Love of the written word
Poetry Contest Description
Write a poem about books

Being a lover of book I have written a variation of poems about them and how they make me feel, some shared, as those given as samples below, others in my own private collection.
I would like you to write a poem about books and what they give you or how the make you feel, where they are housed....the possibilities are endless.
No limit on length but also not asking for a book, ha!
Any genre is welcome as books come in many of their own.
Samples that have been posted
Never is the imagination precluded
Within smoothness of your pages
A multitude of worlds emerge
Bestowing upon the recipient
a myriad of feelings
Leaving more than a vestige
imprinted on the seduced mind.
Many places like this exist
Yet this one is uniquely mine
Scents grip and transport me
With every step through time
Aroma after aroma lifts my head
Stages of atrophied leather
Binding sheets of parchment
Fighting to hold entire worlds together
I could live in this universe
With out stretched arms
Walk through every galaxy
With fervent wonder
Visiting every world within
Have fun with it!
If you have any questions please let me know, it's my first hosted comp so I might have missed important details.
Forum Posts: 3572
Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018 
Forum Posts: 3572
Inscribe My Headstone With These Tomes
Ah , 'Tis The Turning Of The Page
Wafting The Uplifted Scent Of Aged
Vellum , 'Tis The Fine Grain Held
Between The Fingers , 'Tis The Look
Of Volumes Shelved On Old Wood
With Bindings And Covers Of Leather
Stained By Hands Of Untold Numbers
Of Seekers Of Knowledge And Tales
Of Wonderment , Folly And Adventure ,
'Tis The Smell Of Slight Must Or Of Dust
When One Finds A Tome Long Forgotten ,
'Tis This That Stirs The Cauldron Of Sensory
And Unleashes The Magic Of Images Abounding
Before The First Word Be Read ;
The Glimmer Of The Ink Laid Upon The Surface
Is No Less Than Dancing Moonlight , Or Sun
In It's Blaze Of Glory , As I Caress Each Individual
Treasure And Hold Each Close To My Chest
A Bibliophile In Ecstatic Trance ;
As One Accused Of Epeolatry And Bibliosmia ,
This I Can Not Deny , I Was One Whose Early World
Was Book Bosomed Daily And Whipped With A Belt
For Reading By The Light I Could Gather From Under
My Closed Bedroom Door From The Light In The Hall ;
Ah , A Childhood Of Books !
I Built Castles With Them , I Slept With Them , I Dreamed
With Them Under My Pillows ;
Ah , Yes , 'Tis The Memories Of These Days I Carry With Me ,
As I Walk In My Inner Library Of Memory !
Wafting The Uplifted Scent Of Aged
Vellum , 'Tis The Fine Grain Held
Between The Fingers , 'Tis The Look
Of Volumes Shelved On Old Wood
With Bindings And Covers Of Leather
Stained By Hands Of Untold Numbers
Of Seekers Of Knowledge And Tales
Of Wonderment , Folly And Adventure ,
'Tis The Smell Of Slight Must Or Of Dust
When One Finds A Tome Long Forgotten ,
'Tis This That Stirs The Cauldron Of Sensory
And Unleashes The Magic Of Images Abounding
Before The First Word Be Read ;
The Glimmer Of The Ink Laid Upon The Surface
Is No Less Than Dancing Moonlight , Or Sun
In It's Blaze Of Glory , As I Caress Each Individual
Treasure And Hold Each Close To My Chest
A Bibliophile In Ecstatic Trance ;
As One Accused Of Epeolatry And Bibliosmia ,
This I Can Not Deny , I Was One Whose Early World
Was Book Bosomed Daily And Whipped With A Belt
For Reading By The Light I Could Gather From Under
My Closed Bedroom Door From The Light In The Hall ;
Ah , A Childhood Of Books !
I Built Castles With Them , I Slept With Them , I Dreamed
With Them Under My Pillows ;
Ah , Yes , 'Tis The Memories Of These Days I Carry With Me ,
As I Walk In My Inner Library Of Memory !
Written by Blackwolf
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Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17607
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17607
Sacred Contracts XXXIII: 'Dead Poet's Society'*
I’ve spent too much time
away from their Holy grounds;
their imagery and metaphors –
ones that molded my belief
through fine point verse
not needing to be understood
to be absolute truth.
Sometimes it’s difficult to grant the dead
an audience when the living demand
every moment you have to give;
or, when sprinting toward home
but never reaching its butterflied
tactics of evasion with your dreams.
They become unkempt memorials –
years coating their cracked spines
with light inhaling the vibrancy
of their once richly dyed skin.
Tonight, I inadvertently bumped
against their epitaph while packing –
their shelved cemetery vibrating
under the category two imbalance.
Trapped in a web of melancholy
I wiped the dust, adhered as lichen-
munching to the embedded words
carved over their stone allegories,
I thought about their sacrificial lives
their masticated ribs between
the yellowed teeth of glue
slowing pulling them apart;
the sternum of their bloom
casting downward when opened
seeds across a hardwood understory.
I thought about their hearts
vulnerable and exposed in death;
starving animals vying for remembrance
in a dying world too busy to notice
their once painful existence.
I thought about my life too, and yours
among these dormant 'Winter Trees'
the perpetual cycle of this lifetime –
as some 'Handyman'
who could never get ahead
despite how hard he tried
My weekend bag is packed
waiting beside the door
as a faithful dog;
there is gas in my car –
and he patiently waits
beside the hearth
with a meal and warm fire.
Yet, I sit unmoved on this floor
listening to the dead orate
in their forgotten tongue of words.
He'll understand –
It’s not like I haven’t told him
like everyone else
there would be times
I wouldn’t choose anything
over the books;
letters, emails, texts,
calls, or pouting silence;
it’s not like I haven’t said
I wouldn’t be swayed
by bulging zippers
or swollen suitcases
by the door
yes; including my own;
it’s not like I haven’t said,
‘If you want to be first
in someone’s life
you must know
it can never be mine.’
“It was at that age that poetry
came in search of me."
saved me from the living
and fateful beginnings
I am a soul inductee
into a 'Dead Poet’s Society'
Thus, I pay homage
to their skeletal memory
with the only thing left
in this world I fully possess:
I’ve spent too much time
away from their Holy grounds;
their imagery and metaphors –
ones that molded my belief
through fine point verse
not needing to be understood
to be absolute truth.
Sometimes it’s difficult to grant the dead
an audience when the living demand
every moment you have to give;
or, when sprinting toward home
but never reaching its butterflied
tactics of evasion with your dreams.
They become unkempt memorials –
years coating their cracked spines
with light inhaling the vibrancy
of their once richly dyed skin.
Tonight, I inadvertently bumped
against their epitaph while packing –
their shelved cemetery vibrating
under the category two imbalance.
Trapped in a web of melancholy
I wiped the dust, adhered as lichen-
munching to the embedded words
carved over their stone allegories,
I thought about their sacrificial lives
their masticated ribs between
the yellowed teeth of glue
slowing pulling them apart;
the sternum of their bloom
casting downward when opened
seeds across a hardwood understory.
I thought about their hearts
vulnerable and exposed in death;
starving animals vying for remembrance
in a dying world too busy to notice
their once painful existence.
I thought about my life too, and yours
among these dormant 'Winter Trees'
the perpetual cycle of this lifetime –
as some 'Handyman'
who could never get ahead
despite how hard he tried
My weekend bag is packed
waiting beside the door
as a faithful dog;
there is gas in my car –
and he patiently waits
beside the hearth
with a meal and warm fire.
Yet, I sit unmoved on this floor
listening to the dead orate
in their forgotten tongue of words.
He'll understand –
It’s not like I haven’t told him
like everyone else
there would be times
I wouldn’t choose anything
over the books;
letters, emails, texts,
calls, or pouting silence;
it’s not like I haven’t said
I wouldn’t be swayed
by bulging zippers
or swollen suitcases
by the door
yes; including my own;
it’s not like I haven’t said,
‘If you want to be first
in someone’s life
you must know
it can never be mine.’
“It was at that age that poetry
came in search of me."
saved me from the living
and fateful beginnings
I am a soul inductee
into a 'Dead Poet’s Society'
Thus, I pay homage
to their skeletal memory
with the only thing left
in this world I fully possess:
Written by Ahavati
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jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
A Singular Book📖
A brilliant career we had calved,
The places master and I roamed.
Memories... are all that I have,
While wedged between brothers I’ve known.
The years have not gone very well
Since master’s fortunes have all flown.
He looks for answers from the shelves,
His’try, as books like me have shown
Is bound to repeat, as he delves,
He prays that his luck will come home.
There’s ‘neigh can be done by the elves,
On pages, words written in stone.
Though hundreds of me by ourselves,
Both master and I stand alone.
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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The Gardener
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347
The Gardener
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1347
In the bleak salt spray, watching baby seals at play, a book, rather a page, steals my mind away -
a book buried within my palms that harms progressive social conduct - I wash my claws of it.
My soul instructs one chapter more,
excused away to the cottage floor
stretched out as a ribby cat
that shamelessly rolls about beside a roaring fire.
The Father begins a conversation on appropriate walking shoes, fetches a map for forward planning
all of which are shoved to a corner nearer the binding,
purring fondly over a place and time, these folk at the table can't comprehend.
Eye-watering is meal time when punctual convention dictates extraction. Food is king.
The teacher is small, so close to ending, humans outside shaking with impatient need for attending -
my heart still leaping far, far fom this headland. The fondest memories of this tale will be with me for years.
The violet sky burns above the page edge, as the author and I share our final moments.
Three more days left and no replacement against predators of my time.
In the bleak salt spray, watching baby seals at play, a book, rather a page, steals my mind away -
a book now sat upon bedside table, the holiness of it still burning within every thought.
My soul instructs to hold on a little longer,
let it linger as we muse hikes upon the cottage floor
stretched out as a ribby cat without her warmth,
shamelessly lusting after a too-long ended fire.
a book buried within my palms that harms progressive social conduct - I wash my claws of it.
My soul instructs one chapter more,
excused away to the cottage floor
stretched out as a ribby cat
that shamelessly rolls about beside a roaring fire.
The Father begins a conversation on appropriate walking shoes, fetches a map for forward planning
all of which are shoved to a corner nearer the binding,
purring fondly over a place and time, these folk at the table can't comprehend.
Eye-watering is meal time when punctual convention dictates extraction. Food is king.
The teacher is small, so close to ending, humans outside shaking with impatient need for attending -
my heart still leaping far, far fom this headland. The fondest memories of this tale will be with me for years.
The violet sky burns above the page edge, as the author and I share our final moments.
Three more days left and no replacement against predators of my time.
In the bleak salt spray, watching baby seals at play, a book, rather a page, steals my mind away -
a book now sat upon bedside table, the holiness of it still burning within every thought.
My soul instructs to hold on a little longer,
let it linger as we muse hikes upon the cottage floor
stretched out as a ribby cat without her warmth,
shamelessly lusting after a too-long ended fire.
Written by ImperfectedStone
(The Gardener)
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Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 909
Newborn words will flow out the pen
So often seemingly to ink themselves
From places unknown time and again
Never wonders far from bookshelves,
Dressing up the thought consummate
A conjugate that never procrastinates
Unlike some that can't wait to be late
Instead the words flow with no delay,
Well...only if the well is flowing, then ok...
A sentenced line lays low on induction
So a font the internalized construction
The walls are a deconstructed passion
With doors, the unlocked compassion,
Breaking out of the self-inflicting zone
Those bloody muddy ideas of low shit
Making a mockery of the truth known
And the process we are taught to spit,
While the new pen will just wait and sit...
And never need repent
Of lies that were spent
Writing of untrue sin
With made up bend
On our life road
With no end...
So often seemingly to ink themselves
From places unknown time and again
Never wonders far from bookshelves,
Dressing up the thought consummate
A conjugate that never procrastinates
Unlike some that can't wait to be late
Instead the words flow with no delay,
Well...only if the well is flowing, then ok...
A sentenced line lays low on induction
So a font the internalized construction
The walls are a deconstructed passion
With doors, the unlocked compassion,
Breaking out of the self-inflicting zone
Those bloody muddy ideas of low shit
Making a mockery of the truth known
And the process we are taught to spit,
While the new pen will just wait and sit...
And never need repent
Of lies that were spent
Writing of untrue sin
With made up bend
On our life road
With no end...
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 864
Page turner
Chapter 1
Ancient art, for on cave walls
The alphabet of life was drawn
Perils faced from tooth and claw
Cave mens records, captured scrawls
Just bits and boobs the intrigue of their lifes and skills
Chapter 2
Civilisations come and go and war lords fight another day
Wise men and the prophets
The visionary they taught just by hearsay
Folklore gathered round the fire
Stories handed down the elder statesman to his son inspired
Chapter 3
How came the written word
My guess was commerce trade and such
Tallys kept the abacus
To make your mark and not bring shame upon your house
The slate is crossed, the wax bears your emboss
Chapter 4
Egyptians used papyrus scrolls
To document there daily toils
The mathemetics of the piramids
That dynasty the hieroglyphics of the life they lived
The Rosetta stone the key to unlock all
Chapter 5
For onward languages they seemed to thrive
The Chineese wrote on a paper from plants derived
And so the scribes complied a book
So inscrutable wrote in reverse
Secrets the characters the orient contrived
Chapter 6
The bible and all holy works
The Pope the power of the church
They kept the populus in fear
With latin text and ignorance and brutaliy indeeed
That time would always come the metal
It was wrought the furace cast the letter
Roman numerals to form the rows
Sentences and paragraphs and chapters grow
That library we all enjoy may the Kindle die unpleasantly
That ink upon the page
That book its spine of the modern age
All learning imaginations profound profanity
The affair to keep you glued to the last page
But are we dust up on the shelves
The end
Ancient art, for on cave walls
The alphabet of life was drawn
Perils faced from tooth and claw
Cave mens records, captured scrawls
Just bits and boobs the intrigue of their lifes and skills
Chapter 2
Civilisations come and go and war lords fight another day
Wise men and the prophets
The visionary they taught just by hearsay
Folklore gathered round the fire
Stories handed down the elder statesman to his son inspired
Chapter 3
How came the written word
My guess was commerce trade and such
Tallys kept the abacus
To make your mark and not bring shame upon your house
The slate is crossed, the wax bears your emboss
Chapter 4
Egyptians used papyrus scrolls
To document there daily toils
The mathemetics of the piramids
That dynasty the hieroglyphics of the life they lived
The Rosetta stone the key to unlock all
Chapter 5
For onward languages they seemed to thrive
The Chineese wrote on a paper from plants derived
And so the scribes complied a book
So inscrutable wrote in reverse
Secrets the characters the orient contrived
Chapter 6
The bible and all holy works
The Pope the power of the church
They kept the populus in fear
With latin text and ignorance and brutaliy indeeed
That time would always come the metal
It was wrought the furace cast the letter
Roman numerals to form the rows
Sentences and paragraphs and chapters grow
That library we all enjoy may the Kindle die unpleasantly
That ink upon the page
That book its spine of the modern age
All learning imaginations profound profanity
The affair to keep you glued to the last page
But are we dust up on the shelves
The end
Written by slipalong
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Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1880
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1880
I wish I
I wish I had more time
More time to read books and invest on my mind
To learn new things and maybe become a little more refined
With the kind of books designed to challenge my thinking
To break through my subconscious and letting it sink in
Inclined to learning and discovering more of my self
With a wealth of knowledge filling up my book shelf
But I’m running out of space…
I wish I had more book cases
Or better yet a bigger place to house and store them all
Like a private study or a library literally covering the walls
But no matter how big or small my collection will be filled
With the likes of Wilde, Donne and Poe to help me build
A better construct and theory in inspirational composition
And the vision of my writing will come to full fruition
But it makes me think about the past…
I wish I could go back in time
But not to correct the errors or the right the wrongs
To have been lost in the confusion of where the heart belongs
Or wonder why I made some decisions emotionally blindly
But maybe have spent my time more wisely, sagely, kindly
And have seen the wisdom of the ages in my younger days
Found in the pages of the great works of poetry and essays
Then I would’ve have grown…
I wish I could have more time
To read more classics and epics delving deeper in philosophy
Living up to the moral and ethics like a self-fulling prophecy
Becoming the positive change I want be in my own psychology
And the works I read will help me develop my known anthology
With one book at time I’ll always be learning something new
And within I’ll find the answer and always find break through
So then I think…
There is no sense in wishing
It’s just a useless way to express the vision of who I want to be
Like a dream without a vessel nestled somewhere in my memory
Studying the greats will influence me to become something more
Like a calling from within something that I simply can’t ignore
Solely relying on prayers won’t fix my affairs when I’m in despair
I have to work and take action so the chain reaction gets me there
I wish I had more time
More time to read books and invest on my mind
To learn new things and maybe become a little more refined
With the kind of books designed to challenge my thinking
To break through my subconscious and letting it sink in
Inclined to learning and discovering more of my self
With a wealth of knowledge filling up my book shelf
But I’m running out of space…
I wish I had more book cases
Or better yet a bigger place to house and store them all
Like a private study or a library literally covering the walls
But no matter how big or small my collection will be filled
With the likes of Wilde, Donne and Poe to help me build
A better construct and theory in inspirational composition
And the vision of my writing will come to full fruition
But it makes me think about the past…
I wish I could go back in time
But not to correct the errors or the right the wrongs
To have been lost in the confusion of where the heart belongs
Or wonder why I made some decisions emotionally blindly
But maybe have spent my time more wisely, sagely, kindly
And have seen the wisdom of the ages in my younger days
Found in the pages of the great works of poetry and essays
Then I would’ve have grown…
I wish I could have more time
To read more classics and epics delving deeper in philosophy
Living up to the moral and ethics like a self-fulling prophecy
Becoming the positive change I want be in my own psychology
And the works I read will help me develop my known anthology
With one book at time I’ll always be learning something new
And within I’ll find the answer and always find break through
So then I think…
There is no sense in wishing
It’s just a useless way to express the vision of who I want to be
Like a dream without a vessel nestled somewhere in my memory
Studying the greats will influence me to become something more
Like a calling from within something that I simply can’t ignore
Solely relying on prayers won’t fix my affairs when I’m in despair
I have to work and take action so the chain reaction gets me there