Poetry competition CLOSED 13th March 2017 4:10pm

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Tyrant of Words
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 3672


Scars are simply life's tattoos
ones we rarely choose
like artists' ink, each tells a tale
laid out on flesh for all to see
paid with pain as currency
come here and see
what fate has so far offered me
in every shape and size, design
upon our flesh, our soul, our mind
etched into every thought we think
unseen except through artist's ink
We're each given a scar upon our belly
an initiation badge for enduring our birth
Earn your scars before you're set in a scar
dug deep in the belly of earth
Written by archetype23
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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 29th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 69

Color Everything With Light

Everything from a blank black car stereo has light in it.
Music colors the blank air.
One dull feeling has no sound.
Talking to someone of trust brings back soothing noise.
Hardened by age.
We fight to stay young looking for the light in things.
Sometimes we rush ourselves too far not to really see.
Before it's too late we may reach the end with no energy to reflect back.
Whenever we have fun it's all about remembering the memories.
Light is possible in everyone but lately we've been locking ourselves away with different keys.
Reality has color.
Invent and add yours.

Blade Artist
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 84

Strawberry smiles

Open mouth a strawberry smile
Eventually lips become cold and tight
Strawberry smudges so out of style
Close into smiles porcelain white

Bleeding out it’s become too sweet
Etched in the flesh, words were said
Saccharine smiles try hide deceit
Words inked upon the skin in red

Teeth grind, scar tissue rips
A kiss on skin now defaced
White smiles become strawberry lips
Now my life becomes erased

Fading out smiling white
Mouth a silent bleeding shout
Fade away into the night
From white to red, blacking out

Scar tissue is a jagged smile
Claret grin a final display
Each verse that I revile
Far too weak to walk away

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 417

Scars are the inverse of the rest of our universe
The inside is healing and outside looking only worse
Our heart and soul and mind Have a curse
For these scars unseen life is reverse
The outside is healing it can mimic feeling
A normal facade our senses still reeling
A happy smile when youre not feeling like dealing
And we pretend to love what we find unappealing

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1871

I love this poem - it's so spot on about human nature.

Poetry Accident
Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 30th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 193

The Scars Outside

The scars outside show the past
reminders of the time before
when circumstance betrayed life
asking more than I could give.

I could show them if you wish
though explanations are not enough
to let you know where I was
to share with you how far I’ve come.

With the knife I carved to feel
deep enough to bring the pain
to show bright witness to the life
red flowed away by candlelight.

Isolation gave sad sanction
to the act still marked on skin
sadness lent it’s mournful call
asking something as blood flowed.

The night time passed, morning dawned
bandages were my armor worn
to fight my way to another day
to find my way out of the pain.

Where one resides there are more
scars to show where I’ve come from
some are outer as these appear
others buried within soul’s retreat.

I beg depression to take its due
to be satisfied with damage done
to isolate is woe’s darkest goal
this is illusion in day’s fair sight.

The scars are shared in the light
pale on skin as memories
I share with you in the hope
that you’ll remind me to live again.

poet Anonymous

White Tiger
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 4th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 15


Darling I'm torn
you kept me so warm
with you I never was bored,
at first you protected me
then you infected me
you were a double-edged sword.

Both good times
and bad times
you stuck with me through them,
the heart aches
and cold shakes
I never outgrew them.

As years passed me by
I watched myself die
and begged you never to leave,
I would savor your touch
then you'd leave in a rush
with tracks up and down my sleeve.

I'd never delay you
or ever betray you
on call if you ever should need me,
I was always right there
but you never cared
that's not how my darling should treat me.

I guess in the end
you were not a real friend;
a demon disguised as a lover,
you kept on taking
as I kept on shaking
now you're gone and there'll be no other.
Written by mikemason (White Tiger)
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Strange Creature
United States
Joined 12th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 9

What is Reality?

When the thoughts come they don't come one at a time.
They come as a flood.
Each one screaming louder than the last.
All fighting to be heard.
All fighting to destroy me.

I press my hands to my ears to try to drown out their voices,
but that only makes them louder.

So then I tried crying.
For a time,
the tears cascading down my cheeks were enough
They were able to keep up with the screams inside my head.

Then the tears stopped being enough.
They stopped being able to keep up with the voices.
"Tsk tsk, you thought crying would help?
You are pathetic" they would say as they laughed.
So I cried.

Then one day the voices wouldn't stop.
They just kept getting louder and louder.
So I picked up a knife.
I stared at the silver blade trying to understand why I had the knife in my hand.
I pressed it to my soft flesh.
Tears pricked my eyes as I felt my arms grow warm and sticky.

What was I doing?
I tried to stop as I slid the sharp blade down my arm.
The voices stopped.
They stared.
What is she doing they began to whisper frantically.

I smiled.
I was in control.
I silenced them,
imagining the blood running down my arms
were the thoughts that were leaving me forever.

But then they got stronger.
The knife is no longer a way to make them stop.
So now I just listen to them and believe them.

Maybe one day they will go away, but for now I sit and stare at my scars wondering if any of this is real.

~Mads N.~

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


Snugglebuck's Scars

I am a man with many scars

I have scared hands from
Hard Steel Mill work

I have a scar below my left eye
I earned during a labor strike

I was given a scar behind my calf
From an angry fisher-cat

I have a scar across my throat
And another that runs the full length
Of my back
That was the result of a serious
Industrial accident

Though all of these scars hurt
They all healed

Save the most painful scar of all
That’s never mended

The bleeding oozing sore scar
That my sweetheart Pam
Put across my heart
On a lonely Valentine’s Day


Unlike the fisher-cat who bit me
On the back of my leg
I’m still in love with Pam
Till this very day

The Bitch!

Lost Thinker
Joined 14th Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 5


Bullies shouldn't prosper, Bullies shouldn't win,
Do they realise the pain they cause as they stand and grin?
Picking on the weak ones, some half of their size,
If a victim stood up to them, they'd get a big surprise,

You have a fear of going to school or fear of going to work,
Victims lives are being ruined while the perpetrators smirk
You sneak out of the school and the lonely streets you roam
You pray to God that they don't follow you home

You lay in your bedroom both day and night
Tears streaming and in pain, no-one cares about your plight
You endure being held down, feeling blows dealt to your head
But no-one cares to intervene, so they stand and watch instead

Bruised and battered and terrified after each attack
Then later on in life the scars are still present on your back
PTSD and night terrors soon become the norm
The very rare restful night is the calm before the storm

Bullying can continue later on in life
A helpless victim at the mercy
Of a husband or a wife
Bullies think they are invincible
When to a victim they attach
But bide your time and one day
They will meet their match
Written by Jenny1959
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Twisted Dreamer
South Africa
Joined 18th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 64

Path Of Destruction

This is Destruction under Construction
A Futile Attraction to beauty’s Distraction
I must surrender, my heart now tender
I must retreat and accept defeat

So many battles can be won
But once the war is done
I will be a casualty
Of an imminent reality

To save a limb in my life
Deep cuts from love’s knife
To leave but only scars
And reach for closer stars
Written by Sir-Anton
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