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Poetry competition CLOSED 12th December 2017 7:05pm

Forum Posts: 2880
Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880
My Madness Is My Sanity
The life of a sanity and insanity
I can't see the difference
when I'm looking at me
I'm not blind,
I can see
I'm no inhuman
I'm just another man
But when I look at my reflection
On YOUR mirror
I see a hole right in the middle
Where my heart is
I don’t want you to wear my shoes
Just try to look over your shell
From yours
To mine...
Aren't we the same?
Uglier than the other
Bloodier than the other
Stickier than the other
Fucked up than the other
You are covered in contrast
Mine is transparent
And you say I'm MAD?
Fuck you!
The life of a sanity and insanity
I can't see the difference
when I'm looking at me
I'm not blind,
I can see
I'm no inhuman
I'm just another man
But when I look at my reflection
On YOUR mirror
I see a hole right in the middle
Where my heart is
I don’t want you to wear my shoes
Just try to look over your shell
From yours
To mine...
Aren't we the same?
Uglier than the other
Bloodier than the other
Stickier than the other
Fucked up than the other
You are covered in contrast
Mine is transparent
And you say I'm MAD?
Fuck you!
Written by dejure
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Joined 21st Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 9
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 9
My Fractal Consciousness
I deconstructed myself long ago
And they watched as the pieces fell.
My observable chaos
The entertainment for those around me.
Curious to the nature of my own evolution,
The ascension became a necessity
And with this awareness,
Came the beauty of the spiral.
In tune with this fractal consciousness,
I bore witness to
My own personal entropy.
And they watched as the pieces fell.
My observable chaos
The entertainment for those around me.
Curious to the nature of my own evolution,
The ascension became a necessity
And with this awareness,
Came the beauty of the spiral.
In tune with this fractal consciousness,
I bore witness to
My own personal entropy.
Written by PoeticInjustice
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William Colten Sorrells
Joined 23rd Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 133
William Colten Sorrells
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 133
Hear Me Roar
I never planned
to get this far
My face is laced
with battle scars
I smile a jagged,
blacktooth grin
play games with death
and always win
life left me numb,
it left me blind
it made me hope
that I would die
I've had more loss
than most can take
but I still know
I'll never break
I'm kinda ugly,
I don't care
I leave a lot of people scared
but it don't stop me
this world
is gonna hear me roar
'cos there's a fire in my soul
that even Gods cannot control
and there's a yearning in my mind
for something I can never find
I stand just over six feet high
my waist is small, my gait is wide
my streamlined body firm and toned
with vast, protruding shoulder bones
I know I kinda
look like shit
tore all to fuck
for 26
I'm still
coming back for more
'cos I'm the lion,
hear me roar
to get this far
My face is laced
with battle scars
I smile a jagged,
blacktooth grin
play games with death
and always win
life left me numb,
it left me blind
it made me hope
that I would die
I've had more loss
than most can take
but I still know
I'll never break
I'm kinda ugly,
I don't care
I leave a lot of people scared
but it don't stop me
this world
is gonna hear me roar
'cos there's a fire in my soul
that even Gods cannot control
and there's a yearning in my mind
for something I can never find
I stand just over six feet high
my waist is small, my gait is wide
my streamlined body firm and toned
with vast, protruding shoulder bones
I know I kinda
look like shit
tore all to fuck
for 26
I'm still
coming back for more
'cos I'm the lion,
hear me roar
Written by 0bs3ss3dp0ss3ss3d
(William Colten Sorrells)
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Joined 18th Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 25
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 25
Related submission no longer exists.

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Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2706
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2706
my voice
my darkness grew
to frightening heights
it glowered at me
from the mirror
as i peered in
seeing i shrunk to nothing
i barely heard my own voice
among the hiss & screams
they shout while i cower
trying to find my poetic pulse
to see where i currently reside
to see which face will greet me
one from the dark or the light?
i need my inner voice to come forward
not a being masquerading as me
springing forth fangs bared
ready to attack
while i fade into the shadows
pretending i'm not here
it's easier to let them talk
than to get in touch
with how i really feel
so i set my soul free today
vulnerable & quietly she comes
carefully so not to turn a stone
shaken but alive
her life force thrums inside
& flows onto the page
to reach a soul caged
hunkered in a corner
with barely a whisper heard
afraid of what they might say
should their deepest thoughts be spoken
instead of locked
& hidden away
Copyright © 2017 Crimsin. All Rights Reserved
Written by crimsin
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Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 141
Obscured ratios
sheltered & concealed
beneath baggy tomboy clothes
(And yes, I'll confess...)
on par with Monroe's
that sweet point-seven-O
Terrain & negative spaces
inlets - between - curved outcroppings
I cloak in outer fibers
fogging up everything
veiling views of scenic vistas
til' they're inevitably illuminated
to shipwreck men in my coves
For I...
an intimately initiated
in Delilah' s
satryic sorority
her enamoured & disturbed
Entrapping in my green, wreathed irises
secrets of strength
wresting the roots under
my razor
So life buries men;
& blind
Stanzas, true, admittedly
The 1st & 2nd, crushingly, certainly so
...the 3rd a sharkbite of sense
in my allegoric undertow
Aids, awaking me for my knowing.
Anguish, for the growing.
& you pretty poetic things
gaze and gape at these
Stalking behind screens
daring even to judge me
Though these fruits fall
derelict drops
into your mouths just as smoothly
from our family tree
Our newborn heads
were pressed in emergence
born of backward baptisms
by, & into our communal crux
of flesh
& I cannot be rid of mine
quickly enough
Well this has been a fucking blast. How could I post this? How could I NOT post this. It's been rough...Please let your comments be kind😖
Written by AtoMikbomb
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Joined 6th June 2014
Forum Posts: 56
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 56
I like to pretend I'm pretty
Without makeup I'm ugly
Without makeup you're ugly
It's true
We all have these feelings
Throw them in the fire
Give them all away
As best you can anyway
I used to feel that way
Beauty without anything
Is the connection between
Everything and nothing
I like to pretend I'm pretty.
Without makeup I'm ugly
Without makeup you're ugly
It's true
We all have these feelings
Throw them in the fire
Give them all away
As best you can anyway
I used to feel that way
Beauty without anything
Is the connection between
Everything and nothing
I like to pretend I'm pretty.
William Colten Sorrells
Joined 23rd Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 133
William Colten Sorrells
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 133
At the start of every day
I don't know why I feel this way
just so damn ugly, so ashamed
whenever someone calls my name
all day I fish for compliments
I never thought it'd come to this
but I don't know what else to do
I just want to be wanted,too
I wonder what is wrong with me
pure hearts in love is all I see
I smile, tell my friends I'm fine
when really I just want to die
eyes meet the mirror with dismay
I half-expect the glass to break
I realize now I ask too much
I'm too damn ugly to be touched
whore myself out for compliments
just trying to build my confidence
but I don't know what else to do
I just want to feel wanted, too
I know there's something wrong with me
I'm so much less than I want to be
but I still them I'm just fine
when all I want to do is die
I don't know why I feel this way
just so damn ugly, so ashamed
whenever someone calls my name
all day I fish for compliments
I never thought it'd come to this
but I don't know what else to do
I just want to be wanted,too
I wonder what is wrong with me
pure hearts in love is all I see
I smile, tell my friends I'm fine
when really I just want to die
eyes meet the mirror with dismay
I half-expect the glass to break
I realize now I ask too much
I'm too damn ugly to be touched
whore myself out for compliments
just trying to build my confidence
but I don't know what else to do
I just want to feel wanted, too
I know there's something wrong with me
I'm so much less than I want to be
but I still them I'm just fine
when all I want to do is die
Written by 0bs3ss3dp0ss3ss3d
(William Colten Sorrells)
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William Colten Sorrells
Joined 23rd Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 133
William Colten Sorrells
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 133
In-case anyone was wondering, the first one was written while I was manic, second one was written in a depressive state
Joined 24th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 43
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 43
Samurai Swag
Samurai Swag
To see what’s beyond what’s presented to my eyes and flesh,
to say yes or no when challenged by peers and plagues of society, to maintain my invisible composure when the odds are stacked against me,
my self-righteous attitude that remains
unshaken to the ignorance’s of the world,
it’s my undying confidence in myself and my abilities,
in all aspects, in all endeavors, racing past my past, accompanying my present, blazing to my future,
It’s my self-respect to do what is necessary,
which is being myself unwaivered, untainted, incorruptible,
It’s maintaining my perspective of what’s right,
disregarding blood ties, bonds of friendship,
or the capacity of love,
It is my code of honor I am forever chained to that keeps me steady and stead-fast,
It’s my courage to stand in the middle between the hurricane and the tornado without fear, to survive my storms and prepare to contest the next one,
It’s taking an arrow to the chest but still rushing into battle, armor shinning and battle cry still loud as thunder,
It is the sharpness of my sword that slices any Ninja that attempts to cross blades with me,
It’s my way, to die by my own sword, striking myself down not allowing the evils of my enemies the opportunity ,
it is to walk the path of the warrior for it is mine to walk,
my strike steady, my form graceful, both combined with strength, accuracy and power, this is the formula for my Samurai Swag.
To see what’s beyond what’s presented to my eyes and flesh,
to say yes or no when challenged by peers and plagues of society, to maintain my invisible composure when the odds are stacked against me,
my self-righteous attitude that remains
unshaken to the ignorance’s of the world,
it’s my undying confidence in myself and my abilities,
in all aspects, in all endeavors, racing past my past, accompanying my present, blazing to my future,
It’s my self-respect to do what is necessary,
which is being myself unwaivered, untainted, incorruptible,
It’s maintaining my perspective of what’s right,
disregarding blood ties, bonds of friendship,
or the capacity of love,
It is my code of honor I am forever chained to that keeps me steady and stead-fast,
It’s my courage to stand in the middle between the hurricane and the tornado without fear, to survive my storms and prepare to contest the next one,
It’s taking an arrow to the chest but still rushing into battle, armor shinning and battle cry still loud as thunder,
It is the sharpness of my sword that slices any Ninja that attempts to cross blades with me,
It’s my way, to die by my own sword, striking myself down not allowing the evils of my enemies the opportunity ,
it is to walk the path of the warrior for it is mine to walk,
my strike steady, my form graceful, both combined with strength, accuracy and power, this is the formula for my Samurai Swag.
Written by FreeLove87
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Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1897
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1897
The Reflection That Stares Back
I’ve never been the kind to take selfies,
I just look at myself in the mirror,
In the morning right after I awake,
I’m amazed at my e x p a n d i n g figure,
And look again when I’m dressed for work,
I realize, I still have my drive and vigor.
I’m not really the kind to go online and post,
I’ve never been that confident in my looks,
I’d like to think people will like me for me,
For my smarts, humor and personality,
For the passion and lust for life I share,
For my friendly disposition and geniality.
And in the reflection that stares back at me,
Behind the crow’s feet and graying beard,
Is an individual who is working on himself,
A man who’s young (and a little weird),
Because even though I have aching bones,
The youthful heart will never disappear.
I’ve never been the kind to take selfies,
I just look at myself in the mirror,
In the morning right after I awake,
I’m amazed at my e x p a n d i n g figure,
And look again when I’m dressed for work,
I realize, I still have my drive and vigor.
I’m not really the kind to go online and post,
I’ve never been that confident in my looks,
I’d like to think people will like me for me,
For my smarts, humor and personality,
For the passion and lust for life I share,
For my friendly disposition and geniality.
And in the reflection that stares back at me,
Behind the crow’s feet and graying beard,
Is an individual who is working on himself,
A man who’s young (and a little weird),
Because even though I have aching bones,
The youthful heart will never disappear.
Joined 5th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 2
Strange Creature
Forum Posts: 2
when you look in the mirror
you see a reflection of yourself
you see your face
looking back at you
when i look in the mirror
i see light bouncing off a piece of glass
i see shapes and color
i see a face
a face that you say
is my face
but i don’t see it
when i imagine myself
a person i talk about
but have never met
i can see my features
the brown hair
the black boots
but i can’t see my face
when i look in the mirror
i see a face
and i turn away
when i look in the mirror
i see a face
a different face than before
and i am scared
because i don’t know
which face belongs to me
you see a reflection of yourself
you see your face
looking back at you
when i look in the mirror
i see light bouncing off a piece of glass
i see shapes and color
i see a face
a face that you say
is my face
but i don’t see it
when i imagine myself
a person i talk about
but have never met
i can see my features
the brown hair
the black boots
but i can’t see my face
when i look in the mirror
i see a face
and i turn away
when i look in the mirror
i see a face
a different face than before
and i am scared
because i don’t know
which face belongs to me
Written by phoreverphan
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