Poetry competition CLOSED 25th June 2019 5:32am
View Profile Poems by SweetKittyCat5
RUNNER-UP: buddydog



Dangerous Mind
United States 2awards
Joined 23rd June 2017
Forum Posts: 54

Poetry Contest

My favorite vacation down memory lane

The purpose of a vacation is to have the time to rest. But many of us, even when we go on vacation, don't know how to rest. We may even come back more tired than before we left

Everyone takes vacations
BUT there is one vacation
you will never forget that wonderful amazing experience

Write me a poem
About your favorite vacation ?

Good luck guy's
Anything goes

Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 364

Related submission no longer exists.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2159

Mmm... Mr.Sandman

Night has fallen
The awakening of serenity enclosed tranquility
Specks of midnight dust welcoming a blissfulness on the majestic horizon
Naked in solitude  
Thoughts submerged by the vastness of rumbling oceanic waves  
My feet upon the dew of sand
Calloused palms gently roving up the soles of my feet
Seductively slithering up the path of toned ebony thighs
Deep pants of anticipation breathlessly echoed
Mr. Sandman caressing the treasured femininity of a heated need
Soft licks to the garden of my tropical paradise
Palming the back of my upper thighs  
Pulling me into sweet quivers of undaunted passion
Indulging on the sweet nectar of his temptation
My heightened lust
The bed of earth worshipping my spine
A beckoning tidal wave of ecstasy
Washing over me, enticing me, sending me
Engulfing sunken pools of yearning to plunge into
Whispers of promises to give, take  
Intermingling of such sweetened offerings  
Mentally bewitched, my body yielding unto obedience
Tender lazy kisses coating the temple of my Chi
The peaks of my breasts his lips to claim
Mouthing my nipples for the taking
My thighs opening unto the key of him unlocking the fountain of my seeping craving
Navigating the abandonment compass of such wicked desires
Sliding into the divinity of my whimpering ecstasy  
Clenching him tighter with the need to be dominated
To be netted, completed
Mesmerized, captivated, seduced in the realm of reality
Body awakened, praised  
Mr. Sandman’s girth sinking deeper
The hilt of climatic inoculation getting wetter, slicker
Legs entwined cocooning the epitome of manly perfection
Back arched, eyes closed, body set aflame  
The moonlight casting its powers to be for this enchanting lover’s game
Potion d’amour
Its allurement to the cosmic, we give, senses aligned  
The hunger to quiet the raging storm exploded
Silken rapture of a soft rainfall imploded
Two souls attuned to the calling of physical joviality
Mr. Sandman …. fulfilling my reality, pleasing me as a vivid wet dream
Groaning out my name over and over, his erection dipping deeper into a butter rum warm stream  
Making me surrender, my body gyrating unto a submissive soft scream
Pussy dripping with a honey lickable cream
Gently blowing away as the sands of time flows
Sighs of contentment until the night he goes
Harken unto the still of the night
The break of dawn coveting the blessing beyond the horizon  
The awakening of serenity enclosed tranquility
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2159

I wrote this piece while relaxing on the beach feeling the animalistic pleasure of letting the sand sift through my fingers, rubbing the gritty grains up my thighs and allowing my mind to drift into an erotic abyss to come up with Mr. Sandman, my sweet twist on the desire he provoked on the bed of white sands


Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 5th May 2015
Forum Posts: 93

Old Soul

I saw her on a south west Florida shore
Sittin' in the sun by the fallen driftwood  
A free sprit and definitely not the girl next door  
With a smile from her, I knew just where I stood  
Sitting beside her as the waves crashed against our skin  
She was wearing a white beach dress with a blue feather in her hair  
We talked about the old days and how Tom Petty was her friend  
We shared a bottle of rum, but it was the smoke that took her there  
She had a young girl's heart in an old soul  
Dreamed of innocence and rock and roll  
She said as a child I only counted blue cars
Now I live to overcome these permanent scars  
So live by the sun, Love by the moon, dance by the stars  
We watched the sunset as she took my hand  
Under that full moon we never felt so alive  
We found comfort in the warmth of the sand  
By morning light she was gone with the tide  
She had a young girl's heart in an old soul  
Dreamed of innocence and rock and roll  
She said as a child I only counted blue cars
Now I live to overcome these permanent scars  
So live by the sun, Love by the moon, dance by the stars  
( instrumental)  
As I walk alone on this shore, I can still hear the echoes of her voice  
If you wanna love me, let your spirit be with mine  
You won't see me tomorrow, but you'll feel me for a lifetime  
She had a young girl's heart in an old soul  
Dreamed of innocence and rock and roll  
She said as a child I only counted blue cars
Now I live to overcome these permanent scars  
So live by the sun, Love by the moon, dance by the stars  
Written by buddydog
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1881

The Peace Bell

Nestled between two canyons in the mountains,
The temple stands with a glorious silence,
Up here, you can only hear the wind,
Whispering something old to your soul.
Up here, away from the bustle of the city
There is a peace that’s quiet and unheard,
It’s a place where you can focus and meditate,
Finding compassion for the world.
Inside the temple amid the jade and incense,
There is a reverence that no words can express,
The mind then seems to feel a balance,
Up here where the silence fills your breath.
The Buddhist Zen temple is a hidden treasure,
That in nature a man can calmly contemplate,
Finding a solace that clears the mind,
Which lights the path toward purpose.
And there is the wind again, whispering softly,
As a lizard crawls over a rock,
As two squirrels run between trees,
An eagle glides high in the the cool breeze.
I stare at the top of the hills, green and lush,
Looking for the sound of the invisible wind,
Feeling the gentle caress embrace my face,
Thinking to myself, this is a good place.
My sons then rang the peace bell,
The timbre like an ohm resonates deep,
And I in awe of the place watch quietly,
As a little white butterfly passes my by.
Written by wallyroo92
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Fire of Insight
Joined 6th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 133


Was it
three day outing?
He can't remember;
his thinning memory betrays him...

It, surely, was a group outing
- that photo proved it -
a photo he does not possess,
a photo he, certainly, had seen
a long time ago...

in bathing suit
seated on a beach chair
perhaps, at a near by island
surrounded by
three, or four, or five girls...

Who were they?
Neighborhood friends?
But, what high school from?
For his life, he cannot conclude...

One was combing his hair
One, or two manicuring his extended fingers
The remaining
- knees deep in the sand -
pedicuring his shy toe nails;
that much, he remembers clearly...

Staged photo shootout?
A game of awkward adolescent eroticisms?
Fading memory of a photo,
or, of the moment?...
Written by takis1917
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 11th Mar 2019
Forum Posts: 14

D.C. Memory

It snowed today in D.C.
I saw a weather broadcast on TV
Sweet memories it brought to mind
Walking in the snow arm in arm
Our private little holiday in the National Mall
Throwing snow balls in the Smithsonian statue garden
Envious looks from lonely people
Others sharing secret smiles
I heard one say
“Look how much they are in love.”
It’s the wonderful times like this that i remember
Delightful feelings
Beautiful times
Have not
Will not
Fade Away
Written by SilverBeaver_42
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