Poetry competition CLOSED 14th September 2018 00:45am

and Eerie
Blood In The Ink Well

Thank you for all your entries so far.
I need to reiterate at this point that this is a competition about why you write. Poems about anything else will be disregarded.
I need to reiterate at this point that this is a competition about why you write. Poems about anything else will be disregarded.
Forum Posts: 3572
Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018 
Forum Posts: 3572
What You Say ?
“The most beautiful things are those that madness prompts and reason writes.”
—Andre Gide
These Chaotic , Neurotic , Psychotic , Hypnotic Semiotics ,
Guiding Robotic Idiotic Logic Like Mental Medicinal Tonic
A Mind Spasmodic Calmed By Narcotics Causing Dianoetics
And How These Effects Affect One's Dialect Language Code
Not To Erode Neural Wiring , Firing , Or Any Desired Abode
Of Consciousness , Though Madness Is A Method I Profess
And Confess Works For Me To Deal With What Some Call Reality
Morality , Normality , Banality , Commonality , Factuality ,
When It Is All Such A Corporeal Temporality Split Personality
Between Spirituality And Practicality Break It Down Totality ,
Does Your Cult Of Personal Individuality Have Any Substantiality
Is This A Criticality , Or Just A Technicality When It Is A Plurality
Of Perception , Or Misconception , I Could Mention Self Deception
A Regression Of Connection Sensed By Verbal Inflection Detection
An Impression Of Expression Causing Aggression Natural Selection
In Some House Of Correction Mental Map Projection A Predilection
Toward Perfect Diction Though Slang Slung It's Sling Thus Bringing
Linguistics With It's Cryptic Characteristics And Ancient Lexicostatistics
To Another Crossroads Mystics Find So Intrinsic To The Synergistic
Heuristics , By Word Twist Of The Wrist Tricks , And Paralinguistics
Neurolinguistics And Psycholinguistics Which Can Bring In Futuristics
And Then We Got The Prophetic Poetic Alphabetic Becoming Genetic
By Literary Biology , Shall We Speak Of Sociology , Or Even Psychology
In A State Of Morphology As Words Chanted Bring In Art Of Musicology
Penned Beat Rapped , Muse Tapped , Mind Extract , Gotta Be Exact
Or You Be Bitch Slapped , Deck Stacked Against You In The Final Act
Inept If You Can't Adapt , Handicapped In The Abstract , A Must Redact
Speech Act Accessory After The Fact Retract Or Mutual Poetic Suicide Pact
When Someone Reads You The Riot Act As Some Unique Critique Sneak Speak
Technique Doublespeak To Create They All Got Mystique When They Speak Greek
If One Is Hare Brained Does A Poet Have A Rash Of Madcap Schemes ?
Are They Thoughts Wrought Always Late Around Time Space Themes ?
Are They Thunk While One Gets Drunk On Crumpets And Spiked Tea ?
If Ears Are Long Is A Brain Any Smaller Is A Compensatory Mystery ;
If A Long Haired Rabbit Got A Mohawk Would It Stir Up Talk On A Walk
How Many Carrots Would It Diamand , Or Would It Be Salary For A Stalk ?
And If So I Want To Know If Longer Ears Would Tend To Burn Any More
If I Showed You A Cookie And A Bottle Could You Find The Hidden Door ?
Do Hares Take Larger Quantum Leaps Than Just Most Brain's Little Bunny Hops ?
If They Go To A Cutter On The Barber Free Coast Is The Most They Want A Lop Mop ?
Do They Tell Horse And Carriage Men A Joke About A Furry With A Syringe On Top ?
Okay My Rational Just Flew Out The Window With A I Care For You Pigeon I Better Stop !
I Got Blood In My Ink
Well That Is What I Get
For My Cutting My Skin
To Let More Of Me In
Schizophrenic Twin
Is That Such A Sin ?
If A Had A Rash Shun All
It Stepped Out To Lunch
Or Maybe Never Came Back
After Last Sin Day Brunch
Sitting In My Own Mad Nest
Spud Buzzard In My Private Idaho
I Got Seam Stress Like Any Sew And Sew
Just Another Sane I Teased Test
Or Captain Of My Ship Brain Crunch
When They Gave Me A Flobotomy
It Felt Like A Train Wreck Lobotomy
Penning With My Blood In My Ink Well
Is Writing A Spell For A Poet's Mental Hell
And This Is Why I Write
Words Heal , Words Bite
Written by Blackwolf
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Forum Posts: 2880
Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880
The Perfect Me
“We are all apprentices
in a craft where no one
ever becomes a master.”
~Ernest Hemingway
I wrote the perfect poem
Then I read my recent one
I drew the perfect picture
I forgot I'd drawn a better one
I got the perfect marriage
But I wondered why we fought
Nobody is perfect they said
Who is this "nobody"? I thought
Sometimes when I tune my guitar
Keys end up in a perfect line
It's that moment of satisfaction
I know I will skew it the next time
In this stage, you're an actor
I'm an audience at your play
Who would play my role
When I'm gone, far away
That's why I write my story
One chapter at a time
Because my words will live
Even after my time
It may not be a masterpiece
But it'll reflect me correctly
As my Father created me
By his own hands perfectly
Written by dejure
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“Style means the right word. The rest matters little.”
—Jules Renard
Parole Express Line.
From the gray North
all passengers emanate.
Their unique callings to fulfill.
Anticipating perfect placement.
I, the Word Spotter,
must organize
all who disembark.
Assuring each new arrival
fulfills their maximum potential
in harmony with the others.
Travellers roll in
often already sorted.
By spirit conductor seated
to be simply released.
Assuming predestined spaces.
By Apollo assigned.
Others in disarray come.
Their puzzling together
weeks of labor requires.
Not one piece hopefully forced.
Knowing with reason they came
saves abandon from despair.
Barring seasons
when trains run empty.
Down inspirations conduit
they anxiously course.
Dreams conjuring beauty, love
understanding, pain assuaged.
—Jules Renard
Parole Express Line.
From the gray North
all passengers emanate.
Their unique callings to fulfill.
Anticipating perfect placement.
I, the Word Spotter,
must organize
all who disembark.
Assuring each new arrival
fulfills their maximum potential
in harmony with the others.
Travellers roll in
often already sorted.
By spirit conductor seated
to be simply released.
Assuming predestined spaces.
By Apollo assigned.
Others in disarray come.
Their puzzling together
weeks of labor requires.
Not one piece hopefully forced.
Knowing with reason they came
saves abandon from despair.
Barring seasons
when trains run empty.
Down inspirations conduit
they anxiously course.
Dreams conjuring beauty, love
understanding, pain assuaged.
Written by Gahddess_Worship
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Joined 18th Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 25
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 25
“I always start writing with a clean piece of paper and a dirty mind.”
—Patrick Dennis
I took the bristles of an old scrub brush
to get to those gnawing thoughts
but I couldn't get past
the physical barriers;
I couldn't get it up into the scalp
where the dirt resides.
The purity was short-lived,
the endless parade of ideas
and moral complications
have dogged that space
for decades.
Too many influences
for an impressionable soul
to keep a tight seal
on fantasies and persuasions.
But like a clean, laundered sheet
the blank page of pristine white
proves to be accommodating
to the spill of these deviances
and supporting secretions.
But I can't be reborn,
grime don't cease.
Every blank page
is another invitation
to leave a stain.
—Patrick Dennis
I took the bristles of an old scrub brush
to get to those gnawing thoughts
but I couldn't get past
the physical barriers;
I couldn't get it up into the scalp
where the dirt resides.
The purity was short-lived,
the endless parade of ideas
and moral complications
have dogged that space
for decades.
Too many influences
for an impressionable soul
to keep a tight seal
on fantasies and persuasions.
But like a clean, laundered sheet
the blank page of pristine white
proves to be accommodating
to the spill of these deviances
and supporting secretions.
But I can't be reborn,
grime don't cease.
Every blank page
is another invitation
to leave a stain.
Written by Tenderloin
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Related submission no longer exists.
because... it's how I exhale
“Let the world burn through you. Throw the prism light, white hot, on paper.”
—Ray Bradbury, WD
I was twelve
each breathing molecule
making up and holding together
the everything
into nothings
when the street lights
were outshone by thirty-something
pairs of piercing eyes
and the dark echoed with reverberations of
incomprehensible words
where everything became
I placed every bleeding drop of
at the bottom of the wishing well
where they lay
I was fifteen
carved every chiselled feature into
every particle and
conscious nerve
in my possession
when he carefully placed all the nothings into more
than everything, only to later
one by one
piece by piece
little by little
crush each one of them
as they disintegrated into something
than parted
I folded one thousand
paper cranes in
fruitless belief
of being granted
one wish
twenty two years have passed
since those molecules first parted
and I
carry an unaligned spine
a few ruptured pages, but
turn the pages
inhale the essence of me
touch the nakedness weaved around my ribcage
taste the fragments of qualities ineradicable
by them, by him
the ones scribed permanently upon
what is
throwing ink-stained pebbles
I bathe in
every ripple cast
laying my mouth upon
misplaced footprints
that now birth and burn memories
breathing meaning
I draw each tempest breath
through the unwashed dye laying
at the base of the inkwell
I exhale
because... it's how I exhale
“Let the world burn through you. Throw the prism light, white hot, on paper.”
—Ray Bradbury, WD
I was twelve
each breathing molecule
making up and holding together
the everything
into nothings
when the street lights
were outshone by thirty-something
pairs of piercing eyes
and the dark echoed with reverberations of
incomprehensible words
where everything became
I placed every bleeding drop of
at the bottom of the wishing well
where they lay
I was fifteen
carved every chiselled feature into
every particle and
conscious nerve
in my possession
when he carefully placed all the nothings into more
than everything, only to later
one by one
piece by piece
little by little
crush each one of them
as they disintegrated into something
than parted
I folded one thousand
paper cranes in
fruitless belief
of being granted
one wish
twenty two years have passed
since those molecules first parted
and I
carry an unaligned spine
a few ruptured pages, but
turn the pages
inhale the essence of me
touch the nakedness weaved around my ribcage
taste the fragments of qualities ineradicable
by them, by him
the ones scribed permanently upon
what is
throwing ink-stained pebbles
I bathe in
every ripple cast
laying my mouth upon
misplaced footprints
that now birth and burn memories
breathing meaning
I draw each tempest breath
through the unwashed dye laying
at the base of the inkwell
I exhale
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 941
(Re-posted as entry style downthread)
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1893
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1893
“I always start writing with a clean piece of paper and a dirty mind.”
-Patrick Dennis
My Poems ain’t Dirty
My poems ain’t dirty,
They paint a purdy picture with innuendoes,
And though they may be a little wordy when closer to the edge,
In the end they’re like sturdy old mementos.
My verses aren’t nasty,
Unless you’re into that kind of ghastly aural fixation,
But I know it sounds kind of nice past the ears,
The way it appears to flow from the lips during the narration.
My rhymes ain’t got that kind of time,
Unless your filthy mind likes to roll around deep in it,
Like double entendres, you hear in between the lines,
It’s a sign that you were already thinking it.
My limericks are like slick Freudian slips,
Just the tip of the lilt you tilt your head and you’re already there,
It may sound sleazy but it’s pretty easy to assume,
That I have a suggestive brain I’m willing to share.
My compositions have many different positions,
A different point of view, perspective and angle,
But if you believe I’m going to reveal my riddles,
Then you also probably think my participles dangle.
My poems ain’t dirty,
They’re just pretty quirky itty bitty witty ditties I like to comprise,
But if my amusive words are a little allusive,
Then I just might be a pervert in a romantic disguise.
-Patrick Dennis
My Poems ain’t Dirty
My poems ain’t dirty,
They paint a purdy picture with innuendoes,
And though they may be a little wordy when closer to the edge,
In the end they’re like sturdy old mementos.
My verses aren’t nasty,
Unless you’re into that kind of ghastly aural fixation,
But I know it sounds kind of nice past the ears,
The way it appears to flow from the lips during the narration.
My rhymes ain’t got that kind of time,
Unless your filthy mind likes to roll around deep in it,
Like double entendres, you hear in between the lines,
It’s a sign that you were already thinking it.
My limericks are like slick Freudian slips,
Just the tip of the lilt you tilt your head and you’re already there,
It may sound sleazy but it’s pretty easy to assume,
That I have a suggestive brain I’m willing to share.
My compositions have many different positions,
A different point of view, perspective and angle,
But if you believe I’m going to reveal my riddles,
Then you also probably think my participles dangle.
My poems ain’t dirty,
They’re just pretty quirky itty bitty witty ditties I like to comprise,
But if my amusive words are a little allusive,
Then I just might be a pervert in a romantic disguise.
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 864
The apprentice
How many come and pass this way
a search engine clicked
to find the tools to have their say
and join the Browns and Smiths
a learning curve of words unsure
welcome page for your comforter
an apprentice finds the early chores
an avatar of who you think you are
fed up with banal Facebook crap
hunger to fashion in meaningful drafts
to find an identity that skill untapped
and find the legs to walk that path
the joiner and the carpenter
with fitted dovetail joint
and to write in parameters
of love to make that point
the jeweler with his clutch of stones
and frame the diamonds bright facets
in a clasp to stand alone
bring forth from dirt your great classic
the mill wheels sails are they in tact
the concave and the convex stones
to grind the corn discard the chaff
plain and self raising words the poem
not allow your pen to genuflect
you the builder and the architect
and blur the lines of intellect
your work now teacher and the clerk
keyboard glowing like a firefly's nest
a word smith now, get it off your chest
apprentice to artisan of eloquence ?
so make words fly like MARILYNS dress
these ideals viewed in retrospect
"We are all apprentices in a craft where no one becomes master"
Ernest Hemmingway
a search engine clicked
to find the tools to have their say
and join the Browns and Smiths
a learning curve of words unsure
welcome page for your comforter
an apprentice finds the early chores
an avatar of who you think you are
fed up with banal Facebook crap
hunger to fashion in meaningful drafts
to find an identity that skill untapped
and find the legs to walk that path
the joiner and the carpenter
with fitted dovetail joint
and to write in parameters
of love to make that point
the jeweler with his clutch of stones
and frame the diamonds bright facets
in a clasp to stand alone
bring forth from dirt your great classic
the mill wheels sails are they in tact
the concave and the convex stones
to grind the corn discard the chaff
plain and self raising words the poem
not allow your pen to genuflect
you the builder and the architect
and blur the lines of intellect
your work now teacher and the clerk
keyboard glowing like a firefly's nest
a word smith now, get it off your chest
apprentice to artisan of eloquence ?
so make words fly like MARILYNS dress
these ideals viewed in retrospect
"We are all apprentices in a craft where no one becomes master"
Ernest Hemmingway
Written by slipalong
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Joined 20th May 2018
Forum Posts: 297
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 297
Charles Bukowski knew, a thing or two...
"Writing about a writer's block is better than not writing at all"
that's what Charles Bukowski said...
So... when... I can't not write...
When ennui sets in...
and I sit... gripped by lassitude...
nary a word coming to mind.
I have to go search something out...
Heaven only knows it won't do itself.
something... that piques my interest...
a word... that speaks to my soul
a smell... that brings back a memory
an impulse beyond my control...
I shall stand in the market and listen... all ears
then go back and re-read the works of my peers...
So... I'll put in the effort...for I know damned well...
I will be delivered from Writes' Block Hell.
that's what Charles Bukowski said...
So... when... I can't not write...
When ennui sets in...
and I sit... gripped by lassitude...
nary a word coming to mind.
I have to go search something out...
Heaven only knows it won't do itself.
something... that piques my interest...
a word... that speaks to my soul
a smell... that brings back a memory
an impulse beyond my control...
I shall stand in the market and listen... all ears
then go back and re-read the works of my peers...
So... I'll put in the effort...for I know damned well...
I will be delivered from Writes' Block Hell.
Written by Ely
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Joined 22nd Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 171
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 171
Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 749
To Build A Heaven
‘Let the world burn through you,
throw the prism light, white hot, on paper’
- Ray Bradbury
How do I burn to become new,
take me to that place.
How do I find the words to describe
what cannot be erased.
In this here world or on some other,
landing on its turf,
Scattering seeds of enchantment in collective minds,
I let the light spill forth.
I dreamed of a heaven I would create
to write of on an empty page,
And pages flipped and flew about ‘till
nothing else around me had worth.
My heaven in the stars was born as
I reached the zenith of my life’s work.
By night, I dreamed myself there
becoming one with the sky’s girth.
All I lived, all I saw became what I would write,
and only this, and only here,
speckled upon an endless night.
A brilliant flash of miracle came
from this tormented heart.
It must have lived so grandly to
have become so smart.
Born anew it ever grew
the humble heart became,
an epic story told across
a lifetime of lights refrain.
throw the prism light, white hot, on paper’
- Ray Bradbury
How do I burn to become new,
take me to that place.
How do I find the words to describe
what cannot be erased.
In this here world or on some other,
landing on its turf,
Scattering seeds of enchantment in collective minds,
I let the light spill forth.
I dreamed of a heaven I would create
to write of on an empty page,
And pages flipped and flew about ‘till
nothing else around me had worth.
My heaven in the stars was born as
I reached the zenith of my life’s work.
By night, I dreamed myself there
becoming one with the sky’s girth.
All I lived, all I saw became what I would write,
and only this, and only here,
speckled upon an endless night.
A brilliant flash of miracle came
from this tormented heart.
It must have lived so grandly to
have become so smart.
Born anew it ever grew
the humble heart became,
an epic story told across
a lifetime of lights refrain.
Written by PoetsRevenge
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I’m getting emotional reading all these.... amazing. Incredible work @ everyone.