Your favorite poem...written by YOU

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Joined 1st July 2015
Forum Posts: 543
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 543
Lost Angeles
Oh how the city of cast out souls and Unforbidden dreams grabs me into her hypnotic clutches.
An angel by design, but a lost demon in the soul she entices me to go for the fame and limelight.
She tells me to let her rebuild my entire persona and build a facade based off taking my career to a new international height.
She blinds me with reflections of a plastic surgeon's flaw ridden touches.
She bathes me in the unforgetten souls of fallen Hollywood starlets.
Molding me to let the paparazzi defame my character and leave my morals at the gateway.
Only to let the tabloids see me as a fame induced monster feigning for the devil's pay.
She blew my money on private jets and more illegal body augmentations.
But oh my sweet Los Angeles give me my Hollywood star cemented on your golden pavements.
My star crossed lover place me on my rightful throne next to the A list celebrities.
Take me on your magical, mystical voyage where the human dreams are mere figments.
Where I can meet people with flamboyant and out of this world personalities.
Sweet city of Lost Angels with your street urchins, crushed dreams and high class elegance
Take me under your enchanted angel wings and turn me into a star that conveys the upmost arrogance.
An angel by design, but a lost demon in the soul she entices me to go for the fame and limelight.
She tells me to let her rebuild my entire persona and build a facade based off taking my career to a new international height.
She blinds me with reflections of a plastic surgeon's flaw ridden touches.
She bathes me in the unforgetten souls of fallen Hollywood starlets.
Molding me to let the paparazzi defame my character and leave my morals at the gateway.
Only to let the tabloids see me as a fame induced monster feigning for the devil's pay.
She blew my money on private jets and more illegal body augmentations.
But oh my sweet Los Angeles give me my Hollywood star cemented on your golden pavements.
My star crossed lover place me on my rightful throne next to the A list celebrities.
Take me on your magical, mystical voyage where the human dreams are mere figments.
Where I can meet people with flamboyant and out of this world personalities.
Sweet city of Lost Angels with your street urchins, crushed dreams and high class elegance
Take me under your enchanted angel wings and turn me into a star that conveys the upmost arrogance.
Written by LibraSoul96
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Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 540
If Elephants Could Fly
If elephants could fly, then the world wouldn’t be able to…
Close their eyes and pretend they haven’t seen something new
Up in the clear blue sky, the elephant certainly has a great view
There’s no way to deny what we see; soon one plus one won’t equal two.
If elephants could fly, then I should be able to reach my goals
Say a few goodbyes and liberate my weary soul
I want to spread the truth and abolish all lies; free us from this chocking control
Even if it’s just me, myself and I; at least I’m now whole.
If elephants could fly, then I’d know imagination can come true
Living in the magic of July, this string of love leads me to you
We’ll never know what’ll happen unless we try; when I looked into your eyes, I knew…
That this wasn’t the time to be shy, and I can’t look away from your shade of blue.
If elephants could fly, then I’d know that the impossible can happen
I have loved ones on whom I can rely, more so than I can even imagine
I feel like I am so high, as my blood burns with limitless passion
If elephants could fly, than I’m a majestic dragon!
Close their eyes and pretend they haven’t seen something new
Up in the clear blue sky, the elephant certainly has a great view
There’s no way to deny what we see; soon one plus one won’t equal two.
If elephants could fly, then I should be able to reach my goals
Say a few goodbyes and liberate my weary soul
I want to spread the truth and abolish all lies; free us from this chocking control
Even if it’s just me, myself and I; at least I’m now whole.
If elephants could fly, then I’d know imagination can come true
Living in the magic of July, this string of love leads me to you
We’ll never know what’ll happen unless we try; when I looked into your eyes, I knew…
That this wasn’t the time to be shy, and I can’t look away from your shade of blue.
If elephants could fly, then I’d know that the impossible can happen
I have loved ones on whom I can rely, more so than I can even imagine
I feel like I am so high, as my blood burns with limitless passion
If elephants could fly, than I’m a majestic dragon!
Written by LunasChild8
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Joined 24th May 2014
Forum Posts: 318
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 318
Grandma, you were not supposed to die.
Please, why did you have to go.
It wasn't supposed to be this way, you and me.
You were supposed to see me graduate, watch me at my wedding.
But now you're gone, and i'm just as dead.
I feel you everywhere, but you are not here.
I thought you'd live forever.
Life wasn't supposed to be this way, you weren't supposed to be gone,
And I wish you were here to make me feel better.
I remember the little things about you,
Like butterscotch candy coated tongues and scratchy soft wool sweaters.
It all comes back to me in pieces,
Spice cakes and Pineapple,
Tuna fish and warm summer days.
Grandma you weren't supposed to die.
The smell of stale Marlboro cigaret's and cheap butter mints,
I'd trade all of my shiniest pennies for more time with you,
Because with you, it felt like I had forever and a day.
Grandma you weren't supposed to leave me,
How the hell am i supposed to be okay.
Please, why did you have to go.
It wasn't supposed to be this way, you and me.
You were supposed to see me graduate, watch me at my wedding.
But now you're gone, and i'm just as dead.
I feel you everywhere, but you are not here.
I thought you'd live forever.
Life wasn't supposed to be this way, you weren't supposed to be gone,
And I wish you were here to make me feel better.
I remember the little things about you,
Like butterscotch candy coated tongues and scratchy soft wool sweaters.
It all comes back to me in pieces,
Spice cakes and Pineapple,
Tuna fish and warm summer days.
Grandma you weren't supposed to die.
The smell of stale Marlboro cigaret's and cheap butter mints,
I'd trade all of my shiniest pennies for more time with you,
Because with you, it felt like I had forever and a day.
Grandma you weren't supposed to leave me,
How the hell am i supposed to be okay.
Written by Fallen_Angel_194
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Joined 24th May 2014
Forum Posts: 318
Thought Provoker

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Related submission no longer exists.
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Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
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Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2983
Love Actually Love
There is a difference
Between knowing you’re loved
And personally feeling loved
And in reality, being loved
Love is a touch
It’s a hand squeeze
It’s a shoulder rubbing
It’s a gentle lifting of your chin
A drying of your eyes
A mopping of your brow
It’s a hug from behind
Unexpected hands round shoulders
Love is a look
You can see it in their eyes
No need to wash the windows
That gentle smile, sometimes
That beaming smile of happiness
Just directed towards you
Love is eye to eye contact
With eyes that smile
Love is a hug
A long and warm hug
Teddy Bear hugs are best
It’s a cuddle
It’s a snuggle
Love is an embrace
Unencumbered by sexual thoughts
love doesn’t equal Lust
Love is a word
Love is a whisper
It’s all about the crack
It’s about conversation
It’s about joking and laughing
Enjoying each others company
Conversing can be serious
But needs the occasional nob gag
Love is not just a feeling
Love is a knowing
Loving is proactive
Never taken for granted
It Cares
It supports
It forgives
Encouraging positive outcomes
Love is a vital fuel
That runs the engine
Motivates avoiding inertia
Running out of fuel can be fatal
A daily top-up is necessary
Without its fuel
Your vehicle becomes
Like a clown car
Bits forever falling off
Until it seizes
Running on vapours
Like working from memories
Is lonely and never good
Love is a tandem
Love requires a pillion passenger
Love is not a dish for one
We all need somebody to love
For those who don’t have anyone
Love becomes dark
It becomes the dark destroyer
Laying waste to its victims
Love is necessary for life itself
Death falls heavily on the unloved
Between knowing you’re loved
And personally feeling loved
And in reality, being loved
Love is a touch
It’s a hand squeeze
It’s a shoulder rubbing
It’s a gentle lifting of your chin
A drying of your eyes
A mopping of your brow
It’s a hug from behind
Unexpected hands round shoulders
Love is a look
You can see it in their eyes
No need to wash the windows
That gentle smile, sometimes
That beaming smile of happiness
Just directed towards you
Love is eye to eye contact
With eyes that smile
Love is a hug
A long and warm hug
Teddy Bear hugs are best
It’s a cuddle
It’s a snuggle
Love is an embrace
Unencumbered by sexual thoughts
love doesn’t equal Lust
Love is a word
Love is a whisper
It’s all about the crack
It’s about conversation
It’s about joking and laughing
Enjoying each others company
Conversing can be serious
But needs the occasional nob gag
Love is not just a feeling
Love is a knowing
Loving is proactive
Never taken for granted
It Cares
It supports
It forgives
Encouraging positive outcomes
Love is a vital fuel
That runs the engine
Motivates avoiding inertia
Running out of fuel can be fatal
A daily top-up is necessary
Without its fuel
Your vehicle becomes
Like a clown car
Bits forever falling off
Until it seizes
Running on vapours
Like working from memories
Is lonely and never good
Love is a tandem
Love requires a pillion passenger
Love is not a dish for one
We all need somebody to love
For those who don’t have anyone
Love becomes dark
It becomes the dark destroyer
Laying waste to its victims
Love is necessary for life itself
Death falls heavily on the unloved
Written by David_Macleod
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Joined 22nd Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 18
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 18
Joined 22nd Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 18
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 18
Disappointments room
I am the one they feverishly hide.
A disgrace of respected loins,
behind fashioned walls inside.
Born with limbs that withered in
the womb of shame, birthed uneven legs
that limps and lames. My mother
shown pity and hints of care, but
her face as she looks away... in obvious
regret and all things unfair.
The higher born of old families rooted in
Victorian mansions as I.... is where
you can find little rooms as these well hidden
where we, the unknown lived and most often died.
A small window facing a wall was my only view,
along with tree tops of pines as they hopefully grew,
but never outside, a wish of non sense I sagaciously knew.
The mute maid, with head bowed would service
my chamber pot but once a day. My ankles swollen
from bed irons that chain me to these
wooden floors where my dirty bed roll lay.
As a child I recall the chains being much heavier than I,
perhaps more than the burden my parents
endured in their everyday lie.
The bricks that forced me in, also allowed me faint
pleasures of my family I'd hear, but not I and why?
because I am grotesquely ugly,
in admittance I sigh....
I don't believe my siblings knew of me at all.
Could they love me as I love them, if in their
innocence they saw?.... no... in sibling love,
let them keep their unknown names and perfect
faces distant beyond my darkened hall.
Father rarely visited my imprisoned and stench
stained room. When he did, it was always in routine
of drunken rage. My back bared obediently awaiting
its doom. Accompanied by whips and sticks of wood,
I'd crawl into my mind where I was at my prettiest
and took his hate as best I could.
When inebriation played its tired part...on my
floor he'd sometimes lie in sleep. Beside my father
I coiled and softly place his arm around me, without
sounding a single peep. Beneath hateful hands of pretend,
I'd fall in thankful feels of weep.
I had no fantasies or dreams to escape to in the
contorts of my mind. could I?..
if not seen or known of anything beyond my room
to remember or rewind. Insanity played its cruelty
on me from time to time, but it was a welcomed
friend aside from the roaches and rats that
accepted me in my filth and grime.
The awaited day is here that I no more fear.
Alas, father speaks a kind word and breathes...
" The snow is falling do you see it forming on the
branches of tree?"..... "yes father"...
a first kiss on my head, when his angered reflection in
my window I see... as he swung his merciful
hammer to end his disappointment in me.
A disgrace of respected loins,
behind fashioned walls inside.
Born with limbs that withered in
the womb of shame, birthed uneven legs
that limps and lames. My mother
shown pity and hints of care, but
her face as she looks away... in obvious
regret and all things unfair.
The higher born of old families rooted in
Victorian mansions as I.... is where
you can find little rooms as these well hidden
where we, the unknown lived and most often died.
A small window facing a wall was my only view,
along with tree tops of pines as they hopefully grew,
but never outside, a wish of non sense I sagaciously knew.
The mute maid, with head bowed would service
my chamber pot but once a day. My ankles swollen
from bed irons that chain me to these
wooden floors where my dirty bed roll lay.
As a child I recall the chains being much heavier than I,
perhaps more than the burden my parents
endured in their everyday lie.
The bricks that forced me in, also allowed me faint
pleasures of my family I'd hear, but not I and why?
because I am grotesquely ugly,
in admittance I sigh....
I don't believe my siblings knew of me at all.
Could they love me as I love them, if in their
innocence they saw?.... no... in sibling love,
let them keep their unknown names and perfect
faces distant beyond my darkened hall.
Father rarely visited my imprisoned and stench
stained room. When he did, it was always in routine
of drunken rage. My back bared obediently awaiting
its doom. Accompanied by whips and sticks of wood,
I'd crawl into my mind where I was at my prettiest
and took his hate as best I could.
When inebriation played its tired part...on my
floor he'd sometimes lie in sleep. Beside my father
I coiled and softly place his arm around me, without
sounding a single peep. Beneath hateful hands of pretend,
I'd fall in thankful feels of weep.
I had no fantasies or dreams to escape to in the
contorts of my mind. could I?..
if not seen or known of anything beyond my room
to remember or rewind. Insanity played its cruelty
on me from time to time, but it was a welcomed
friend aside from the roaches and rats that
accepted me in my filth and grime.
The awaited day is here that I no more fear.
Alas, father speaks a kind word and breathes...
" The snow is falling do you see it forming on the
branches of tree?"..... "yes father"...
a first kiss on my head, when his angered reflection in
my window I see... as he swung his merciful
hammer to end his disappointment in me.
Written by Darkpoetria
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Joined 22nd Sep 2019
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Twisted Dreamer

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Oops... 🌺
Joined 22nd Sep 2019
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Twisted Dreamer

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