Poetry competition CLOSED 18th October 2018 7:13am
Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
View Profile Poems by Jade-Pandora
RUNNERS-UP: Astyanax and SatInUGal

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A one week contest

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141

Does she notice veins on leaf undersides?

Yester-sun, the dayglow away
my memoir dines over sips from mason jars
scones and highfalutin lattes  
foam art frothy
biscotti crumbs off a hottie's lips
The gluten's stale as we were...
Pluck the pillings off your chinos  
you know...
the faux formalities always failed  
to woo me; do you recall?
as those tacky khakis squeeze the life from your balls
But I would meet you in the stairwell
no bra and all
Look into her liner
relive my undressed lids  
and the rest
I acquiesced  
When you meet her
walled in brand names
reminisce my snippings
of itchy tags from outlet jeans
dropping denim where I please
-remember me
Written by AtoMikbomb
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Unbreakable Me

You broke my bank
You broke my mind
You broke my heart
But take care not to gloat
For I still have hope
And with hope
The spirit cannot be broke
So, I'll pull myself together
And move on
With the certainty
That someday  
I'll find somebody
Better than you  
To love me
Written by snugglebuck
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Tyrant of Words
United States 156awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1883

Through the Debris

I masked the hurt with anger and looked for revenge in the most spiteful way,
Not knowing that from that day forward everything would completely change,
And in some strange way I didn’t grasp the damage it would do to all of us,
You grew angrier and I somehow found my strength buried under all the rubble.
But first I had to dig through all the debris, the guilt, the everlasting shame,
Taking all the blame because it didn’t really matter who set it off at first,
Because your verse will always be different than mine, I know I did wrong,
But as long as I had my baby boy, even though I was lost I still had hope.
I didn’t want you back,
How could I? I wouldn’t want myself back if I had done that to me,
And no matter how you see it, I too was so hurt the way it all went down,
Razed to the ground, we were a mess but those were the choices we made,
Had I stayed, there was no telling how much worse it would have gotten.
Maybe it was for the best, we had grown apart and my heart wasn’t in it,
It was my fault, I never should have started, I should have been more honest,
I broke all those promises when I strayed away and brought your wrath,
It was a bloodbath,
But you knew me, I was that type of guy to help you build it and then destroy it.

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470



Snowman is not foreign,
He visits me every December.
Some years he was soft, large, cuddly,
Made of Uratex, durable, reusable.
Some other times, he's recyclable,
Environment-friendly,  made of used, Materials, a budget buddy.

There were years when he's nothing,
But an image I could look at from afar.
Sadly, maddeningly so...
This year, and all the years to come,
I am afraid, he would be just someone,
To wish for, no matter how I try.

Reality bites and I have to accept
That there is no Winter here
In the Tropics where I live.

Sometimes, I admit,  
I wished to immigrate.
But the closet is nearer
And kept in there, is a snowman
Housed in a glassed picture frame
— crumpled
Beside me hugging him.

©All Rights Reserved
OxymoronicmeGLEmz 2018
16 October 2018
Written by OxyMoronicMe (G.L.)
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poet Anonymous

poet Anonymous

Removed my second entry because I just saw it was one entry only

poet Anonymous

Astral Lee Wilson
Strange Creature
United States
Joined 2nd Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2

The Iris

Can I remind you who you are at 3:35
Or are you even alive?
Potential is an ignored control complex
Subjected to our most vulnerable self
Yet we acknowledge practically everything else.
The damage
The glamour of being a comparison
The pressure of elevation
The strategic way of conforming to an absolute illusion
The intrusive connotations
The elation of what you can never seem to remember
Your hands clenching my shoulders in mid December
The longest winter
The emerald ring
Do you still mean everything if all you do is lie?
If I could just mention
The contradictions
From this position.
Things are quiet.
It just falls dead to silence.
It grows an iris.
Mercy is the scent.
Did you remember this?
What is the answer?
Living in a victim complex mentality
Where we dual verbally
And you’re just onto me.

On the stage we dance.
It is slow.
A ticking clock.
How it makes my shoulder twitch
To which I remember
Written by AstralLeeWilson (Astral Lee Wilson)
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poet Anonymous

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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

I’m terribly honored to have had my humble Rensaku voted for the win. You have my gratitude. And I thank our host for a venue to express such a complex side of love that was so recent in my life.

And last but certainly never least, my congratulations to Astyanax & SatInUGal for joining me on the podium!

All the best—


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