Poetry competition CLOSED 13th June 2017 8:56pm
Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
View Profile Poems by Jade-Pandora

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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 72

Poetry Contest


Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 72

Tears Of A Broken Soul

My heart ache as you break me away
You walk out on me
Left without having any words to say

My love had expire
Sour like apples
In my feelings
I felt like i'm going to be sick

Tears falling down my face
My heart is broken
This hate I cannot erase
Without even having any words to be spoken

Tears of a broken soul
This pain doesn't seem to subside
With the true emotions you always try to hide
There is nothing left to do
But die from the tears of a broken soul

I thought love suppose to be true
This was all a lie
I thought this was meant to be
Everytime I look in the mirror I see me
Written by MalcolmJThePoet
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17160

Dirge of a broken heart

Love is to give and share
to hold to keep to declare
but as the golden circle
that binds do break
dew drops from aching hearts
fall unheeded on deeply furrowed souls
to ache to hurt in exquisite pain
knowing not how to love  again

Holding on to strangers' hands
willing to hope and feel again
but nary a sound the heart do gain
how far or further still the willingness
to say to talk to speak to tell
the feelings once felt
When one love's hand touches
though it ends in betrayal

Meander the crack in hearts do break
cracking like frozen ice in the antarctic
following the falling leaves of autumn
dead and helpless in its descent
watching him with his new love
a nail in love's coffin hammered
while within dying heart screams.
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 11th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 273


The cold
Blanketing the absence with
Thick coat of despair
At night
Burning in the absence that
Bereavement cut inside
Under aberrant skies and cobblestone pillars
Boatman’s passage though arc-lit waters
Road of the broken, with deep reflection
Pariah, by the moon, walking tethered under
An ash is carried like wisps of smoke
Silver glittering against the grey
A scene of eminence that lost its glow
Clout by this token for yesterday
Stolen shriek of the night choir
A quandary for passive tongues
Dusted parchment that’s been neglected
And a quill pen that’s never been used
It’s because home is where the heart is
That there is nowhere that I belong
There is laughter in the darkness
Like children waiting to be seen
I’m not in need, but need to know
Am I not what I should have been?
I am tired
Another day in the ghost of tomorrow
Biding time for sleep
No evidence to compare traditions
Gripping fast to the threads
I spill no more, an empty cup
Move me from this tapestry
Fading now
Sediment stabs my feet
Closer now
Bonds like a noose
I’m not amused
Behind me I have been walking about
Unremembered, but there’s always doubt
Threatened, paranoia crystal clear
Still too dim to make you appear
There’s a need to fulfill a shattered whole
In my compartment of marketed souls
Feeding on trust bequeathed for me
Here’s my necropolis of soliloquies
Touch me
And wither and corrode
Watch me
Turn shadow to abode
Fear me
Deep splinters in the bone
Kill me
Let nothing interfere
Hold me
In the shroud of the meek
Crush me
‘Til I can no longer breathe
Take me
To the death that I seek
Burn me
Dump me by the creek
Written by UbiquitousVoid
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 31st May 2017
Forum Posts: 13

Failed Love

A damaged soul
uses the strength of its rib
to anchor through lifeless tears
of a failed love

Lies breathless against turbulent winds
Lies pulseless beneath the open sky
A wet grave to rest a mournful soul
No longer searching for an answer to why
Written by PoetryOnPurpose
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Strange Creature
Joined 20th Apr 2017
Forum Posts: 4

smashed heart's do scar

                                                                                                I once trusted you to hold my heart .But little by little you started squeezing till you crushed it violently in your hand.Causing me major pain if anyone looked they would see the scars from were it was attempted to be put back together.
Written by fire-fox
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poet Anonymous

pointless observations of meaningless things {i}

the holy man & his sacred bottle of evian
can fuck off for all i care.
bless you
{like you achoo'd}
like it'd do anyone any kinda good

i did not see
your grief then
& now it's as tho
i am witnessing
something personal
& obscene
something shameful
that i have
no business seeing

you are more preoccupied
than i am
with her rosebud lips
in shades of cerulean,
her papyrus skin
marbled like raw beef...
... i did not look
too closely
this time

& i have frozen
by tears
my lungs unable
to fill with enough air
to scream
it's only fair

i watered the plants
because someone had to
& it would be a shame
if something else died in my care

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1428

adumbrations of a rusty twilight with dusts that shimmer nonetheless

growing tired of it all, the year-round rampant sprawls within    
the green-veined numbness marshes in necrotic stinks, those    
heavily falling down drowsy eyelids in dead weights    
of hopelessness - the only swollen solace of a lively expression, the    
tears: brimming out to be absorptive for a valid purpose, the grave  
remembrances of your doings and non-doings  
irony, sometimes… and more often, holds the quintessential    
truth: of how an eternal freeform flight in our mutual to solitudinal love    
gets clinically dubbed by your apparent bond(age)s : the false    
positives, your vampiric hold feigning demigods    
dictating my deaths in wordless anaerobism as you forcefully    
moulderase my thoughts    
of you within, alongside the abundant indifference    
you chokefeed me in, and coldly continue    
your endless polygamous infidelities of a rafflesia-mouthed    
monstrous chameleon in gravely lip-locked silence    
amazing are your talents that grows day by day    
taking in my life and perhaps suchmore lives    
except only you and such breeds that thrive    
in the lies and lives taken  
word venoms- targeted politically correct to close-ended    
statements silencing even Gods- how shallow they seem: the    
self-sorrowing cancerous swallows by your super-shallowed    
fascistic discourse futile (and desperately impossible) of any    
retaliations.. and,    
of course, this time you hit the ultimate climax – it’s today  
june 5th & how true that history repeats itself after    
six whole years..it’s just that only a small subjective    
change than the previous spree : you assumed yet another    
similar assassin, unassimilative of this eloquent bird’s tune    
selflessly in and out in an exposed substrate..being    
mesmerized in the enigma of love    
bloody.dark. pain and deaths.    this love .  
and, you still furthermore commit fleshy onslaught    
until my nothingness in trancing invisibilities    
transported towards OM  
out of the beastly you and earthly curse    
still use semicolons between you and me;  
still trace out flowers and dinosaurs in hand tissues    
still capture- amidst the unanimated mosaics and varnished veneers, the    
whimsical winds and vanishing skies- a captivating melancholy    
of an unperturbed angelic figment with flowing drapes & Nile hairlock    
torn and burnt down in an unsaid turbulence yet holding within    
with glazing eyes of sublimity    
Written by summultima (uma)
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StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

The Hours That Growl      

Headlights flick on
as the sun goes down
although you're gone
night falls in this town
uneven camber road
rises to fall
my life a mere diode
fighting to be shone .

Every word
from my tongue
resounds aloud
the absurd
and the wrong
hurts with a pound
I sure do belong
interred to the ground
moments seem too long  
in hours that growl .

The radio
in my car
plays its tunes
so happy and so far
from I in gloom
how dare the world
and stars
not feel my doom
they go along with Mars
in orbital zoom .

Stop !
god dammit now
and feel my pain
just drop
with all heads bowed
to this new phase
I hate all of how
it's 'Just another day'
please with me drown
in a sorrowful bad way .

I miss you
like a clout
a nail should receive
by a hammer
without doubt
in some hand
that's swinging free
I need you like a pout
needs kissing desperately
I beseech you
inside out

please !

come on over
to me .

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Broken Soul and No Return

Darling, you chose to walk away with all of
The pieces of my heart and soul. You
Thought you were the one to show me love

Every time, but somehow I was fooled into
Thinking that you would be the one to heal
Me too. Guess I was dead wrong. You knew

Every scar written on the walls, but you steal
Them away and keep them as your own.
You forgot every promise, but you peel

Back the layers until there is no stone
Left unturned. I am left beyond bare
And exposed. All the skin and bones

Are gone too. Darling, you always tear
Everything apart like a vulture looking for
The last scrap. You cannot own the air

Too. You are always wanting more
Than there is to offer. I gave you everything.
What more could you want? Every sore?

Every bit of pain? You are the one to bring
Every heart break and something to have my
Soul shatter beyond repair. You sing

The sad songs that bring the tears that I cry
To my eyes and leave everything dry.
Written by eswaller
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 24awards
Joined 9th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 233


Beyond the door of No Return
Foot blooded sand clotted
Baptised in bilge and vomit still
Someone's daughter on my shoulder
Broken by soldiers raped by sailors
Her body on mine like irons on wood
Neither on land nor in water
Not alive nor yet dead

how will the gods ever find her

When they threw her from the ship
Her baby swam from her loins
And became me

Her needy ghosts came
Her chains gnawing my ankles daily
Never giving up never give up

oh gods free me from these ghosts

Piled high like ants on dung in sun
But there is no sun nor dry thing
Am I (I Am) Am I (I Am) Am I
Salt wet wings high screeching
Delirious screeching knee deep in sewage

If I was fowl I'd fly away
If I was fish slip free
How can I remember myself
Or a green sea of kola odum and ebonies
When memories are agony

Are these slashed legs lashed limbs mine
Does it matter who owns this flesh
When all flesh perishes
I Am I Am I Am
Let rats have my meat
Or the beasts of the sea

Let demon voices squeak
The gulls squeak and boards
Their beatless drums
Their blade thin grins
Their red eyes red with hatred

For I will find myself
With payment of my blood as fare
For I Am I Am I Am

Fore and aft
Beyond man sea and earth
In bondage
To a passage unhelmed by time

For god-minds designed us in their image
And these demons I mined in mine

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 27th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 22

And now she is dying in your arms

You've asked, cried with no sleep
When will it happen? I want! I need!
You waited for her and now she is
Dying right in front your knees!
How could it be you are the one
To kill her, suck away the charm
She had, the glow in her eyes
Was there love among the lies?
You'd say I did all my best
To keep the heartbeat in her chest,
To love, to carry but one day
My needs have gained more weight
"My own", "for me", "for my joy"
I trained her to become my toy
To please me when I need and how
Turned to devil suddenly somehow
Her blood is on your hands but
She's not leaving. To be apart
From you is her greatest fear
What is it for you? One tear?
Or not at all? Will you hear
Her last weak heartbeat near?
Her quiet "I love you" she says
Eyes closed forever on her face,
Breath has stopped on those words
Will you feel like a hundred swords
Pierced your flesh at once?
She felt like that million times
When you left her used, alone
Even then she loved, wasn't gone
Even now she loves but her blood
Is cold already, heart has stopped
She can't say but her spirit does:
"I'll be here, my love will last!"
And you stay watching it all ends
Too late to hold and break defence,
Too late to kiss and bring to life
Too late for: "Oh, one day, sometime"
Written by LanaW
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


He was the light that showed me
only what he knew I should see,

the light that revealed back onto him
what I otherwise smelled in the dark

He was the light that warmed me, and
then went out, denying me that warmth.

The light that guided, leading me
forward, to where there was only pain.

He became all that I made of him,
blinding me, of knight taking rook.

If I had chosen a path more worn for
the ease it offered to those inclined.

Yet my trust, in spite of the scorn,
moved me to tears as he saw me reach,

taking his hand, using him as my sight,
remembering a photograph in reverse,

of what I felt and sensed, but could not see;
the casa to his nova, of a love perverse.        
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577

apadravya worship ~ {vii}

{iii} यज्ञ:
there's a stain on the skin of my stomach,
an obsidian, sacrificial scar
from where i cut myself open [&] allowed you
to set flame to my bound places.
{3 & 4, 7 & 24, 15 & 36
more wood to the mahavedi}.
you watched when i curled in on myself
like the pages of a burning book,
watched my pitiful attempts at self-preservation
in sacred fire devouring kusha & ātma...
... you feasted on my inside like amrit until you lost your taste
for my heartache;
but my ashes will linger eternal as prasad to vayu's breath
& you will remain anchored by the frailties of your ego.

{ii} पूजा:
open mouthed, tongue pivoting on bladed edge, i devour the faces
of devas
conjured when the duality of amoral screams strike like flint
& steel
against the tinder of my consciousness.
in the serpentine unfurling from root to throat, prayers
{ferns & flowers & blue lips}
only the datura understand.

{i} सरस्वती:
you cleansed yourself in silt & piss & everflowing
streams of sacred river
rife with contradictions of purity.
it is, like all things, open to an interpretation we try
to feel with deprived senses
& a closed mind,
unraveling faster than the questions
you appeared to puzzle as knots & candle wax in string.
i peeled the answers from beneath your nails
& kept them warm
in the dimple of my navel.

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