Corona Time
Joined 20th May 2012
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Dangerous Mind

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I think you have hit the spot with this clipping.
The clipping says that your body has a cytokine storm,
their cool way of saying your body's immune system is
freaking out, attacking the virus so madly that it is destroying it's own
tissues, for example, in the lungs, they are filling with fluid because of
the body's over reaction in attacking the virus.
The recent medicines of chloroquine, is currently used to treat arthritis, and lupus.
Arthritis is where your immune system is attacking your joints, and
Lupus is where your immune system, is variously attacking
different parts of your body, initially triggered by an actual infection,
but then the immune system doesn't back off, after the initial infection.
The additional antibiotic Z-pack, is an antibiotic to protect your body
from invading bacteria, while the immune system is being suppressed.
Jade's posting is important because it takes the mystery out of
the recent push to take chloroquine + Zpack,
and goes on to improve it by realizing that chloroquine
is simply an immune system suppressant, and that means
you can then go out and select a different immune suppressant,
to best fit how your body is over-reacting to the corona virus.
oh, and in other news, because everybody is staying at home,
air pollution is going down, and nature is coming back to life.
I think you have hit the spot with this clipping.
The clipping says that your body has a cytokine storm,
their cool way of saying your body's immune system is
freaking out, attacking the virus so madly that it is destroying it's own
tissues, for example, in the lungs, they are filling with fluid because of
the body's over reaction in attacking the virus.
The recent medicines of chloroquine, is currently used to treat arthritis, and lupus.
Arthritis is where your immune system is attacking your joints, and
Lupus is where your immune system, is variously attacking
different parts of your body, initially triggered by an actual infection,
but then the immune system doesn't back off, after the initial infection.
The additional antibiotic Z-pack, is an antibiotic to protect your body
from invading bacteria, while the immune system is being suppressed.
Jade's posting is important because it takes the mystery out of
the recent push to take chloroquine + Zpack,
and goes on to improve it by realizing that chloroquine
is simply an immune system suppressant, and that means
you can then go out and select a different immune suppressant,
to best fit how your body is over-reacting to the corona virus.
oh, and in other news, because everybody is staying at home,
air pollution is going down, and nature is coming back to life.
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

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rabbitquest said:[...]
I’m glad I’m able to forward anything useful to people here. I want to add something briefly to what you have detailed, in my layman’s verbiage:
This overly strong response by the immune system, this “storm”,
is not something that happens, or will happen, to all of us. The reasons are varied. I watched it being discussed on Public Broadcasting about a week or 10 days ago as to why the storm happens to some but not others. I’m sure an online search can bring something detailed to light. I will try to find more and post here. Be safe.
I’m glad I’m able to forward anything useful to people here. I want to add something briefly to what you have detailed, in my layman’s verbiage:
This overly strong response by the immune system, this “storm”,
is not something that happens, or will happen, to all of us. The reasons are varied. I watched it being discussed on Public Broadcasting about a week or 10 days ago as to why the storm happens to some but not others. I’m sure an online search can bring something detailed to light. I will try to find more and post here. Be safe.
Forum Posts: 3056
Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
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Interesting report by David Icke, don't be put off by Icke, have a listen to what the man is saying and make up YOUR OWN MINDS
Interesting report by David Icke, don't be put off by Icke, have a listen to what the man is saying and make up YOUR OWN MINDS
Joshua Bond
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
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Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words

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From a senior U.K jurist of the supreme court, Lord Sumption
"The real problem is that when human societies lose their freedom, it’s not usually because tyrants have taken it away. It’s usually because people willingly surrender their freedom in return for protection against some external threat. And the threat is usually a real threat but usually exaggerated. That’s what I fear we are seeing now. The pressure on politicians has come from the public. They want action. They don’t pause to ask whether the action will work. They don’t ask themselves whether the cost will be worth paying. They want action anyway. And anyone who has studied history will recognise here the classic symptoms of collective hysteria.
Hysteria is infectious. We are working ourselves up into a lather in which we exaggerate the threat and stop asking ourselves whether the cure may be worse than the disease."
If you want to listen to the full 7 minute interview, click here:
"The real problem is that when human societies lose their freedom, it’s not usually because tyrants have taken it away. It’s usually because people willingly surrender their freedom in return for protection against some external threat. And the threat is usually a real threat but usually exaggerated. That’s what I fear we are seeing now. The pressure on politicians has come from the public. They want action. They don’t pause to ask whether the action will work. They don’t ask themselves whether the cost will be worth paying. They want action anyway. And anyone who has studied history will recognise here the classic symptoms of collective hysteria.
Hysteria is infectious. We are working ourselves up into a lather in which we exaggerate the threat and stop asking ourselves whether the cure may be worse than the disease."
If you want to listen to the full 7 minute interview, click here:
Joshua Bond
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
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Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words

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And a sensible 40 minute Q&A podcast with Peter Hitchens being interviewed on the Brendon O'Neill show
Valeriya Long
Joined 1st Jan 2020
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Valeriya Long
Fire of Insight

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Jade-Pandora said:Say it’s not so!😱
From National Geographics:
I had two Springer Spaniels infected with Corona Virus in 1990 on died one survived it was respiratory failure vet said it was similar to parvo virus survival time was 4 days after contracting the virus
From National Geographics:
I had two Springer Spaniels infected with Corona Virus in 1990 on died one survived it was respiratory failure vet said it was similar to parvo virus survival time was 4 days after contracting the virus
Valeriya Long
Joined 1st Jan 2020
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Canine Respiratory Coronavirus FAQ | American Veterinary Medical Association
Canine Respiratory Coronavirus FAQ | American Veterinary Medical Association
Valeriya Long
Joined 1st Jan 2020
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Fire of Insight

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While two dogs (Hong Kong) and two cats (one in Belgium and one in Hong Kong) living with people diagnosed with COVID-19 have been reported to have been infected with SARS-CoV-2, other dogs and cats also living with infected people remain uninfected. New research articles have been posted to open-access sites on an almost daily basis that describe preliminary results suggesting some domestic animals can be experimentally infected with SARS-CoV-2 and may transmit the virus to other animals in an experimental setting or mount a viral-specific immune response when exposed to SARS-CoV-2. However, caution should be taken to not overinterpret results described in such articles, some of which may report on data from a very small number of animals or provide only preliminary results, and not extrapolate those results to the potential for SARS-CoV-2 to naturally infect or be transmitted by companion animals kept as pets. To date the CDC has not received any reports of pets becoming sick with COVID-19 in the United States. Infectious disease experts and multiple international and domestic human and animal health organizations continue to agree there is no evidence at this point to indicate that, under natural conditions, pets spread COVID-19 to people.
The USDA National Veterinary Services Laboratories has also confirmed the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in one tiger at a zoo in New York. This is the first instance of a tiger being infected with COVID-19. Several lions and tigers at the zoo showed clinical signs of respiratory illness and this tiger was tested accordingly. Public health employees believe the large cats became ill after being exposed to a zoo employee who was actively shedding virus. All of the large cats are expected to recover. No other animals in other areas of the zoo are exhibiting similar clinical signs. USDA and CDC are monitoring this situation and the OIE will be notified of the finding.
If you are not ill with COVID-19, you can interact with your animals as you normally would, including feeding and otherwise caring for them. You should continue to practice good hygiene during those interactions (e.g., wash hands before and after interacting with your animals, including handling of food, supplies, and waste; keep feed, water, and any supplies used to deliver them clean; remove soiled bedding and replace as appropriate).
Out of an abundance of caution and until more is known about this virus, if you are ill with COVID-19 you should restrict contact with pets and other animals, just as you would restrict your contact with other people. When possible, have another member of your household or business take care of feeding and otherwise caring for any animals, including pets. If you have a service animal or you must care for your animals, including pets, wear a cloth facemask; don’t share food, kiss, or hug them; and wash your hands before and after any contact with them.
The USDA National Veterinary Services Laboratories has also confirmed the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in one tiger at a zoo in New York. This is the first instance of a tiger being infected with COVID-19. Several lions and tigers at the zoo showed clinical signs of respiratory illness and this tiger was tested accordingly. Public health employees believe the large cats became ill after being exposed to a zoo employee who was actively shedding virus. All of the large cats are expected to recover. No other animals in other areas of the zoo are exhibiting similar clinical signs. USDA and CDC are monitoring this situation and the OIE will be notified of the finding.
If you are not ill with COVID-19, you can interact with your animals as you normally would, including feeding and otherwise caring for them. You should continue to practice good hygiene during those interactions (e.g., wash hands before and after interacting with your animals, including handling of food, supplies, and waste; keep feed, water, and any supplies used to deliver them clean; remove soiled bedding and replace as appropriate).
Out of an abundance of caution and until more is known about this virus, if you are ill with COVID-19 you should restrict contact with pets and other animals, just as you would restrict your contact with other people. When possible, have another member of your household or business take care of feeding and otherwise caring for any animals, including pets. If you have a service animal or you must care for your animals, including pets, wear a cloth facemask; don’t share food, kiss, or hug them; and wash your hands before and after any contact with them.
Valeriya Long
Joined 1st Jan 2020
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Valeriya Long
Fire of Insight

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Carpe_Noctem said:
Interesting report by David Icke, don't be put off by Icke, have a listen to what the man is saying and make up YOUR OWN MINDS
Agreed don't be put off by Icke he is a bit of a loon that makes perfect sense if you listen to him
Interesting report by David Icke, don't be put off by Icke, have a listen to what the man is saying and make up YOUR OWN MINDS
Agreed don't be put off by Icke he is a bit of a loon that makes perfect sense if you listen to him
Joshua Bond
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
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Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words

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Since the Covid-19 forum-thread has now been shut down, I am answering Ahavati’s answers my posting here instead. (original discussion can be found there on the penultimate page, 101)
Thank you again for your thoughts.
I’ve long wondered why, in wartime, pacifists receive more contempt and hostility than is reserved for the enemy. And I have come to the conclusion it is because the pacifist poses questions that challenge the validity of the roles people play, which in turn challenge the overall story people inhabit in order to play out those roles.
In other words, the pacifist’s stance poses an overall existential threat not to survival in a time of war, but to the identity of those who sign up willingly to the war agenda. And to have our identity questioned is an unnerving experience which people tend to avoid unless forced by circumstances. Indeed, as I understand it, we have both gone through phases in life where belief-systems collapsed, a no-man’s land was entered, and identity-meaning had to be rebuilt from scratch - a painful yet ultimately life-enhancing journey of what it means to become more fully human.
Translating all this to the current Covid scenario, a counter-current voice crying in the wilderness may be a John-the-Baptist who looks pretty crazy but has a genuine insight of things to come, or may be someone who’s just plain crazy, full-stop. Both types are currently having a field day on the internet. I have no wish to create yet another polarisation and I try and keep an open mind as to where the sword falls in my own case.
But taking a cue from Hegel with the notion of thesis-antithesis-synthesis, Covid also offers an opportunity to create a more beautiful world, taking ‘think global, act local’ up a notch or two from its roots in 1915 town planning, and later as a 1970s mantra—where back-to-the-land can have elements literal (as I have already suggested), and I accept elements also metaphorical and creative at a higher level (Cottage industries in the city? Turning city/industrial wasteland spaces into food-growing spaces?).
Inasmuch the human journey is one of creativity and growth in consciousness, with that in common I am happy to agree with you that we can agree to differ, allowing our differing journeys to take their respective - and creative - courses.
With respect,
PS: concerning the acute danger of the slide into tyranny, (hence the critical imperative to rigorously question the mass-media narrative with all its fear-mongering) my above two postings have interesting things to say.
Thank you again for your thoughts.
I’ve long wondered why, in wartime, pacifists receive more contempt and hostility than is reserved for the enemy. And I have come to the conclusion it is because the pacifist poses questions that challenge the validity of the roles people play, which in turn challenge the overall story people inhabit in order to play out those roles.
In other words, the pacifist’s stance poses an overall existential threat not to survival in a time of war, but to the identity of those who sign up willingly to the war agenda. And to have our identity questioned is an unnerving experience which people tend to avoid unless forced by circumstances. Indeed, as I understand it, we have both gone through phases in life where belief-systems collapsed, a no-man’s land was entered, and identity-meaning had to be rebuilt from scratch - a painful yet ultimately life-enhancing journey of what it means to become more fully human.
Translating all this to the current Covid scenario, a counter-current voice crying in the wilderness may be a John-the-Baptist who looks pretty crazy but has a genuine insight of things to come, or may be someone who’s just plain crazy, full-stop. Both types are currently having a field day on the internet. I have no wish to create yet another polarisation and I try and keep an open mind as to where the sword falls in my own case.
But taking a cue from Hegel with the notion of thesis-antithesis-synthesis, Covid also offers an opportunity to create a more beautiful world, taking ‘think global, act local’ up a notch or two from its roots in 1915 town planning, and later as a 1970s mantra—where back-to-the-land can have elements literal (as I have already suggested), and I accept elements also metaphorical and creative at a higher level (Cottage industries in the city? Turning city/industrial wasteland spaces into food-growing spaces?).
Inasmuch the human journey is one of creativity and growth in consciousness, with that in common I am happy to agree with you that we can agree to differ, allowing our differing journeys to take their respective - and creative - courses.
With respect,
PS: concerning the acute danger of the slide into tyranny, (hence the critical imperative to rigorously question the mass-media narrative with all its fear-mongering) my above two postings have interesting things to say.
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
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Joshua Bond
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
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Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1876
Carpe_Noctem said:
He was on Londonreel today (I haven't seen it yet) 65k watched the live stream, yet YouTube deleted the video when it was uploaded. Wounder why?
I watched it the Londonreal interview of 18th March; will catch up - been following Icke off and on since the mid-1990s. He joins the dots in an interesting and convincing way. What he says is an important POV that, at least, everyone should be aware of (imho), even if one disagrees with his line of thinking.
He was on Londonreel today (I haven't seen it yet) 65k watched the live stream, yet YouTube deleted the video when it was uploaded. Wounder why?
I watched it the Londonreal interview of 18th March; will catch up - been following Icke off and on since the mid-1990s. He joins the dots in an interesting and convincing way. What he says is an important POV that, at least, everyone should be aware of (imho), even if one disagrees with his line of thinking.
Valeriya Long
Joined 1st Jan 2020
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Jade-Pandora said:Suggest everyone watch this - I saw on local news a short while ago. Scroll to the video to start.
Thanks Jade very informative
I posted on the other Corona thread last week on the Cytokine storm it was scoffed thanks for your link
Thanks Jade very informative
I posted on the other Corona thread last week on the Cytokine storm it was scoffed thanks for your link
Forum Posts: 3572
Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018 
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Icke totally lost me , and many others , during this time ;
Joshua Bond
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1876
Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1876
Blackwolf said:Icke totally lost me , and many others , during this time ;
I think it's interesting that humans, amongst the billions of galaxies there supposedly are, believe they are the only form of intelligent life in the entire universe.
I think it's interesting that humans, amongst the billions of galaxies there supposedly are, believe they are the only form of intelligent life in the entire universe.