Poetry competition CLOSED 28th January 2018 11:14pm

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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 13th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 27

Your always so bad ass

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 13th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 27

Love it

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 31st Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 190

I want to peel back my flesh and show you
Show you deep down just how warped I really am
I have no soul to speak of I lost that long ago
That thing is long gone lost among the wreckage
The wreckage that I call my “life” if you will
Haven’t don’t much that I can say I am proud of
Why did I crash and burn?
That’s easy
I didn’t really crash though it was an implosion
Everything so wound up tight
The abuse, fear, hatred
No not fear terror, terror of what was next
I could handle the hatred from my mother
The drunken beating and the sob story in the morning
I could even handle the absentee father
Who could only be bothered when he needed an alibi
What really made me snap was the sleepless nights
How was I going to tell my mother what happened
I knew she would call me a liar
The bruises could easily have been hers
But the baby that one was impossible to explain
She still doesn’t know never will
What gives her the right?
I changed that night
In a pool of my own blood tottering on the edge
The edge of life and death
But the blood, so much coming out of me
My frail body convulsing and twisting in agony
On a friends dirty bathroom floor
As my young body aborted the child I had just decided to keep
That night I died in all the ways except the one that really counted
Tears gushing down my face as I hold my little angel in my arms
Begging for this to be a nightmare something I can wake from
Something other than what it really was
That night I became someone different, something different
I was heartless, careless, downright cold blooded
There was no going back at that point why would I want to
The new me was better she couldn’t be hurt riding that trill
Seeking greater highs, climbing higher and higher
Never afraid to fall to the ground
I guess you could say I wanted to fall
But not because I wanted to die, but to feel something
Something other than terror and hatred
And I found it, on top of a water tower
Sitting with my feet dangling over the edge
Knowing that no one could stop me
For once I was fighting on my own terms

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 6th June 2014
Forum Posts: 6

Joke Amongst Immortals

Unable to sleep life’s unreal without dreams  
Can’t R.E.M. any less in a realm relentless with rain  
You’d think the pills would drain the pain like yesterday  
The tapping fingers sound hypnotic from time to time I can’t complain...  
Soothing patter of running thoughts,  
overthinking inside here could get you lost  
It’s pathetic honestly our lives in time are surely to be gone  
Distractions wash away your carcasses of chalk outlines from pervious attempts at getting rest  
Compassionately mourning with the dropping of a casket 6 feet deep and weeping who’d of guessed  
Few of us are great-full for the second chance we’re shown  
Some hopes turn to failures and most failures lose hope  
The less hope a failure has no matter what they follow as a path...most religions consider us eternally the damned.  
Most people that relate will try and fail again thinking that life’s our punishment  
We joke amongst immortals and remain ashamed forever of our failure in the past  
We know the problems temporary but most of us want a permanent solution  
Sometimes I need to be reminded not to feel like I’m the biggest loser  
This cat may take a few lives but my best guess is beggars can’t be choosers right?
Written by IHate_BlackEye (Chuymonster)
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th May 2017
Forum Posts: 6

Forge Me

Hold me tight in your hand
Since I am as tiny as a sand
Give me squeezes and bends
With the heat, make me expand
I don’t have to be me
Whatever you want me to be
Eradicate the edges of my body
You can even change my identity
Just let me transform in your forge
Give me wrought iron bones  
Burn my weak soul into boldness
So that I can conquer the storms
Being wrought and forged
Solace my soul, the silent road
Comfort my body, the shrunken flesh
They form genuine silhouette of me
So, being my alchemist
Hold on to my desire
Forge me in your furnace fire
Right within your style
Written by RoseJasmine
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Tyrant of Words
United States 157awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1892


Run as far and as fast as you can,
And when you feel like your lungs and legs are about to give out,
Don’t take a breath or else death will catch you,
Don’t look back but keep running.

The sound you hear whizzing by your ears,
Has only one purpose,
Its fatality in a tiny shell,
Like hell even if only one catches you,
So just keep running.

But you won’t be able to run away,
From the memories of those horrifying and gory scenes,
They’ll come back in nightmares and dreams saying:
You were one of the lucky ones to run
And get away,
Whatever fate and God protected you,
No matter how scared you were
You made it through,
Unlike others, you got to live another day.

Whenever I go on those early pre-dawn runs,
In the rhythm of my breathing I hear that ghostly echo,
Images of people and blood in the streets.
Civil war can change a boy into a man,
Quicker than anything,
When all I had to do was run,
As fast as I could.

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141

Where It Ripped

I trickle the tips  
of my pencil fingers  
In that bony bend  
beyond blood  
where the blade rent  
a rib away  
to depart  
it's kin in cage  
It was leverage  
it was not melees  
it was gas-lit chambers  
to suck my shrieking  
soul away  
But those crunchy  
tissues of scars  
folded into firmer fissures  
(you know that texture...standard issue)  
And now pure oxygen swoons  
this new moon face  
There's whole wheat  
and meals of healing  
entrenching my chest
Written by AtoMikbomb
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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 13th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 27

Amway like the way u write

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