Poetry competition CLOSED 4th May 2020 3:34am
View Profile Poems by souladareatease
RUNNERS-UP: wallyroo92 and Jade-Pandora

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Imagery Poem

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16872

slipalong, thank you for your entry.

Tyrant of Words
United States 18awards
Joined 6th June 2017
Forum Posts: 102

Once Upon A Misty Morning

Once upon a misty morning,    
In a place where songbirds sing—      
Where dew drops cling to spiderwebs      
Like pearls on silver string.      
Where butterflies dance daintily      
And vibrant wildflowers bloom;      
White-tail deer prance gracefully,      
Inside of mother nature’s womb.    
In this land of no tomorrow,      
Where all your worries melt away;      
Sorrows drift away with winds      
By which branches ebb and sway.      
I close my eyes, and breathe the air;      
Joyful tears stream down my face,      
As I’m overtaken once again—      
By the beauty of this sacred place.
Written by NewBeginnings
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16872

NewBeginnings, thank you for your entry.

Thought Provoker
Joined 25th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 92

Red Beauty

As the heavens let her shine
A passionate beauty, she’s so fine
I’ve never felt being in such a bind
Mellowed tenderness, yet never blind
Flowing satin red, fine silhouette entwined....

The colour, brightens every fold
The fragrance that makes me bold
Smooth as silk, the frock you hold
Hearing an enchanting story told
Fresh it may be, i’ll never grow old

A thousand rays or more
Fifty shades none any less
She paints at her very best
Yet its the grace of her dress
Make my heart skip the press

Elegance, seeing pace and drift
A flash, you’re unknowingly swift
The winds of change make a shift
Bold and beautiful, are you a gift?
Scarlett, the heart’s stealing thief

The calm waves from the breeze
The flutter of the red lacy fleece
Alluring smile weakens my knees
Once again and let my heart ease
“I am begging, oh darling please”

A Chinese city of Sweet serenity
Lady in red, a charming personality
Shapely brows and slender cheeks
A cheeky smile that naturally speaks
Soft and calm, glamorous and pretty
Dressed in red, oh my, what a beauty!
Written by XiaoLong
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16872

XiaoLong thank you for your participation.

Thought Provoker
Joined 7th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 16


Poetic foreplay  
Naked physically...
Bare with our thoughts  
Written down  
As we face each other  
What the other wrote
Splayed on the page,
Riding the wave
Close as we can be without touching
We indulge Poexually
Without fucking
Mentally making Love
Before the action  
Our magnetism  
An Unstoppable  
Force of attraction  
Our bodies face to face
Soul vibrations, penetrations
Moving with Grace
Every single,  
Simple movement  
To follow  
Lyrically expressing  
Every gasp for breath  
Every swallow
Savoring each moment  
Every subtle sweet feeling  
Touching your beautiful body
With my words
It’s so appealing  
Can you feel it?
So close  
The electricity  
Before our Epic  
Love making Climax...
Our Poetricity
Written by Absence
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16872

Absence thank you for your entry.

R Byron Johnson
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 16th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 48


at last
the day is folded away
corner to corner, neat and sober,
a twilight crease, the sun sets on its lines,
memories arise, sweet and bitter, an after-imagined life,
external love is lost, internal love is found,
pastel shades of the evening color despair
and make glory of every sorrow kissed in the dark,
stars spark the purple sky like eyes searching for contact
in the vastness of an empty embrace of sky and earth,
intoxication awaits to help forget the tyranny of the day,
liquor, smoke, and sex under artificial light
in a house of shadows
Written by RByron418 (R Byron Johnson)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16872

RByron418, thank you for your entry.

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 16th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 90

Moon and the Heart...

l look to the moon, my pen ready.
Nothing comes, the urge, the pain,
Help! The moon laughs, ridicules
my thoughts. This moon, subject of
the great poets of yore, demeans
and discourages my efforts. I turn
to my heart, full with words and feeling.
Where have you been it asks.
I’ve been to the moon I answer.
And, what did you find it asks?
Nothing, I answer. My words are
your words it says. No need to look
elsewhere. Always from my heart...
Written by anvinvil (Anvillan)
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Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 16th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 90



Bound by chains, my souls screams
at the sun for burning light, then at
the trees for blocking light.
Is what burns gone, or just
consumed by the greedy light?
Who stores the screams of the
begging souls, tormented by the
loss of sight? The sky collects but
oceans store in the deep, so deep
the screams aren’t heard
and the monsters of the sea feed
and rise to torture the world
with fears of the unknown.
Once fear is instilled they return to
the deep to feed again.
The oceans get revenge,
baiting humans. Humans beg
and the monsters return and feed.
Written by anvinvil (Anvillan)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16872

anvinvil, thank you for your entry.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16872

Thank you for showing interest in the poem entries in the competition. Please refrain from making non- competition comments on this thread. You are encouraged to comment on the poems in the poets respective pages.  Thank You.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 24th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 56

You worth the wait

The first time that i looked at you with them tights pants on

i know once i get it i will be sprung

My penis is attached to my heart

i like making love in the dark

i am not with that hit and run like you use to with thems cowards

i will stay with you even after hours

i am the type of person that i want to know more about you

that is the only way i know that you are true

i am not looking for a friends with benefits or a sex partner

come into my bedroom and ill be your doctor

i want you to feel me what i am coming from and not where my penis is going

por favor dont lay down and be lazy because that is boring

i want you to love me for me and not what i can do for you

i dont want no threesome i just wanted to be me and you

do not get it mixed up, i dont want you because the tights stuff that you wear

i just want you for your heart and for most guys i know that is rear

seeing you in plain clothes and imagining naked as i look close

i dont want to be with no spripper or a whore

the reason why i have to get to know you because i want a certain type of girl

if you good everywhere you need to come into my world

i am willing to get to know you if you tell me everything

i like all types, i dont trip if you dont want to have sex

every woman to me is worth the wait, i am not rushing

losers type get it, two strokes and they busting if its tight

freaky girls want to play hard to get and be putting up a fight

dont fight i do not want a girl freaking out of high school

when you see me in the streets you be like no i do not want you

ride me til my destination, i am real patient

come in to my room but do not come with all that make up on

i want you natural, come and see my capital

i like all positions even when i am behind you

i dont think about sex all the time, please dont get it twisted

i want to wait til you ready or when we get married i dont wanna be sinning

you need me in your life not these low life

i will do anything to keep you happy because i am not going down without a fight

- Deepthreat

Written by deepthreat1490
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16872

deepthreat1490 thank you for your entry.

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