Poetry competition CLOSED 25th September 2019 6:27pm

I Am The Storm

Poetry Contest Description
Write a poem on the theme “I am the storm”

The October show (episode 6) is coming up folks, and we would like to again offer up the hallowed end spot of the show to feature your poetry on the podcast. The podcast goes out on multiple platforms including Spotify and Apple Podcasts, so it’s great exposure.
If you've not heard the podcast yet you can listen to past episodes here: https://deepundergroundpoetry.com/podcasts/
In honour of one of our fellow podcasters recently having to surf the waves of hurricane Dorian, we are theming this comp “I am the storm”. Write a poem about your strength. About how you are a force of nature. Tell us who you are.
It can be serious, funny, melancholic... be creative.
Obviously we would really love if you would be able to read and record the poem yourself for us, but please do not feel pressured. We (or a member of the reading team currently being formed) will be able to read the poem out for you if you don't want too. We understand.
* New poems only
* Audio / video / songs accepted
* One entry per human being
* No extreme content / extreme erotica / a little swearing is fine.
* Winner agrees to have their poem read on The Poetcast Project October podcast
* No word count, just don't go mad
* Any questions, please feel free to ask.
Joined 18th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 274
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 274
I Am The Storm
I am the whistle
That taps your spine
Echoing bone and gristle
To play your mind
The barren lifeless leaves
That whirl the breeze
A chant in trees
Plants you on knees
I am the breath
That howls your name
An undead eternal death
Cast upon the flame
The perversion of sin
You exult with grin
Stripping me of skin
You could never win
Written by Sex_on_the_Joe
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Joined 3rd Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 86
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 86
From birth I was created and born out of a song that wasn't really love only lust of the skin and flesh but yet my life was not my own, as it belong to my mother who gave me birth to have life but yet that wasn't enough for it left me fatherless, with no man within my life to teach me on how to grow to be a real man raised by his father but all I had was just this empty feeling buried deep within my soul pulling at my heart questioning did he ever loved me his son.
For as the years came and gone I grew up in an dysfunctional atmosphere that never felt like home were I felt safe and loved for even as those days and months passed by, my mother decided to marry a man that was not my father who was an abuser and a drinker of hard stuff for once when he got his mind fucked up, I became his punching bag as my own mother stood by saying nothing but that's why you need a man in your life to keep someone like you in line.
For after to many years of the mental and physical abuse I fought back with the hatred that has been building up in my heart and mind making me cold as ice with evilness buried deep within my soul, but what it got me was a 5 year stay for a crime that I did out of abuse of my younger years but yet upon my release the streets is were I lived away from the abuse at the hands of someone eles. But as time moved on and I grew up on the mean streets of East New York Brooklyn were hustlers roam among the dark shadows of the night upon the streets, that will teach you wisdom and knowledge from those who will show you what is real honor and respect, for a hard life that takes more than it gives for through those trails and tribulations I learned to crave my own way of life but even that came to a crashing end before it can begin as again had to pay the price in prison for living that street life.
But through all that I have been through and gone through it was my grandparents who saw within me that which that I couldn't see of thyself for it was my grandfather who taught me, how to be a real man and stand upon my own two feet to be me that which I have now become, as a man of heart and soul with emotions and feelings to know love with understanding with honor and respect to love the me I am.
For as the years came and gone I grew up in an dysfunctional atmosphere that never felt like home were I felt safe and loved for even as those days and months passed by, my mother decided to marry a man that was not my father who was an abuser and a drinker of hard stuff for once when he got his mind fucked up, I became his punching bag as my own mother stood by saying nothing but that's why you need a man in your life to keep someone like you in line.
For after to many years of the mental and physical abuse I fought back with the hatred that has been building up in my heart and mind making me cold as ice with evilness buried deep within my soul, but what it got me was a 5 year stay for a crime that I did out of abuse of my younger years but yet upon my release the streets is were I lived away from the abuse at the hands of someone eles. But as time moved on and I grew up on the mean streets of East New York Brooklyn were hustlers roam among the dark shadows of the night upon the streets, that will teach you wisdom and knowledge from those who will show you what is real honor and respect, for a hard life that takes more than it gives for through those trails and tribulations I learned to crave my own way of life but even that came to a crashing end before it can begin as again had to pay the price in prison for living that street life.
But through all that I have been through and gone through it was my grandparents who saw within me that which that I couldn't see of thyself for it was my grandfather who taught me, how to be a real man and stand upon my own two feet to be me that which I have now become, as a man of heart and soul with emotions and feelings to know love with understanding with honor and respect to love the me I am.
Written by Stoney223
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Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 864
Its due yesterday
Once in a thousand years that was forecast
But Donad Trump pushed up the Anti
The foaming beast the devils chalice
That climate change is just pure fancy
A small amount just a fahrenheit
Seek to bring a deep depression
Amass dark clouds about
And THOR pick up his trusty weapon
Like a tale straight out of HOMER
A storm ahead the lookout shouts
That sail that bellows o'r the water
And Shakespear's tempest comes with clout
Add a touch of global warming
A typhoon grows out in the ocean
Catherine wheel and slowly churning
That roulette wheel we set in motion
A rage of ten on the Beaufort scale
Beware, everything within its path
Destruction, all within its reach shall cave
for its sythe will all completely smash
An earth child as it screams and shouts
A tantrum come in fits and bouts
Its Whirling dervish roundabout
To raize and flood where all life amount
Render us in awe and praise that we be spared
For the will of mother natures vex
To see its name die from the headlines aired
Only to baptize the next
Our carbon footprint steps upon each tail
Wrote your name in wind and hail
And left it in destructions trail
As Gaia is its Goddess the storm will all prevail
But Donad Trump pushed up the Anti
The foaming beast the devils chalice
That climate change is just pure fancy
A small amount just a fahrenheit
Seek to bring a deep depression
Amass dark clouds about
And THOR pick up his trusty weapon
Like a tale straight out of HOMER
A storm ahead the lookout shouts
That sail that bellows o'r the water
And Shakespear's tempest comes with clout
Add a touch of global warming
A typhoon grows out in the ocean
Catherine wheel and slowly churning
That roulette wheel we set in motion
A rage of ten on the Beaufort scale
Beware, everything within its path
Destruction, all within its reach shall cave
for its sythe will all completely smash
An earth child as it screams and shouts
A tantrum come in fits and bouts
Its Whirling dervish roundabout
To raize and flood where all life amount
Render us in awe and praise that we be spared
For the will of mother natures vex
To see its name die from the headlines aired
Only to baptize the next
Our carbon footprint steps upon each tail
Wrote your name in wind and hail
And left it in destructions trail
As Gaia is its Goddess the storm will all prevail
Written by slipalong
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Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1878
Pull Me Under
I’ve been through a storm in a raging sea,
Beaten and battered by nature’s fury,
Lost in darkness as far as I could see,
The tempest was my soul’s judge and jury.
I’ve been blinded by the dreadful lightening,
Hanging on in the depths of the unknown,
Pummeled by monster waves it’s quite frightening,
Scared and terrified that I was alone.
I’ve been stranded in grim situations,
Losing faith and hope tossed in the vastness,
And then I felt a swift indignation,
Facing death my fear turned into madness.
I’ve screamed at gale winds and horrendous skies,
Arguing with the ominous thunder,
Mad as hell unafraid of my demise,
Roaring: Go ahead and pull me under!
I’ve survived the rage and live to tell the tale,
I‘ve reached safe shores that are sunny and warm,
When my fear disappeared after that sail,
I realized I too had become a storm.
Beaten and battered by nature’s fury,
Lost in darkness as far as I could see,
The tempest was my soul’s judge and jury.
I’ve been blinded by the dreadful lightening,
Hanging on in the depths of the unknown,
Pummeled by monster waves it’s quite frightening,
Scared and terrified that I was alone.
I’ve been stranded in grim situations,
Losing faith and hope tossed in the vastness,
And then I felt a swift indignation,
Facing death my fear turned into madness.
I’ve screamed at gale winds and horrendous skies,
Arguing with the ominous thunder,
Mad as hell unafraid of my demise,
Roaring: Go ahead and pull me under!
I’ve survived the rage and live to tell the tale,
I‘ve reached safe shores that are sunny and warm,
When my fear disappeared after that sail,
I realized I too had become a storm.
Written by wallyroo92
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Joined 12th July 2017
Forum Posts: 286
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 286
I called her name in the calmness of the wind
I watched her hair tumble down
like rocks down a seaside cliff
lilah was a rainbow above me
she held my hand today
and kissed my rosy face
lilah was away
the winds carried her beyond the sand
subtle rolls of thunder echoed through salty air
and lightning flashed around me
but she was smiling down
like the sun lights up for a flower
I waved goodbye
and watched the sky change
lilah was a hurricane
and I was caught in the pouring rain
the crashing waves on the sandy shore
swept the castles we once made
lilah cried out
she remembered those days
of castle building and sailing
of dancing and singing
but she was a storm
and I watched those memories fade
in the seaside fog, I found her
walking to the borderline
where sand meets sea
where worlds collide
like her ever changing mind
I could talk to her
I could hold her
maybe even kiss her
but the calmness of the sea
put me at ease
she shot a grin at me
and I watched the sky change
Written by Thetravelingfairy
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jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
Harvesting The Storm
I was brought to this place
as a rain storm, in an exodus,
in a grand hope of a people
the color of another storm
that used to destroy
to make room for new life.
I was born in a land by the
ocean, surrounded by palms;
trees not native to the land.
Of bean fields and eucalyptus
& pepper trees, and makeshift
film studios in barns, paying
the extras in coin realm, before
the First World War and talkies.
And migrant workers in pickup
trucks, with their straw hats
& bandannas, heading out
to the orchards & vineyards
at daybreak, like twilight,
and the valleys still murky
with a low lying haze from
smudge pots to ward off the
chill that set in each evening.
‘Til morning when even then
you could see one’s breath
in the air that settles deep
in the lungs along with a
faint sick of wildfire that
had laid bare the hillsides,
blocking onshore breezes
from the ocean. But still,
while bareback on horses,
one could taste the stench of
carnage months following
its aftermath. And yet,
it all took me back to the
scent of the sea along with
the lone cry of seagulls, and
the reek of oil derricks
on the way from San Pedro,
and my fondness for the
cuisine of the pampas.
The lineage of an adopted
land’s culture that runs
through me, breath & soul
long after there’s nothing left
of it. Except people like me
who remember the blood
from their ancestry that
never wilts, it never flinches,
it won’t let it be forgotten.
If you forget it will simply
haunt you, but I don’t forget.
I remember it all, because
it’s so much a part of the
generations that brought me
to this place of my birth.
From the Missions & Pueblos.
While the sagebrush explodes
from the conflagration
that spills from the mouth
of the Malibu hills
and down to the coastline.
Dark ash swirls in an updraft
before descending on the few
natives who straddle the surf
as they cast their nets in vain.
And piers smolder, then burn;
the bones slowly collapsing
into the whitecap breakers.
Everything tinged orange from
the sun’s agony in the smoke
and from the storms.
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
I Am the Storm
Raindrops fall, yet I still persevere.
Thunder makes its cry against a pitch
Black sky, yet I am standing strong
Like a warrior and I have no fear
As I face the storm directly. Some flinch
or cower away, but in the throng
Of people I hear the whispers of
The wind and I embrace the storm
That is always within me. Usually it is
A storm that tears everything we love
Apart into pieces, but it transforms
And makes everything that was frizzy
All around the edges like curly hair
Coming undone hold together like
Firm glue. Wild eyes that have seen
Everything from peace to warfare
Become clear and focused. A strike
Of lightning does not faze me. The green
Pasture is where I make my bed and
I am the storm nobody understands.
Thunder makes its cry against a pitch
Black sky, yet I am standing strong
Like a warrior and I have no fear
As I face the storm directly. Some flinch
or cower away, but in the throng
Of people I hear the whispers of
The wind and I embrace the storm
That is always within me. Usually it is
A storm that tears everything we love
Apart into pieces, but it transforms
And makes everything that was frizzy
All around the edges like curly hair
Coming undone hold together like
Firm glue. Wild eyes that have seen
Everything from peace to warfare
Become clear and focused. A strike
Of lightning does not faze me. The green
Pasture is where I make my bed and
I am the storm nobody understands.
Written by eswaller
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Forum Posts: 364
Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 364
Pirate 6 - Hurricane
Upon ya’ like a hurricane
Commissioned by me Letters Marque
A Privateer, I’m on campaign
To claim yer booty, and yer barque!
My Jamaica sloop be fast
Upon ya’ like a hurricane
I’ll warn ya’ with one cannon blast
a’fore I fire demastin’ chain!
Yer passengers and crew be slain
Bar comely girls, I’ll strip and save
Upon ya’ like a hurricane
Despoiled and sold as parlor slaves!
Privateer or Pirate, me?
It matters not, if you be slain
Enslaved, or starvin’ on some Cay
Upon ya’ like a hurricane!
Upon ya’ like a hurricane
Commissioned by me Letters Marque
A Privateer, I’m on campaign
To claim yer booty, and yer barque!
My Jamaica sloop be fast
Upon ya’ like a hurricane
I’ll warn ya’ with one cannon blast
a’fore I fire demastin’ chain!
Yer passengers and crew be slain
Bar comely girls, I’ll strip and save
Upon ya’ like a hurricane
Despoiled and sold as parlor slaves!
Privateer or Pirate, me?
It matters not, if you be slain
Enslaved, or starvin’ on some Cay
Upon ya’ like a hurricane!
Written by ReggiePoet
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Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 864
Moonlight dance
Come old fashion notions fill my head
Not be a child of life today
Look for a time when romance was a sport
A knight come with a troth that he could pledge
To sweep a maiden up
The gossamer he took, her shy and flattered looks
A veil of evenings dew
And the heavens welkin moon chasing sun
Lithe shadows through the forest run
Her clouded perfume beckoned
Like moonlight dances unobscured
And no, no was her plea
Her reddened lips and cleavage heaved
He knew they longed to be unfettered
His hands to cup a nipples hard areola
Her dulcet moan as her clothes undone
They fell like comets silent to the ground
As chaperone of stars looked down
His stand so proud its girth and length announced
A virgin so rhapsodic her music was her grace
No shame as darkness filled the glade
The yeld that needs repletion
Each kiss that overawed
The night breeze of emotions stirred
And sweet Selene approved of that intention
The magic dust, a consonance of regard
It falls from darken sky
Where dreams and wishes all interact
Tastes all treats redolent in a midnight feast
The planets astrology that gazed beyond
And knew that none could break that bond
Her acquiescence of legs spread wide
carry such complexity
the conductors baton raised
the pain's crechendo draws the crowds applause
silken bows as on her points she
dipped and rose
the beauty shine on pointed toes
the ballerina
Not be a child of life today
Look for a time when romance was a sport
A knight come with a troth that he could pledge
To sweep a maiden up
The gossamer he took, her shy and flattered looks
A veil of evenings dew
And the heavens welkin moon chasing sun
Lithe shadows through the forest run
Her clouded perfume beckoned
Like moonlight dances unobscured
And no, no was her plea
Her reddened lips and cleavage heaved
He knew they longed to be unfettered
His hands to cup a nipples hard areola
Her dulcet moan as her clothes undone
They fell like comets silent to the ground
As chaperone of stars looked down
His stand so proud its girth and length announced
A virgin so rhapsodic her music was her grace
No shame as darkness filled the glade
The yeld that needs repletion
Each kiss that overawed
The night breeze of emotions stirred
And sweet Selene approved of that intention
The magic dust, a consonance of regard
It falls from darken sky
Where dreams and wishes all interact
Tastes all treats redolent in a midnight feast
The planets astrology that gazed beyond
And knew that none could break that bond
Her acquiescence of legs spread wide
carry such complexity
the conductors baton raised
the pain's crechendo draws the crowds applause
silken bows as on her points she
dipped and rose
the beauty shine on pointed toes
the ballerina
Written by slipalong
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[surl]so sorry I have posted to the wrong competition how can I remove it
Joined 25th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 208
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 208
Breaking Storm
From land or sea
By action a magnitude of moments
Between rising fronts
Brought to bare
I came to be
Here where I fell
I was meant to be
The final act in all
Was but the slightest shift if all
A sum of weight
That could not wait
Or dispensate
Began to fall
In the torrents berate
What was once before
Fell before
And devastations bore
Children upon its wake
Cast to sea by a wind of scorn
What ills and tides will be despised
What thrills and lives will stand to rise
Will only be known in parting of clouds
And the drying of my eyes.
By action a magnitude of moments
Between rising fronts
Brought to bare
I came to be
Here where I fell
I was meant to be
The final act in all
Was but the slightest shift if all
A sum of weight
That could not wait
Or dispensate
Began to fall
In the torrents berate
What was once before
Fell before
And devastations bore
Children upon its wake
Cast to sea by a wind of scorn
What ills and tides will be despised
What thrills and lives will stand to rise
Will only be known in parting of clouds
And the drying of my eyes.
Written by Fiftysevenhours
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Congrats to sky_Dancer! We will be in touch on if you would like to read the poem for us 😎