Poetry competition CLOSED 9th September 2020 2:59pm
Valeriyabeyond (Dhyana)
View Profile Poems by Valeriyabeyond
RUNNERS-UP: slipalong and Eerie

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The Goddess Within

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17607

Thank you all for your entries so far! I am really enjoying reading about the Goddess within each of you!

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864

Bottichelli`s Venus

A grain of sand inside a mollusc shell
grows a flawless perfect pearl
the chariot of abalone
splintered light
that is diffused
the crown she wears
it shines with good
 helping hands that never could exclude
a warrior to lead the charge
towards the light like Joan of Ark
never; never to betray
her hand upon the oath of love
for family and friends
the matriarch and sainted womb
 sentry of aspirations
stand fast with will, not disregard
all paths that lead when times are hard
 fountain of endearing love
and each divine to find its source
for she is there and not in lore
ethereal spirit bound with grace
rock the cradle, weave the thread
for our un-wanton conscience
we find our Goddess borne
Written by slipalong
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

Related submission no longer exists.

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

Related submission no longer exists.

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1409

~Her 'Black & White' Reds..

~Her 'Black & White' Reds..
summultima (uma)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 15th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 646

Related submission no longer exists.

Dangerous Mind
United States 29awards
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749


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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17607

Thank you to everyone who entered. I have truly enjoyed reading your offerings.

Last call for honoring! You have less than 24 hours to get your celebration on!

Strange Creature
Joined 8th Sep 2020
Forum Posts: 1

Godly hour


Broken spirts swarm the winds
Bruised eyes hiding in the shadows
Oh they know she is coming
They know she is what will heal the disasters
Strengthen the minds
Love the unheard
Speak to the unwise
Judge the injustice
Stand with the insecure
Heal nature
Oh they are ready
They are ready for godly hour
Written by Jazmeine
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John Daliva
Lost Thinker
Joined 19th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 5

Painting Feelings

With all the laws of the earth
She had created life, love and Heart.
On one large big old plain canvas,
Colors were extraordinary,
Curves were mesmerizing,
And line were beyond limitless.

Her work of art is not as bold as the paintings of
the Sistine chapel. But her spirit is just as compelling
as Michael Angelo's.
She did not want to leave the Earth to be grieved upon.
Her heart was never set to find rewards or paradise.

Her soul never learn to surrender.
She fought battles.
Not with shields and swords.
Nor war or chaos.
But somehow somewhere more transcended.

She did not imitate the norm.
She paved her way into toughest of mountains.
Undertook the ravaging storms of her seas.
She had her eyes for beauty rather than displeasing cries of her mind.

With all the hate and anger,
she stroked her brush swift and gradient as if it was scarlet red.
All the fears stumbling and rapidly pat with a dent as bubbly as she can.
But her heart was always torn between happy and blue.
So she stroked the sky lightly and gently beyond the horizon.
and in contrast, forcefully wet what remained below.

Written by eljustignoreyou (John Daliva)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Virgo Goddess

Everyone has always underestimated her.
She was always told she was too pretty
To be smart. She was too shy to be loud.

She was too ambitious and driven to deter
From her dreams. Too much of a kitty cat
To be a dog. Her head was in the clouds

Instead of on earth like everyone else. No
One realized she was an angel in disguise
Under all the clothes and layers. Stripped

To the core and she is a lot like the glow
You have. She was facing the dark skies.
Her eyes saw gold. She constantly dipped

Her feet in the fire and water because she
Was never afraid of the unknown or what
Others were scared of. She always heals

Others instead of herself. She wants to be
The love that holds things together as ruts
Tear everything apart. Whatever she feels

In her soul is worn on her body like jewels
And works of art in a museum. Some may
Say she wears her heart on her sleeve too

Much, but it is who she is. She never fools
Around when there is love or being a ray
Of sunshine in the middle of chaos. Blue

And clear skies are what she really loves,
But she also loves stars and white doves.
Written by eswaller
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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17607

What a competition to produce such beautiful poetry.

I had one criteria for judging this competition, and one only: was the goddess coming from within yourself, i.e. —The Goddess Within; or, were you admiring her in some other form? I realize she exists in many forms, and am not negating that very real fact; however, that is not what this comp was about: it was about YOU and how YOU were going to celebrate the goddess within and of YOURSELF.

That being said, congratulations to the following winners:

Valeriya—you nailed it through and through. From the title ( The Goddess That I Am ) to the end stanza, which was absolutely breathtaking:

from profound
security of my  
oneness,  my  
knowing that the Wildflower though  
it be brief, is no less beautiful than that  
of a thousand  
year old pine.

Lawd!  Congratulations on your win.

Eerie—You pulled it off at the very end by referencing that you had been viewing a reflection of yourself all along.  Congratulations on second place.

Slipalong—You also pulled it off in your final lines revealing she resides in our consciousness. Congratulations on third place.

A few notations; there was some beautiful poetry I'd like to reference:

Blackwolf, yours was an absolutely divinely prostrated reverence of the Goddess herself. I felt chills when reading, and had this comp been about honoring the Goddess with a tribute, you would've taken it, hands down!

Wally, I was so impressed with your form and rhyme, which seemed to flow effortlessly, was yet another beautiful tribute to the Goddess. Well done.

Bluevelvet: As mentioned on yours, I adore Pele! She is my fire-balancing form of Goddess when I feel too much water, air, and earth. I celebrate her through flame, color, and food, feeling her presence divinely. It was a beautiful tribute to her, and the image was stunning.

Uma and PoetsRevenge: both your visuals were stunning and so captivating! Uma, yours a direct plea for her to awaken you in unconditional love; and, PR, yours a metaphorical tribute to her in the form of a flower. Both were splendid tributes to the Goddess in color and appreciation.

adagio: What a sweet, soft love poem to the Goddess. Its essence permeated adoration and it was lovely to read.

Jazmeine: Yours was a very lovely essence of anticipation for the arrival of the Goddess. I enjoyed your entry and welcome to DUP.

eljustignoreyou: I enjoyed the imagery and metaphorical nature of observations within yours. Thank you for entering such a detailed account of emotion.

Elena: I have two Virgo children ( born two years two days and two hours apart )! So I could relate to this entry. I enjoyed the personal characteristics you associated to her very much. They came across as noble, faithful, and selflessly giving beyond, even to the depletion of herself. I wanted to associate this with you, but wasn't quite sure I could.  A lovely entry nonetheless.

Phantom2426: I enjoyed your definition of the Goddess' presence on earth, and what she is here to accomplish for all of us. Thank you for such pleasant entry.

Colin: This was a lovely tribute to a Goddess ( whether tangible or not ). The attributes you assigned in each stanza to contrast her divinity were well thought-out and executed. Thank you for such a delightful entry.

MaryWalker: Mary Mary Mary! What can I say?! I know you said this was a non-entry; however, I must note your brilliant wordplay nonetheless. Thank you for lighting up the place with such an amusing and entertaining entry!

Faith: I loved your devotion to God and expressions of gratitude for all you are because of him. Thank you for such a personable entry.

Evan: This was a beautiful entry and I felt you rise to the calling of the Goddess through death and darkness. I was mesmerized throughout the entire poem, and it kept me engaged. Thank you for such an engaging entry!

Thank you, one and all for participating! Remember to always celebrate yourself and the goddess within!


poet Anonymous

Thank you, T! for allowing all us ladies here to let our collective Divine Feminessence shine outward upon these dreary days.

And the menfolk too! Though I was seriously worried there for a moment that Blackwolf was going to turn it into a sausage fest.

Congratulations Val! The drinks are on you!

And way to go Eerie and ... Slip? Who knew?! Bartender, I'll have what he's having!

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17607

You're very welcome, Mary!  Thank you for such a clever entry!

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

Congrats Valeriya!

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