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Recommend a Movie/Documentary/Show

Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
Forum Posts: 1216

Thank you all for the suggestions.
Everytime I feel like watching a movie, this is the thread I come to first, so I appreciate all your valueable inputs.

Recently I watched on Netflix 'Killing of sacred deer"  what a weird movie, talk about depressing but apparently its based on greek mythology which i won't give away the premise for anyone who might watch.  The acting was sublime but the whole atmosphere was so dark.
Loved "Django Unchained" but hated "The hateful eight"  but i guess every director can have a movie that sucks lol  Although i do love majority of Tarantino's movies.

I did finish watching 'Tiger King' and Missy was right, that was one crazy rollercoaster of jaw dropping palm to face moments of unbelievably outrageous lives of big cat people.  I think they all need to go to jail including the woman.

on Amazon...well i tried watching an episode of Fleabag ..idk it seems all about sex, sex, lusting more of sex and when she did have sex, she was thinking of sex while sex and then after sex, more of the sex lol
If anyone can tell me that it will get better than the 'sex' maybe i'll give it another go

Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
Forum Posts: 1216

Drop everything and go to amazonprime (if you do have it) and watch the movie 'The Goldfinch" for free at the moment.
Oh emm gee, what an amazing movie, what an amazing story, the characters, the actors, the acting, the unfolding, the twists....i had to text Soul cause i was so taken and he was right there to affirm the shocking twist  lol
I had seen the book on top of NY charts for weeks way back..but never read the book.  So i'm not sure how closely it follows the book but the movie itself is OUTSTANDING!! needless to say I highly recommend it.

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

Zeitgeist: Addendum (Peter Joseph) | Full Documentary | Reel Truth

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

Mainstream Medical Science Will Be Forced to Admit Royal Rife Was Right

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
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Technological Resurrection" and the Future of Being
99,706 views•Apr 29, 2020

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

Wake Up Outta Your Sleep
63,525 views•May 3, 2020

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17379

Layla said:Drop everything and go to amazonprime (if you do have it) and watch the movie 'The Goldfinch" for free at the moment.
Oh emm gee, what an amazing movie, what an amazing story, the characters, the actors, the acting, the unfolding, the twists....i had to text Soul cause i was so taken and he was right there to affirm the shocking twist  lol
I had seen the book on top of NY charts for weeks way back..but never read the book.  So i'm not sure how closely it follows the book but the movie itself is OUTSTANDING!! needless to say I highly recommend it.

It's on my list!  I'm finishing up the fourth season of The Last Kingdom on Netflix. It's a British historical fiction television series based on Bernard Cornwell's The Saxon Stories series of novels.

I've enjoyed it.  

Tyrant of Words
United States 77awards
Joined 22nd July 2017
Forum Posts: 124


Tyrant of Words
United States 77awards
Joined 22nd July 2017
Forum Posts: 124

Layla said:Drop everything and go to amazonprime (if you do have it) and watch the movie 'The Goldfinch" for free at the moment.
Oh emm gee, what an amazing movie, what an amazing story, the characters, the actors, the acting, the unfolding, the twists....i had to text Soul cause i was so taken and he was right there to affirm the shocking twist  lol
I had seen the book on top of NY charts for weeks way back..but never read the book.  So i'm not sure how closely it follows the book but the movie itself is OUTSTANDING!! needless to say I highly recommend it.

I read the book ... it was superb ... though a bit long ... I will have to see the movie ... now is a great time I guess ...

Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
Forum Posts: 1216

The book won pulitzer prize in 2014.
And yes you have to tell us if the movie closely follows the book.  Come back and tell us.

But for anyone who has not read the book, its best not to read too much about it..just see the movie and let it suprise you with its twists and how the story unfolds.  You won't be disappointed!!!

Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
Forum Posts: 1216

I will definitely watch The last Kingdom.
I just started watching second season of Dead To Me on netflix.  The first season caught me by surprise.  I didn't think i'd like it, as i started watching the first episode and was sure it wasn't for me..and then just before the last few minutes of the end of that first episode there was a big twist..and then i was hooked.  
Its quirky, dark comedy but the writing is witty and the characters are well written.  The story is quick, there are so many twists connecting the characters in a bizarre way...Good one to watch.

Anther series that i refused to watch for months thinking its too much about the new age of social media problems, like online hookup and problems arising like stalking...is a series called "You".

Sooooooo good...talk about sinful indulgence of something you refuse to watch and then you can't stop watching just to see the maddening obsession of social media stalking/love/the real world and internet world blurring the lines of reality.
Addictive!!! they have 2 seasons on netflix and the 3rd season starts next january.

Ahavati said:

It's on my list!  I'm finishing up the fourth season of The Last Kingdom on Netflix. It's a British historical fiction television series based on Bernard Cornwell's The Saxon Stories series of novels.

I've enjoyed it.  

Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 17th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 16

Netflix (from my already watched list):
Miss Julie - based on a play by August Strindberg, of the same name
Suite Francaise - WW2 period drama/romance
One Day - romance, based off a novel of the same name

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17379

solanaceae said:Netflix (from my already watched list):
Miss Julie - based on a play by August Strindberg, of the same name
Suite Francaise - WW2 period drama/romance
One Day - romance, based off a novel of the same name

That one was good; I haven't seen the others.

Layla, they are dropping hints about a fifth season for The Last Kingdom! I hope so! Aside from my previously mentioned Korean Drama fetish, I recommend the following from Netflix.

The 100 ( excellent sci-fi )
Marco Polo ( great historical fiction )
The Last Kingdom ( fantastic historical fiction )
Mars ( SUPERB sci-fi )
Mad Men ( Best finale EVER )
Messiah ( not sure there will be a second season )

Now I'm binging on the 16th season of Grey's Anatomy.  I feel like I've grown up with it!

poet Anonymous

Prime : "47 Meters Down Uncaged" - scariest shark movie EVER that outdoes the original - pure mindless thrills

poet Anonymous

Netflix : "In The Shadow Of The Moon" - a must watch thriller about a female serial killer that will blow your mind up until the very end.

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