Poetry competition CLOSED 26th March 2020 00:11am
ReggiePoet (Reggie)
View Profile Poems by ReggiePoet
RUNNERS-UP: wallyroo92 and slipalong


Warm-up-Competition Competition

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Poetry Contest

Write a poem honoring DUP poetry

Write a poem featuring the awesomeness of DUP.

One poem per human! Assuming you are....

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Let me be clear. I'm a total ham... but aside from the satire, the support-sentiment is warm and serious.

I'm very proud of team A&J. And all of DUP's leadership!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

When We Have Food Replicators 2

Written on Planet Furry
Captain's JohnnyKirk's log:
When our hairy alien friends have
more time and good health for  
grooming or restless legs syndrome  
while attempting sleep, not overly hungry
calling my ship for aid every time I orbit over
Or sending me space raid siren pleas for help  
because they have such simple alien brains    
comprehending little beyond hormones  and warp 1. . .    
Barely reaching warp the frenzied ambassadors   
feast-ively flying into action upon hearing  
the Accord that is Pavlov's Bell . . .  
When there are no more furry friends    
Well ...  
I guess that's when the SOS calls finally end!
Written by EdibleWords
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Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 20th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 53

Deep Love

What more can really be said besides that we're here
expressing ourselves to the masses, or at least a lot
of people who call themselves 'Creatives and poets" So
there is no other thing to do but to pay respect to the
originators of a place free to judge and smile at the
same time. We are the crowd. The folks that speak
real loud, the ones that went out of their way to seek
something where expression rules, and here we are.
The expressionists looking to be loved

Dangerous Mind
South Africa 3awards
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 80

a blackwolf ringing my door bell

There is a blackwolf ringing my door bell
Banging on my door and it wants in
Howling it revolutionAL howl
To rectify my mistakes and guide me to a better path
There's a blackwolf ringing my door bell
With fur as beautiful as a genus of flowering trees (Melia)
Forever showering me with the sweetest of compliments
There's a blackwolf ringing my door bell
It comes running and running me down
Chasing me down the stream of juvenile 66 butterflies
Chasing me into a poetic tragedy
With words so shakespear-sweet
Sending me into Ely down the cambridgeshire
There's a blackwolf ringing my door bell
Written by poetOftragedy
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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 369

Blue Lotus

Hide away, my psyche
Don’t risk getting feisty
The World won’t understand
Your voice, most likely banned

Wrap it in some verse
Ambiguous or terse
Authority won’t notice
Not unlike Blue Lotus

If you dare to strike a nerve
The nation-state will self-preserve
Except for those who they dismiss
Already on the crazy list

Poetry, Deep Underground
Is, in a word: Profound
The powers who rule over us
Already think that we are nuts!

Written by ReggiePoet (Reggie)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 159awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1900

Deep Underground

Can’t go anywhere but cyberspace?
Visit the place where poets come to write,
Distancing yourself socially to not catch a case?
Race down to the Underground and see the site.
(Or is it see the sights?)
Despite what the world is going through,
Here you’ll see and hear the voices of dreamers,
Filling each other with hope trying to be SOAP,
That’s the Sum Of All Parts for the cleaners.
(Shameless plug ^)
Dig Deep like the roots of a tree in this Poetry,
Talk to the poets and ask how they wrote ‘em,
Check out the comps, groups and forums,
Oh, and make sure you have a good modem.
(90s kids will get that one)
Deep Underground Poetry is an awesome place to be,
You get to connect with other poets, writers and artists,
Share your verse and rhyme it’ll be a great…experience,
But give it your best because DUP be the hardest.
Written by wallyroo92
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864

My line unwrapped

Words all jumbled, like spagetti    
pen at start, now I'm ready  
word of love to impress a lady    
melt, her cold, cold, heart    
She that grass and you the rake    
try to groom,  to ordered state    
polishing to delicate or intimate    
somethin smokin, somethin tart    
But she's the bitch that has you fettered    
writing lines that cant be bettered    
hook, line and sinker    
in a pose, like Rodin's Thinker    
no stop button, when you start    
For that mile was so uncharted    
hesitant you stumble thwarted   
that leap of faith, in rhyme or pro's    
"And that's Rap", my soul exposed    
mindset all, in that impart  
Now I'm here I sit and reason  
for that "cool" I bin seeking  
Aladdins cave of treasures gleaming  
to change my life and sense of meaning
self emancipation in that form of art
By adding DU to your shopping cart
Written by slipalong
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Deep Underground

( a Tribute that tells a story through poem titles from 21 Deep members )
It’s now one year forward since the scourge;
Comes the dawning of the first new Light
Through a crimson sky, the colours of time.
We are no different despite the purge.
The cleansing of being tethered flight
Beyond of what seemed to be a lifetime.
Lockdown cities, street by empty street,
Isolation by isolation,
Considered a privilege if we survived.
A hint of sadness, we’ll never meet,
Emerged from charity sedations.
But almost harmless doesn’t mean we tried.
Almost wanted had a second chance
If you’re bracing for the unveiling;
It’s just enough to make you stay alive.
A wild child in moonlight for this dance,
The hum that ripples a song failing,
Here Nature is speaking to save her hive.
The 21 Deep members whose poem titles
(in italics, picked at random from current pages  
of My Updates) my poetic ink honours
^buddhakitty  - one year forward
^MadameLavender - The Dawning
^Wanderer_Mahmud - Crimson Sky
^Josh - Colours of Time
^Stoney223 - We Are No Different
^adagio - of being
^EdibleWords - Beyond
^Kaylor1967 - Empty
^ImperfectedStone - Isolation
^Wh1skeySwagger - Isolation
^NewBeginnings - Privilege
^SweetOblivion - A hint of sadness
^lilies_and_dust - charity
^Sky_dancer - Almost Harmless
^Honoria - Almost Wanted
^FromTheAsh - bracing for the unveiling
^Rubiksmind91 - Just enough to make you stay
^gothicsurrealism - A wild child in moonlight
^calamitygin - This dance
^_boybrains - the hum that ripples a song  
^jemac - Nature is speaking
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Congratulations to winners Reggie, Wally & Slip!
With special thanks to Jess, our host, for the opportunity!

Everyone be safe & well during these times...

Jade 🙏🏻

Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 369

Thanky, poets all, esp. EW for hosting

Tyrant of Words
United States 159awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1900

Congrats to slipalong for runner up position and to ReggiePoet for winning. Thank you to our host and for honorable mention.
Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.

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