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Coronavirus ( Covid-19) Part II

poet Anonymous

Josh said:I'm somewhat out of the loop in this forum (so it may be old hat) but here's a 3.5 minute clip from a 2003 film:
... a bit uncanny I find.

Ahavati said:I have always believed ( and I may be incorrect ) that television sparks ideas in crazy people. Or spiteful enemies, etc. Ideas they wouldn't have had, had they not seen it. .

I can picture Stephen King rolling over in his grave!

And he's not even dead yet!

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

rabbitquest said:

Valeria, thanks for your input

Johnny and Ahavati, also thanks.

It did strike me that Coronavirus may
actually end up creating a little
population surge due to the worldwide
disruption of free contraceptives,
and shuttering of abortion providers.

I also was concerned how the decision to
get an abortion in these modern times,
can result from avoiding the difficult task of
letting your family know.

The article
(I am still looking for it, to re-read and quote)
 had  figures like some 500,000
otherwise scheduled for abortion
babies may be born,
then it also quotes a number that the WHO is expecting
some 7 million women will be expecting,
due to the disruption in providing contraceptives.  

This is more of a harsh reality in many poor countries,
but in the US of A, it is more of an excuse to not provide
abortions or keeping planned parenthood offices open,
as there is a raging social fight over abortion

I would expect that a fair portion of those
seven million expectant mothers may soon have a
brand new baby boy and/or girl.

My dearest poet thank you for your kindness and level head regarding my response (bitchy little bitch rant) I appreciate that

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Ahavati said:I have always believed ( and I may be incorrect ) that television sparks ideas in crazy people. Or spiteful enemies, etc. Ideas they wouldn't have had, had they not seen it. .

This couldn't be more true Ahavati.
Back when I was heavy into conspiracy theories,  my ideas were reinforced by television,  or my ideas came subliminally, from  from TV. Now I would consider myself a bit crazy looking  back. Looking for the "benevolent one" in the mountanous caves haha
Accompanied by my friend Timothy Leary

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17249

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2277

In a message likely to further stir up public outrage, Victoria police insisted officers, who put an expecting mother in restraints over an anti-lockdown post, acted “reasonably” – although she described it in chilling terms.
A video of police putting Zoe-Lee Buhler in handcuffs went viral earlier on Wednesday, with numerous Australians lashing out at the police’s conduct and the reason for the arrest. Authorities of Australia’s Victoria state charged the 28-year-old pregnant woman with “incitement” of a protest against the strict coronavirus lockdown in the area.
Those online were particularly enraged by the fact the arrest happened in front of Buhler’s children and inside her own home. Officers appeared to have ignored the woman’s pleas to let her go to a scheduled ultrasound scanning and the very fact of her pregnancy.
‘Full-blown fascism’: PREGNANT Aussie woman handcuffed & charged with inciting anti-lockdown event on Facebook
Victoria state police responded to the mounting outrage on Thursday, with Assistant Commissioner Luke Cornelius confirming he has seen the viral footage. According to him, the police team “have conducted themselves entirely reasonably, they’ve been polite, professional.”
“We’re absolutely satisfied the members behaved appropriately and in accordance with our policy,” Cornelius stated, referring to “briefings provided to me.”
He admitted, however, that the optics weren’t so great. “I would be the first to acknowledge the optics, for want of a better description, arresting a pregnant female, it’s never going to look good,” he said.

Meanwhile, Buhler herself – who officially faced “incitement” charges later on Wednesday – recalled the experience. “Honestly, I was scared I was being kidnapped by people because they weren’t in uniforms,” she told reporters.
Expanding on her Facebook message, Buhler said she didn’t realize calling for the anti-quarantine gathering was an offense, adding she was ready to cooperate with police. “If the police had just called me and told me to remove the post I would’ve done so,” she said.
Victoria has been in lockdown since July to curb the Covid-19 outbreak. State authorities imposed stay-at-home quarantine rules and a nighttime curfew in the state capital, Melbourne. The quarantine saw businesses closed and public events banned across the state, with police applying a hardline approach to enforcing it.

Australia should be ashamed & appalled by this video of police handcuffing a pregnant woman for posting an anti-lockdown message

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2277

1337y2k said:

The virus has an incubation time of 2 weeks, this mean before you feel sick, you have been infecting people for 2 weeks.

In the USA, the riots started in June, about 25.000 confirmed cases per day, by July there were about 75.000 confirmed cases, to that add those who did not do the test, the non-confirmed cases, and we might have almost 100k cases per day.

I wonder how many new cases will go up in the UK now, almost 1.500 confirmed cases today, they might increase within one month of about 180 new confirmed cases per day.

Nasty word

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

drone said:

Nasty word

A couple of points of correction, and I’m saying this as a person who contracted the virus in an area described as the epicenter of the virus on the U.S. eastern seaboard.  I’m also speaking as someone who became a state certified contact tracer in order to stem the spread of the virus.

It’s almost impossible for most people to spread the virus for 14 days unless said person is totally morally bankrupt or completely ambivalent to the fact that they have the virus.

While yes, the virus has an incubation period of 14 days, most people show the first signs of illness within 5 - 6 days.  That means if a person becomes symptomatic after 5 days but continues on in life as if nothing’s wrong for another 9, then yes in all likely hood they can infect others. But that’s not what usually happens, most self quarantine as soon as possible.

Also ones ability to infect others works on a rising and declining slope. Research has shown one is most infectious the two days before developing symptoms and the first day after (a three day window).  After that three day period a person becomes less of a threat, especially if they are responsible enough to start self quarantining immediately after becoming aware of symptoms, or getting contacted by a certified tracer who advises them that they’ve been identified as someone who’s been exposed to the virus.

Last note ... WEAR A F@#£ING MASK!  

Thank you 😊

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2277

LobodeSanPedro said:

A couple of points of correction, and I’m saying this as a person who contracted the virus in an area described as the epicenter of the virus on the U.S. eastern seaboard.  I’m also speaking as someone who became a state certified contact tracer in order to stem the spread of the virus.

It’s almost impossible for most people to spread the virus for 14 days unless said person is totally morally bankrupt or completely ambivalent to the fact that they have the virus.

While yes, the virus has an incubation period of 14 days, most people show the first signs of illness within 5 - 6 days.  That means if a person becomes symptomatic after 5 days but continues on in life as if nothing’s wrong for another 9, then yes in all likely hood they can infect others. But that’s not what usually happens, most self quarantine as soon as possible.

Also ones ability to infect others works on a rising and declining slope. Research has shown one is most infectious the two days before developing symptoms and the first day after (a three day window).  After that three day period a person becomes less of a threat, especially if they are responsible enough to start self quarantining immediately after becoming aware of symptoms, or getting contacted by a certified tracer who advises them that they’ve been identified as someone who’s been exposed to the virus.

Last note ... WEAR A F@#£ING MASK!


Thank you 😊

A couple of points of correction, and I’m saying this as a person who contracted the virus
of common sense
the virus
of a little research
on the for and against
with those
who have
the same
bits of paper
in layman terms
explaining an idea or thing
without using jargon
specific to the field
to which it belongs.
and as you are
also speaking
as someone who became
[a state certified contact tracer]
IE An expert in knowing
IF you are being told the truth
or not
You have no need
to do a little research
on the for and against
in order to stem the spread of the virus
That is called common sense
logical reasoning
AND AS YOU ARE [a state certified contact tracer]
IE [An expert]
Could you explain
to a simple man
Where can I find the list
of deaths
of those
who have died
from the normal flu viruses
this year
and where can I find the list
that is confirmed
with blood tests
That they died from
this er new virus

Last note ... USE YOUR F@#£ING HEAD!

poet Anonymous

LobodeSanPedro said:

A couple of points of correction, and I’m saying this as a person who contracted the virus in an area described as the epicenter of the virus on the U.S. eastern seaboard.  I’m also speaking as someone who became a state certified contact tracer in order to stem the spread of the virus.

It’s almost impossible for most people to spread the virus for 14 days unless said person is totally morally bankrupt or completely ambivalent to the fact that they have the virus.

While yes, the virus has an incubation period of 14 days, most people show the first signs of illness within 5 - 6 days.  That means if a person becomes symptomatic after 5 days but continues on in life as if nothing’s wrong for another 9, then yes in all likely hood they can infect others. But that’s not what usually happens, most self quarantine as soon as possible.

Also ones ability to infect others works on a rising and declining slope. Research has shown one is most infectious the two days before developing symptoms and the first day after (a three day window).  After that three day period a person becomes less of a threat, especially if they are responsible enough to start self quarantining immediately after becoming aware of symptoms, or getting contacted by a certified tracer who advises them that they’ve been identified as someone who’s been exposed to the virus.

Last note ... WEAR A F@#£ING MASK!  

Thank you 😊

Thank you for sharing your personal experience here, LoboSanPedro.

Hopefully more people will likewise feel comfortable enough to do so when it comes time to reboot this thread again.

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2277

JohnnyBlaze said:

Thank you for sharing your personal experience here, LoboSanPedro.

Hopefully more people will likewise feel comfortable enough to do so when it comes time to reboot this thread again.

Peter Andrews, Irish science journalist and writer based in London. He has a background in the life sciences, and graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in genetics
It has been revealed that the standard tests being used in the US to diagnose Covid-19 cases are far too sensitive, with the vast majority of people marked down as being positive actually turning out to be negative.
Top US virologists have been stunned by revelations about the laxity of the US Covid testing regimen. It turns out that tests that deliver a simple binary “positive or negative” result are not fit for purpose, as they tell us nothing about the contagiousness of each person.
Data from three US states – New York, Nevada and Massachusetts – shows that when the amount of the virus found in a person is taken into account, up to 90 percent of people who have tested positive should actually have been negative, as they are carrying only tiny amounts of the virus, are not contagious, pose no risk to others, and have no need to isolate.
This means that only a fraction of the daily “cases” being reported so hysterically in the mainstream media are actual, bona fide Covid-19 sufferers, and need treatment and to separate themselves from others.
So how could this have happened? The answer has to do with the sensitivity of PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) tests for Covid, which it turns out can be ramped up according to the taste of the testing companies. Most testing companies have chosen the outrageously high sensitivity limit of 40 PCR cycles – meaning that the DNA in a sample is exponentially increased 40 times in order to amplify its signal.
But using such a ridiculously sensitive test means that the faintest traces of a dead virus, or even leftovers from previous infections, can result in a positive. Professor Juliet Morrison, a University of California virologist, said that even a limit of 35 PCR cycles is too high, let alone 40. She said she was “shocked that people would think that 40 could represent a positive.” But apparently, pretty much everyone in the US Covid brain trust took exactly that on faith.
So the scale of the pandemic ‘problem’ is actually much smaller than we’ve been led to believe – about a tenth of what all the politicians and media have been using to justify the lockdowns, the quarantines, the mass testing. Some may be shocked that the scale of the problem is so much smaller than assumed. But for a seasoned ignorer of any and all statistics that contain Covid ‘cases’, there are no surprises here. The truth is, there was never any reason to be confident in such figures. The FDA has only now been forced to concede that they have no idea how different testing companies determine which the positive and negative tests are: they just accept whatever data they are given.
What these findings bring is absolute assurance that the testing to this point has been an utter waste of time, and that not one statistic concerning this pandemic – from cases to deaths to infection rates – can be believed. But it should not have taken some journalist to ask the right question to discover this: a bit of common sense would have been enough. What is it going to take for these professional virologists to drop their assumptions and models, and just start acting based on the facts at hand?
Scrap test and trace
It’s a virus so deadly, you need a test to tell whether you have it or not. So goes the refrain of many lockdown skeptics, Covidiots and anti-maskers, of whom I am an indignant supporter. Something has gone… not just wrong, but totally haywire... when the might of the world’s scientific establishment is trained with the zeal of a Witchfinder General on one particular microscopic particle. Not even a particularly dangerous particle; the latest data show it is the eighth most common cause of death in England, and it doesn’t make the top ten in Wales.
Meanwhile, in Wuhan, the original source of this disease, the pool parties are in full swing. They don’t seem to be too worried about PCR tests or contact tracing, or even the virus itself. The Chinese government says that their supreme lockdown was so awesome that they now have zero Covid: a biological impossibility. Maybe they just stopped testing, and decided to get on with their lives. Everyone else should take a leaf out of their book.

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

drone said:

A couple of points of correction, and I’m saying this as a person who contracted the virus
of common sense
the virus
of a little research
on the for and against
with those
who have
the same
bits of paper
in layman terms
explaining an idea or thing
without using jargon
specific to the field
to which it belongs.
and as you are
also speaking
as someone who became
[a state certified contact tracer]
IE An expert in knowing
IF you are being told the truth
or not
You have no need
to do a little research
on the for and against
in order to stem the spread of the virus
That is called common sense
logical reasoning
AND AS YOU ARE [a state certified contact tracer]
IE [An expert]
Could you explain
to a simple man
Where can I find the list
of deaths
of those
who have died
from the normal flu viruses
this year
and where can I find the list
that is confirmed
with blood tests
That they died from
this er new virus

Last note ... USE YOUR F@#£ING HEAD!

I do use it and quite well, thank you. Unfortunately many others don’t.

In fact months before becoming a contact tracer in May  (I never said “expert” so please stay away from rhetoric and or hyperbole) ... the day after first going to the emergency room (March 14) I made it a point to contact all my colleagues at work that I had extended contact with during the week.  

A week after that, I became hospitalized and was spitting up mucus and blood, I found out that at least four other colleagues whom I rarely see were also infected.  One passed away in April, she was due to retire in June.  

Again, I don’t engage in rhetoric and hyperbole, if you really need that list, the internet is a big place, so I’m sure you’ll find the research that suits your tastes and arguments.

Thank you ... and as you said


poet Anonymous

LobodeSanPedro said:

I do use it and quite well, thank you. Unfortunately many others don’t.

In fact months before becoming a contact tracer in May  (I never said “expert” so please stay away from rhetoric and or hyperbole) ... the day after first going to the emergency room (March 14) I made it a point to contact all my colleagues at work that I had extended contact with during the week.  

A week after that, I became hospitalized and was spitting up mucus and blood, I found out that at least four other colleagues whom I rarely see were also infected.  One passed away in April, she was due to retire in June.  

Again, I don’t engage in rhetoric and hyperbole, if you really need that list, the internet is a big place, so I’m sure you’ll find the research that suits your tastes and arguments.

Thank you ... and as you said


Damn. Sorry to hear about your colleague. :(

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17249

SanPedro I had no idea before your comments you had been infected, nor lost people you knew. My sincerest condolences.  

I have been very fortunate to have avoided this monster thus far; and, my family and friends have recovered, albeit I almost lost two. My friends and in laws have not been so lucky, having lost loved ones and friends. It's an absolutely horrific time in our nation right now. But still, I do believe there is light at the end of the tunnel and that all of this suffering is not in vain.

These shadows being brought to light, hiding in the closets of people's hearts, is a needed realization for the world.  A friend of mine posted yesterday that they left their mechanic of 25 years due to his Trump signs and derogatory comments, and found a black-owned mechanic they absolutely love. I've read the same from various posts in regards to restaurants and so forth.

That is the light I am talking about coming from the shadows that are being revealed. That is the light.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Ahavati said:SanPedro I had no idea before your comments you had been infected, nor lost people you knew. My sincerest condolences.  

I have been very fortunate to have avoided this monster thus far; and, my family and friends have recovered, albeit I almost lost two. My friends and in laws have not been so lucky, having lost loved ones and friends. It's an absolutely horrific time in our nation right now. But still, I do believe there is light at the end of the tunnel and that all of this suffering is not in vain.

These shadows being brought to light, hiding in the closets of people's hearts, is a needed realization for the world.  A friend of mine posted yesterday that they left their mechanic of 25 years due to his Trump signs and derogatory comments, and found a black-owned mechanic they absolutely love. I've read the same from various posts in regards to restaurants and so forth.

That is the light I am talking about coming from the shadows that are being revealed. That is the light.

So true Ahavati
So much will be revealed what is in people's hearts will  be exposed
Even to those who don't consider themselves racist yet ignore the black community as a whole.
They have no issue with the black man because in their world he doesn't exist.# Manifest Change

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

LobodeSanPedro said:

I do use it and quite well, thank you. Unfortunately many others don’t.

In fact months before becoming a contact tracer in May  (I never said “expert” so please stay away from rhetoric and or hyperbole) ... the day after first going to the emergency room (March 14) I made it a point to contact all my colleagues at work that I had extended contact with during the week.  

A week after that, I became hospitalized and was spitting up mucus and blood, I found out that at least four other colleagues whom I rarely see were also infected.  One passed away in April, she was due to retire in June.  

Again, I don’t engage in rhetoric and hyperbole, if you really need that list, the internet is a big place, so I’m sure you’ll find the research that suits your tastes and arguments.

Thank you ... and as you said


With great sympathy I offer condolences to you and your family I am happy to hear you were able to  overcome  Be well V

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