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Corona Time

Valeriya Long
Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 1st Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 705

You decide when you isolate,  quarantine, whichever
You decide where you isolate.
You decide how you isolate
Keeping you in your houses against your will ( if they are) if their way of controlling you into being weak followers
Wait until they open FEMA camps and you all walk in single file
All they have to do is offer free toilet paper to some monetary incentive to others
Maybe even a damn sandwich if they keep you locked up long enough

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

lepperochan said:Problem I have with this virus is we are not getting any answers as to how the fuck it for loose. it's a fkn killer, if it kills anyone I know I'll be fkn angry

Man... I feel with ya... 😖

I Pomise, hand on heart I was ina jocker for tvree weeks in the run up to and during christmas up to new year. I read somewhere cocaine kills it

I can tell you out staraight it doesn't.

I really believe in a cure I can't prove, but that would be safe and harmless to drink. I think it is a cure -all... wanna go all Bill Gates and claim credit, lol...

I reinvented the biochemical wheel...

1:1 sodium bicarb to citric acid in water, to taste, usually no more than 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon each, per quart.

If you add the sodium first, then water, then citric acid, you get fizz. The fizz will actually increase cellular oxygen(the short explanation)

I took lemsip (paracetamol) and it helped a bit 🤔

I think I'll avoid any fever-reducing ANYTHING. Save your hide. Keep your lungs moist and hot!

I am really hoping I'm immune, but I dunno.

Don't die. It's bad karma. Pass it on...

I think they'll be testing people for a workforce. I have no problem with that 😎

I don't believe it came from a bat. I know theres some evidence to say it did, but theres a flip side too

Because we are killing the bats, maybe they are spreading their genetics via viruses.

...It's how we got the ability to digest starch. From a jumping virus!

Look. this is a weapon and its killing people. 10,000 in Italy, that's just the stat

somebody need to be held accountable and punished.  

honesty, I'm really fkn  angry  this is happening.

I feel this is a means to a start

stay safe

Thanks for sharing, you stay safe, too.

I'd get really pissed off if you died. We'll make you regret it...

Don't piss us off!😈

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Valeriya said:You decide when you isolate,  quarantine, whichever
You decide where you isolate.
You decide how you isolate
Keeping you in your houses against your will ( if they are) if their way of controlling you into being weak followers
Wait until they open FEMA camps and you all walk in single file
All they have to do is offer free toilet paper to some monetary incentive to others
Maybe even a damn sandwich if they keep you locked up long enough

Point taken! 😨

I got lotsa toilet paper from Y2K.... not out yet.

Life is getting so dangerous...

Might as well chain smoke and run with scissors! 🚬✂️

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Miss_Sub said:

We’re all in angry denial. It’s called life, sweet.




Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

hemihead said:
The lancet shared a statement from researchers all over the world who have been examining this organism and are categorical is was not engineered.

I think it's been proven that the Lancet is as untouched in the infowar as Sweden....

And as infallible as the Pope!

In short, the Lancet absolutely never ever allowed trillionair pharmaceutical interests or secret agencies ANY sway.

In fact, I heard God gets it delivered straight to His door with the New York Times!

I think the anger should be directed at entire governments who have been ignoring literally years of experts warning that this would occur, and also what was needed to be ready for it.

Actually.... yeah... maybe... yeah....

A second concern for me is all the people who cannot speak or be heard right now for issues that also gave us; the environment. Worker abuses. Shit even children in abusive relationships are now locked in the house with some nasty bastard, with their kids.

Right!? No joke!!

Chomsky has just live-streamed and q and a session and is all but yelling from the rooftops the human rights abuses happening, as well as the fascist rhetoric from world leaders. He is frank that he thinks civil war, at the least, is coming. I have personally never faulted his wide ranging knowledge of modern history, nor his logic.

Be angry. But don’t let it burn your house down.

Oooh... wish I could be assured that won't happen... stay safe... maybe socially distance - indoors??

Valeriya Long
Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 1st Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 705

Life will never be what we knew
The things we were used to
One man responsible for the deaths
of countless human beings
One man responsible for countless lives
He has altered the face of this planet.
We supported him with our purchasing power
Socks, underwear T-shirts
Made in China
Remember when it was said
"No More Made in Mexico"
Was that a FUBAR decision?  Or what?
3-5 years maybe we will crawl out
of this,  when the third or fourth global wave of this virus makes its rounds
Where will that one man be ?

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

lepperochan said:my anger is in check, I am highly suspicious of this crisis. I know it's a crisis, and its dangerous. I'm doing my bit, I'll do more if I get the opportunity

£'d like a link to Chomsky, hes a solid fellow, very wise. Brand is ok, hes good head on his shoulders and can articulate very well

cheers big ears

Your new profile pic is interesting...in other other context says biological protection. In the case of the Irish it has other connotations.....

Protect y’self, and those you love, and the resultant of what conversations we have in the future.


Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005

lepperochan said:
honesty, I'm really fkn  angry  this is happening.

Anger uses up a hell of a lot of energy 🌸🌼🌻

I'm a straight line at the moment, neither up nor down. Keeping my thoughts and opinions about what is happening in my own head and carry on listening to my second brain.

Hope you like the flowers lep.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14602

hemihead said:

Your new profile pic is interesting...in other other context says biological protection. In the case of the Irish it has other connotations.....

Someone mentioned civil war

Scarf isn't much protection. I was thinking of buying whatever diaper fits around my face nice and putting the scarf over it

fuckin beautiful day here, first in ages  ...on lockdown   ...going out on the roof for a splifferoo

new grandchild in some days

love the flowers, lady

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

lepperochan said:

Someone mentioned civil war

Scarf isn't much protection. I was thinking of buying whatever diaper fits around my face nice and putting the scarf over it

fuckin beautiful day here, first in ages  ...on lockdown   ...going out on the roof for a splifferoo

new grandchild in some days

love the flowers, lady

I’m jealous of your supply stash! Hard times here on the boat. Even my door-to-door guy ain’t comin’.

I do have a handful of shake though, and some butter. Pretty obvious I need to get creative in the kitchen :-)

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

Have been thinking about this a lot lately, and this is a good starter on it. Pandemics have had a very significant effects on history in the past. We should not be naive to the idea that this has the potential to be no different;


Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042

This video is from a YouTuber who  has a contact in the DOD.
The information the DOD guy is seeing across his desk daily is that this mobilising of troops is for an invasion.
He also has an email from an MD showing the corona virus to be Bullshit.

Watch the video..

Or don't

Enemies foreign and domestic people.


Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

While we're at it, consider the true serial killer from 1918 salicylic acid:


High aspirin dosing levels used to treat patients during the 1918-1919 pandemic are now known to cause, in some cases, toxicity and a dangerous build up of fluid in the lungs, which may have contributed to the incidence and severity of symptoms, bacterial infections, and mortality. Additionally, autopsy reports from 1918 are consistent with what we know today about the dangers of aspirin toxicity, as well as the expected viral causes of death

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

If your pimp has mama's head in the toilet; don't give her asperin! Or you might as well have paid that pimp!! 🤣

poet Anonymous

I’m just gonna jump in here, since the other corona thread turned into a blood bath:

A reminder that yes, we all have a right to freedom of speech and expression , but all freedoms must be used in conjunction with wisdom.  Just because you can, doesn’t always mean that you should.

Some of you are concerned about corona being a government control /societal takeover —well , guess what?  Every time you cause division by personally attacking others around you, you’ve played right into what you didn’t want to to have happen : more rules and regulations from those in positions of power , greater than ours.  They thrive on social collapse and division so they can swoop in and look like the big heros, saving everything and everyone, when in fact we could have saved ourselves with a little common courtesy and regard for others.

There’s my rant, and kindly save the report button for the major butt-hurts that don’t seem to understand the aforementioned civility toward others; we don’t need to rack up 30+ reports for all the little boo-hoo’s, because someone just doesn’t like someone else.  Get over it, and play nice in the sandbox.

Carry on

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