Poetry competition CLOSED 12th April 2017 8:17pm
View Profile Poems by wallyroo92
RUNNERS-UP: calamitygin and WomanofDayandNight


Make Your Body Speak To Me Without Saying A Word

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 72

Poetry Contest

What Is Your Body Speaking To Me Through Gestures and Nonverbal Communication Can You Make Me Want To Have Sex With You By Using Nothing But Your Words In Your Poetry
Go all out don't hold back your true feelings on this one

Only One Entry So Make It Your Best Poem Ever

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 72

Sex Masterpiece

Ignite the fire that create heat
Between our touch of our bodies
Painting vivid images of our nakedness
On a canvas creating art

The texture of your skin
Feel so soft and gentle
Kissing your body until I enter your abyss
Salt water in your sea
Taste so sweet like a debbie cake

Sex me like nobody else
Let me feel you on top of me
I love the way you get horny
Yes say my name
Like you want me
Who pussy is this
Kissing your abyss
Putting my meat between your buns
Now it time for lunch
Crunch and munch
On something good to eat
Like a treat acting out our fantasies
Bringing them to life
Breathing heavily moans and groans
Your gspot at the center of attention
As my pole persuade your lips
To enter you like a door
Now it time for the show to really begin
Sexing you like making love will never end
No more being friends
We are now lovers
Going into lovers land
Sexing you to make you understand nobody is better than the captain
The way I got you hook
Written by MalcolmJThePoet
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poet Anonymous

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 72

wow that is what the hell I am talking about right there great job well done

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625

Body Talk

I await in anticipation naked on the bed
You enter fully clothed; how daintily you tread.
Your presence is enough togive me a feeling
And when you begin to strip it points toward the ceiling.
No word is uttered as you caress the organ I treasure
I know that you are the source of its infinite pleasure.
Your mouth then comes into play, taking in full length
Soon it will be my turn, I hope I have the strength.
On your back with legs apart, you want me to enter
Your warm wet passage with a G-spot at the centre,
First your vulva must be kissed, give the clit a suck
Then I can enter deep to start a proper fuck.
No need for words as we reach a climax
When we are done we cuddle and relax.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


Suck in my gut
Puff out my chest
Trying to look taller
I lean forward a bit

But no matter what I do
It doesn’t seem too
Impress the girls
Here at DU

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Contact Initiated
By eyes brimming moist heat
Reflecting pools of my gleaming
Pussyche spated
And melting into this dewy state

Created bonne bouche
Nectar for my God
As you lick me
Clean plated
And I wriggle
And writhe
Onto your Ginny Gin shine face

Slick grin ...
Musk kiss...
And now me on my chinnny chin chin
My own smile now wet
As i enjoy my own taste

Fast immersion
Hard gasp
I pant praising
Your deep perversions
That run in euphoric circles
Of Parallel twist
Back and in screw
Until my Holy Fuck calls
Become your diversion
And you pause
Unwilling to be through

Moment of my trembling...
Thighs shake

And my God
you dig...
Your entry
Princely prick
A royal flesh shove
That opens pink draw bridge

Causing my flood
Let loose
Crashing waves onto your shore
And still I pleade..


Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 72

gardenlover said:Body Talk

I await in anticipation naked on the bed
You enter fully clothed; how daintily you tread.
Your presence is enough togive me a feeling
And when you begin to strip it points toward the ceiling.
No word is uttered as you caress the organ I treasure
I know that you are the source of infinite pleasure.
Your mouth then comes into play, taking in full length
Soon it will be my turn, I hope I have the strength.
On your back with legs apart, you want me to enter
Your warm wet passage with a G-spot at the centre,
First your vulva must be kissed, give the clit a suck
Then I can enter deep to start a proper fuck.
No need for words as we reach a climax
When we are done we just cuddle and relax.

Lost Thinker
Joined 22nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 14

Burning for the First Time

I let my skin burn
Let your fingers run down my body
My back arching, without respite, into you
Everywhere you are, I blister
I am red-hot under your touch
Burning so fast I begin to scald your own skin
But you don't stop to quench the heat
Accepting my fire as your own you stay
You burn alongside me in my glory
You whisper into my ear
I care not what you do to me
I let out a heady groan; your body slick against mine
My skin sizzles with sweat and sweet wetness
I allow myself to burn for the first time
Let me be the forest fire that destroys all life
You lean down and your tongue takes mine
I let you consume my fire
I just want you
Written by Enchantress_Em
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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 30th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 10


Do you know how hard it is not to fuck you right here?
I can feel your dick saluting me from across the room
It's ready, searching, hungry just like me
FUCK! You're making this harder for me as time
flies by, but I promised myself I'd behave
But damn you're looking delicious tonight baby
Your swollen member throbbing within your jeans
Damn you for keeping it tucked away

Can you feel my eyes on your privates?
Wishing for you unleash your snake upon my pussy
without mercy?
If my body was under yours, there would be no question
about what would happen next.
Your too calm for comfort tonight and you're enjoying
my reactions to the slightest movement from you.
It's taunting me as I speak, why won't you satisfy?

I am about to lose my cool in front of our guest
You know how bad I need it now and my eyes are buggin'
like a deer in head lights. Please baby fuck me now!!
Whoa, I have to calm down and fast
You're walking this way and you have that look in your eyes
The same look you gave me the day we met, but there is
more lust awaiting behind those orbs of earth and ember
Why are you doing this to me now?

I can't take it anymore. I grab hold of your arm just as you
pass by and I show you my wanting eyes.
You grin giving a small laugh then call for our guests to take
the party outside, leaving us alone
I stand still, waiting, and watching you circle me like a lion sizing
Every bone in my body is shuttering from the involuntary need
to jump your ribs and melt my skin with yours

You walk behind me and snatch me up in your arms with my
legs dangling as you carry me to our chamber
I can feel you knocking at the back door, but I would rather have
you smashing down the front instead.
Waiting is what I hate most, but you love making me wait for it
I want you to pound my pussy like it's the last you'll ever have
Wait, is that too forward? Hell no! You have been holding out too long
and now it is my turn to collect

Clothes tearing as heated breaths mingle with rough kisses
and restless tongues searching for hidden treasures
So good, so fucking good. Your taste is enough to make me cream
my Victoria and her unkept secrets. I want it now. And I mean NOW
Rough hands force me face down into the bed, that's more like it
Tongue of fire burns my thighs and lower back as your anaconda
teases the back gate. Damn baby don't tease me like this
I moan and whimper wanting you to please my spots

I have several spots that you love to taste and tease
Almost like a tootsie pop. You never know how many licks it takes
Mmmmm, your teeth have found the place right below my navel
You always did work fast but I want you to slow down now
Hmph, to think I was begging for a quickie earlier
It's so good when you have me this way; rough then gentle
rough then gentle, it's like you can't choose
I'm so ready for you to beat it up it's killing me inside

You flip my body over like a rag doll and spread me wide
I gaze up into your beastly eyes trying to prepare myself, but
honestly nothing ever prepares me for this.
A moan escapes my lips as you enter my walls slowly like a thief
in the night
You're gentle thrust have me whimpering for more. I need you to
show me some of your thunder from down under
I want to feel your energy rush over me and inside me

You hear my mental plight and grip my hips tightly
and begin to fuck my brains out, lifting my legs over your shoulders.
Damn it's so fucking good. So hard and good. So rough and good
So, so , so , sooooooooo fucking good!!!!!
I feel you invading my walls harder and harder and harder and faster and faster
and faster. Telling you to stop now would only hurt both of us.
Baby it's these moments that I will long for until my heart stops
But for now, I want you, no, I NEED you to keep pounding this pussy

Rougher, harder, faster, yes.....yes.....yes.......YES!
Silence is all that flashes in my eyes are stars and planets colliding
You hold me tight as your body trembles and jerks with my own
The aftershocks are my favorite and it feels like we both could
keep going, but that's impossible now
We try to gain back the breath that takes forever to catch
I want it again baby, my drive is waiting for you to push me
past the max limit.

But sadly, we have to get back to our guests. Fuck them is what
I want to say but you and I both know that we can't stay this way forever.
Wouldn't that be fun though? A true dick down every hour, no, every minute, no
every damn second.
You keep me wanting you baby and you and your friend from down under
know just how to please mama.
So tell me big daddy, when can we do this again?
Written by WomanofDayandNight
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Tyrant of Words
United States 157awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1892

A Game of Seduction

It was the way she stared in his direction,
Her eyes gave such a curious teasing look,
And though she was there with someone else,
Her devious quick glance had quite the hook.

Perhaps it was the way her dress was so…short,
And the pair of come fuck me heels she wore,
After all, at wedding receptions you’d expect to see,
Some women dressed elegantly and some like whores.

Yet he was fully aware of her fleeting glimpses,
She was becoming more uninhibited with every beer,
He’d always been charming and well dressed,
He’d always had that effect on women over the years.

And her date, a guy her age, was totally oblivious,
Of her casual flirting with an older man,
As her smiles and laughter became intoxicating,
Drawing his attention like a subtle plan.

They sat at tables adjacent from one other,
Strewn amid conversations and turning heads,
Then at one moment they held each other’s stare,
As he peeked and saw between her legs.

The swift glance from her seductive eyes.
Tendered a torrid invitation like a secret dare,
Perhaps it was the smooth look of her legs,
That spread a little more to show her underwear.

Then she crossed them slowly and intentionally,
Modeling the curve of her ankle, calf and thigh,
Her skin looked soft and silky like sweet caramel,
That perhaps would fully spread later on at night.

And he found all thoughts of her so provocative,
As her smile seemed to cast a spell and bewitch,
While crossing her legs again with suggestive banter,
Desiring that little delicious tantalizing bitch.

She seemed like such a delicate and naughty thing,
Playing a game of seduction in that little dress,
With an air of innocence that quickly disappeared,
The inner whore she was trying to suppress.

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Awesome Company...awesome comp...
Thanks sweetie

Tyrant of Words
United States 157awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1892

Congratulations to Calamitygin and WomanofDayandNight. Thank you to the host for the honor and this cool comp.

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