Poetry competition CLOSED 10th July 2018 2:42am
Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
View Profile Poems by Jade-Pandora
RUNNERS-UP: KP23 and SeaEntity1


I've Got the Eye of a Tiger

Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

Poetry Contest

Relate yourself to an animal or an inanimate object.

Write a poem personifying yourself with an animal or inanimate object you feel represents you best. In my case, I relate mostly with the moon (hence my username).

The submissions can either be old or new, but it can only be 1 per participator! Visual poetry is accepted as well. Blow me away with your marvelous work. Have fun!

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


A time in coldest winter’s hunt,
Exacting stealth of huntress’ walk
To listen for the prey’s confront,
My eyes scan tree lines as I stalk
In silent running fallen ice
The words of lyrics’ quiver lie,
Melodic whispers to entice
As ‘neath the snow they fearful hide.
To take a leap the moment when
The breaking of eclipsing moon
Releases shards of glass’ descend,
False shadows of false day’s illume,
My ears lay flat against my fur
As then I flinch from bright assault,
The tribal chants within me stir
O’er muted frozen creek I vault.
Once on the other side to halt,
Alert I wheel around to roar  
To call with ancient spell exalt,  
A tiger’s song of spirit lore
On gentle rise of powder white
A silhouette of eagle’s wing,
To soar across then out of sight
Yet not before I hear her sing.
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 29th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 69

Shark Within

Swimming under waves above as they crash.
Shocks of the water send an irritating volt through these waters.
Fused to the goal to satisfy hunger the shark ignores it.
During the bite no regret exists.
Deep in calm waters sometimes the shark stays floating.
Almost looks injured at this time.
Deceiving because the movements remain unreal.
Written by ClearmindedVillain
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Elephant Within

With one step they the have the power to destroy cities and rewrite
All of this history, but the elephants always help you remember
The memories to your name. Their eyes hold the burning light
And smoldering energy. Their wrinkled skin, the color of ember
Has weathered all of the brewing storms and dry deserts. The laugh
Lines that are just like folds and within all of the extra layers of life.
Someone who always sees what happens both before and after
The calmness. The one who keeps their heads level and their knife
Wielding skills in check. The one who floats above water and still
Has a smile. At the end of the day they still keep climbing up that hill.
Written by eswaller
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 14th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 10

No Pride

I'm an outcast, I've been chased away from my tribe.
I'm a young maned lion and I have no pride.
I've been bit, bruised and scarred, man I almost died.
I'm a predator on the run, and there isn't a place to hide.

No one at my side, the loneliness overwhelms me.
As well as the dangers out there that I can and cannot see.
Dangers that move ever so subtly through the static in the trees.
While the rays of sunlight torch me, I am an easy target in the cool breeze.
Crouching down low, then freeze, with leaves around me shuffling.
Lips curl away from teeth, my enemies are always prowling me..
but I have no fear because they have no control of me.
I foresee that they will bend on one knee..
to me, the rightful heir, the last timed I checked.
One roar will leave the hair, standing at the back of your neck.
Hit the deck as I'm suddenly attacked, its a battle to the death.
Check-- mate, I'm the young king standing victorious as my enemy takes his last breath.

I'm an outcast, I've been chased away from my tribe.
I'm a young maned lion and I have no pride.
But I survive
as I walk through jungles, deserts and savanna plains.
Scorching sunlight, dodging lightning bolts but not the rain.
I seek pleasure... find pain.
I seek treasure... want fame.
I seek freedom from blame for every single thing..
That shame, guilt and sorrow brings.

The false kings sitting on my throne.
Chased me here, left me to die alone.
Now I'm so far away from home..
And prone to all the dangers of this outside world that I condone.
In the killzone, and there are a number of beasts I slay because I'm still a hunter, not the prey.
Go here and there, slowly climb back up the food chain.. And Take my sweet time, Rome was not built in a day.

I say what I want to say, never afraid to express my feelings.
I'm glad when right, apologize when wrong, give no excuses or endless reasons.
I'm the man for all seasons... None of these challenges can bring me down.
I've faced my demons... And Wrestled those angels to the ground.

I'm Lost and found in no man's land, that's because I don't know what the land owner's name is.
Walk this terrain with no hope, unsure of where to go like I'm blind and faithless.
The wonderful scenery, and enemies pursuing me both leave me breathless.
I get no back up from my Wild Dogs, they say that I am too reckless.
Get distracted by these Hyena females and their Lionesses.
But still I go on and shine bright like a Diamond Necklace.
Teq Is...
Without a crew, without a fam, without a tribe.
I'm a young maned lion and I have... No Pride.
Written by KP23
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Thought Provoker
United States 8awards
Joined 1st Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 172

Related submission no longer exists.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864

my scarecrow

For I was born of straw and string
and lots of yesterdays leftover things
of clothes to big and bundled in
that was once loved thrown in the bin

the want of bare austerity
to watch and starve while others feed
to believe and not achieve
to stand where others would not be

but I stood tall first in my field
to protect this years vital yield
staunchly gain'st the storms that blew
and economic subterfuge

my shouts were silenced by the wind
the crows that circle then descend
limbs so stiffened by the frost
legs and arms like wooden posts

a hermit in the open airs
commune with nature in a sward of ears
a crucifix in a field of wheat
the scary face of self belief

the field mouse and the vole came by
but like false friends they did not stay
ticked me with their whiskers long
twice bitten and my laugh soon gone

autumns harvest brings the reapers dust
and stand where once the seed was cast
a single minded sort of chap
standing in a field of chaff

to contemplate and be brain dead
to visualize with eyes plucked out your head
and know that natures living word
my scarecrow seen but never heard
Written by slipalong
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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 28th May 2018
Forum Posts: 29

The Queen of Hearts

Here comes that feeling once again, the one I thought was real
With patterns of symbolic senses, I still can touch but cannot feel
Every aching phone call made, a pleasure point that starts to fade
The Queen of hearts, the King of spades, a virgin girl, never laid
A relationship that smells of hate
Exploring girls, I'd never date
What was once so unbelievably kind
A perfect angel she is not, but she's the closest thing you'll find...

Years slip away and I get older, but never wise beyond my years
I woke up and my eyes were swollen shut, from all those late night tears
Displaying symptoms that would make you cringe
Hold tight to that blankets worn out fringe
Yesterday's and yesteryears
An angry youthful, women's fears
Nightmares that became too real
Made me miss the way you feel
Blood red Summer's turn to cold
Understanding I'm too fucking old
So here's my encore, my finale, my last song
I've been pushed aside it seems for too damn fucking long
Like a spirit in the night, she came to me inside a dream
I walked on top of life's perpetual highest beam
But I've out smarted you my love, because your ignorance is bliss
I guess you wanted one last face to face, perhaps just one last kiss...

Starry, starry nights, you paint with brushes of guilt
The earth is standing still but now my head's a constant tilt
Hold the wheel while I'm driving, make sure to hold it steady
You see right through me angel, as if I'm dead already
You can't take back the things you've seen, nothing good at all
Yeah you taught me how to stand, when I tried so hard to crawl
You couldn't wait till I was gone, can't you wait till the bed is cold?
As I hold my head up high, and do just what I'm fucking told?
I detest this time of year, like a goddamn sickness
Hoping that this season, will just pass with the quickness
There's nothing left for me to do, to hold, to feel, to say
Waking with the thought of ending all of this today
I force a wakened smile, and pick myself up just to go outside
With a broken soul, and a wounded, soulless pride
The phone just will not ring, and if it does I'm just not here
I don't know how to make it anymore abundantly clear
Stranded in my head, I somehow make my way down the stairs
I'll face the world, once again, avoiding all the stares...
Written by Chimaera76
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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 82

I am...

Eternally branded by a divine blacksmith
Sapphire starlet crowned with emerald ringlets
Splayed on this lymphatic ice garden
Blushed lush kissing sky cheeks of lavender and scarlet

Beauty forbid taken
Raped and pillaged til vengeance looses
Insanity's incestous inkwell of humanity's drunkeness
A fat Venus,bloated bold with erring lull
Kissing while killing the naive tempting her dwelling
Magnificent violence concealed by shallow innocence

A delicate dance with death
Wet wilderness of lurking strangeness
Men have no say in this masterless mayhem
Victorious virtuous victim of venomous zeal
Blood and fear are interest of
the spoils you strip to steal
Brave ignorance of men,hence
Curse the unknown, it is my wrath you will feel

Or love me and my murderous flaws
And reap riches and a reprieve
From my indecisive resolve

A treasure that can't be wholly claimed
Thus admired with aware oblivion
I am a survivor not maimed....
I am the Sea
I birth plague and possibility.

Written by SeaEntity1
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1879

Unspoken and Unsung

I am the wind that caresses your skin,
Unseen and yet felt all around,
The breeze that embraces your face,
With the quietest of sounds.

And there, my voice softly echoes,
Carrying words unspoken and unsung,
Of praises reverberating through time,
Of memories when we were so young.

How many times did you feel the air?
Speaking with triumphant sunniness,
Even during hard times did you sense?
That you’d attain happiness.

How many times did you not see me?
But felt me, heard me talking to you,
That it was going to be ok, it’d be alright,
Even on sunny days when you felt blue.

Did you hear my verses speaking?
When my wishes flew into the night,
Always wanting what was best for you,
Even after the words took flight.

The next time you drive down the highway,
With your hand out the window in the wind,
It’s my caress that quietly clasps you,
Like words and verses that bathe your skin.

Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

wallyroo92 said:Unspoken and Unsung

This is an excellent poem! The wind is a mysterious, but vital element for us vulnerable humans. Thanks for participating in my competition!

Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

Thank you to everyone who participated in my competition! It was a difficult decision since I enjoyed all of your work; if I could, I would have chosen you all as winners.

Jade-Pandora= Your inner tigress calls out to me! Your majestic spirit animal is a force to reckon with, but the royal tigress can show mercy just as she can be deadly. Your words paint a clear and exciting picture of what it means to be a proud tigress showing off her colors.

KP23= I admire how your spirit animal in your poem finds the strength to keep on going alone , despite the lion being a social animal. I like how you've personified it into actual life, and I can sense the strength and ambition pouring out of your words. You'll find your pride, one day.

SeaEntity= As another majestic force, your poem called out to me as my lovely Luna reaches out to your ever changing oceans. Your words paint a both smooth but also apprehensive picture of what the oceans truly are.  

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

To our host of Moon’s Illume, dear LunasChild...

I always felt that my SPIRIT piece came to me exactly when you received the inspiration for your competition because of a celestial connection, as the Tiger is both spirit guide & my Eastern astrological sign.  Your competition became the home for my SPIRIT... it felt so right.

I thank you for the honor of place, this humble one bows her head.  And, too...

My congratulations to KP23 & SeaEntity for joining me on the podium for your fine efforts!

An enchanted evening to all...
with pen respect,

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