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Itty Bitty
Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 26th Feb 2019
Forum Posts: 14


We didnt have much
Not anything at all
Miami a city
Where the flowers would fall

The bustle was full
The Fall never came
But everywhere it grew
We never learned the name

I would pick a few
Fresh in the mornings dew
Between two fingers
A small bushel of flowers for you

I look upon them today
In my comfy, warm home
That you built in me with blood
And love

And I look upon the weed
That turned bitter squab into doves
Finding comfort in you
Watching us from above.
Written by BabydoII (Itty Bitty)
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 24th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 9


I wanted to treat some ladies
so I went down to mrs. Fresh,
el mejor florista.

"Buenos días, señor
flores para la dama?"
"Si pero no como siempre
today I want one bunch...
for every special woman in my life."
El mejor florista smiled at me.
"you want my whole shop" "sí?"
"no del todo querido
solo una para cada ocasión"
"aha" "veo"

El mejor florista was elated,
She gladly brought me to speed.

Aster means elegance
but when it's about love,
think about carnation,
or roses.
She said,
calla lilly means celebration
like weddings.
Mix daisy and daffodils
and she'll like the blend...
love, loyalty, joy, hapiness.
gardenia and lavender
mean secret love and admiration.

As I left with my bunches,
El mejor florista's advice followed.
She said
"Señor, always choose the best bunch,
unique for every occasion.
value knowledge,
You'll never go wrong."
Written by eleven_mashariki
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Sasha Fenn
Lost Thinker
Joined 14th Feb 2019
Forum Posts: 2

Flowers Still

These flowers are dead.
Gobbled up by starving kids,
Earth's last slice of joy...

Will we plant plucked men
atop their blacktop mass graves
to honor their lives?

Might as well leave them.
Let their spirits watch in glee.
Serve them their revenge...

We'll boil up our home
and set this patient globe free
from our apathy.
Written by scarletegret (Sasha Fenn)
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poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 19th Feb 2019
Forum Posts: 9

lotus flower

see my face! a thousand petaled-lotus
rooted deep in murky matter
my splendor beauty yet untouched
adorned, by precious jewel in the center,
a clear and unclouded mind
to pierce through the illusion-life
with the purity of its refined sight.
Written by MonicaT
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Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

My Concrete Garden

 For me the grass would
Always be greener
On the other side
As I retire to sit
In the autumn sunshine
Enjoying a cigarette
And a milky coffee
In the back yard
And it is a yard
No grass to speak off
No rolling lawn
It’s been replaced
By concrete slabs
And red brick paths
Clothes line poles
Stand erect like
Sentry guards on patrol
Wheelie bins stores
That look like
Small cottages
Despite the season
There is some greenery
As weeds still
Squeeze and push
There way in between
The concrete cracks
Wildlife is scarce
Mainly slimy slugs
And the pigeon family
That populate the
Building next door
A decaying old theatre
That attracts bats
In the night
And crows by
The light of day
Colour is provided
A small child’s
Pink cycle with
Matching streamers
And wicker basket
Aches under the
Weight of ever growing
Orange crusty rust
A supermarket trolley
In silver and green
Sits in the corner
Like a lost soul
Francis has put
Her washing out
A display of
Multicoloured foreign flags
Flap in the cool breeze
Finally it’s
Saving grace
A single pot
With a single
Red rose
Complements the smoke
Coming out of my nose
I can relax for
A short while
Before cold nose
Fingers and ears
Drives me back inside
From my concrete garden
Written by David_Macleod (14397816)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Wild Wood Flower

C an there be no bloom of more fragrant perfume?
A ngels play pipes in praise, Gloria Patri!
N uncio exultation, Gloria Deo!
N eurons excitation, exhilaration soul illumination.
A flower of peace and love has been given to you.
B e not afraid for I bring you good news.
I mmaculate intoxication Spiritus Sanctus emulsion.
S olomon in all is glory is not as beautiful as the hippies’ lilies-of-the-valley.
Written by snugglebuck
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 11th Mar 2019
Forum Posts: 14

DayLight Savings Time

When do Invasive
Four-o’clocks bloom in Summer’s
DayLight Savings Time?
Written by SilverBeaver_42
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Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 12th July 2017
Forum Posts: 286

Beauty is a Rose

beauty is a rose
soft and pink
dwelling in a garden
and hidden by weeds
she clothes you in her scent
she bursts in the spring
and even when the seasons change
beauty is asleep
she endures relentless rain
she weathers monsoons
growing ever taller through these trials
beauty is alive and free

beauty is a rose
trampled by heavy feet
ignored by other flowers
their roots will never meet
they shun her
pluck her delicate petals
and cut her thorny stem
stick her in a little vase
beauty cannot satisfy them

beauty is a rose
fading away
her thorns prick hungry hands
her leaves are turning gray
the ground has called her home
no matter how hard she tries
she’s been running from the truth
beauty now dies
Written by Thetravelingfairy
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128

My Linden Tree

My Linden Tree
Grace (IDryad)
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Guardian of Shadows
Jamaica 14awards
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 787


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Dangerous Mind
Philippines 11awards
Joined 6th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 376

Flowers By The Sea

I remember our old home by the sea
It was surrounded by flowers
That mama and papa had patiently planted
Despite the lack of soil
I was still a child then

I can't recall the names of all the flowers
That were part of my childhood years
Only a few of them where retained
In my earliest memory

There were yellowbells and wild orchids hanging in the front yard of our simple home
And sampaguita whose sweet scent wafted in the night air when their tiny white buds openned

Bougainvillea of different shades took the most space
In that little garden in our home by the sea
It was the most common flower in our area
And easy to grow

It was a delightful sight to see the flowers blooming
Their petals kissed by dewsrops in the early morning
I watered them at sunrise before going to school
Their beauty compensated the austerity and simplicity of our home

Through the years flowers were always present in our home
It was one of mama and papa's joy
They loved plants and flowers
They had an affinity for nature and animals

Mama had a green thumb that I did not inherit
Along with her other qualities that were uniquely hers
Her knowledge of medicinal plants is what I completely lack
She had the gift of healing
And I was not molded like her

She was like a rare flower
A desert rose that lived through the hardship of life
Resilient and strong
Patient and persevering
Through all seasons of her life


Written by Summerrain75
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880


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