Poetry competition CLOSED 31st May 2017 9:11am
Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
View Profile Poems by Jade-Pandora
RUNNERS-UP: UbiquitousVoid and rudabeyga

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Darkness rises

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 12th May 2017
Forum Posts: 29

Poetry Contest

Come up with the darkest poem you can

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 24th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 414

Good Intentions

Arielle sat in the dark  restaurant alone
The sound of the violin striking a chord in her soul
She had almost lost control and allowed the tears she held back to roll
She looked out the window for what seemed like the hundredth time
Searching the blackness for his form; the only thing in her field of vision, her line of sight-the bright twinkling of the city lights
Her favorite smell-hot buttery sweet rolls-was wafting all around her
But on this night it brought her no comfort
Even the taste of pasta soured in her mouth
She was sick from anxiety, crumbling under the weight of worry
And just when she thought she would surely on that very spot die-
Looking ever do dapper and dashing in his suit and tie-in walked her love, her guy
Kissing her soft and sensually
He dropped down on one knee and uttered the words she had been waiting to hear!
She leaned in close as he whispered in her ear " I shot him, he's dead, he's gone. I killed him just like I said would. He's buried six feet underneath the last lilac bush behind the house. Served him right the rat-the louse. Justice was delivered and served-one less perve. He shouldn't have touched you like that when you were a defenseless little baby girl".

5 senses: city lights,sweet roll,pasta,sensual
Written by Afroqn73
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poet Anonymous

Thou Decaying Mass (Old English)

Welcome to thy winter of discontent
Wherest mine plots and deeds contrive

Thou wouldst think me a fool of summer
But alas, winter is wherest I thrive,
Wherest thee imprisoned me with thine distaste

Thy actions hath opened a reign of fury
Upon thee, heed my warning being of insignificance.....

Travel back from wherest thou reside fool
For I wouldst tear thine flesh from thy brittle bones and feast upon thy soul

Thou presence 'ere t'is an abomination
And thou stench contaminants even the
Most putrid of rotting corpses.....

For thou acts hath shamed thee beyond redemption and hath cast thee apart as neither human nor animal.....

Thy deeds of false and trickery hath donned
And shall remain embedded on thine chest and eyes taken so no man may look upon thou rank soul.....

Run, run from 'ere fool
As the mighty dogs of hell are unleashed to seek thou decaying mass and fend thee upon thy return.

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

The Hall Of The Damned

The scream of sheer death
it deflates your lungs
and rips out your breath  
it tears apart
the ventricles of your heart
like the demonic sounds
of a fallen angels harp
the evil flame forming faces
howl and burn mental ash traces
that lick your brain with hot pain
which lights up the dark
to show the insane
in their stark underworld  
of plughole down drain .

A soul stealing trident
Satan spiked and hell sent
tri pronged and wrapped  
in a serpent
stands arrow capped  
in an evil dominant
inside are trapped spirits of unrepent
and infinite , expirement
they ache for your
desperate , detriment
and life retirement

So how can you be here
if your not dead yet
a demon leans near and says
this is what you might get
only fear if you gamble
and lose the bet
your soul so dear
shall be speared in an eternal net

The hall of the damned
full of gone murderers that hanged  
now they're hell framed
their pictured in pain
forever tortured  
dead and inane
they cry out contorted,  
faintly my name
as I leave Satans
emporium of reign
I know after this
that I'll play the right game
and never shall I diss
the lords name ever again ,
nor dare never shall I speak it
in vain .
Written by diddi (StephenPaul Summerscales)
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Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

(Entered in another comp)

Here's how it is

This is Goddess Speaking
And here's how it is  

In order of left to right  
You will decrease mentally  
In slow stages  
icey weather will keep you enslaved  
And stupid  
You are born so helpless....  
Stay that way for wayyyyy too fucking long  
You think you are the alpha dog on this bitch Earth....  
You can't do anything but roll and cry for the first year of life  
Without being carried by mommy  
You will go through big  
Leaps in brain size growth  
And call it evolution  
It will be given as punishment  
The big brained  
Deeper thought will send you to hell  
On Earth  
Misery will be humanity's best friend  
And it will beg for company  
But you will feel endlessly alone  
So cold with no furr  
Gazing up at my seat in the night sky  
Praying for the warm soothing comfort  
of another being that truly "understands"  
And never really knowing if there is someone out there looking back  
You will go thrpugh bouts of great madness  
Screwed up fight or flight responses  
Because free will bites it for you troglodytes  
When that asshole  
Hands you fire out from under  
Satan's crack  
(Fucking pretty boy, I sure showed  
No mirrors in Hell by the way  
So bitches be fugly...  
don matter  
You won't be able to see if those jeans make you look fat  
And I'll laugh my fat ass off  
It's your ass that makes you look fat you stupid cows  
I digress  
Back to fire  
You will toss the Mammoth into it  
And over a flame to smoke and preserve it...  
Because you fat fucks love a great steak and the greasy bits that stick  
Between your rotting teeth not really right for chewing it...  
And that extra protein  
Will give you an enormous mental jump
Its something I created mother fuckers  
evolution my ass  
You people will be foolish enough to see that as a good thing  
It isn't  
Your souls will begin a militant decent  
Creating tools you think make your life easier  
But over time  
Tools become machines become computers become robots and eventually.....  
You've done my work for me  
I have mindless drones  
You, the ghosts in the machines  
And I don't need you anymore  
And you go out  
In one final  
Furious apocalyptic event  
Brought to fruition  
By your own kind  
Nice......HBIC OUT

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

I depraved

My moral fibers have twisted
Knotty naughty
Now thrilled by his kill
Spills tween thighs gone
Sick sick mad from dick filled
And cummin more....filll meeeee
Feel me
As I kill her
Stick my iron slick red stick
Into and into her ripe pink womb

A Sacrifice prick
She drains so soon

And he in me
So hard and hard
Till I too am bloodied like by shards
Oooozing down my red filth of thigh
With one more red stick thrust
I feel the high

My nostrils fill with rusty perfume
As I stick red stick deep into me
Into my horrible rot of empty womb
To feel the pain he could not give
To feel the sweet of death where life would not live

And I too drain quickly as well
With red rush and smile i pass into hell

Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 11th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 273


Some dead December, a credence to stay
Clipping of the rose that my charity lent
Of my vainglory, even Faust would disdain
Eager to thicken lust-clouded cataracts yet
These needles of spite, pound into the flesh
To bite lower lips, sweet lachrymiform freed
Whereupon satyr wishes, my dreams are enmeshed
Colder still, is the snow upon which you bleed

Gestating in sickness and in health
Nemertean whores all the same in the veil
Chrysanthemums reddened and swelled
Nemertean whores all the same in this Hell

Bitter taste of hate seed
Libido lobotomy

Clung to the tether, enchained in-between
My heartstrings are weak by that reginal tomb
A womb of perdition incised by my greed
The stigma impure, in doctrine would bloom
And swooned by the morning, her venom in veins
Scratched all upon me, in frailty, memoriam
Nocturnal reprieve, an emaciating shame
Pyrrhic vampyrism, forsooth my malediction

But woe-be-forgotten, lady dusk nought hindered
This tachism upon skin canvas, phyllotaxic
Obsession imbued, her glow that soon withered
Her plunge into madness would hasten ulosis

Could you persuade me otherwise?
In submission and your closed irides?
Whereupon me you would never die?
And underneath, you are edified?

Saccadic and dripping
Hind-limbs tightening
Ecstatic and tipping
Feverously pounding
Deep and resounding
Phallic, corrupting

Gestating in sickness and in health
Nemertean whores all the same in the veil
Chrysanthemums reddened and swelled
Nemertean whores all the same in this Hell

Bitter taste of hate seed
Libido lobotomy

Dancing with the carrion, her fecund masterpiece
Like a witch, she whispered abyssal pleasantries
Enamoured by the mystic glaze, I exalt her in the sheets
Like flesh into stone, the mask of clemency
Her passion was my grief

So burn I will amongst the covetous
But not before I leave you bloodless
Skewered from head to toe
Pain and lust were never foes

As I…
My steel contempt
That Death could not avail me
In my piercing gaze
But a mirror to her starving womb
She would leave me ecaudate
The serpent and the sorceress
Spiraling in eternal effulgence
Absinthial tephrosis

Gestating in sickness and in health
Nemertean whores all the same in the veil
Chrysanthemums reddened and swelled
Nemertean whores all the same in this Hell

Bitter taste of hate seed
Libido lobotomy
Written by UbiquitousVoid
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Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 11th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 273


Instruments aligned in compulsive precision
In my head, a barathrum, a primal fixation
Your shell is malleable, I will show you why
Like amputating gangrenous stigmas bled dry
Let this flesh not be devoured by rot adorned
Ithyphallic, your cracked septic cunt shall be torn
Icteritious, the abraised chasm of innocence pilfered
A maniacal masquerade, this unquenchable thirst

Carnal, abhorrent, extirpation aesthetic
Cadaverous colours of which I’ve abused
The plague in my eyes see the fruit in you still
Now these gloves will be stained in amniotic hues

You sat idly by, split by phallus of the goat
A marionette to the will of sadistic overture
Blood shines through supple flogged breast
Pulled further into the depths that you nurtured

Here I am, the goat in flesh
Consumer of all addictions
In putridity I linger, the throbbing usurper
Gluttonously masticating your despair

Leather-bound atrophic limbs struggle
Manipulated into the vacuum of obnubilation
Constricted erasure, erect idolatry imbued
Descent onto the spike of intestinal penetration
Choking on the marrow of depravity enshrined
A bone throne for incestualized concubine
Anatomy is of scorn and malice and pleasure
As your spine is bare to comply to my tether

Impaled you are, as you hang from the ceiling
Progeny of my satyriatic fulfillment
Entombed by your own filth
But a husk of what you once were
Written by UbiquitousVoid
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Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1845

As You Die A Little

In the heat of the night
Beneath the moonlight
As you die a little,
I prowl outside your bedroom window,
For I smell it’s fresh,
Desiring to taste your flesh
I also yearn to consume your soul

In the dead of the night
When I’m ready maul
You crawl around on all fours
Who’s the animal and who’s the monster?
As I watch you die a little,
Playing in the middle,
I want it and I just can’t take it anymore.

In the still of the night
As I lurk dark outside,
I hear you breathless,
The light in your room flickers on and off,
Your body is shivering
My thoughts are slivering
Soon all reasoning will be tossed and lost.

In the calm of the night   
You shout prayers out right,
Your little whimpers
Will turn to squeals at the top of your lungs,
You’ll careen again
When you’re near the end,
Amidst muffled kisses from slithering tongues.

In the cool of the night
My heart is racing,
With a feverish fire
Ready to break through your window,
And pounce on you
As you have die a little
While you bury your face into your pillow

At the end of night,
Before the sun rise,
My eyes will linger on
Until you think you are safe in your dreams,
But in your little death
It’s I who will take your breath,
I will devour you
As you die a little
In a beautiful agony with deadly screams.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 23rd May 2017
Forum Posts: 2

the great pig war paralytic

a sedated saturday    
in my room--no tremors    
to remind me i'm alive.    
my pupils dilate. i fall off    
the bed--a cartoon boulder -    
a crazed joker with a medicine    
cabinet full of punch lines.    
i wash the walls with chloroform!    
breathe deep and    
close my eyes,  
i am motionless in white--a    
bright shadow, flickering,    
phasing in and out    
of consciousness,    
drowning you out    
slower than    
god created earth.
Written by rudabeyga
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Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 4awards
Joined 24th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 53

Black, void, souless and deep
As death comes to collect you while you sleep
No more can you see with the eye of the mind
It comes to us all in our limited time
We strive to end suffering here in the now
But nothing can stop our descent underground
So do what you please in accordance to law
but know when it's over you will think no more

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1622


I fail to see the calm before the storm
The seeds of bloodshed stirring like a worm

Burrowing through the gristle like a king come to conquer
What have I become if not a chosen monster?
You have created me, the vermin in your image
The beast awakens to destroy all, hungry and driven

Every last fucking lie you have ever uttered
Was tattooed on wasted flesh, tortured in agony
The devil has come to ink his page
From skin to skin from madness to rage
Every last fucking lie you have ever uttered
Was tattooed on wasted flesh, tortured in misery

The marrow in my bones speaks volumes of your mallet
As I crawl from darkness to feed with the maggots
On the scraps you left behind as you carry on
Ravens circle like a crown for The King of Carrion

Beneath the facade of righteous demons
I spit words laced with poison and venom

I am standing at your open grave
You’re lifeless cradled to my chest
I am kneeling at your open grave
And grasping at each gasping breath
I am weeping at your open grave
And I can never say goodbye - NO!
I am empty at your open grave
Where the last visage of love dies


The roses have long since withered away
To pass beyond just like a victim plagued

By a death worse than anything God could ever dream of
When two hearts learned to hate and finally became one
The monster you made will live forever severed
From the veins that give life as I succumb to the never

Every last fucking lie you have ever uttered
Was tattooed on wasted flesh, tortured in misery
The devil has come to ink his page
From skin to skin from madness to rage
Every last fucking lie you have ever uttered
Was tattooed on wasted flesh, tortured in agony

I see the world through your eyes, decayed and eaten by worms
I await the end the clock slowly fucking turns
Wish upon the memory of your vivid scar
As I hold your black heart in a tarnished canopic jar

For all eternity neverlasting
‘Til the end at the final unmasking

I am standing at your open grave
You’re lifeless cradled to my chest
I am kneeling at your open grave
And grasping at each gasping breath
I am weeping at your open grave
And I can never say goodbye - NO!
I am empty at your open grave
Where the last visage of love dies


My darkness
Without you
Fucking here

Every last fucking lie you have ever uttered
Was tattooed on wasted flesh, tortured in agony
The devil has come to ink his page
From skin to skin from madness to rage
Every last fucking lie you have ever uttered
Was tattooed on wasted flesh, tortured in misery

I am standing at your open grave
You’re lifeless cradled to my chest
I am kneeling at your open grave
And grasping at each gasping breath
I am weeping at your open grave
And I can never say goodbye - NO!
I am empty at your open grave
Where the last visage of love dies


(c) 2017 Frank Green

Written by HadesRising
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Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 20th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 218

At Equinox

I had forgotten      
All of it      
Every bit of it      
Day by day      
Bit by bit      
It was coming back        
I remembered,  
Her email last October 1st.      
Asking me  - - -      
Would I?              
Could I?              
Join her for a "little" celebration/ceremony on the 31st?              
I remembered . . .  
The meadow      
Blood red wine      
Star shaped white silk cloth spread on the ground      
Wine sipping      
Ceremonial stripping      
Erect nipples      
Erect penis      
Lighting the candles      
Lying down in the pentagram      
Her body splayed to the pentagram's points      
Entering her          
Thrusting to the strokes of an unseen clock      
Those were my memories      
Now, on this October 1st      
An email      
A command      
“Be here      
On the 31st”        
I write this      
On a plane      
To Austin      
It is, of course,      
The 31st      
I, quite literally, could not, not be on that plane to Austin      
A car pulled up in front of me at Passenger Pick-Up      
Door swing open      
Voice --deeper, richer than I remembered      
"Get in"      
She drove in silence  
I stared  
Barely recognized her      
Longer hair, red so dark it was nearly black, hid most of her face      
Breasts, my god, I am certain I would have remembered those      
Pearl white skin that nearly glowed      
Cleavage that showed the edge of her nipples      
Her dress, also a deep, dark, almost black shade of red,      
Flowed and hugged her body as if it were a living layer of skin      
Her arms, covered with lace sleeves down to her fingers      
Her nails, polished that same shade of red/black      
The dress, slit up above her waist      
Tunic style held with a silver chain just under her breasts      
And, yet, the fabric stayed close to her body      
Except, as she drove, her movements      
Bared her leg      
As if the fabric willed it so      
Showing, the tunic was all she wore      
Showing also,      
Pearl white glowing skin and a glimpse of red/black pubic hair      
An instant erection      
Painful one      
Pain in my balls      
The ride may have been long or maybe it was short      
I don’t remember      
In full moonlight  
at a familiar meadow      
In its center, already spread, a white silk star shaped cloth      
Like last year      
Waiting for us      
To finish      
What we started      
A year ago      
She whispered      
"Your flight was late      
It's almost time      
Get ready      
I stood frozen      
Her red/black tunic flowed off of her      
without any effort on her part      
pooled at her feet      
She looked at me      
I reached to unbutton my shirt      
She ripped it off of me      
My t-shirt too      
Also, my      
The shredded pile made it clear      
How quickly it had happened      
Both of us naked      
Nipples erect      
Penis painfully so      
She was already wet      
I could see droplets glistening in her hair      
Dampening the inside of her thighs      
"Lay down      
On your back      
Spread to the pentagram      
Like I was last year      
This year, I'm on top.      
She shoved me on to the cloth, down to my knees      
"On your back.    
Tears in her eyes      
I rolled over, splaid myself out      
Open, exposed      
Penis to the sky      
She knelt between my legs      
Bent over      
Touched the tip of her tongue to the tip of my penis      
Slid her mouth down so that all of me was in her mouth      
Deep enough, some of me was down her throat      
As much of hurry as she had expressed      
She took her time moving me in and out of her mouth      
Down her throat      
I was squirming      
The strokes reached      
She pulled back from that thirteen stroke      
She leaned forward      
Her hands reached toward my chest      
Using the nails of her left hand on my right nipple      
Her right thumb, forefinger on my left nipple      
She pinched, pulled, twisted, and lifted      
Pain caused me to gasp      
Buck my hips forcefully upward      
She had positioned herself perfectly      
The force of my upward movement      
Drove my dick deeply into her cunt  
The slamming pain      
Of our pubic bones coming together      
Caused us to jerk nearly apart      
        As an unseen clock struck one      
Nearly apart, but not completely so      
The clock struck a second time      
So too did our pubic bones      
Although the pain this second time      
Matched the first      
It had an ---      
"I want more"      
Obscene sexual pleasure to it      
With each of ten more strokes      
Of that clock      
My dick drove into her pussy      
The obscene pleasure grew      
With it      
Grew a low sort of growl      
In her throat      
In mine      
Mine deeper than hers      
More lustfully, loathsomely, raunchy      
Decidedly more male than hers could ever be      
Our mouths locked      
Our tongues raw from each other's teeth      
Our fingers nearly crushed      
With the force of their interlocking grip      
Our legs twisted and twined around each other      
Our pelvis bones bruised from battering      
Against each other      
While my cock squished      
In and out      
Of her cunt      
Beating on each stroke against her cervix      
With what must have been excruciating pain for her      
It certainly wasn't love      
It wasn't even sex, exactly      
The clock counted off      
We keep perfect time      
It was number twelve we were  
The clock struck twelve      
Our bodies released      
Her cunt contracted, convulsed      
I cried in pain      
My cock delivered      
She gasped at the flood      
Her contractions, milked me of everything my body had to give      
My discharge filled her      
As my penis relaxed inside of her  
Cum flowed out      
A large wet spot grew on the cloth      
Tinted pink with the blood of the violence done to our      
A seeming moment later      
I awoke in my bed a thousand miles north of Austin      
This time      
I remembered everything    
I got out of bed      
Glanced at the mirror      
A deep red/black bruise showing through my dried cum matted dark red, almost black pubic hair      
Dick, still red, swollen from its violent use      
Nipples with red, bloody nail marks      
Pearl white skin      
From the floor      
Curling about my feet      
A pooled red/black cloth      
Seemed to be climbing my legs      
I also noticed      
On my swollen lips      
A smile      
All this seen through eyes      
Whose yellow-green pupils were more cat shaped than round
This group of interrelated poems now has reached six.
Written by J_J_Jay_Jr
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


In earshot people speak like I'm not here.
I scan the room there's blood flowing like tears
From every guest that mills and mumbles low,
But do they care, or don't they even know?

I tool around this unfamiliar place.
Where have the players gone without a trace,
While eerie music drones on the wrong speed;
It's then I know I've done a horrid deed.

It's gotten very quiet I confess
By any other standard more or less.
I know what is and need to make it clear,
The only sane one uninvited here.

I tip & toe and slide around the chairs,
And squint my eyes to make me more aware.
What kind of party was this meant to be?
The scattered bodies leave no clues for me.

I'll try to make some sense about all this,
But first I need to plant a little kiss
Upon the bloodied lips of someone dear;
The only sane one uninvited here.    

Where this has since gone:  
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1622


Tortured screams
Echo the night
Black death
Last breath
To the grave
The blood falls like a storm of the dead
Reminds me of the last words that were said
Love me forever or love no one else
So she never did see me coming
The man of her dreams
The beast of her screams
Come hither to me and we will paint the walls red
Crawl to me, baby, on these scarlet stained sheets
Beckon you with a talon finger
And I’ll suck you dry where the dead doth linger
It will all be alright
The only lie you believe
Drag each other to Hell
When true love became deceived
Echo the night
As I tear at the scab
Renounce the light
And leave you on the slab
The scent of roses in your hair, sweet with decay
Those sweet memories of the body farm
Where I plucked the bouquet from the dirt
Writhing with maggots whence the dead were unearthed
And entice me with your putrid meat
Strips of infested flesh ingested treat
Sucking the rot from your decomposed cunt
All the while I’m festering, cumming
The man of her dreams
The beast of her screams
Black death
Last breath
To the grave
It will all be alright
The only lie you believe
Drag each other to Hell
When true love became deceived
Echo the night
As I tear at the scab
Renounce the light
And fuck you on the slab
Tell me if I hurt you
And I will push harder
Screaming my name in pain
Only pushes me further
To desecrate the flesh
And violate the soul
Look away in disgust
I’m only getting started
It will all be alright
The only lie you believe
Drag each other to Hell
When true love became deceived
Echo the night
As I tear at the scab
Renounce the light
As I leave you on the slab
Echo the night
As I tear at the scab
Renounce the light
As I fuck you on the slab
Echo the night
As I tear at the scab
Renounce the light
And eat you on the slab
(c)Frank Green 2017
Written by HadesRising
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