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Freedom of Speech and Censorship

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

A flagrant response to atrocity spoken by people who could never understand
Instant Karma? This man has had a life of perpetual racism that finally caught up with him
Do you really think he married outside of his race because of equalityHah it was ownership Please ( I shook my head) again Look at his pompous ass expression read the man's eyes He is clearly an instrument Not someone having a bad day

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:

Yeah, he's having a bad week brought on by himself.  Instant karma.

Lucky for him, even serial killers get marriage proposals. I'm sure some White Power nutbags are already penpalling him.

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

TRUMP HATERS:,............................................. YAWN

social media platforms that edit posts, remove posts, ban people for political views affecting free speech and freedom of expression and even scientific debate are now publishers and should not be legally exempt from lawsuits under the 1st amendment of the USA constitution.

I hop in the UK Boris follows Trumps lead


poet Anonymous


SatInUGal (Kumar)
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Blackwolf said:
I do hope Trump does ***not*** act any stupider than he already does
( and is ) and force people's hands into further violent actions and methods...

We can only hope, but we can also do our part in November to make certain.

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2277

Dr Piers Robinson, who researches and writes about propaganda and communications. He is the author of The CNN Effect: The Myth of News, Foreign Policy and Intervention and Pockets of resistance: British news media, war and theory in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Follow him on Twitter @PiersRobinson1
Have сensorship of scientists, alarmist messaging and conspiracy theory smears all been used to reinforce the ‘official’ narrative on coronavirus? Can these distortions ever be justified?
One of the problems with researching and writing about propaganda is that so many people believe it is something alien to democratic states.
What Edward Bernays, considered by many to be a key figure in the development of 20th-century propaganda techniques, said was that “the conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.”

Although we usually refer to these techniques by different names today, employing such euphemisms as ‘public relations’ or ‘strategic communication’, it is a fact that techniques of manipulation are part and parcel of contemporary liberal democracies.
Although such persuasion activities can involve consensual techniques, they also frequently include less consensual techniques, involving forms of deception, incentivization and coercion. To what extent have such non-consensual methods of persuasion – that is to say, propaganda – been used with respect to Covid-19?
It has recently come to light that ‘behavioural scientists’ have been providing advice to the UK government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE). UK Column reports that this group, named the ‘Scientific Pandemic Influenza group on Behaviour (SPI-B)’, was (re)convened on February 13, 2020.
One document produced by this group identifies “options for increasing adherence to social distancing measures,” which include persuasion, incentivization and coercion. In the section on persuasion it states that the “perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging.” The document also mentions using “media to increase sense of personal threat.”
Military involvement
And it has also become public knowledge that the 77th Brigade, part of the British military, has been part of the Covid-19 communication strategy. 77th Brigade activities include information warfare and “supporting counter-adversarial information activity,” which includes “creating and disseminating digital and wider media content in support of designated tasks.”

poet Anonymous

drone said: Dr Piers Robinson, who researches and writes about propaganda and communications. He is the author of The CNN Effect: The Myth of News, Foreign Policy and Intervention and Pockets of resistance: British news media, war and theory in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Follow him on Twitter @PiersRobinson1
Have сensorship of scientists, alarmist messaging and conspiracy theory smears all been used to reinforce the ‘official’ narrative on coronavirus? Can these distortions ever be justified?
One of the problems with researching and writing about propaganda is that so many people believe it is something alien to democratic states.
What Edward Bernays, considered by many to be a key figure in the development of 20th-century propaganda techniques, said was that “the conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.”

Although we usually refer to these techniques by different names today, employing such euphemisms as ‘public relations’ or ‘strategic communication’, it is a fact that techniques of manipulation are part and parcel of contemporary liberal democracies.
Although such persuasion activities can involve consensual techniques, they also frequently include less consensual techniques, involving forms of deception, incentivization and coercion. To what extent have such non-consensual methods of persuasion – that is to say, propaganda – been used with respect to Covid-19?
It has recently come to light that ‘behavioural scientists’ have been providing advice to the UK government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE). UK Column reports that this group, named the ‘Scientific Pandemic Influenza group on Behaviour (SPI-B)’, was (re)convened on February 13, 2020.
One document produced by this group identifies “options for increasing adherence to social distancing measures,” which include persuasion, incentivization and coercion. In the section on persuasion it states that the “perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging.” The document also mentions using “media to increase sense of personal threat.”
Military involvement
And it has also become public knowledge that the 77th Brigade, part of the British military, has been part of the Covid-19 communication strategy. 77th Brigade activities include information warfare and “supporting counter-adversarial information activity,” which includes “creating and disseminating digital and wider media content in support of designated tasks.”

Drone, many of us Americans are quite aware that certain so called news outlets such as FOX News are "for entertainment purposes only".  

Unfortunately, there are people who will believe anything they read, see and hear if it reinforces what they already believe and they will continue to blindly swallow information provided by such one dimensional outlets. That will never change.  

Many of us are also well aware that when a politician such as Trump constantly contradicts what he says and improvises his stories, pointing it out is often useless. We can only pray we are a majority when it comes election time.

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

You mean Trump lying about Antifa starting fires and riots across the country instead blaming on ficticious white supremacists??? Oh wait!!. That would be the Jim Crow slave party media CNN, MSNBC right on cue pushing their racist narrative to start a race war as they do every election cycle to keep poor white democrats and minorities on the plantation through fear mongering..... Please tell how that is because of Trump? Do white elite democrats say anything else? There is one evil in this country and has been ever since we took away their slaves. White well to do racist democrats... Currently burning my country because they are not in power and blaming everyone else. "Accuse your opponent of that which you are guilty"- Joseph Geobells

poet Anonymous

runaway-mindtrain said:You mean Trump lying about Antifa starting fires and riots across the country instead blaming on ficticious white supremacists??? Oh wait!!. That would be the Jim Crow slave party media CNN, MSNBC right on cue pushing their racist narrative to start a race war as they do every election cycle to keep poor white democrats and minorities on the plantation through fear mongering..... Please tell how that is because of Trump? Do white elite democrats say anything else? There is one evil in this country and has been ever since we took away their slaves. White well to do racist democrats... Currently burning my country because they are not in power and blaming everyone else. "Accuse your opponent of that which you are guilty"- Joseph Geobells

You still sound a bit triggered.

There are extremists of all sorts encouraging the riots.

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Let me be clear about this there are no longer mainstream media outlets that you can trust to eve take an attempt at truth. The wouldn't know the truth is it jumped up and pimp slapped them. None of the mainstream media are exempt from this. We don't have Journalists and more just clickbait prostitutes for hire to the biggest bidder. CNN and Fox are just two cheeks of the same arse.

but these media outlets lead a pandemic of lies and false information that is majorly infectious. All multimedia platforms are no doing the same thing, banning, censoring, and hiding behind algorithms. Hiding behind the CEOs that donate al lot to charitable endeavours which they announce from the rooftops of their palatial mansions. Announcing we are all in this together? Are there any tech billionaires unable to put food on their table for their kids or have no money to get the electric turned on again? (rhetorical)

What needs to happen is that the poor, working-class, and middle-class need to all get together and realise the elites don't give a fuck about you, your health or your blessed rights. e all need to realise we never really had any rights as they were so easily taken away. The devil is not the white man or the black man, it is not the Christian or the Muslim, it is gender non-spesific, nor does it care who you sleep with. The devil one must identify and wrestle with are the elites that own all of us. We have been created slaves and we must fight before our enslavement is complete. It will be very soo Too Late. I can foresee a world coming to your country soon where fair and free elections will be a thing of the past. New world order and Government, no borders, no countries and total enslavement - comply or die. I think that the next elections in many countries could well be their last.

We have to rise up with one voice and put on our fighting trousers and cry "No Surrender, No retreat.!" Let's take our democracy and our rights back - there are so few of them and so many of us - The time is now!

"Revolution, if not now, when? if not now, we are fucked - that is all!"

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

David_Macleod said:Let me be clear about this there are no longer mainstream media outlets that you can trust to eve take an attempt at truth. The wouldn't know the truth is it jumped up and pimp slapped them. None of the mainstream media are exempt from this. We don't have Journalists and more just clickbait prostitutes for hire to the biggest bidder. CNN and Fox are just two cheeks of the same arse.

but these media outlets lead a pandemic of lies and false information that is majorly infectious. All multimedia platforms are no doing the same thing, banning, censoring, and hiding behind algorithms. Hiding behind the CEOs that donate al lot to charitable endeavours which they announce from the rooftops of their palatial mansions. Announcing we are all in this together? Are there any tech billionaires unable to put food on their table for their kids or have no money to get the electric turned on again? (rhetorical)

What needs to happen is that the poor, working-class, and middle-class need to all get together and realise the elites don't give a fuck about you, your health or your blessed rights. e all need to realise we never really had any rights as they were so easily taken away. The devil is not the white man or the black man, it is not the Christian or the Muslim, it is gender non-spesific, nor does it care who you sleep with. The devil one must identify and wrestle with are the elites that own all of us. We have been created slaves and we must fight before our enslavement is complete. It will be very soo Too Late. I can foresee a world coming to your country soon where fair and free elections will be a thing of the past. New world order and Government, no borders, no countries and total enslavement - comply or die. I think that the next elections in many countries could well be their last.

We have to rise up with one voice and put on our fighting trousers and cry "No Surrender, No retreat.!" Let's take our democracy and our rights back - there are so few of them and so many of us - The time is now!

"Revolution, if not now, when? if not now, we are fucked - that is all!"

Hell yes David Power To The People
I would rather the men wore kilts  than trousers

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17096

If you were upset by #GeorgeFloyd's murder but are now condemning the riots, I encourage you to read this article from 2014 discussing the riots that happened in Ferguson. Sometimes it seems like nothing ever changes. If you're advocating for peaceful protests, but wanted Colin Kaepernick out of the NFL....what the fuck do you think he was doing?

If you're uncomfortable, it's because you should be. Please sit with this feeling and try to understand why that may be. Don't push that feeling away. We must acknowledge the power imbalance that we have in this country. The US was founded on white supremacy, built on the backs of enslaved people. We have never come to terms with this. We have not grappled with this. We act like it was in the past so it's over. It's not. And that's why we're here now.

Did you know that the modern police force evolved from slave patrols designed to find enslaved people who has escaped and to crush uprisings led by enslaved people? Is it all starting to make a little more sense?

The truth is complicated. The police are escalating peaceful protests in many cities with protests like last night. White supremacist groups also infiltrated these protests to instigate violence too. But we do a disservice to the struggle and injustice that Black people face if we say that nonviolent protest is the only answer.

It's up to us (white people) to sit back and listen and let Black community organizers take the lead. Donate to a bond relief in your city. Start reading some books. Google it, for fuck's sake. Message me if you don't understand and I will give you some more resources. But we can't go on like this, and we shouldn't have to.

"Riots are a necessary part of the evolution of society. Unfortunately, we do not live in a universal utopia where people have the basic human rights they deserve simply for existing, and until we get there, the legitimate frustration, sorrow and pain of the marginalized voices will boil over, spilling out into our streets. As “normal” citizens watch the events of Ferguson unfurl on their television screens and Twitter feeds, there is a lot of head shaking, finger pointing, and privileged explanation going on. We wish to seclude the incident and the people involved. To separate it from our history as a nation, to dehumanize the change agents because of their bad and sometimes violent decisions—because if we can separate the underlying racial tensions that clearly exist in our country from the looting and rioting of select individuals, we can continue to ignore the problem."

Ferguson: In Defense of Rioting


Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Ahavati said:

The US was founded on white supremacy, built on the backs of enslaved people. We have never come to terms with this. We have not grappled with this. We act like it was in the past so it's over. It's not. And that's why we're here now.

America was not developed  to perpetuate slavery. 
In fact, Massachusettes was the first state to include equality, and freedom
in the states Constitution 1781
They followed with an attempt,  to prevent importation of slaves.
Which in turn,  led others like
Virginia to follow.
Great Britain blocked this, from happening. 
The colonists were finding it difficult,
to change their ways of living without slaves
Jefferson accused the King, of this
in the original Declaration of Independence 
Six, of the original 13 states, abolished slavery after the Treaty of Paris 1783 
The founding fathers did not agree with the thoughts and practices of slave owners or of slavery of any kind 
They knew,  without a plan the release and overall freedom, of the slaves would not be successful. 
They knew,  unless they were free themselves, they could not free others .
The question was not whether they deserved freedom, it was could it be

Did you know that the modern police force evolved from slave patrols designed to find enslaved people who has escaped and to crush uprisings led by enslaved people? Is it all starting to make a little more sense?_____

The modern police force was created for  politics and economics.
It was private, for- profit  business that hired out to watch for the colonists,
who engaged in prostitution and gambling. 
Boston 1636 New York 1658
Philadelphia 1700
Boston 1638 formed the first official Police force to protect the shipping and goods at the harbor 
The first "formal slave patrol" was in 1704 in the South
The participants on the force consisted of the military.
The Reconstruction brought the position of Sheriff's  to control slavery 


It's up to us (white people) to sit back and listen and let Black community organizers take the lead.______

If we as white people,  step back to let the Black take the lead ALONE that is pushing the idea of segregation 
It is saying to the world that we don't  care, that they can fend for themselves.  We as white people,  need to join in this demonstration to show a force of unity alongside the Black man to show our belief in a colorblind society

Criminality is not the answer to bringing attention to the cause 
I believe part of the frustration was brought on by the pandemic lockdown 

Tienemen Square 
This may sound like a horrid thing but I must say it 
If indeed this problem plagueing our nation the freedom and equality for all people of color should we not respect the deaths of these individuals as martyrs for the cause and not victims of oppression 

Please don't take this the wrong way 
These individuals were clearly murdered by authorities unjustly denying their right to life 
A martyr gives of themselves for a cause 
IF we truly have a PLAN  to make America great NOT AGAIN WE NEVER WERE GREAT 
but if we have intention to make change if we have hope these are the people these victims of injustice should be the images carved in marble and stone  placed on the lawn of our great establishments

Ferguson: In Defense of Rioting


Must watch






Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17096

An Antiracist Reading List
Ibram X. Kendi on books to help America transcend its racist heritage.


Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Ahavati said:An Antiracist Reading List
Ibram X. Kendi on books to help America transcend its racist heritage.


Very good reading this type of work they should teach in schools

I know you weren't suggesting that I am racist of Hispanic descent with a Black boyfriend and three Black nephews

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17096

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