Lies and deception issue from their tongues like slime dripping from the sewer.  
They have built systems to institutionalize deprivation and bad-mindedness.  
We are a futureless civilization because of the rubbish they teach our children.  
The size of the bags they carry to school is the equivalent of a donkey’s hamper.  
They publish the propaganda theory that higher education is the key to success,  
But their many possessions and achievements are not the result of their hard work.  
They have achieved wealth and fame by means of exploitation and plunder.  
The dishonest leaders take credit for the creativity and production of our hands.  
They swindle us out of our meagre earnings and give us a non-prosperous life.  
I conclude that they are up to no good, and their leadership is a colossal failure.
Written by PittinixDesigns
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Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

Abolish the thought police

Lies within smears make their arrow in a quiver
Babylonian word magic led by mind bow shiver
Raining from clouded thoughts 'neath midnight
As a blindfold mental desert dims with no sight
Shattering cerebral switch toggle a heart unfelt
Suppresses creativity by lynching of justice delt
Dull and deaf led like sheep to slaughter a soul
So narrate what not to say as you speak it bold

Written by runaway-mindtrain
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