Poetry competition CLOSED 8th May 2018 12:01pm

and AtoMikbomb
Just a simple poet
Joined 10th Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 122
Just a simple poet
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 122
Poetry Contest Description
Read below
Write a poem to do with love either being in love with someone or falling in love with someone, you have two weeks to give me your deepest heart!
1 must have a title
2 no requirements of length
3 most be your own work
4 work done with two or more people also welcome
5 Go go go
1 must have a title
2 no requirements of length
3 most be your own work
4 work done with two or more people also welcome
5 Go go go

Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 22nd Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 171
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 171
Soft Shades Of Blue
Scattered the droplets splay
a sheen not really seen
soft shades of blue filter
from the form that is you
azure streaks of summertime bliss
electrifying my sky
a mere twining in your eye
accentuates and erupts
feining the sun
I've come undone
as the strings untie
the past
waves wash over our fears
bravely admonished to lie near
trailing footprints traverse
holding on to an outstreched hand
farther never felt so close
a sheen not really seen
soft shades of blue filter
from the form that is you
azure streaks of summertime bliss
electrifying my sky
a mere twining in your eye
accentuates and erupts
feining the sun
I've come undone
as the strings untie
the past
waves wash over our fears
bravely admonished to lie near
trailing footprints traverse
holding on to an outstreched hand
farther never felt so close
Written by JusTim_
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Joined 20th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 218
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 218
I Fell in Love
I fell in love,
With a character
In a book.
I don’t know,
How tall she was,
How much she weighed,
The color of her hair,
The tint of her skin,
How old she was,
Where she was from,
Who her parents were.
In her,
I found,
Fair play,
A love of the world,
In which she lived.
Her thoughts,
Her actions,
Her living,
I fell in love with her.
I fell in love,
With a character
In a book.
I don’t know,
How tall she was,
How much she weighed,
The color of her hair,
The tint of her skin,
How old she was,
Where she was from,
Who her parents were.
In her,
I found,
Fair play,
A love of the world,
In which she lived.
Her thoughts,
Her actions,
Her living,
I fell in love with her.
Written by J_J_Jay_Jr
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just passing through this dimension, thanks
i forgot to tell those pillow lips
he was in the wrong place
that if he was looking for purity
he should be knocking for the girl next door
&if it was adventure, into the girl up at the bar
&if he was looking for higher minds
certainly not in this middly limbo
where the desperate don't know they're desperate
until the peddler shows up
with wares from everywhere but here
starts fiddling tunes
from the other side of the looking glass
it's his fault i was distracted by his colours
twinkling laughter in the letters that rolled
so easy off his tongues
gravity dissembled when i caught his gaze
so thank ff.. i didn't get close enough for pheromones
by then it was too late to say anything anyway
he would see it unfolding soon
the fiddler would disappear &the rest of us
would go back to our middly mediocrity in pale greys
he knows now
my colours only came out for the music
he was in the wrong place
that if he was looking for purity
he should be knocking for the girl next door
&if it was adventure, into the girl up at the bar
&if he was looking for higher minds
certainly not in this middly limbo
where the desperate don't know they're desperate
until the peddler shows up
with wares from everywhere but here
starts fiddling tunes
from the other side of the looking glass
it's his fault i was distracted by his colours
twinkling laughter in the letters that rolled
so easy off his tongues
gravity dissembled when i caught his gaze
so thank ff.. i didn't get close enough for pheromones
by then it was too late to say anything anyway
he would see it unfolding soon
the fiddler would disappear &the rest of us
would go back to our middly mediocrity in pale greys
he knows now
my colours only came out for the music
Written by InNomine
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Joined 29th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 17
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 17
Nicotine Love
Got a picture of you in my phone.
I'm not gonna scroll it down.
I'm not gonna change.
Staring at the eyes of your face;
Those saying thousand of dreams.
Having a pinch of nicotine,
1.5% is not enough.
I swear this is my last;
Leaving the drawing,
Heading to the balcony.
So many stars twinkling out there!
Laughing & missing with me.
Got a earphone in my ear.
Playing sweet unknown.
Smokes flying through the cloud!
Hiding the moon inside.
Feeling frozen; but nothing to warm me up.
I'll overcome every obstacles for you.
I won't stop loving.
I swear on you.
Got two bottles of champagne,
Still waiting for your toast.
I will wait for you.
I swear on this nicotine tonight.
I'm not gonna scroll it down.
I'm not gonna change.
Staring at the eyes of your face;
Those saying thousand of dreams.
Having a pinch of nicotine,
1.5% is not enough.
I swear this is my last;
Leaving the drawing,
Heading to the balcony.
So many stars twinkling out there!
Laughing & missing with me.
Got a earphone in my ear.
Playing sweet unknown.
Smokes flying through the cloud!
Hiding the moon inside.
Feeling frozen; but nothing to warm me up.
I'll overcome every obstacles for you.
I won't stop loving.
I swear on you.
Got two bottles of champagne,
Still waiting for your toast.
I will wait for you.
I swear on this nicotine tonight.
Written by shaniadittee7
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Joined 18th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 397
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 397
I misread the competition description .
I misread the competition description .
Joined 18th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 397
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 397
The Burden Of Worship
I watched as the twilight
Traced lines across the contour of your smile
Giving way to the poignant ubiqiuties
of every genuine expression that you gave
Each blemish accenting
the unrecognized exactness
permeating through your veiled
Acknowledging more
than the fragility
of physical attraction
Cursing the trivial standards
perpetuated by artless fuck boys
and gossip girl cliques
That ransacked your self image
to the point of starvation
and , of mind and body
I could never seem earnest
when mentioning how you glistened
brighter than any high I stumbled upon
And , When waist line insecurities
became an all encompassing hinderance
to your happiness
It was the desperate look
of hopelessness
that spurred my unnatural wrath
Longing to fight for your well being
when it was a futile pursuit
I became the same villain
as those that shamed your very identity
It just seemed so wrong
for you not to see
what I saw in and of you
Traced lines across the contour of your smile
Giving way to the poignant ubiqiuties
of every genuine expression that you gave
Each blemish accenting
the unrecognized exactness
permeating through your veiled
Acknowledging more
than the fragility
of physical attraction
Cursing the trivial standards
perpetuated by artless fuck boys
and gossip girl cliques
That ransacked your self image
to the point of starvation
and , of mind and body
I could never seem earnest
when mentioning how you glistened
brighter than any high I stumbled upon
And , When waist line insecurities
became an all encompassing hinderance
to your happiness
It was the desperate look
of hopelessness
that spurred my unnatural wrath
Longing to fight for your well being
when it was a futile pursuit
I became the same villain
as those that shamed your very identity
It just seemed so wrong
for you not to see
what I saw in and of you
Written by ElrondSirfalas
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Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2278
I Care For You
Is it not true
that the words
I care for you
no matter the cost
of my own well being
no matter
the consequences
of the life
that I live
are not these words
far stronger
and deeper
then those sad
worn out
bland words
I love you
Is it not true
that the words
I care for you
no matter the cost
of my own well being
no matter
the consequences
of the life
that I live
are not these words
far stronger
and deeper
then those sad
worn out
bland words
I love you

<< post removed >>
Joined 4th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 49
Fire of Insight

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Chris Pleasures
Joined 25th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 31
Chris Pleasures
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 31
"You know I love you right,"
He Said while holding her hand.
"Baby, it's the little things; the way you walk and talk with such enthusiasm. How you thrive to do things with perfection. The way you set the bar so high for yourself. It's all incredible to me."
"Christopher," In a quiet subtle voice.
"You are the man I want to marry. Yes, we are young but no one on this earth can tell me this isn't real. God brought this together."
"I don't know what I would do if I lost you," He stresses
"And you won't," she says.
"I'm not going anywhere."
Looking into her eyes, Christopher takes it a step further. Though he was not the one who fell first, he wants his woman to be confident in his love. You see he's in it for the long haul through the ups and downs. Determined to give her something different. Something she can look back on and smile at the simple fact that she has a man who truly loves her.
"I Promise."
The lovers end the night with a promise; A promise of endless love and passion. Kissing and cuddling the night away for the morning brings a new day.
The Beginning, Middle, and End.
He Said while holding her hand.
"Baby, it's the little things; the way you walk and talk with such enthusiasm. How you thrive to do things with perfection. The way you set the bar so high for yourself. It's all incredible to me."
"Christopher," In a quiet subtle voice.
"You are the man I want to marry. Yes, we are young but no one on this earth can tell me this isn't real. God brought this together."
"I don't know what I would do if I lost you," He stresses
"And you won't," she says.
"I'm not going anywhere."
Looking into her eyes, Christopher takes it a step further. Though he was not the one who fell first, he wants his woman to be confident in his love. You see he's in it for the long haul through the ups and downs. Determined to give her something different. Something she can look back on and smile at the simple fact that she has a man who truly loves her.
"I Promise."
The lovers end the night with a promise; A promise of endless love and passion. Kissing and cuddling the night away for the morning brings a new day.
The Beginning, Middle, and End.
Written by Chris_Pleasures
(Chris Pleasures)
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Forum Posts: 17119
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17119
Loving you
Loving you is beautiful
With your arms around me
There is nothing so fulfilling
When you are inside me
Loving you is being you
Loving you is bliss
Your kiss sublime
Melted together
In loving kindness
Fused in wondrous pleasure
Loving you is ecstasy
Pleasure divine
Rhythm of synchronicity
Rhyming Poetry
Together entwined
Loving you is a fantasy
An explosion of ingenuity
Born of want
Born of imaginings
A waking dream, we love
With your arms around me
There is nothing so fulfilling
When you are inside me
Loving you is being you
Loving you is bliss
Your kiss sublime
Melted together
In loving kindness
Fused in wondrous pleasure
Loving you is ecstasy
Pleasure divine
Rhythm of synchronicity
Rhyming Poetry
Together entwined
Loving you is a fantasy
An explosion of ingenuity
Born of want
Born of imaginings
A waking dream, we love
Written by Grace
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Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 141
Where Was I The Night Of The 25th...?
Gaelic groves
shawl your swollen
irises - dense - dead
& darkly deep;
Wintered Zion
polar nights
of pine
wreath like ice
'round a new solstice moon
Matching actually...
My mom's fake tree,
no spruce-y
scent for me
I'll wear
'cept your emerald T...
...make it easy...
Sloe & honey hair
spike 2 shots
of gin
gumming my mousey
each time you walk near
Gutter lights
trace the house's
rambling ranch frame
like some kind of
flaxen lace
Your palms
line these
tenderly clammy
flushing in company
with the wallheater's
when we become bare
It was not
& entirely was
the end of nights
that you weren't
Our anniversary is on the 26th, and I remember Christmas...so well.
Written by AtoMikbomb
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