Poetry competition CLOSED 28th January 2020 3:14pm
View Profile Poems by Shonuff666
RUNNERS-UP: wallyroo92 and Jade-Pandora

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Write To Inspire

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 72

Poetry Contest

Im going through a lost of a loved one what would you write to inspire me to get through pain and grief
Im looking for passion
I want to feel your words
Make me feel your pain
When you are expressing how you are feeling when writing this poem

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Be Shattered, No Glue

You leave me in the light
a cold and distant
shadow of a hawk
in the clear moonlight

I shatter easily
like a tiny ornament

So tired of putting
me back together

Pathetic tapes and glues!
I only let myself

hold it all together
to hide the psycho

fire beneath my vessel
let me shatter


Watch the enemy
demons of our
thickest, darkest night
eating each other

fleeing back to wherever
they really aught to be

The remains behind

unshattered as can be

So blasting the last
and glue

Be the fire
in you
Written by EdibleWords
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Island Breeze
Fire of Insight
Curaçao 1awards
Joined 2nd Nov 2019
Forum Posts: 16

Love Me Always

I told you not to,  
Told you dont you ever leave me alone,
Still you didnt listen and made me go through,
This shadow of you that hunt me day and night,
As i see you in everything that i do,
You were my friend, my lover, my best nemesis, as we battled across and make out after a rough fight,
I know,  
i know what you would say to me,
You would look at me with those puppy big eyes and that smile that bright up the room,
You would get closer and hold my face in your hands, and tell me,
"Its ok,
 to miss me"
"Know that im always by your side,
Im in the day and im through the night, guarding you"  
"Know that i may be far, but im closer to you then ever"
"Remember all we did together, history can not be erased, but contemplate and treasure the moment we had "  
"As i will always be part of you"
"Im a memory of you and me,  
Time made us and time set us apart to be free in bondage"
 " Remember me,
I am closer than your thoughts,
"Love me always"

Written by Poetic_Strength (Island Breeze)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 18awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 86


Through the visions of my eyes I vision you here standing beside me, as I feel you deeply in my arms as they wrap around you fitting like a glove, for its moments like these I cherish the most about us as one man to one woman. But yet as we entwine in this here and now, I want you to understand wholeheartedly how much you really mean to me, for it is definitely true indeed if I didn't have you in my life it would never be complete. For you are my rock that keeps me grounded even when the world wants to break me down, for you reassure me that everything will be alright when I look deep into your eyes and see the strength within them for the both of us. For if I ever had to go through the process of a storm it will be you and I fighting, the winds and rains mix with the thunder and lightning that shots across the darken skies
Written by Stoney223 (WOLF BAY33)
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Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 4awards
Joined 24th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 53

Day by Day

Another morning without you
A soul removed, a void to fill
It seems like 'time heals' is just another lie
I was told to stay strong
Keep my head up
You'll be okay
I find that more and more unlikely, day by day

I still turn to ask you things
I make you cups of tea
I roll a fag and place it where you're sitting next to me
You're coming back
I don't know when or how
But you, gone forever?
I find that more and more unlikely, day by day

You didn't show up yesterday
You weren't here in the morning
I'll wait up for you tonight like I always do
You'll be back
Our bed remembers how you laid
I haven't cleaned your clothes since you left
I KNOW you're coming back
Even though
I find that more and more unlikely, day by day

Maybe I should move on
Maybe time can heal, if I let it
Maybe I AM strong and I've just been hiding from my growth
This is my chance
This is my calling
Become a new me
A better, wiser, stronger one
I won't fall again
Not like this
Not this low
And even if you're not here in flesh, you're here some other way
You'll live on, beside me, no matter what I do
I find that more and more likely, day by day
Written by Benzy_420 (BTheW)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2335


Scratching at an open wound to get at my marrow
While dark red from damaged veins pours out slow.
Reaching for femurs fully cracked and narrow
You drain my life, my zeal, my glow.
A love offering of gauze and tape
And sex to suture, mend and heal.
But fractured promises felt like rape
Leaking bright crimson's sticky feel.
Adipose tissued compromises failed
Torn ligamented hopes of two strained.
Rotting flesh of forgiveness jailed
As decomposing divorce is on its way.
Marrow gone and drained of red
No more joy or playful glow.
Narrow escape and barely not dead
Aorta Yes, Symbiotic, No.
Written by Tallen (earth_empath)
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Dangerous Mind
Mexico 6awards
Joined 20th May 2018
Forum Posts: 297

Y'all have a good ride...

Having a rough go of it lately, are we?
Sorry to hear that it's so…
Since there's naught for it now
but live through it…you'll just have to give it a go.

Mourn your loss, lick your wounds...gather your resources...and when you come out the other side
of that dark place you have been exploring…
we'll be here... waitin' on you.

Y'all have a good ride...
Written by Ely (E.A.Rothwell)
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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 31st Oct 2019
Forum Posts: 4

Justin Dakota Wright

What this loss feels like:

A punch in the gut, the kind that takes the wind out of you. A sate of confusion and disbelief. Moments of panic, and then complete dread. A whole day of avoiding conversations, and eye contact for fear of breaking down. Two sleepless nights and counting. A broken heart and a new reality.

What I took for granted:

That this could ever happen. The life of someone I love. Keepsakes and memories, I could have cherished forever. The smile and charm of a young man who had more potential then he ever knew.

Things I now regret:

Not seeing you the last time you visited. Having a relationship that was focused on the surface and avoided the deeper things. Knowing nothing of your personal life for the last year. Every unused opportunity to tell you I love you.

What I now know:

That it was no accident that I thumbed through old photos of you just weeks ago. That when I swept my floor the Friday before reunion and a ripped dollar bill caught my eye, it was the Lord speaking to me to pick it up.

What I wish:

That this never happened. That I could see you one more time on this side of eternity. That when I saw that silly torn up 4th of a dollar bill, that you gave me 4 years ago, on the floor, I would have taken the time to pick it up, instead of sweeping it into the trash... I wish that you could have heard all the things that have been said about you these past few days, that you could read all the posts, and that you could join us while we fish, bowl, play basketball and disc golf in memory of you.

What I hold to:

Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. Psalm 116:15 and

God is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea. Psalm 46:1...

The earth was removed from a lot of peoples lives early Sunday morning. Just like a rug being ripped from under our feet, the security of how life is supposed to go was shattered and you were gone. It doesn't feel right, like you were taken too early. It feels like your story left us all hanging, what should have been 80+ years of a novel ended at only 19.... But your story will never be over, you live today and will forever. I will see you again, and you are in a better place then we who still pilgrim here. We will never forget you, and there is no way of knowing who all will benefit from the legacy you left behind. You were cooler than any human ever had the right to be and you made it look easy. A perfect mixture of talent, charisma, kindness, and humor; you captivated every room I saw you walk in and the lives of countless people. I love you D.
Written by Unredeemed (Vickie)
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Twisted Dreamer
Dominica 1awards
Joined 24th Oct 2019
Forum Posts: 24

Failed Love Harmonized

Hollow stand
Framed house
Brick walls  
Where we once danced
Fragrance of romance  
One final glance
It is no more  
The day you walked out the door
You took my time into your hands  
Failed a love that had a chance  
Although I prayed to God you stayed
You paved your path a different way
I stand here  
I dance alone
Within the walls we called our home
Rooms filled with the scenery  
Of love and what love should be  
I listened to soft melody
Of the promises you made to me  
And into the mist of night  
Those memories took flight.  
Written by ClassyBird (ClAsSyBiRdMeLlA)
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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 27awards
Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525

Saying goodbye

A sunlit sheen tries to wake pallor-mortis,  
with a kiss, I quietly pass warmth onto you  
and hold my hair as it falls  
damp on the grey of your cheek.  
The difficult calls are being made,  
he can only chew the words  
so I swallow them for him,  
hard as the red plastic phone.  
I sound like a mourner  
in this fake monotone drone.  
Curtains close and roast to ash  
hands held out to be took and shook,  
sympathetic smiles, wrinkles of the past.  
Your music reminds me of Saturday nights.  
Ham and piccalilli on buttered crusty bread,  
saggy settees and late night TV,  
those were the times we held each other  
and I needed your comfort the most.  
Foot falls wet on a mountain path,  
dust drops soft to cobwebbed grass,  
I look for a sign  
to find this spot again and I laugh  
before I cry, as I do every time.
Written by Razzerleaf
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Tyrant of Words
United States 156awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1883

Cherished Memory

In the cherished memory of the loved and lost,
You will find some comfort in your time of need,
Through the endless tears you will come across,
The path and understanding of the spirit freed.

It’s there in the realm of all things spiritual,
Where it connects us to slowly ease the pain,
Like recollections of rites and rituals,
When it projects us onto another plane.

And it’s there where all our souls come to bond,
Reuniting for a while in this scene,
Between the living and those in the beyond,
When a loved one comes to visit us in dreams.
Written by wallyroo92
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

To Thank Her (no matter who hears)

There are not enough ways to    
thank her, as my sisters and I    
lost our mother,    
though it is not she who is lost.    
It has been ten days ago    
as of this morning, very early,    
just as the rain    
showed its cold monotone.    
It comes, grieving, freeing me    
to rise up,    
to celebrate our mother.    
To shower the firmament    
ev’rywhere she saw & walk’d;    
I now can say    
no matter who might hear:    
Bless my soul, Mother,    
have you taken a moment to    
gaze upon yourself    
in your new raiments of    
restoration, in preparation    
for the journey    
that has awaited you?    
How does it feel at last    
to shuck off heavy burdens,    
layer upon layer?    
The pall of dementia    
coveting o’er, like barnacles,    
of everything    
you were about & loved for.    
You were being trapped    
in a mollusk husk; you’d say:    
”If I ever get that way,    
just shoot me!”
She was a nurse  
with a particular calling in  
the hospital nurse’ries.  
Mom was a blessing to  
babies she helped bring into  
the world, and loved the  
babies she herself had had.  
Mother, I thank you, for,  
despite your many busy rolls,  
all of them were never easy.  
You put your growing family’s  
welfare above all else.  
As a mom, you were a queen.  
We are the jewels in our  
mother’s crown;  
named after precious stones.  
Always referring to us,  
to anyone she’d meet, as  
“My three girls”;  
creating us, one at a time.  
Looking down upon each,  
swaddled in the  
warmth of her life-giving flesh,  
our fresh faces, cleaned of  
filmy birth, of each feature,  
fold and quivering curve.  
She smiled at each  
uniqueness of her feat, and  
by the tug for her milk,  
first one then another,  
till Lord, if she wasn’t  
well pleased!  
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 13th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 27

Our swan song

Every day it's the same ol song and dance
I wake up and look over
Let this nightmare be over
But still all I see is your cold empty pillow next me.

It's so plain and so clear
That i should move on
But it's that hope that keeps me here

It's in the food that I taste
The songs that hear
the pictures I see drives me to be
This fragile and lost soul
That you've never seen in me

And even as I write this
I tell my self why
You know she's probably  under some guy

This fire ignites
When I think about it
I bet everything he's not even worth it

I'll do what ever it takes
To forget that pretty face
I tell myself look it's not even her
A cheap generic version of you
IS all that is see
When you look at me

This love that was shared I'll keep it here
Buried deep deep below
In a place  you can't go
From now on our love is mine
It's no longer something you own  

This person you are now
It's not who I know
So why do i give you
So much power to hold

I've got to be strong
I've got to move on
It's time for our song  
To stop playing on n on
I'll forever be grateful
For the son  that you gave me
He's the only thing left
That can make me happy
And I think I can be
Ok with that kind of ending ......
Written by Shonuff666
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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 13th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 27

Kobe Bryant Died twice that day

Can you even imagine how difficult it was for him in that moment? The moment he knew that not only his own life was about to end, but that of his daughter...a life he helped create.

Can you imagine how he felt as a father knowing he couldn't protect her?

Can you imagine him holding her, consoling her, telling her he loved her as that helicopter went down?

As a parent, I can tell you, Kobe Bryant's greatest fear was realized today. And it wasn't the fear for his own life, but for that of his beautiful daughter.

Because as a parent, your life means nothing in comparison to the lives of your children.

We live for our children. We breathe for our children. They are our reason for being.

We would also die for them, without hesitation.

Without question, without a moments notice, we would lay down our own lives to ensure theirs.

Just thinking of his internal struggle in those last moments tears my heart into pieces.

He knew his daughter's young life was ending. He knew he was leaving 3 other precious children behind. Oh, how his heart must have ached!

Can you even imagine the agony that played out in his mind? Every parents worst nightmare happening to him in real time.

He was there when his sweet girl took her first breath, and he was there with her when she took her last.

And that's the only solace I can find in this...that he was there. In her final moments, her daddy was there to remind her of his undying love.

And with everything in me, I hope that baby felt every ounce of love her daddy had for her. I hope it overwhelmed her, and carried her straight into paradise.

Because I know that's all her daddy wanted too.

Rest in peace Kobe and Gigi. Our hearts mourn you ❤

Hug your children extra tight tonight, mamas and daddies. Tomorrow is never promised.
Written by Shonuff666
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Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Joined 26th Nov 2019
Forum Posts: 11

Past love

As you left
I knew deep down
These memories won't fade
The way you used to kiss my back
As we watched TV,

As the door slammed shut
A chapter had ended
Never to be given another chance
No more last glance

As the car pulled off
The cigarette still burns
turns to ash like our love
And the dreams
We shared

I hope your well
And that you fell
For someone
that treats you well

As I lay at night
I wonder if you think of me
The fun we had
When we were free
Good night my lover
My heart still yearns
Like that cigarette
That still burns

Written by BigG
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