Poetry competition CLOSED 6th May 2018 5:55pm
SourMelon0313 (H)
View Profile Poems by SourMelon0313


Candy Poems

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Poetry Contest

Unwrap your inner sweet tooth. Write a poem that is in some way related to 'Candy.'
It can be sweet, it can be nasty.  Only rule; it has to include the word candy.  Submit as many poems as you want. Like all the competitions I sponsor, this one will be decided by a vote.  

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


I haven’t been able to say much yet    
To your response, a confession of sorts  
That has me speechless what to say, I fret.  
You suddenly now exist in my world    
With a comment that begins as regret.    
I sit up and blink at what follows next:      
I’m a kid in a sweet shop who dares you  
For samples of everything on display,  
Of candy cane, choc’late & car’mel chew.  
A sailor on leave, in port, feeling piss’d  
From tankards of ale he’s yet to consume,  
With hostess on knee he hasn’t yet kiss’d.    
And tossing my horns ‘midst all of the crash,  
A bull with cash in an arcade of glass,  
That knows it’s his fifteen minutes of fame.  
A stay-at-home mom of three under age  
Who hears a loud tapping at the front door    
As babe in her arms throws milk on the floor.  
It’s Publishers Clearing House, and a crew    
With six-figure check as big as a plank,  
With chance of a lifetime... what do I do?  
I go to your site and read everything  
Just on the front page, and no poetry,  
First wanting to know just how do you rank.  
Reminding me when as a child back home    
At kitchen table reading boxes alone  
For breakfast before the school bus arrives,  
Chewing on flexy-straws, crossing my eyes,  
Tapping my shoes as I scan the box flaps:  
Lucky Charms, Cap’n Crunch & Apple Jacks.  
I saw the word “sapiosexual”,    
And that’s when I knew that my cereal  
Was anointed w’ pink milk this morning.    
My mom had stir’d in the QUIK powder’d mix,  
Strawberry-flavored kind, out of my mind,  
And ran for the bus on each day’s sugar rush.  
I told you I was speechless didn’t I?  
Copyright©️Jade Pandora 2018.  All Rights Reserved.  
NaPo/GloPoWriMo 2018
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 6th Oct 2017
Forum Posts: 215

Chocolate Addiction

The only thing that satisfies my crave..
That rich cocoa craze...

Dark chocolate

Gimme bitter
Gimme sweet
Don't need any other to eat
except dark chocolate so rich

I don't need anything that's cheap
I want quality
that's worth every bite

Look at the labels, look at its content
More cocoa, the better!

Dark chocolate so smooth
It'll even make your mother groove!
Dark chocolate so smooth
oh how it melts in my mouth!

There's none other that makes my day
Than dark chocolate so smooth
Written by SourMelon0313 (H)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 760

Like Candy

You are my sweet tooth and sugar rush.
I just wanted to lick all of your skin like
Sweet honey. The rosy tint and a blush
That comes to your cheeks. My strike
Of luck and good fortune because you
Are the fix to of my candy cravings.
That smile got me and I just knew
That it would have engravings
On my heart. Your eyes, like my
Salvation. My heaven when I die.
Written by eswaller
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poet Anonymous


I don`t want your lollipop
and you can keep your tootsie rolls
`cause your skittles don`t taste
like m & m`s, and don`t pretend
that your kisses are like my pay day
so that you can play with my kit kat
and those snickers aren`t going to get
you laid so keep your hands off my mounds
and my nipples aren`t your gum drops
and don`t think your hot tamale
sizzles then drizzles like the caramel in a rollo
`cause this here chick is butterfinger solo
I don`t need a mr. goodbar or his twizzler
what I would like though and very much please
is a jumbo pixie stick dick,
a blow pop dildo and a dum dum that tastes
like cum

. . .you know what. . .strike that. . .

I`ll just have a whatchamacallit

poet Anonymous

Related submission no longer exists.

Blade Artist
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 84


She said her name was Candy
I said does that mean you enjoy a sweet
She asked me if I was feeling randy
She asked did I need a VAT receipt

She asked do you have a room
I said no I have booked a full suite
She asks if she should she wear a costume
I say no but I do have a thing for feet

She said weird shit counts as extras
And there is not much she finds offensive
She says she is multi-jointed and ambidextrous
I realise this will end up being very expensive

When she takes me up I realise my blunder
It's becoming blurry and difficult to think
And before I pass out drunk I wonder
Did she put something in my drink?

Waking up I feel so hungover and forlorn
My body battered is just one huge bruise
Left me with my bumhole gaping and torn
She also stole my wallet and my shoes
Written by composedWITHrazors (Blade Artist)
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 41awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 842

Eye Candy

beauty lies where it is seen
in a portrait framed in the Tate
each to there own personal tastes
Botticelli had his nudes
reclining with some other dudes
not to be enjoyed by prudes
the bible speaks of carnal themes
quoting chapter and verse
the revelations cant be worse
Picasso had his own true style
the charm hidden in a cross eyed smile
angles disguised the models curvy thighs
the eye candy our idea of art
also to include all un-hidden tarts
disguised from their early counterparts
the doll that's on a celebrity arm
the face that launched a thousand tweets
copied by the woman on the streets
sugar coated hard as nails
this eye candy built to enthrall
hear me scream and kiss them all
not the stuff of fairy-tales
she will break your balls the demanding bitch  
nectar baits the honey trap
between her legs you will feel it snap
all fair ground rides and candy floss
your Ferris wheel right at the top  
crystals break dissolve and disappear  
that sweet moment passes
your eye candy turned to molasses
Written by slipalong
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Chris Pleasures
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 25th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 31

"Candy paint with the white on top
Lambo doors of the oo-op drop 
If you busy plotting on what I got
Kick in your door, that's SWAT you thot
Hundred thousand dollars on the table top
Half price my whips same price my watch."... Post Malone was the first thing that came to mind on this thread 😂

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 22nd Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 12


I want you
Like I want red licorice
I know it is bad for me
And leads to my bitterness

Like a petulant child
I stomp my foot
The heart wants
Cuz baby I’m hooked

Hooked on your member
Hooked on you kiss
When will you render
The passion I miss

Cuz love after all
Is what we do naked
Written by Amanacer
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 8th May 2014
Forum Posts: 35


no freedom
to truly
get crazy
over you
to make funny faces
to lick you
as a cone of ice cream
to let you melt
as candy on the asphalt
get sticky
on my skin
to hump and jump
over it
with eyes closed
and the full trust
of a blind man
to his guard dog
Written by debug
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Tyrant of Words
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 3672

FIREBALL (sex and Candy)

Demon red, steal my mind with your sex and your innocent stare
where Inside your white creamy beauty beats a heart full of passion
as bright as your hair
with your marshmallow peeps and cherry bomb lips
and your sweet-sour visions of licorice whips
The sweet and spicy cinnamon jaw-breaker rolls across my tongue
as I Imagine your flavor
Written by archetype23
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