Poetry competition CLOSED 10th September 2018 5:41pm
View Profile Poems by wallyroo92
RUNNER-UP: ReggiePoet

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ATTENTION to all writers or something like that

Strange Creature
Joined 7th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 4

Desert Trekker

A vultures patience in hand,
My naive soul wanders in sand
Into a vast desert of life.
Battling in strife,
Through sand and dust storms.
A trekker of me it transforms.
Impelled into cactuses incarnation  
And hence surviving long thirst duration.
At times, enduring the scorpions sting
And all other hazards that spring.
A calloused heart I now possess.
With experience, the future I bravely assess.  
Deception of the mirages
No longer deceive my eyes.
I can see through the dust,
For I have gone through worst.
With globules of faith and determination,
An oasis I will find at my destination.
Written by theoneandonly
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Tyrant of Words
Australia 28awards
Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2085


Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141


Cobalt cold
a blue, like cranberry juice
a richness...none-too-sweet - so resonant
competing with tartness in me

Deep teal, seeping teal;
bottomless as soul
We swam in air...or water
detached - a match in the drink
I knew what you were thinking
I knew better than to blink

Swaying up on seabeds
I wore...something, I recall it not...
maybe it was naught
spines weaving waves
sparring the tide
My frame,
gaining your gazes

Contrary outlander fire blazed
We faded, freaks allying our intensities
under uncanny light - deviant flame
My hair pooling - mousey
I was drowsy
You were rousing
I felt it in your ribs

Aloft, I was...
you held me...a softness
A boldness
Sevenfold strength to my form
Floating, recognizing...

the same same brine in my eyes
Written by AtoMikbomb
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poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
Joined 12th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 4


We must not be tolerant
of that which is not true.

If we allow ourselves to tolerate
that which is not true
there is not a hope in the world
to cure such a thing.

Tolerance means being open
to others' way of seeing
our shared space.

Tolerance does not mean
respecting others' beliefs
in the event that they happen
to be untrue.

We do not respect beliefs
that happen to be untrue.

The central belief in Islam
is that the holy book
- the Noble Qur'an -
is the perfect and inimitable,
unaltered and inerrant,
word of the creator
of the universe.

This claim is false
and therefor wrong.
We do not respect beliefs
that happen to be wrong.

The book is thus imbued
with such a magnitude
of authority
that Muslims regard it
as superior to all other
existing ways of living
in 'peace' with humanity.

Here is fascism.

Hundreds of millions of people are dead.
Many hundreds of millions more suffering
more and more
until finally
they are willing to give their lives
for what they 'believe' to be true.

Here are your suicide bombers.
Here are your ISIS.
Here are you warriors dreaming of virgin women.
Here are your 'us' vs. 'them';
 the 'believer' vs. 'unbeliever'.

"Believe in something.
Even if it means sacrificing everything."

What message is this sending?
'Believe' in something
(regardless of if it is true or not)
and sacrifice everything
(including ones own life)
for that belief.

We do not respect beliefs
that happen to be untrue.

Muslims both need
and deserve
to know the truth
about their holy book;
not only for their sake
but for the sake of humanity.
Written by JustOneMan
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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 159awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1896

Congratulations to Miss_Sub and Reggie on sharing the podium. Thank you to DarkDreams for hosting this competition. There were so many great entries, I thank you for the honor.

Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 366

Congratulations wallyroo92!

Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

Congratulations to the winner and the runner-ups!

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