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Corona Virus ( Covid-19 )

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1863

Carpe_Noctem said:

Well said, Sir

Imagine the possibilities if the world learned self sufficientcy again.

They may say I'm a dreamer, but
I'm not the only one

Stay safe mate

Thank you, but I'm not self-sufficient by the way. I'm part of the way there and visit the supermarket once a week. I also buy diesel & petrol and chainsaws and tools and stuff.
I see in a another comment of yours on previous page that you mention allotments and growing food on balconies. One example I admire is "Incredible Edibles" in Todmorden, ( https://www.incredible-edible-todmorden.co.uk/ ) and have spent time with the founder. This is a model that can be replicated in every urban landscape; even a small experience of growing some of your own food gives a sense of empowerment. Errr, ... yes, and I am a dreamer too  
Afterthought: Self-sufficiency for a nation is also (I would have thought) an important strategic move (ref: "dig for victory", in WW2). Less dependency on food from overseas.

Dangerous Mind
United States 25awards
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941

I love you all. I just want people to be okay.

poet Anonymous

SatInUGal said:I love you all. I just want people to be okay.

That's the spirit!

Tyrant of Words
United States 11awards
Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1080

Interesting take on the response to COVID19.


Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14593

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