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In The Oval Office
Joined 4th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 103
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 103
Poetry Contest Description
Historical Subjectivity
Take one President, excluding the current occupant and paint a picture. It can be negative, positive, either or neither. You can use cold hard facts, and/ or feelings. The tendency is to draw narratives that place those we like on a pedestal and those we don't like are made into villains. Where do you fall with your evaluation? It has also been suggested that there is a distinction between the ability to forge a successful campaign and productive governance. What say you? Feel free to mention the current President in connection with the individual you choose just try not dwell on the sitting president. (not meant to be an argument)

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Joined 4th Aug 2011
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Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 103
Like the way this is prefaced with the skepticism of the clan in general and the ending.
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 3304
The Bill for those Rights
Dear Sir,
In looking back at the discussion at Monday’s Professional Development there were a number of issues that left me, frustrated, angry and confused.
My confusion lies in our use of the Bill of Rights as a springboard for a discussion on morality and ethics …? At the core of it, we’re talking about a document that was written by a group of murderous, slave owning thugs (aka lawyers) with rules that were written to protect their criminal, and morally devoid enterprises. Is there any wonder why the words “morals” or “ethics” are not to be found anywhere in the Bill of Rights? Nor is there any mention for protections for women or children; or any mention of proper health care, or education for the masses.
As for the issue of slavery not being signed into the Bill; history has repeatedly said Jefferson wanted to include an amendment but he kowtowed to the South. The southern delegations basically told him, “Look Jeff, we know you’re getting your salad tossed by that Sally Hemmings gal, but don’t fuck with our territory, and how we run it!” (The classic negotiation tactics of gangsters.) So, is it any great wonder that the great majority of the BOR deals with the rights of the accused in criminal activities, and not the fundamental welfare of “the people”?
And while there is no provision for education in the BOR, even at a fundamental level, we as a country must keep “a well-regulated militia”. With these founding “principles”; there’s no wonder in the fact that this country only spends 2 – 3 % of its’ revenue on education, and some 15 – 20% of its’ budget on the military. Likewise, since November 2016, the stock value of the three largest U.S. defense contractors has risen by 20 – 80%. So, while it may be nice to “write a new constitution” that gets rid of assault weapons during a PD, that shit ain’t gonna happen, because we as a country would rather spend money on bombs and bullets, rather than backpacks and books (as written in 1791).
Just needed to vent.
In looking back at the discussion at Monday’s Professional Development there were a number of issues that left me, frustrated, angry and confused.
My confusion lies in our use of the Bill of Rights as a springboard for a discussion on morality and ethics …? At the core of it, we’re talking about a document that was written by a group of murderous, slave owning thugs (aka lawyers) with rules that were written to protect their criminal, and morally devoid enterprises. Is there any wonder why the words “morals” or “ethics” are not to be found anywhere in the Bill of Rights? Nor is there any mention for protections for women or children; or any mention of proper health care, or education for the masses.
As for the issue of slavery not being signed into the Bill; history has repeatedly said Jefferson wanted to include an amendment but he kowtowed to the South. The southern delegations basically told him, “Look Jeff, we know you’re getting your salad tossed by that Sally Hemmings gal, but don’t fuck with our territory, and how we run it!” (The classic negotiation tactics of gangsters.) So, is it any great wonder that the great majority of the BOR deals with the rights of the accused in criminal activities, and not the fundamental welfare of “the people”?
And while there is no provision for education in the BOR, even at a fundamental level, we as a country must keep “a well-regulated militia”. With these founding “principles”; there’s no wonder in the fact that this country only spends 2 – 3 % of its’ revenue on education, and some 15 – 20% of its’ budget on the military. Likewise, since November 2016, the stock value of the three largest U.S. defense contractors has risen by 20 – 80%. So, while it may be nice to “write a new constitution” that gets rid of assault weapons during a PD, that shit ain’t gonna happen, because we as a country would rather spend money on bombs and bullets, rather than backpacks and books (as written in 1791).
Just needed to vent.
Written by LobodeSanPedro
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Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 3304
I just read this via another DUP thread, but it's very relevant to this competition ...
Many thanks! to Cold Fusion for sharing this!
Many thanks! to Cold Fusion for sharing this!
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
President John Tyler
Tippy canoe and Tyler too
Of all our presidents
This one could drink
By far the most booze
And when it came to sex
He couldn’t be out screwed
He liked to have fun
With girls who were young
Which is why, though he died in 1862
He still has two living grandsons
Before you dismiss me
As a poetic fool
Know what I’ve said
Is absolutely true
Of all our presidents
This one could drink
By far the most booze
And when it came to sex
He couldn’t be out screwed
He liked to have fun
With girls who were young
Which is why, though he died in 1862
He still has two living grandsons
Before you dismiss me
As a poetic fool
Know what I’ve said
Is absolutely true
Written by snugglebuck
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Joined 4th Aug 2011
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Tyrant of Words

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Having read Crapol’s biography on Tyler, this read was interesting!
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 941
(Re-posted in proper entry format below)
He writes poems
and builds homes
at the age of
"He's ineffective!"
their invective
was framed as
Government will
not be gentle
when politics
are such a dump
Bring back Carter
in a barter
so this bullshit
can be trumped
He writes poems
and builds homes
at the age of
"He's ineffective!"
their invective
was framed as
Government will
not be gentle
when politics
are such a dump
Bring back Carter
in a barter
so this bullshit
can be trumped
Joined 4th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 103
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 103
Thank you for the words about Carter! Even the harshest presidential historian most likely applauds Carter for all he has done post the Oval Office.
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 941
You're welcome. Always felt a kinship with him.
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 941
He writes poems
and builds homes
at the age of
"He's ineffective!"
their invective
was framed as
Government will
not be gentle
when politics
are such a dump
Bring back Carter
in a barter
so this bullshit
can be trumped
and builds homes
at the age of
"He's ineffective!"
their invective
was framed as
Government will
not be gentle
when politics
are such a dump
Bring back Carter
in a barter
so this bullshit
can be trumped
Written by SatInUGal
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Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1879
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1879
21st Century Idiocracy
I tend to lean to the left, even though am I righty,
Because the views from the right are too extreme,
Conservatives think they’re in with the Almighty,
But W in the office? It still makes my blood scream.
I mean who puts that guy in the White House?
Oh yeah, never mind, Florida liked to rock the vote,
I’m still a little pissed over those missing ballots,
And with brother as governor, politics are cutthroat.
Not even a year in as prez and he was put to the test,
When evil showed its ugly face on America’s door,
And oddly enough, a lot of it didn’t make sense,
But then we all had a clear reason to go to war.
It felt like a ruse, an excuse to fuel our anger,
A lie to the American people and that was wrong,
“Fool me once, shame on – shame on you, fool me”
Fool! Won’t Get Fooled Again is a Who song!
But I don’t want to go into all the Bushisms,
There’s too many to point out to tear apart,
Maybe it was him, maybe it was his speech writer,
Because from the podium he didn’t sound too smart.
He was the dumbest president this country ever had,
With George W. Bush it all felt like a disaster,
And just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse,
In today’s America, I kind of miss the bastard.
I tend to lean to the left, even though am I righty,
Because the views from the right are too extreme,
Conservatives think they’re in with the Almighty,
But W in the office? It still makes my blood scream.
I mean who puts that guy in the White House?
Oh yeah, never mind, Florida liked to rock the vote,
I’m still a little pissed over those missing ballots,
And with brother as governor, politics are cutthroat.
Not even a year in as prez and he was put to the test,
When evil showed its ugly face on America’s door,
And oddly enough, a lot of it didn’t make sense,
But then we all had a clear reason to go to war.
It felt like a ruse, an excuse to fuel our anger,
A lie to the American people and that was wrong,
“Fool me once, shame on – shame on you, fool me”
Fool! Won’t Get Fooled Again is a Who song!
But I don’t want to go into all the Bushisms,
There’s too many to point out to tear apart,
Maybe it was him, maybe it was his speech writer,
Because from the podium he didn’t sound too smart.
He was the dumbest president this country ever had,
With George W. Bush it all felt like a disaster,
And just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse,
In today’s America, I kind of miss the bastard.
Joined 4th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 103
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 103
Bravo! The last two lines sums up the way many feel!
alon aLion
Joined 1st June 2012
Forum Posts: 346
alon aLion
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 346
petri-dishes and pickle-jars
They found him in a pool of someone else's blood
there was no need for concern
this was just part of a strctly adhered-to health regimen.
Dick felt, and still feels, that this bathing technique
adapted from Hungarian Countess Elizabeth Bathory
is essential in preserving his "human" biology far past
it`s genetic expiration date.
The only real diversion from the 17th Century
recipe is that Dick doesnt immerse himself in Virgin`s Blood,
because, lets face it, where can ya find a Virgin
in the States these days?
Say what you want about him,
but the man does Buy American.
Dick isnt sexist like his ancient Transylvanian
counterpart. The young girls AND boys are thoroughly
screened for disease of all kinds before their blood is
drained and properly processed by Haliburton. An ass
crack staff of skilled plumbers have been hand picked
by Dick himself for his custom system of source pool, pipes,
shower and tub.
This unique apparatus is housed in level seven of the
former veep`s subteranean bunker, just down the hall
from the stem-cell farm in Room H-3, directly across
from Dick`s personally owned Tony Roma`s Ribs Franchise.
The Organ-Growing Room is located in another wing. It`s
quite large, with dimensions similar to any big-time
Mid-West High School Gymnasium.
A tour through this Human Tissued Fountain of Youth is
quite fascinating. There are sections for every bodily
sytstem. Numerous Clone`s of Dick`s Heart, Spleen, Rectum,
prostate, You Name It, all in various stages of development
are proudly displayed throughout a labyrinth of petri-dishes
and pickle-jars.
It`s rumoured that slipping a Twenty to the Security Guard
on duty will get you an exclusive peek at the actual
Dick Head.
Tonight we can all sleep easy knowing that we`ll still
have Dick Cheney to kick around for the rest of our
natural lifetimes.
Written by drivelicious13
(alon aLion)
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Joined 4th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 103
Tyrant of Words

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Ah the real brains, along with guys like Karl Rove, behind W. One historian suggested Cheney makes Spiro Agnew look angelic.