Poetry competition CLOSED 6th June 2017 10:54am
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Betrayal of friends

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 12th May 2017
Forum Posts: 29

Poetry Contest

Come up with a poem that has to do with the betrayal of a friend;
Good luck ;D as many lines and can do anything you want that has to do with the topic.

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470


All Rights Reserved

I thought my secrets are safe with you.
I trust that you understood my point of view.
I believed that despite the difference in opinion,
You and I had respected each others' preference.

When does good intentions supercede the weigh of a promise?
How can you measure me against others?
I guess, it's me who was wrong,
When I refused to accept that friendship for you have levels.

I got it! The message, loud and clear.
It's ok for you to drop me in favor of all the others.
It's just hurtful, that you think that it's ok, that I would be ok!
After you dishonor a promise for your own brand of good intention.

I realize now, how selfish you are,
How petty and how insensitive.
You call my cause bullshits
Then greet me good morning the next day?

I know now....
You never really see me as your true friend.
To be betrayed...
It hurts like shit!
Written by OxyMoronicMe (G.L.)
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poet Anonymous

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 19th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 9

Et Tu, Janus?

Sweet smiles from you to me
What did I do to deserve your time?
Conversations aplenty between us both
The time spent is surely sublime

Words you use to dazzle me with
Stories you tell to enthral me
Your starring role in the play of life
Always to be entrenched with espirit

The way you speak of empowerment
With such devotion
But behind closed doors
You dismantle such notions

You play your character
With the epitome of grace
But the depth of your iniquity
Makes it hard for me to embrace

Time to ponder on what is the truth
As false perception can be most heinous
Making it the more hard for me to utter
These three words to you:  "Et Tu, Janus?"

Written by neef03

Poem originally published on March 20, 2015

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17134


Acceptance she says is all she has
as her beloved dance with his love
who still wears the ring
he gave her long ago
Acceptance that her beloved
Lives and loves his bride
under the roof they dwell
together with signed papers

She walks around with downcast eyes
Until he rings her bell
She wakes up from her stupor
Blooms and brightens
As he encircles her in his arms
Is this acceptance, love
Is it enslavement then, this love
Or a vice like grip upon her soul

She wakes up to his smell
On the blanket and the pillow
Sighs and closes her eyes
Hugs the remnants of his presence
Folds again within herself
Put away the stars in her eyes
Until next he comes by
And wakes her up again

That’s what she has.
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047


He wore his heart on sleeve
Its frantic tick often barely audible
That tempestuous day
Its beat thundered in my head

His tears on the verge of spill
Made his eyes flash
With lightning strike
Streaking raw ache through his baby blues
Set between furrowed brow

His disquietude unnerved me
Perturbation balled his normally passive fists
He would acquiesce to my mood most days
This day....he had  shouted at me for the first time
It shocked more than hurt
As he spit at me words
I knew he did not mean
I reached for his hand
He recoiled from me

My friend was wandering Via Dolorosa
And his cross was too heavy to carry alone
His heart in New Jerusalem was shattering
He lay in pieces of his whole
And all the kings horses
And all the kings men
Could not put him back together again

My throat felt tight as he left
The trepid swallow suffocated my words
I did not beg him to please stay
Or tell him how i ached seeing him hurt that way

Those were selfish days
Disseminating into years of my self imposed perdition
I had my first and foremost priority
To sterilize my own desolate being
Until comfortably numb
So I poured myself an unloving cup
The loud drum of his heart still pounding in my head
And with shaking hand lifted it up

My lip now damp with somnolence
I left the look in my friends eyes behind
I vaguely remember a muffled voice calling my name through the phone
Before fading to black

I woke in haze with sweaty cheek on table
To a knocking on my front door
I stumbled with grave awakening
Intuition running its claws down my back
Opened the door to the face of sorrow
My heart breaking, as i flung my arms around my best friends mothers neck

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Broken Friendship

Behind the good face and heart is someone
Who has stabbed me again so many times,
I would have never thought to ever run

Away from the one committing crimes
Against me. I would have never thought
That behind the person who climbs

Mountains would have been caught
In lies and deceit. Because of that you
Have lost my trust and I boycott

Any sort of friendship. Darling, to
Trust you after the betrayal and
Broken promise is like the final screw.
Written by eswaller
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Fire of Insight
Nigeria 15awards
Joined 24th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 241

Stabbed In The Back

You were just like a brother
You were more than a friend
Closer to me than any other
Now here is where it ends

You killed your own friend
You watched me bleed
Now it's too late to amend
And turn away from your greed

Look how far we've come together
Look how close we've been
Instead of protecting me you rather
Make me wail and scream

While i was running to you for solace
You're the one stabbing me
Your hug and comfort were but pretence
And there I was ignorantly

Sharing my travails with the devil
That played the angel's role
I've been through too many ugly levels
But managed to preserve my soul

Thus I won't pay evil for evil
But I'm surely letting go
I've learnt my lessons about people
I just want you to know

That you have ruined me from trusting ever
Your betrayal cut me deep
It's an incidence I will forget never
A memory I will always keep

Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 11th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 273


As a quiescent desire, cloaked
She ran fingers across her hope

And dead that day, her ambition

Her penultimate shadow
Disappears underneath the sheets
Only to be reborn in sleep

Those fields in which she slumbered
'Neath the stars her pain absolved
Yet her forehead, ever sultry
Remembers the fever

A single tear
Like the last rain before Winter
Contours her cheekbone
She cannot tell if it froze

She longed for him
To embrace her once more
But through bars of doubt

The candle flickers, as if breath tamed it
She knew he was there, complacent
Letting demons in

He tried, like wind against rock
But his passion waned with the departing moon

He wondered
If his emotions died
After the eternity of that single second
He lost interest

And left the field

And the moon falls quicker than before
As if shying away from the reflected light
To make room for eyes that loathe it

She hungers for that smell
That which never left her home
So she decides to get out of the cold

He is alive, but will always be a ghost
And the memory is left only with her
The one who, perhaps, cared the most

Though, despite this
His fondness of the dark
Was to accompany the mirror
Written by UbiquitousVoid
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Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1541

"Traitor in Our Midst"

Inexorably I had prepared for our bond
Risked everything, I waited patiently
Years I dreamed my waking days away
For the dreams to come only while sleeping

Twenty years is only a marker in time
Five more a friendship is marked for death
Nearly two more than life had blessed you with
There was not enough in all the universe

How can such bright sunlight leave no shadows?
So blinded was eye that I could not see
Hidden in plain sight on a plane over my head
When you slipped behind the shadow he did not leave

Knowing twenty winters I endured cast away
Knowing my island charts were torn in a storm
Knowing I would not be home on Christmas day
Knowiing you would be, the traitors knife sunk in

-jj johnson-

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 29th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 69

No Stamped Property

Friends they'll support right?
Everyone wants something someone has.
No matter how close it has to be theirs.
They see happiness but still...
Loud vocalist in expressing they must have what's yours.
Share with all.
Share with all.
Plead all of innocence they'll swear on nothing to promise.
Getting old is moving on from a childhood of promising dreams.
Raised by executioners expected to carry out good deeds.
How fast can we move from what we have.
In the moment slowing down to reach for at least one goal to conquer.

Tyrant of Words
United States 156awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1882

Tread Lightly

When I say, ici entre nous,
I really mean don’t tell anyone else,
What I confide in you should be just between us two.

When I say, aqui entre nos.
I really mean this is very intimate,
What I entrust in you should be kept confidential,

When I say, just between us,
I really mean that I trust you as my friend,
What I share with you is to strengthen our bond.

But when I hear the exact same words
From a totally different source,
Some two hundred fucking miles away,
And through the last channel I wanted,
Not only is it a betrayal my friend,
But going forward,
I will tread lightly around you,
From far away,
For the rest of my life
With what I have to say.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616


My Father once told me          
the biggest lesson in Life
is not to betray yourself            
in the midst of betrayal 
For the longest time            
I wasn't sure what he meant;            
despite asking            
he wouldn't provide examples            
Years past, and one day
In high school a "friend"            
betrayed a confidence;            
she violated my trust-            
I struck back, spilled my guts;           
revealed everything
she'd confided in me with            
I thought, "All's fair in revenge!"            
But I was wrong, and then some           
In growth we're given the syllabus            
before the test to see if we've learned;            
it will determine if we repeat the class            
Sometimes years fan            
between incidences           
others, weeks or minutes          
It's always when we think
we've risen above, that the pop quiz
will hit the desk            
at any given hour of the day      

I'll tell you what I do know now:       
I hadn't betrayed my "friend"            
I'd betrayed myself              
It took one time            
waking up with the enemy            
to realize that hard truth            
So, continue to stab me with your            
sharpest knife of vitriolic gossip
behind my back-I learned young            
what my Father meant;            
And while I've slipped, I'll be damned            
if I repeat that class;        
Your secrets are safe 
with me-and we both know
you have plenty
Written by Ahavati (Tams)
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 31st May 2017
Forum Posts: 13

Midnight's Betrayal

When I married
I married alone
Not with a concubine
attached to his throne

You both were drowned
in each other's love
it was around midnight
he didn't even wear a glove

So, now you've stolen a page
one from my life's book
you've tasted my honeymoon
now you are a tasteless crook

This page has been burned
torched into flames
sometimes I can still smell the stench
from this past life remains

He has been dethroned
for his adulterous portrayal
and you've lost an eternal friendship
for your part in this heartless betrayal

Written by PoetryOnPurpose
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