Poetry competition CLOSED 10th August 2018 4:18pm
View Profile Poems by LunasChild8



Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about, or with, acronyms.

Acronyms; you either love them, or like me, you hate them.  Regardless, we need to recognize that the English language is being acronymized.  Soon we'll all be speaking with an abbreviated tongue.

So, for this challenge write a poem about, or with, acronyms.

Poem will be chosen by a vote.

Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

D.A.Y.S. (daily and youthful struggles)

I’m caught up with the D.A.Y.S.
Even though I’m young, I don’t belong with my generation
I don’t know what people are saying when they send me a message
Deciphering the contents take up most of my concentration.
I start off my D.A.Y.S. with bed hair
No matter how much I comb it, it still looks like a lion’s mane
I’m also paranoid about getting fat; why can’t we just survive off air?
I’m often admired for my beauty instead of my brain.
Omg, lol, brb; what is this mysterious code?
I know people are lazy, but this is just ridiculous
Whenever I use common grammar, people look like they’re about to explode
I’m stressed about performing well academically while other women want to look fabulous.
People call me “odiosa” just because I’m comfortable to stay by myself
I don’t feel the need to constantly talk just to hear my own voice
Many people don’t like me because I “break the spell”
That keeps people in la-la land; on the contrary, they should rejoice!
People often appear bright until they speak
That saying is so damn true and I’ll point it out
My quiet personality deludes people into believing that I’m weak
On the contrary, I’ll ignore your provocations and leave you to pout.
I don’t know why I must suffer the D.A.Y.S
Men often boast about their dicks and how much they’ve grown
I’m socially awkward enough as it is
But even I’d try to make a conversation instead of looking at my phone.  
Ttly, Shar; wtf is that?
Oh crap, I’ve just typed like the droning bees do
So many of my generation act like spoiled brats
They don’t say my full name; they don’t even spell out “you”.
Thank God I’ve passed through puberty
The physical changes were awkward enough, but I couldn’t stand the girls my age
Hormonal teenagers would often use the empty space by my locker as an opportunity…
To have an intense make-out session; our ideals are not on page.
Bullies are vicious, and the competition is tough
I mind my own business, yet people want to stick their nose in mine
People commented that the reason why I don’t have a boyfriend is because I’m rough
This is what I have to deal with my D.A.Y.S, though I don’t like to whine.  
It’s hypocritical of me to use an acronym to describe how I can’t stand them and other things
Though I suppose eventually I’d get caught up with some norms from my generation
Women my age may only care about the bling
Maybe the younger people can set up a better foundation.  
Written by LunasChild8
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Great use of ink.  Thanks for kicking things off!😁

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

A∴A∴ / Silver Star / Argentum Astrum / Siriusly

Acronyms And Notariqon

Data Codes Computer On ?

Got A Secret Communication

Transmission And Reception Stations

C.R.O.M.A.A.T. Or The A∴A∴

Just More Codes In The Game We Play

Or Shall We Talk About C.I.A. Or F.B.I.

And Those Who Know The All Seeing Eye ?

Or I.S.L.A.M. And I , Self , Lord And Master ,

Or Shall I Just Run This Program Faster ?

How About Hugh Ashmead C.I.A. Cover

Whose Name Became Ku Code Name Mother

 James Jesus Angleton's Cryptography Con

And Why O Why Does : Black Brothers = 89 = F.B.I.

Or More In The Game They Play : Power = 28 = C.I.A ?

Get A Grip , Sign And Seal , Not New Just Unrevealed ,

As Codes Filtered Into Everyday Common Language

Program Matrices All Devised To Ultimate Advantage ,

A Phrase Abbreviated Easier To Embed Code Digitalized ,

Just Take This As A Prescient Warning From Your All Seeing Eye !


Acronyms Is An Eight Letter Word

As Is Notariqon When Spelt In Gematria

Which Is The Word For Acronyms

Before There Even Was That Word ;

This Is Because The Words Were Code

For Two Columns Of Eight Symbols

With Many Levels Of Meaning Each

And A Code Within Code Of Base Three ,

Then Base Five , Then Base Eight Code ,

And All Used By Secret Society Members

For Communications Since Ancient Time ;

Those Two Columns Of Eight Symbols Each

Can Have A Ninth Level Each Which Then

The Whole Code Arrangement Equals 1008

And That Number 1008 Equals The Values For :

Solomon = 1008

Knights Templar Cypher Code = 1008

New Order Of Ages = 1008

Looking At Data Encryption + Decryption = 1008

Looking At Pillars Of Masonic Temple = 1008

If Want To Know More Just Ask Me
Written by Blackwolf (I.M.Blackwolf)
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

snugglebuck said:Great use of ink.  Thanks for kicking things off!😁

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it.

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 17th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 86

Sexting with Strangers

'Tell me more...' Hit Send.  
Out to distant zip code,  
fine line walking.    
First words flow swift between screens.    
Then 2Ds, an MP3.    
Carbon exchanges soak, stretch cotton:    
LH6, version 4G.    
Hands moving south,    
Bodies arching, releasing.    
From across state lines  
fine line crossing.

Written by Rachelleundrgrd
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Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 11th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 262

T.H.O.T. 's

I'm not a player, I just use big puns a lot
I'm not a rapper, I just abhor these THOTS
Sharing my thoughts with those who care to see
All of the T.H.O.T.'s that really make me angry

The Hate Of Today that is always on full display
The Hungriness Of Those told to just kneel & pray
The Heartlessness Of Trump towards immigrants
The Hopelessness Of Those struggling to pay the rent

We weren't meant to live life in such a hateful way
Christians need to read & heed what their bible say
To convey one thing but practice another is hypocritical
The affluent telling the struggling to work harder is just comical

Typical Hypocritical, Outlandish Talk of the deceivers
That Help Out The pockets of all of the bankers
The Hidden Opposition That actually pull the strings
That Hinder Our Triumph in our pursuit of prospering
Written by da_poetic-edifier (Damon)
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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1877

LIT (Lost in Translation)

She was a PYT, looking for some TLC,
But the chickadee was straight up DTF,
She texted BYOB, and he thought OMG,
This meet was going to be totally lit AF.

Her pic looked legit like the FBO POTD,
IRL, he thought, she's so hot AFAIK,
But IDGAF, IDC, I’m gonna smash BAE,
I’m KISS KWIM cus she going to learn today.

When? he asked, RN ASAP, she replied,
But she lied and ended with an XOXOX,
GR8, he added, he was totally ecstatic,
CW2MU, but then there was no text.
Hey U there? DU get my text? ICYMI
RU Ignoring me or will you BRT?
Was I 2F4U, did U think this thru?
TTM Plz,

Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

Thank you, snugglebuck, for hosting these unique and fun competition! I thank everyone who voted for me, and congratulations to David for his runner-up position.

Kudos to everyone else who participated. I enjoyed reading all of your work, c:

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