Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd April 2017 2:33am
Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
View Profile Poems by Jade-Pandora
RUNNERS-UP: Hepcat61 and Enchantress_Em

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Thought Provoker
Joined 31st Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 143

Poetry Contest

Share romantic poems.
Romance: a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love.

Poems will get comments explaining good features as well as subjective areas of improvement. If you want comments, then put your poem webpage's full url link (or just the 6 digits that are within that url) at the bottom of your posts.

You are allowed to submit a poem that you've written before, even if I've commented on it or it's been in my previous romance contest.

You can submit 3 poems maximum. Don't edit your posts, after the contest has closed.

Please send me a private message with any questions.

Here's some inspiration from last competition:

Jade-Pandora said:Sweet Tea

When lonesome home I have a cup of tea,
A gentle steaming cup to put me right.
I hear the mantle ticking of the clock
And watch Venetian sunrise' morning light.
The crack of day is empty in my hands
While warmth of vessel cradles tenderly.
I think of nothing in these vacant notes,
And then I see him peeking in on me.
I know he's far away at work in thought;
Perhaps still tending his own cup of sweet,
Or pouring tanic acid from an urn
And touches lips to rim to think of me.
I live these times for when we phantom meet,
When morning wraps us in a gentle sweep.
A moment from when life begins to rise
While lovers sip from cups of amber steeped.

Afroqn73 said:#3

Eyes shut tightly
Tenderly our lips brush
I inhale your essence deeply

mel44 said:Tethered

My lover I adore you
Without you I would perish
Always my beloved
A heart I simply cherish

As tears betray my eyes
You hold on to my hand
Breathing me to life
When I can hardly stand

Knowing when I am lost
Although words do not convey
Always right beside me
Linked in every way

Blessed by your presence
Your devotion, unmatched
Unwavering affection
Forever we are attached

I am tethered to your essence
Providing me with grace
Inhaling with your touch
My soul in your embrace

Here's more inspiration from last competition:
"A Lover's Kiss"
Bird Of Prey
Sometimes, love

Strange Creature
Joined 15th Apr 2017
Forum Posts: 5

Romancing My..."( EeeDee)"

How beautiful her gaze ignites the warmth of such fulfillment..... Is it a  Mirage of some sort of illusions? Hmmm.. The inhibited desires... moments are seduced by her poise ...I fall deeper in the perpetual rush ..I lust in such (Devilish) Passion only to recourse myself in the beauty she displays giving her wisdom of humble love.There's an inner awakening of a silence that echo's when she whispers my name...(CexymF'er)  she gravitates... the auditory canals and sounds become erotic fantasies of leaking nutrients inside her and the weakness turns me out... and tenderly chokes my throat to where.. I feel faint and yet this elevator ride has many floors when the door opens inside the office space of my mind..... and she moves me as if the candles sway side2side dancing as we grind with each other... breathing with the kiss of missing each other's rawness &... cexy intensified domineering cexual language ..which is our ritual.
Our bodies mesh and twist to the rhythmic longing of such unexpected lovemaking that
we lose ourselves in the very thing we casually express deeply ...A romantic collage of us making love. I gave her that special feeling cradling her with ah sensimillia butt lift...and she feels my loving hands allowing her to whip her waistline like waves in the ocean creating smashing movements like a Scotch Bonnet sensation... moving on a hard Midori cocktail seductive baseline to display her riddim of her freakish nastee behavior and  love for me... what we do in the presence of our own company makes it RowMantically inconceivable... Mi Corazon, my tru sensational lover ...EeeDee

Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084

romeo alpha male and juliet

case28 (Alexander Case)
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poet Anonymous

g o n e

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Until That Day💌

Was it London, Paris or Rome?      
Strangers who’s stars had crossed and yet  
Better than that, on the Internet  
Where we met in each other’s home!  
The first real-time meeting one day!  
Will I be shy (I'm not!), will he?  
Shall I betray a quaking she  
Who lives a life with feet of clay?  
I giggle at those words I say  
That I just now have written.  
He knows how much I like to chat,  
worse though when I’m smitten!  
Oh how he loves my chirpy voice,  
Unless he calls when I’m asleep.  
I just adore to make him laugh;  
Because I am the silly half!  
The moment of our very first,  
A dizzy face-to-face romance,  
Will one day be at hand-to-hand,  
Which sounds just like a combat stance! 
I'll get to see his hands before  
He reaches out and touches more 
With fingers that speak love to me  
As we shake uncontrollably.  
And then his mouth begins to twitch  
To hear it start to say to me  
In boyish tones that make me itch,  
"Hi Jadey...", he says valiantly.  
Our feet will mash potatoes as  
We blush and carry on which has  
Our little dance as we connect  
The anticipated effect.  
From ‘puter screens of quiet light  
Into a mounting hope between.  
Our fervent thoughts, a jubilee  
Of celebrating hearts in flight!  
The walk from bus to motorcar  
To reach and hold each other tight  
From cyber places we have been  
Like where we’re almost always in.  
For everything of love we did  
And still turn into timid kids.  
You mean tongue-tied?  I couldn’t say.  
Cause we won’t know until that day.  
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 30th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 10

Love in Sydney

]I was fresh off the boat in the city
of Sydney with nothing but a duffle bag
and the thoughts that kept me then I
saw him standing there with
shades and jet black hair

Damn he was beautiful
The sun beaming down across
the water made him look like
something out of a fairy tale
I couldn't help myself

I walked up to him and introduced
myself, only because I was feeling bold
He smiled and took my hand planting
a sweet kiss on my knuckles
I had never felt so happy go lucky

While walking along the pier I
remember the wind blowing
my bandana  from my head
I thought I would lose it to the water
but he caught it with ease

Before I could grab it back from him
he was tying it back on my head
His fingers brushing through my
hair felt like soft thorns

I had little time to day dream before
he began asking me where I would be
staying, but I didn't know how to tell him
would be living in someone else's home
as a nanny to their kids

Something told me to lie but seeing those
emerald green eyes stopped me
I told him the truth and he didn't seem shocked
Although I thought he would walk away
his feet didn't move

Instead I was asked to dinner that night
and to wear my best dress
My cheeks blushed and eyes glimmering
I couldn't help but feel sheepish
So I just blurted out, 'Yes'!

He chuckled and kissed my forehead
and turned away leaving me there
My body almost gave way at the thought
of what tonight may hold in store
'Please don't mess' is what I told myself

I hurried to the house where I would
be working and marveled at the large iron gate
This would be my new home and yet it
frightened me to be near it
But I had no other place to go

Once inside I was greeted by the lady
of the house and her children
She seemed nice and was wearing
pearls everywhere but she did not waste
time assigning me chores

I had to walk the dog and make breakfast
for her children, but my mind drifted to the
Aussie prince that awaited me later
She showed me to my room which had a view
of the square

I unpacked quickly looking for my favorite
dress; it was covered in skulls and flowers
My imagination ran wild at the thought of
our night ahead and my smile grew bigger
as my thoughts continued

Time passed and it was finally time for
the fun to begin; everything was perfect
My dress was perfect and so was my
sandals and jewelry.
He showed up holding a single rose

He placed the rose in my hair and
stared at me and I lowered my eyes
trying to hide my shyness but to no
avail. His hand grasped mine and we
began walking

We stopped in front of this small
restaurant where there was live music
After being seated we ordered hot
tamales and strawberry margaritas
He asked me dozens of questions

We talked about our likes and our
exes; it turned into us being the only
people left in the restaurant
He asked me to dance before the band
started leaving

His arm around my waist felt so secure
and we slow danced for what seemed
like a century then the music stopped
I remember looking up at him and saw
those bed room eyes staring back

Our faces drew closer and then his
lips found mine; soft and sweet they were
His tongue tasted of fire and earth, oh
I couldn't get enough
I drew away and smiled as he did the same

We returned to my border's house and
said goodnight but no kiss was I given
I went to my room quickly and got ready
for bed. That night my dreams took me
to him as waves come to the shore

The next morning I went straight to work
cooking and cleaning and playing with
the kids. My attention was still on my prince
and his fiery tongue and lips like white oleander
Then a knock came to the door

As I went to open it, I could hear singing from
the other side. I opened the door slowly and
there he was beaming from ear to ear
I was surprised but so happy that I kissed
him passionately pulling him inside

The kids were watching TV so I took him
to my room for safekeeping
He made himself comfortable while I
sat on the edge of the bed
We were quiet for some time

I broke the silence asking why he had
come, then he replied by kissing me more
My mind blurred for a second but I
remember thinking about what I really
wanted, and it wasn't this

I pushed him back gently and then
more silence. I hoped he wasn't angry
and then I began speaking
We barely knew each other and it
all seemed to move faster than trains

He stood up and walked towards the door
then turned back and said 'I thought you were
different.' I almost cried at those words but
held them back as he left
What would happen now? I had no idea

I went on working for the next two months
and he never showed up again
I felt as though I was just a one time fling
and that it was never going to be something
more than that. I felt hollow in that moment

But one day I went for a walk and ended up
at the opera house. Not even the singing
brought me happiness, yet I went inside anyway
I sat in the balcony and listened to the voices
sing about love and tragedy.

While I remained deep in thought I could not
help wondering why he made me feel this way
He was unknown to me and no long lost lover
I left the opera house still thinking and then
I realized that I thought I loved him

While heading past the shops toward home
I noticed a figure blocking my path, it as him
He stood there looking at me with crying eyes
My mind told me to turn away but my heart,
the one organ in my body that betrays

I walked up and said, 'I am different, but not
that different.' He looked shocked by my words
and then I took him by the hand and explained
how I thought he was different but we were the same
That day I think we both understood what
it meant to find love in Sydney[/i]
Written by WomanofDayandNight
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878


The perfect love is the one that is not returned
It remains pure in the heart
And a perfect lust is always profoundly burned
Kept in secret from the start
It’s the deep emotion that forever goes untold
A flawless image in the mind
The yearning and the longing will not grow old
And never returned in kind

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 7th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 57

Beautiful (A true story...Look it up using the Doctors name)

Dr. Von Cosel
Fell in love with a patient dying slow
She was beautiful
Finally died only twenty-two years old
Black hair blue eyes so shy sweet Elena
Death shroud death mask no life mausoleum
Two years each night return to lie beside her
Try to fix her heal her make her feel better
Stole her from her grave
Corpse bride for seven years she stayed
Alive in his head
Lying there beside him in his bed
Beautiful never ever fade
Lifeless doll forever she would stay
With each rip of her skin dripping wax he would mend making her perfect again and again
Using perfume he would mask the decay
Cover with silk so forever she’d stay
Beautiful never ever fade
Lifeless doll forever she would stay
Seems he loved her in life but obsessed her in death
From the beat of her heart to her very last breath
Wires held the bones in her chest
Glass eyes of an angel
Her cold rotting flesh
This life he lived he thought would last forever
Dropped dime one time got caught someone saw her
Handcuffed hauled off distraught they wouldn’t listen
Jail cell no bail as he awaits sentence
Stood before the man
Tears in his eyes her smell upon his hands
The jury found him sane
They let him go but they kept his loves remains
Just love for her is all he ever gave her
His mind he tried to find ways to save her
Family took her body and they destroyed her
Unmarked shallow grave where he’d never find her
Died inside that day
A broken heart from a love that never fades
They took her far away and
To this day that’s where Elena stayed  
Beautiful never ever fade
Lifeless doll forever she would stay
That’s where it all ends was it love it depends how far you would go to indulge all your sins
Well finally he died from the sadness inside with pain in his heart and eyes
Beautiful never ever fade
Lifeless doll forever she would stay
So you think this is sick some real tales from the crypt some ignorant shit you’d expect me to spit
But this is real and the pain he did feel and the love that he felt it was beautiful
Written by LBV
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Lost Thinker
Joined 22nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 14

purity of passion

i lived my life believing purity was a virtue to be extolled
but unholy thoughts of you are all that i think about now
i think of your body hovering over mine, our shared anticipation heavy in the air
i think of the way our eyes catch when your lips are upon my breast
i think of the way i gasp as you push yourself deep into me
you make me a sinner in my own body
casting red light upon my lips, which i once thought were pure
but as i drown in sin my body only craves more
i enter the domain of lust and leave as a proponent of a new truth
there's a different type of purity in the way you consume me
Written by Enchantress_Em
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17113

A letter from Beyond

Did you get my letter yesterday?
did you read it at all
did the boy give it to you
or did he give it to your parents
did you read it, dear John?

You see I waited for you at the bustop
you said you would be there
I waited for a night and a day
but you never came by
I couldn’t go home anymore
I couldn't tell you why

I told my parents I was going away
I said I would never return
for I am going with you
to a place where
there is only you and I

They pushed me out the door
good riddance to bad rubbish they say
g[i]et out and stay away
You are little more than a slut
they turned away and closed the door

I waited for you again today
Sitting at the bustop all day
Its been a year and a month
That I fell asleep on this bench
I have been here since

I heard a woman say today
This bustop is haunted by a young lady
Died of exposure here so long ago
I shiver as she walked away
Passing right through me…..
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Lost Thinker
Joined 24th Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 12

Tell me you'll cross oceans for me

I knew you’d never cross oceans for me
Though i’d cross the frozen threshold of hell, cross
The heavens, plunge from eden’s paradise, all for you
I burnt our bridges because that terrified me...
My soul was dancing around your pale fingertips
Though you were not aware, the power your name had over me.
To save you i’d bleed out into your hollow heart, because mine belonged to you.
If your sky colored eyes ever shed a tear, like clouds setting free
melancholy raindrops, slowly tracing your fine alabaster skin, i’d be there
Before your tears left the warm hearth of your cheek, to wipe them away
I wanted to be a wall you could lean against, a river
You could sink into, a flame that would dispel the darkness
But I was a black sun, exuding dark, mournful rays  
I was a shadow that failed to be your light
And i thought your hands fit into mine so perfectly, for you’d always
be the one to pull me back up, from my woeful depths of despair
But now we don’t even speak and all that’s left are old scars
That still ache sometimes when i see you, old friend.
Before i try to save someone else, the wounds i bear must heal
Before i try to hold someone else together, i must piece back my own shattered spirit.
What hurts the most is having so much to say…
Suffocating from all the sorrowed songs i swallowed locking them in a safe
made from bleeding pieces of my forlorn heart refusing to release the river
of unsaid thoughts i had once turned into poems  
You were family, maybe more, not bound by blood but I have loved you
For an eternity, and so too will i continue, until my last waking breath
That's why it hurt so much when you push me away, though i know i was the one
Who pushed you away first. We became the moon and the ocean waves
So far apart, pulling towards each other, never able to overcome the sky between them
I wanted you to stop me from leaving, that's what i’ve always wanted
For someone to stay when i try to soar with frightened wings upon
faint-hearted winds, far away to my own little world
For someone to pierce that somber chamber i’ve trapped myself in for centuries
I had always wished that when i turned my eyes from you and walked away
That you’d grab me by my hand, lace your fingers into mine and tell me
You’d cross more than oceans for me, tell me you won't ever let me go
Written by sankara
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poet Anonymous

I run, run right back to you
These emotions are intoxicating
And I think Im overdosing
Youre my dangerous addiction
And I am your puppet
I dont know what this is
But your velvet strings are tearing my skin
As I dance for you
I dance until my legs give way
And then I dance some more
Id dance until I died if only itd keep you happy
But my death would bring you more joy
And so Ill never dance for anyone again
Youve stolen my will to dance
I still feel your hands around my throat
Telling me Ill never be enough
The tears didnt even fall for the knife went too deep
Turning me away into the night
Only to beg me back and kiss my wounds
Getting me high off your smell alone
Dancing with my demons in the moonlight
Praying I make it out still pure
Blindfold my eyes for I dont want to see
I only want to feel
And all I want to feel is you
My minds screaming for an intervention
But my body is screaming for you

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 11th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 273


Hope comes with the falling rain
Underneath, all are the same
Yearning pulses like a vein
Every breath would quell disdain

Glacial ice becomes the sea
Carries doubt away from me
Through the darkness, she could see
Far away I seem to be

The trench between, vast indeed
A feather rests in my hand
Stolen from the sun, my need
A moonlight-dimmed sarabande

Her glance turned flesh into stone
And from it, I could atone
Scar from navel to her chest
A fate that she’d laid to rest

Fingers of death left their trace
None would see it in her face
Heart that bled the deepest shade
Blind of what the mask portrayed

And I could show her the ghost
Pariah of foreign home
And I covet her the most
From the shadows that I roam

She’s the raven in triumph
Above what she had mourned of
With crippled wing, painful health
Flying towards eternal wealth

And with ephemeral eye
Two figures shared between skies
I hope for those arms in time
Like rain, to fall into mine
Written by UbiquitousVoid
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geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028

40 Miles Out of Gallop

(A Modern Sonnet)              
a friend of mine said I should write a poem about a picture I took on a trip to see my family last summer. I titled the picture - Rain in the High Desert, 40 Miles East of Gallop, New Mexico... so I titled the poem - 40 Miles Out of Gallop.  And it goes something like this...              
One hundred miles since I hung-up the phone,       
Her echoed voice still whispers in my ear.        
And me, between my once and future homes,    
With only rain and truckers left out here.              
She’s been with me through every twisted turn,       
It's only storm and desert with me now.    
My love for her adds speed to my return,            
As every love song croons her name somehow.        
With darkling sky, like night has had its way,        
In flashes, lighting captures desert’s face.       
But west horizon’s edge still holds the day              
In fading shrines to Sixty-Six’s grace.       
She waits, the forty miles I have to go,      
Our phone call from Gallop, New Mexico.           
Written by Hepcat61 (geoff cat)
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*The picture can be seen by following the link...*

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