Poetry competition CLOSED 17th September 2019 10:51pm

and midevil
Poetic Dialogue
Lord Viddax
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6705
Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows

Forum Posts: 6705
Poetry Contest Description
Poetry speaks to us, and sometimes we create poetry to speak back: enter your own piece that came about by another poem speaking to you.
This competition is for poems that speak to other poetry: whether in response, or having been inspired by, or even in complete opposition.
Have you read a poem and the written your own poem off the back of that? Has a poem ever made you want to rewrite it and give it a new spin?
As this competition relies upon your poem having a response or connection to another poem, please include the poem's name and author. Please also include a link to the poem if it is on DU, as long as the poet responsible has agreed to it being included here in this competition.
As inspiration cannot simply be bottled and distilled when needed, (if it has please pass on the contact to me as I would dearly love to have it) this competition is open to both old and new poetry.
Entrants may enter more than 1 poem, but only 1 poem will feature in the winning roster (winner, runners-up etc). Poems from user profiles that share the same owner will not count: the idea is to have poems here that connect different people.
There is no specific style or form required for this competition, but free verse may be the most suitable.
Voting will be done by me, Viddax with input from whoever volunteers or whom I deem suitable. Entrants can volunteer in judging but their entries will automatically be not considered; you may want to enter just for the thrill or decide your poems don't quite make the grade and decide instead to help crown a deserving winner.
In the event that 2 or more poets enter poems that form a back and forth with each other, only 1 poem from each poet will be considered for the trophy, and some magic behind scenes will be done to ensure those poets receive equal rewards if they win the trophy.
Good luck and may the will to write always be strong.
(If I seem to have missed anything out do say, and ask if you need clarification; its not everyday I host!)
Have you read a poem and the written your own poem off the back of that? Has a poem ever made you want to rewrite it and give it a new spin?
As this competition relies upon your poem having a response or connection to another poem, please include the poem's name and author. Please also include a link to the poem if it is on DU, as long as the poet responsible has agreed to it being included here in this competition.
As inspiration cannot simply be bottled and distilled when needed, (if it has please pass on the contact to me as I would dearly love to have it) this competition is open to both old and new poetry.
Entrants may enter more than 1 poem, but only 1 poem will feature in the winning roster (winner, runners-up etc). Poems from user profiles that share the same owner will not count: the idea is to have poems here that connect different people.
There is no specific style or form required for this competition, but free verse may be the most suitable.
Voting will be done by me, Viddax with input from whoever volunteers or whom I deem suitable. Entrants can volunteer in judging but their entries will automatically be not considered; you may want to enter just for the thrill or decide your poems don't quite make the grade and decide instead to help crown a deserving winner.
In the event that 2 or more poets enter poems that form a back and forth with each other, only 1 poem from each poet will be considered for the trophy, and some magic behind scenes will be done to ensure those poets receive equal rewards if they win the trophy.
Good luck and may the will to write always be strong.
(If I seem to have missed anything out do say, and ask if you need clarification; its not everyday I host!)
Forum Posts: 69
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 6th June 2019
Forum Posts: 69
Inspired by Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven. On this once the middle of the piece is reached the word ending each phrase is used in reverse order.
Forum Posts: 69
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 6th June 2019
Forum Posts: 69
Writers Block
The words will come all dreamers pray as they prepare to write.
Out my window reigns the full moon on this last autumn night.
Should I put to parchment things I’ve heard about this time of year?
And ring louder now the whispered stories that fell soft within my ears.
Strange my candles flame doth bend away from encroaching gloom.
As alone I am I feel a presence bearing close within my room.
Tis hardy nymph or fairy child of sweet and pure felt heart.
Dancing shadows and tethered owners are freely torn apart.
Into the darkness strain mine eyes that’s both alive and with out life.
I wish to shred this blackened specter’s cloak should I beheld a knife.
These later years recall my youth’s nightmarish childhood dreams.
As the comforts that surround me now may not be as they may seem.
Rushing to an open window I hope to further fortify my keep.
I see the rolling meadows fog beyond where swampy creatures sleep.
Up peers the red glowing eyes each of a tortured forgotten soul.
Aberrations dressed in death as black as charred briquettes of coal.
I know them well, I wished them life, they were of stories told.
It’s the tales magic that holds a curse for it never can grow old.
Now for me they have come my days are weak and old.
What’s written is but of a terrible sameness of earlier stories told.
At my hearth I stoke the flames and feed it well with coal.
My spirits comfort grows with the fires light though terror fills my soul.
By fright my vigilance is worn down but I dare not take to sleep
Away slips the slow ebb of time stealing the sanity I pray to keep.
I reason there visions but it’s less the truth than they do truly seem.
More than flights of fancy or haunting ghost of some disturbing dream.
Defenseless am I against these demons not a musket or a knife.
Approaching nearer is that sad moment when I may loose my life.
The logic that once served me well rips my every thought apart.
I savor my gasping precious breath and chest beat of my heart.
This last stand is it to be my grave instead of private rented room?
Like triumphant warriors the dawn appeared to chase away the gloom.
Erupts the quiet din replaced the howls that rudely cursed the ear.
I survive once more the hallowed season to live another blessed year.
The mornings rise herds away the loathsome creatures of the night.
Quaked so great by fear touched nerve never more shall I write.
Written by midevil
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Joined 20th May 2018
Forum Posts: 297
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 297
Herding Butterflies
You have been more than successful, friend poet
bringing your affliction to light
I can feel your frustration...and your rage
the struggle of dealing with things that are hidden
then suddenly loom to the forefront unbidden
You must be pissed as Hell...I know I would be...
at having my life stripped way from me.
Not for you just accepting fate... and suffering in silence
that level of exposure would make many
resort to exhibitions of violence...
but somehow you have managed...to turn pain into art...
making beautiful poetry that comes straight from the heart.
bringing your affliction to light
I can feel your frustration...and your rage
the struggle of dealing with things that are hidden
then suddenly loom to the forefront unbidden
You must be pissed as Hell...I know I would be...
at having my life stripped way from me.
Not for you just accepting fate... and suffering in silence
that level of exposure would make many
resort to exhibitions of violence...
but somehow you have managed...to turn pain into art...
making beautiful poetry that comes straight from the heart.
Written by Ely
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Joined 20th May 2018
Forum Posts: 297
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 297
Al's little yellow flower... a vision ...
It seems to me...that I can see
that flower had a plan
to lure you out into the street
as bait to bring a V8 van
which fetched that fortunate
seed-laden flower ...up between two treads
transporting her to fairer fields
there her seeds to spread.
Sweet Al, that flower used you
to further her own ends...
she meant not to abuse you
and hopes you will forgive
her indiscretion...
surprising you that way
but time was of the essence
you know how Nature plays.
that flower had a plan
to lure you out into the street
as bait to bring a V8 van
which fetched that fortunate
seed-laden flower ...up between two treads
transporting her to fairer fields
there her seeds to spread.
Sweet Al, that flower used you
to further her own ends...
she meant not to abuse you
and hopes you will forgive
her indiscretion...
surprising you that way
but time was of the essence
you know how Nature plays.
Written by Ely
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Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2983
A Lady - - - inspired by Ahavati's "A Gentleman"
Is not all about money
Or societal social status
The body and looks of convention
She is faithful and loving
Committed and reliable
Forthright and truthful
Like, everyone, she can make errors
But realises her liabilities for her decisions
Admits them and frankly does not finger point
A Lady doesn't act out being a victim
Regardless of her predicament
Unless she is truly a victim
She strongly fights for her rights
Never bowing down
Always seeking righteous change
Stands up for herself
With principled fortitude
And even-handed scruples
A lady suffers not liars especially herself
Or toxic people in her circle
Yet does not start fights
A Lady
Doesn't simply push her own agenda
Pressuring others to do her bidding
She listens to others
Showing respectful concern
Not showing empathy
To the plight of others
Is deliberate cruelty being enacted
A Lady wants inclusivity
Never tries to establish power
Treating others like peasants
A Lady holds in high regard
Her fellow humans, male or female
Building them up not breaking them down
Never making up lies about anything
Attempting to assassinate someone's reputation
A Lady is
The sum of her intentions and actions
Who does not seek to destroy
By acting like a crazy chimpanzee
inspired by:
Written by David_Macleod
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Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17607
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17607
Seventeen Seconds
is all it takes to capture
a negative entity
invading your thought process
Your future is built by such—
you get what you think about
whether you want it or not
Within 17 seconds of focus
a matching vibration
will activate
Within 68 seconds
gravitation initiates—
manifestation begins
Despite circumstance:
spilt coffee or milk—
seventeen seconds infuses it
( should you choose )
with the frequency of Gratitude:
it'll be a lesson learned;
the Seventeen Second Rule;
but, most importantly—Freedom
from its future classroom
a negative entity
invading your thought process
Your future is built by such—
you get what you think about
whether you want it or not
Within 17 seconds of focus
a matching vibration
will activate
Within 68 seconds
gravitation initiates—
manifestation begins
Despite circumstance:
spilt coffee or milk—
seventeen seconds infuses it
( should you choose )
with the frequency of Gratitude:
it'll be a lesson learned;
the Seventeen Second Rule;
but, most importantly—Freedom
from its future classroom
Written by Ahavati
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Inspired by Fireyangelsouljia's "Why?
( Linked with permission per comp rules )

Related submission no longer exists.
Inspired at the time by “So we” by _boybrains:
Inspired at the time by “So we” by _boybrains:

Related submission no longer exists.
this was inspired [and paraphrased] by the poem: https://allpoetry.com/Love-&-Fame-&-Death by Charles Bukowski
this was inspired [and paraphrased] by the poem: https://allpoetry.com/Love-&-Fame-&-Death by Charles Bukowski
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1409
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1409
the battle [within]
“தருமத்தின் வாழ்வதனைச் சூது கவ்வும்;
தருமம்மறு படிவெல்லும்” எனுமியற்கை
மருமத்தை நம்மாலே உலகங் கற்கும்
வழிதேடி விதிஇந்தச் செய்கை செய்தான்.
கருமத்தை மேன்மேலுங் காண்போம். இன்று
கட்டுண்டோம், பொறுத்திருப்போம்; காலம் மாறும்
. தருமத்தை அப்போது வெல்லக் காண்போம்.
தனுஉண்டு காண்டீவம் அதன்பேர்' என்றான்.
roughly I translate the unparalleled Bharathi:
"the life and its length, this lifeline Dharma- Evil preys upon
yet Dharma will again win in an eventual say"- this nature's
mysterious way, let the universe learn from the quintessential us
the pathways of such treaded victories are sought
from ardent search that's destined
more and more will we visualize the Karma, today
we lucidily imbibed upon this..and shall we wait the wait
there will be the inevitably changing time when we
shall win over Dharma too...Have faith on the lighted
hopes, the skillful bows within' Arjuna said
the varifold symbolisms does draw
correlations to the timeless epic
‘Mahabharatham’ … some classic
verses from Bharathi’s version
of it, “Paanchali Sabadam” [Draupadi’s Vow]
feels quite apt to quote above..
strikes chord in an immediacy
of erupting consciousness, their essences
coincide with the singlemost~ the only
like the dark-knotted twisted hells
mushrooming within
for a suicidal Doom..to the still-spirited
lighted channels in an inter-connectivity
taking on the looming lethality
whatever inner or alien
whilst traversing electric as fine nervelet
networks..in an ultimate formative
in the Mystical Mass, the Ocean of Oceans, the
Sun of Suns, the Unknown of Unknowns
now that the stage been handed over
(rather snatched) in reigned supremacy
to(by) a hypocritical mind, all it
shamelessly dances [in disguise
of a inarguably intellectual, a timed-comedic
entertainer] is to the tune of its own
curses..the endless
saturnish stint- kanda sani & its many
lobbying devils, in a stormy
rock-n-roll as the choking audiences with
and within you..desperately
give in to the generated toxic fumes
its still the virtuous Satyayug prolonging
in patience ..but you see, it’s in bearance
of a well-maligned
yet ‘instantly reaped in karma’, the
Kaliyug mode…
just have this slight awareness sparkle
within…in your much possible revival
from these eonic long
deliberated ignorance, a self-suffocating
erosion meted out towards a fateful
blinding trance [as if given up
in a call beyond thresholds, when
in actuality, you never even had taken
an efforted pint towards
your time & again inner calling]
as you struggle for a rescue a
salvation.. a paradise to be regained
a liberation…all in the highly
impossible waters in LD100 killing
probabilities’ self-effluent stinks
an asariri..a vedavaakku, the
Oracle’s prophecy …there is neither
a shortcut nor an un-necessitated
long-winding route to reach
your realized shining suns within
… your chosen way hailed with holy-flaming
comets as all your sin-goodness balance
keep thunderously marring you down
alongside million winking angelic starlet
kisses on your feet
…and as the clearing skies & sun
open a hopeful dawn of a touched in
heaven in possible dimensional realities
what you do
for the better or rather the best
is the miraculous self-engineered reconstructs
of starry-crosssectional dna-blooms
of a super-consciousness
eating away
those rottenly shrunken to disintegrative
purely political fragments
shedding out
their corroded to biased to insecure
to their fearfully fascist figments-
dying a dear death
in dearth of any faintly ploying to solid plotted
divisibility plans and plays staged upon
Written by summultima
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* Inspired by the Revolutionary Tamil Poet Subramanya Bharati (1882-1921) His Poetic Work- Panchali Sabatham
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1409
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1409
bleeding love~ காதலாகிக் கசிந்
rushes down tears
to them. renewing tents
when magmatas
to squeeze out
releasing burdens
them. time's emptiness space
holds Him in the dark
its veil invisible
opens everytime
when to be in there
where Her matter fuses
to be 'one' fulfilling
light of consciousness
an acoustic (proof) asylum
to mute effusive gushes
and to host
a smoothly successive pullvomit
knotty throat's stringball blocks
to grind-garble them
in a series of terrific vanish acts
the flushouts
disintegrate egoistic self-grounds
burying in airs of realization
once tinkling bronze tap handle
lays now in lacklustrous patches
the sticky~dusty lies in adherence
shivers out
in a functional silvery shower
of an expressive screech, prolonging
than its usual short dull repititives
and a thin helical pleat
threads in a doubly cleansing show
disintegrates to dissolve dusts
multiple blurry eyes
float atop in gratitude
chin drink in its saltish
feeds, the holy revival
as it bows to His Love
P.s. The title - காதலாகிக் கசிந்து- and inspiration derived from 7th century CE Tamil literary verses from poet~shaiva saint Thirugnana Sambandhar's THEVAARAM
"காதலாகிக் கசிந்து கண்ணீர் மல்கி
Kaadhalaagi kasindhu kanneer malgi
ஓதுவார் தம்மை நன்னெறிக்குய்ப்பது
Oodhuvaar thammai nannerikku uyppadhu
வேதம் நான்கிலும் மெய்ப் பொருளாவது
Veedham naanginum meyporulaavadhu
நாதன் நாமம் நமசிவாயவே
Naathan naamam NAMASHIVAAYAvee"
With deep love, budding tears pooling,
whoever hails guiding them to the good
discipline, the true substance of the four
vEdhas (knowledge) the sound (for oneself)
like Lord's name is namaHshivaaya
Written by summultima
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Forum Posts: 1216
Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
Forum Posts: 1216
Related submission no longer exists.
In response to series of poetic letters corresponding with RevolultionAL.
Inspired by his poem: Eight
In response to series of poetic letters corresponding with RevolultionAL.
Inspired by his poem: Eight
Joined 29th Aug 2019
Forum Posts: 4
Strange Creature
Forum Posts: 4
Wow :)
Forum Posts: 14
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 11th Mar 2019
Forum Posts: 14
Plants, Soils and Oceans (Poetic Dialogue Competition)
Where has all the carbon gone
Long time spewing
Where has all the carbon gone
short term storage
Where have all the carbons gone
When humans burned the fossil fuels
When will they ever learn?
When will we ever learn?
Where have all the humans gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the humans gone?
Long time ago
Where have the humans gone?
Bought new cars every one
When will humans learn?
When will we ever learn?
Long time spewing
Where has all the carbon gone
short term storage
Where have all the carbons gone
When humans burned the fossil fuels
When will they ever learn?
When will we ever learn?
Where have all the humans gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the humans gone?
Long time ago
Where have the humans gone?
Bought new cars every one
When will humans learn?
When will we ever learn?
Written by SilverBeaver_42
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