Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd May 2017 5:50am
View Profile Poems by wallyroo92
RUNNER-UP: Jade-Pandora

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Thought Provoker
Joined 31st Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 143

Poetry Contest

Share romantic poems.
Romance: a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love.

(The following clearer definition will be used in my next contest.
Romance: a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love; love, especially when sentimental or idealized.)

Poems will get comments explaining good features as well as subjective areas of improvement. If you want comments, then put your poem webpage's full url link (or just the 6 digits that are within that url) at the bottom of your posts.

You are allowed to submit a poem that you've written before, even if I've commented on it or it's been in my previous romance contest.

You can submit 3 poems maximum. Don't edit your posts, after the contest has closed.

Please send me a private message with any questions.

Here's some inspiration from last competition:

Jade-Pandora said:Birds of a Feather

Our first real-life meeting one day!  
Will I be shy (I'm not!), will he?  
To feel unsure, you never know  
Shall I betray, a quivered mess  
And suddenly go quiet.  
I giggle as I say those words    
That I just now have spoken  
He knows how I so love to talk  
And possibly has gathered  
The more nervous that I become  
I turn into a magpie!  
Oh!, but how he loves my voice  
Even scratchy when I'm sleepy  
Laughing merrily together  
Even if we've been so solemn  
But never for too very long.  
The moment of our very first  
Dizzying face-to-face-to-lips(!)  
Will one day be at hand-to-hand  
Which sounds just like a combat stance  
I'll get to see his hands before  
He touches mine at the ready  
Before I see his eyes grinning  
Back at me shaking unsteady  
And then his mouth begins to twitch  
To hear it start to say to me  
In that, his boyish way a-blush  
"Hi Jadey..." chirps, then says again  
Our feet will mash potatoes  
As we keep exchanging thus  
Our little dance as we connect  
One spark, then two & then the next  
To grow a misty quiet light    
Into a mounting hope between  
Our fervent thoughts, a jubilee  
Of conflagration's bursting hearts  
To hold each other very close  
The walk from bus to vehicle  
Where so much always happened when  
And places that we've gone & been  
Of so much of the love we've made  
And still become two timid kids  
You mean tongue-tied? That can't be us  
Until we finally meet again.  

Hepcat61 said:40 Miles Out of Gallop

One hundred miles since I hung-up the phone,        
Her echoed voice still whispers in my ear.        
And me, between my once and future homes,    
With only rain and truckers left out here.              
She’s been with me through every twisted turn,        
It's only storm and desert with me now.    
My love for her adds speed to my return,            
As every love song croons her name somehow.        
With darkling sky, like night has had its way,        
In flashes, lighting captures desert’s face.        
But west horizon’s edge still holds the day              
In fading shrines to Sixty-Six’s grace.        
She waits, the forty miles I have to go,      
Our phone call from Gallop, New Mexico.      

Enchantress_Em said:purity of passion

i lived my life believing purity was a virtue to be extolled
but unholy thoughts of you are all that i think about now
i think of your body hovering over mine, our shared anticipation heavy in the air
i think of the way our eyes catch when your lips are upon my breast
i think of the way i gasp as you push yourself deep into me
you make me a sinner in my own body
casting red light upon my lips, which i once thought were pure
but as i drown in sin my body only craves more
i enter the domain of lust and leave as a proponent of a new truth
there's a different type of purity in the way you consume me

Here's more inspiration from last competition:
What Once Was by Miss_Sub

Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084

Mr Boring, it would be appreciated if you could be clearer on how you propose to select the winning poems in your comps, because after reading your critiques and comments you've made on the poems that have previously entered your competitions, I question the transparency and fairness in the way you select a winner.

Perhaps put your comps to a vote, or be more specific in the comps criteria.  If you have a preference for rhyming poems, then make that a criteria in your comp, if you don't like long poems, then nominate a word limit in your criteria.  If form and technique isn't so important to you and creative content floats your boat, then make it clear in your criteria.

Obviously you're a sucker for romance... but I suggest you vary the comps slightly to spice things up a bit and to make it more challenging for the poets.  This is the third romance poem comp you've run in a row, and at a glance you're copying and pasting the same intro, even some of the same winning poets are starting to reappear.

Sorry to have hijacked your comp, but sometimes comp hosts need a polite kick up the ass.

Thank you for your time and all the best to you and the poets on your romantic poetic quest.

Joe Grace
Fire of Insight
United States 1awards
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 1

A Man's Role

A man's role is to give and give, to submit and surrender.  
As the sperm penetrates the ovum it dies in total surrender.  
It's mission is not about itself, it is to serve his queen.  
The role of a man is akin to that of the sperm (the epitome/microcosm of maleness).  

By the male cell submitting to the female cell, a pattern is made  
for humanity as a whole to someday follow, fulfill.  
Oh what HEAVEN on Earth it will be, when womanly qualities  
of motherliness, kindness, humility, forgiveness,purity reign supreme.  
As the Bible says, "men will learn war no more"(Isaiah 2.4; Micah 4.3).
Soldierly service to women will serve as a suitable substitute  
for waging war, and for victory in warfare.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
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poet Anonymous

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geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028


(think Nat King Cole)  
How do I explain this feeling of you    
The nature of my heart caught me unaware  
A presence in the night, love that is like air  
How do I explain this feeling of you  
How do I explain this feeling of you  
Slowly spinning words a voice of true desire  
A perfect music heard angels does inspire  
How do I explain this feeling of you  
How do I explain this feeling of you  
Musings made in two, a fever in the blood  
With songs of moonlit souls rising with the flood  
How do I explain this feeling of you  
How do I explain this feeling of you  
Lovers’ whispers glowing softly in the dark  
Light as kitten’s whiskers, swift as embers spark  
How do I explain this feeling of you  
How do I explain this feeling of you  
Another’s breathing found in my mouth’s pursue  
Another’s purest sound, po’ms I found in you  
How do I explain the things that you do  
How do I explain that dreams can be true  
How do I explain...  
This feeling you...  
Written by Hepcat61 (geoff cat)
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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1845

Spiritually and Mystically

Longing with all the aspiration of time and space,
When I see your face all I want to do is smile,
And let my mind wonder in the marvels of this love,
Of this emotion that will travel a million miles.
And while this may not be my typical declaration,
I swear on all creation this appeal feels surreal,
A zeal of imaginings ventured beyond the night,
And into the morning light that my silence conceals.
I linger in that stillness, that realness, that presence,
That essence that still leaves me in daze for days,
Like rays of moon beams filling my head with dreams
That pour through every pore when I catch your gaze.
This phase will last me many centuries, a life, an age,
A word on every page written as I’m smitten by you,
Through which I find a fire of inspired verses expressed
So that I can gladly confess, I find myself driven by you,
Spiritually and mystically...
Written by wallyroo92
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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 11awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 332


My lover I adore you
Without you I would perish
Always my beloved
A heart I simply cherish
As tears betray my eyes
You hold on to my hand
Breathing me to life
When I can hardly stand
Knowing me profoundly
Words need not convey
Always right beside me  
Linked in every way
Blessed by your presence
Your devotion, unmatched
Unwavering affection
Forever are we attached
I am tethered to your essence
Providing me with grace
Inhaling with your touch
My soul in your embrace

Written by mel44
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


He calls them "scripts",
His prescriptions, his meds.

And from what we know
Of each other,
It should be short for "scriptures",

'Cause he told me yesterday
That I was a godsend.

I don't think
God did him any favors,

But I'll bet you he'll debate it
And say otherwise,

Even if he's having trouble
Filling his lungs with air

'Cause he knows
I've promised him some of mine.

note: Heh, don't try to figure it out, it's just the way it is.
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Renga: Sensual Rain

through the rain falling    
we chase around apple trees      
our bounty bears fruit  
tonight with our clothes      
drip-drying in the bathtub      
distant thunder lulls    
new rain arriving—      
heartbeats of night passion pause      
as we both listen  
through blinds lightning's flash    
zebra stripes on naked flesh    
we're each other's prey

a voyeur's phase ebbs
while wind gusts part swollen clouds
and lovers' thunder

moments before sleep
when all things are possible
our fingers touch rain
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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poet Anonymous

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 5th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 99

Rambling about Her

The stars seem to shine for you, in particular.
Your beauty’s so stunning it leaves me inarticulate.
The scent of wildflowers; like an olfactory vernacular,
emanates from your body, like sound from an instrument.

My brain twitches
and like symbols from ash, after fire
cymbals clash,

and the Phoenix, it rises,
destroys cities, disguises  
in sand and baptizes them;

Now they’re reborn, with new purpose
like a corpus, with thorns  
shaped like a crown.

Proper nouns

are the only thing worthy to label
the beauty within you...

it reads like a fable.

It cannot be real…
It’s harder than steel,
Infinite like a wheel,
And yet soft to the touch,
lacking friction  
as such,

the only prescription
for the condition  
you leave my soul in (lust)
is to behold in all its splendor  
the fullness of your body

Inside you,

and you beside me.
Written by Fizzle (Ammiture)
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poet Anonymous

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