Poetry competition CLOSED 9th May 2018 9:17pm
The Conquerors
Forum Posts: 397
Fire of Insight
Joined 18th Nov 2012Forum Posts: 397
Poetry Contest Description
Depict any conqueror In any way you desire .
There are no restrictions as to who or what you decide is a fitting conqueror to write about . He/she/it can be famous , notorious , obscure , completely unknown or fictitious all together .
Two weeks
Collaborations welcome
Two entries per person
New or old
Will be decided by vote
Look forward to reading your submissions ! Write on .
Two weeks
Collaborations welcome
Two entries per person
New or old
Will be decided by vote
Look forward to reading your submissions ! Write on .
Forum Posts: 765
Dangerous Mind
Joined 22nd Dec 2015Forum Posts: 765
Never let anyone get you down on your knees
Because you are the conqueror and you are
The savior. Only you can take over and seize
Mountains. Even with the smoke, fire and char
All around you are still the conqueror. With all
The things they throw you shine like the star
You have become. The sturdy and brick wall
They try to build around you cannot hold you
In. Every time that you stumble or trip or fall
Over your feet they laugh, but you get up to
Show them who is quiet now that you can
Become the conqueror or defeater. They knew
When you were weak, but never the best man
Or woman they would not acknowledge or
Will accept. They never saw that you began
To build from the ground. They cannot ignore
The power you have now to become the queen.
You are the one sneaking through the back door
Completely unheard, undetected and unseen.
You wear your armor well, like another layer
Of skin. You will make everyone feel unclean.
Because you are the conqueror and you are
The savior. Only you can take over and seize
Mountains. Even with the smoke, fire and char
All around you are still the conqueror. With all
The things they throw you shine like the star
You have become. The sturdy and brick wall
They try to build around you cannot hold you
In. Every time that you stumble or trip or fall
Over your feet they laugh, but you get up to
Show them who is quiet now that you can
Become the conqueror or defeater. They knew
When you were weak, but never the best man
Or woman they would not acknowledge or
Will accept. They never saw that you began
To build from the ground. They cannot ignore
The power you have now to become the queen.
You are the one sneaking through the back door
Completely unheard, undetected and unseen.
You wear your armor well, like another layer
Of skin. You will make everyone feel unclean.
Written by eswaller
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Forum Posts: 397
Fire of Insight
Joined 18th Nov 2012Forum Posts: 397
Amazing entry to start things of eswaller. And , an even better way to start my day . Time to conquer !
Forum Posts: 3572
Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018 Forum Posts: 3572
When The Faery Army Comes
When The Faery Army Comes ,
The Winds Shall Howl ,
The Seas Shall Surge ,
The Earth Shall Tremble ,
And There Shall Be Fire In The Skies
When The Faery Army Comes ,
They Will Not Live By Harm None ,
Or The Law Of Three ;
They Have Their Own Laws , And Ways
When The Faery Army Comes ,
They Will Not Care If You Are Christian ,
Or Buddhist , Or Muslim , Or Pagan ;
They Will Care If You Smell Of The Otherworld
When The Faery Army Comes ,
The Beanshi Will Wail ,
Announcing Their Path ,
Ravens Will Turn The Sky Black ,
And Wolves Will Bare Their Red Fangs
When The Faery Army Comes ,
The Animals Will Feel It ,
The Children Will Know It ,
The Earth Will Change ,
And Magic Will Rule Once Again !
The Winds Shall Howl ,
The Seas Shall Surge ,
The Earth Shall Tremble ,
And There Shall Be Fire In The Skies
When The Faery Army Comes ,
They Will Not Live By Harm None ,
Or The Law Of Three ;
They Have Their Own Laws , And Ways
When The Faery Army Comes ,
They Will Not Care If You Are Christian ,
Or Buddhist , Or Muslim , Or Pagan ;
They Will Care If You Smell Of The Otherworld
When The Faery Army Comes ,
The Beanshi Will Wail ,
Announcing Their Path ,
Ravens Will Turn The Sky Black ,
And Wolves Will Bare Their Red Fangs
When The Faery Army Comes ,
The Animals Will Feel It ,
The Children Will Know It ,
The Earth Will Change ,
And Magic Will Rule Once Again !
Written by Blackwolf
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Forum Posts: 16
Thought Provoker
Joined 19th May 2013Forum Posts: 16
The War On Conciousness
There will be guns
but not in our hands
there will be death
but not on our streets
and the suffering restricted
to our TV screens
Our war will be fought
in our minds
for our minds
for our God given free will
for our very souls
Never in any war in history
have the stakes been so high
Will you surrender your freedom
in the name of peace?
Will you sacrifice your eternal soul
for this one and only life?
These are our choices
This will be our fight
Do we succumb to the darkness?
or do we keep the light?
Is this life your living
worth its cost?
are all these technological advancements
worth the things this world has lost?
We are given everything we’re told we want
yet the thigs we need, slowly slip away
and while everyone is shouting
no one’s voice is heard
Do we carry on regardless?
accept, this is just the way it is?
the way it’s always going to be?
that you alone
you do not matter
that you alone
no difference can you make
This is their desire
their agenda
nothing less than mind control
if we accept their rules and reasons
the laws we know are just not right
if we become
the apathetic, melancholy grey
then they have won
and we have lost, without a fight
A well placed word can save a life
a single life can change the world
every beat of every heart
is a reminder
we are still alive
so if your life to you is sacred
with every breath, you must truly live
Live the way that makes you happy
Live the way that makes you free
Don’t conform to someone else’s ideals
or the confines of someone else’s plan
Remember, there is always a choice
there is always another way
don’t let fear and greed become you
don’t let fear and greed dictate
This war is for your consciousness
This war is for your mind
your free will
your humanity
for your very soul
Only you, rule you
Only you, are the captain of your mind
The enemy has no real power
The enemy has no physical form
Its weapons are lies and misconceptions
Its weapons are
Fear, Doubt and Greed
YOU can make a difference
YOU can change the world
Open your eyes
watch them fall onto their knees
Open your eyes
see the wood beyond the trees
Free your mind
Free your mind
Written by monkeyman
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Forum Posts: 17075
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011Forum Posts: 17075
The Tribal War
In the darkness eons past
run the warriors of the mountain
in my distant land of mystery,
to battle called by challenges
by enemies from the sea
that swarmed like ants upon the sand
screams of mighty anger and rage
rend the Island’s balmy air
Clashes of swords and spears
of shields of cockles and cowries
the thunder of the tribal war
rang through the mountains
over the Aeries
and the valleys
seafarers’ swords that night did claim
full dozens slaves did they chained
towards the floating boats they pulled
the new slaves with eyes bloody
to hold on to their clan’s pride
slain never slaves
from the mountain watched the rest
hair blown by thundering wind and gales
stand they silent as their fellow warriors
whose throat willing to be slit
than to wear a foreign band
from beyond the sunset
the shaman chanted
of appeasement
of intervention
by ancient gods
The tribal chief did scream
the warrior cry like eagles’ call
from the waves of the sea
they came, the minions of the gods
they whom the tribe worshipped
when the earth was young
and magic flourished;
thus storms of thunder light and fire
spewed from the depth, beneath
the roiling sea
Warriors of the mountains
like gazelle in the plains
in rage, their soul ferocious
swarm down the mountains
in waves of death
by swords, machetes and spears
blood flowed freely that day
and the sand drank greedily
of the slain
When at last the battle ended
fallen warriors valiant all
on the sand they slumbered
not to wake once more
the triumphant call of the tribal horn
was heard by many
from one warrior left standing
of the mountain clan.
run the warriors of the mountain
in my distant land of mystery,
to battle called by challenges
by enemies from the sea
that swarmed like ants upon the sand
screams of mighty anger and rage
rend the Island’s balmy air
Clashes of swords and spears
of shields of cockles and cowries
the thunder of the tribal war
rang through the mountains
over the Aeries
and the valleys
seafarers’ swords that night did claim
full dozens slaves did they chained
towards the floating boats they pulled
the new slaves with eyes bloody
to hold on to their clan’s pride
slain never slaves
from the mountain watched the rest
hair blown by thundering wind and gales
stand they silent as their fellow warriors
whose throat willing to be slit
than to wear a foreign band
from beyond the sunset
the shaman chanted
of appeasement
of intervention
by ancient gods
The tribal chief did scream
the warrior cry like eagles’ call
from the waves of the sea
they came, the minions of the gods
they whom the tribe worshipped
when the earth was young
and magic flourished;
thus storms of thunder light and fire
spewed from the depth, beneath
the roiling sea
Warriors of the mountains
like gazelle in the plains
in rage, their soul ferocious
swarm down the mountains
in waves of death
by swords, machetes and spears
blood flowed freely that day
and the sand drank greedily
of the slain
When at last the battle ended
fallen warriors valiant all
on the sand they slumbered
not to wake once more
the triumphant call of the tribal horn
was heard by many
from one warrior left standing
of the mountain clan.
Written by Grace
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Forum Posts: 397
Fire of Insight
Joined 18th Nov 2012Forum Posts: 397
Remarkable entries Wolf , monkeyman and Grace ! love the nuance of each of your poems . I'm really enjoying reading through your entries . Cant wait to see what else is in store . Write on friends .
<< post removed >>
Forum Posts: 909
Dangerous Mind
Joined 30th July 2017Forum Posts: 909
She walks on scarlet ground
Her moments drip into place
A light bending her meaning
The lies twisting her face...
Her sunflower facing the solar disk...
On a hemispheric sconce
Sits her ever burning lamp
The trimed wick of thoughts
Will always scorch the inept...
The eternal fire within
An unknown battle she makes
A collective mind we weave
The astral light she takes...
A peripheral shift in time mistake...
Shall the smelting unleash
A new soul in flight
Or will the ritual release
Altar fire from solar light...
The tale of inner workings
The clock turns the wall
A sun slant of bending glass
The night lights the hall...
A Gordian knot we tie
The forgotten line to say
With a esoteric rhyme
Our heart will always chase...
We then forget our part
In the world tale we read
A red booknote we waste
To mark the inner beast...
Her moments drip into place
A light bending her meaning
The lies twisting her face...
Her sunflower facing the solar disk...
On a hemispheric sconce
Sits her ever burning lamp
The trimed wick of thoughts
Will always scorch the inept...
The eternal fire within
An unknown battle she makes
A collective mind we weave
The astral light she takes...
A peripheral shift in time mistake...
Shall the smelting unleash
A new soul in flight
Or will the ritual release
Altar fire from solar light...
The tale of inner workings
The clock turns the wall
A sun slant of bending glass
The night lights the hall...
A Gordian knot we tie
The forgotten line to say
With a esoteric rhyme
Our heart will always chase...
We then forget our part
In the world tale we read
A red booknote we waste
To mark the inner beast...
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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Ryan R Morgan
Forum Posts: 44
Ryan R Morgan
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 19th Apr 2018Forum Posts: 44
Even the Reaper Needs a Job
What if the Reaper were to mourn?
Would he swallow his pride
deny the folly of a newborn?
Death is the ultimate purveyor
Necrosis does not discriminate
If the Reaper were to sully fatality
He'd be out of a job
begging for change in some alleyway
Children kicking cans at the funny skeleton man
The Reaper surrenders his self confidence
Waxes nostalgic about his former glories
The Hitlers, Bin Ladins, and Joseph Stalins
Drinks five hundred beers without so much as a buzz
No barley is strong enough for a metaphysical construct
Five years pass, no human dies
The earth is gleeful for a while
A radically brief period of time
Thus not even twenty four hours pass
Before the screaming conducts.
Earth is consumed with pain and suffering
For death was the sweet release from agony
And finality has been abolished in the Reaper's absence
Kicked out of his cushy job without severance
The bartender conducts a heart to heart conversation
Explains that an unemployed, disheveled bag of bones
Needs a hobby, a Linked-in page, to try networking.
And as the disgraced reaper of souls shambles to his dingy apartment
An epiphany dawns upon his imposing visage.
The reaper discovers a talent with words
A pulitzer poet in the making
The bony author draws upon a range of experiences
Ballads and tales from time immemorial
The Reaper has an enduring legacy to dwell upon
Reminiscing about his grand achievements
giant lizards obliterated with space rocks
Horny Romans buried in molten rock and ash
women cast into inferno by bigots in funny hats
As the Reaper explores his newfound gift
He uncovers an odd conundrum
After submiting his praiseworthy prose,
to Jane and Sally and Dick, publisher extraordinaire
proprietors of print company "Hot licks".
*Unrelated to the Rolling Stones*
A local paper prints obituaries the following morning
"Jane, Sally and Dick found dead, no last names found.
Family names unknown. Mournful parents lack foresight
Forget family names of Jane, Sally and Dick on birth certificate."
And as, I the Reaper himself scrawls this clumsily metered poem
I desire that you too, my precious sweet darling reader,
Will be granted the blessings of death as well
To you, your loved ones
And even a Cat or Two.
Perhaps not this day
Or even the next
Maybe the bus will hit you
On your way to work.
For I have learned a lesson today
One I shan't ever forget
Death is neither curse nor satanic
just an inevitability
Thus I hope you enjoy it.
The Reaper is back in business.
Will you be my next client?
I have a really good deal on ammonium nitrate
I hope that you try it.
Would he swallow his pride
deny the folly of a newborn?
Death is the ultimate purveyor
Necrosis does not discriminate
If the Reaper were to sully fatality
He'd be out of a job
begging for change in some alleyway
Children kicking cans at the funny skeleton man
The Reaper surrenders his self confidence
Waxes nostalgic about his former glories
The Hitlers, Bin Ladins, and Joseph Stalins
Drinks five hundred beers without so much as a buzz
No barley is strong enough for a metaphysical construct
Five years pass, no human dies
The earth is gleeful for a while
A radically brief period of time
Thus not even twenty four hours pass
Before the screaming conducts.
Earth is consumed with pain and suffering
For death was the sweet release from agony
And finality has been abolished in the Reaper's absence
Kicked out of his cushy job without severance
The bartender conducts a heart to heart conversation
Explains that an unemployed, disheveled bag of bones
Needs a hobby, a Linked-in page, to try networking.
And as the disgraced reaper of souls shambles to his dingy apartment
An epiphany dawns upon his imposing visage.
The reaper discovers a talent with words
A pulitzer poet in the making
The bony author draws upon a range of experiences
Ballads and tales from time immemorial
The Reaper has an enduring legacy to dwell upon
Reminiscing about his grand achievements
giant lizards obliterated with space rocks
Horny Romans buried in molten rock and ash
women cast into inferno by bigots in funny hats
As the Reaper explores his newfound gift
He uncovers an odd conundrum
After submiting his praiseworthy prose,
to Jane and Sally and Dick, publisher extraordinaire
proprietors of print company "Hot licks".
*Unrelated to the Rolling Stones*
A local paper prints obituaries the following morning
"Jane, Sally and Dick found dead, no last names found.
Family names unknown. Mournful parents lack foresight
Forget family names of Jane, Sally and Dick on birth certificate."
And as, I the Reaper himself scrawls this clumsily metered poem
I desire that you too, my precious sweet darling reader,
Will be granted the blessings of death as well
To you, your loved ones
And even a Cat or Two.
Perhaps not this day
Or even the next
Maybe the bus will hit you
On your way to work.
For I have learned a lesson today
One I shan't ever forget
Death is neither curse nor satanic
just an inevitability
Thus I hope you enjoy it.
The Reaper is back in business.
Will you be my next client?
I have a really good deal on ammonium nitrate
I hope that you try it.
Written by Madbuttonhatter
(Ryan R Morgan)
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Ryan R Morgan
Forum Posts: 44
Ryan R Morgan
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 19th Apr 2018Forum Posts: 44
Hopefully, the Grim Reaper qualifies as a conqueror, once could say he's actually the ultimate conqueror seeing as he claims all life on the planet.
Alexander Case
Forum Posts: 2084
Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013Forum Posts: 2084
born from the blind alley
my worth was measured
by my nerve to slug another man
a man who was much older
larger and stronger
he’d belt me with a coil of leather
bound to an eager fist
till I witnessed my father’s downfall
the day he was broken by another man
it was inevitable
that men would turn into animals
and fight in cages in some
perverted blood lust
so brutal
it’s senseless
to tear our eyes away from the slaughter
fists and elbows smash men into raw meat
bodies slam the canvas
faces piss blood
smeared into a masterpiece of pain
fighters grapple for limbs
twisting each other into knots
forcing joints beyond the point
where muscle and ligaments are torn from bone
until the battle is over
and the disfigured emerge from the arena
reborn in the destruction
this is the closest a man will get to true strength
required for giving birth
to his own abomination
such a bloody tragedy
that men go to war to prevail enemies
we drink for health to numb the pain
we stick our cocks inside cunts to feel love
and we spoil our children to fail as fathers
men destroy love
to prove we are only worthy to breathe
this fight to survive is not beaten into a boy
and the scent of death
can not be washed from doctors hands
a man is born
crowned in gore
when he is delivered into this world
and placed upon the bosom
for his first taste of victory
Written by case28
(Alexander Case)
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Forum Posts: 1384
Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd Feb 2012Forum Posts: 1384
not just 17, its count infinity: ruinous soul's (un)fortunate curse, my ghazni
southeasterly chunk
of massive greys, a thickety
darkening dome
fiercely enshrouds
in opened clawhead
of clasped lightning streaks
& threatening thunderbeats
across a stranded
and 'shiv'ering
four jasmines
in twilight's tender plucks
despite the tempest blows
and boisterous bumblebees
get blown away
to distorted destinies
& left in an instance
as lifeless remnants
of deepbled assaults
half cut tahiti lime
in the sipped greentea cup
from its drowned osmotic
times, an extracted skull
gorily emptied
of its succulent
& segmented
sanctum sanctorum
of this temple soul
awaits its ultimate
plunderer..its ghazni
neither a stable slave
of the ghouri dynasties
nor an extravagance
of the mingling moghuls
in a blandly reigning
no expectations my lord
except it to be the most
barbaric plunderer
recorded ever
in tries of a holistic invasion
to not comprehend
but feel until the depths & edges
as you wholly takeover
my leftovers or whatever
my horrific ruins
feebly resonate just
your historic incidence
of 'the' brutal indulgence
my pathetic conquerer
there is no further escape
from my wholesome curse
eternally mummified
to your soul
Written by summultima
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Forum Posts: 1384
Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd Feb 2012Forum Posts: 1384
golden planet glowed in a rare fusion symphony
glancing consistently his magnetic moombeams
hatched out of conquering gravities in feverish shyness
each goosepimplicious-pitted fertile earthen shards
catapulted high in a spatial orgasmic ballet-bharatanatyam
shrunken eyelids, humming dewlips, shivering jaws
fluttered rhythmic in addictive painpleasure moves
flowered fragrant hymns of her ancient devotion
magnified in blooms before the meditating moon
moon is not moon, a reddened plasmic sun of passion
overflowing fluidities in an enlivening zygotic precision
Written by summultima
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Forum Posts: 397
Fire of Insight
Joined 18th Nov 2012Forum Posts: 397
Thank you for the entries everyone . I'm more than esteemed to have read all your poetry .