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Poetry competition CLOSED 14th February 2017 10:27pm
dejure (vick)
View Profile Poems by dejure
RUNNER-UP: HadesRising

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Devils and Darkness

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625


Hell becomes me
As one with the devil
Lightning strikes upon the stormy grim night
As the nightmare beast gallops down the road
Necromantic flames burn skeletal eyes
The lashing rain will never quench my thirst
As I, Harvester, take away your souls
The desolate goat
Demands sacrifice
For a vice
One so visceral
The harbinger delight
Full doom tragedy
On the cusp
Bathe on crimson shores
Through the door
Comes creeping shadows
Always consuming more
The pounding of feeble hearts stir my blood
My ancient name carried in morbid tales
Of good and evil that's devoid of God
As Malice stares through her haunted goblet
Awash in the screams of the pits of Hell
My pallid reflection, infection
Will not bare scars of crucifixion spells
Hell becomes me as one with the devil
Pin me down with your deviant nails
My tombs
From Helike to Pompeii
Echo the dead
The moon
From Sodom to Gomorrah
Beckons the dead
The paradigm of parades
Phantasmagorical in their horrors
Let me be remembered
Not as one with God
But as hell becoming
One with the devil
Masters of murder
Crows gather
For the funeral
To holy masses
Splendors defined charnel
Magic is writhing in cemeteries
Reserved only for the vilest of lords
Singing hymns in paltry seminaries
Jesus fails to answer any prayers
Not whispered from behind red sinful doors
I will paint the walls with innocent blood
While paving the way for damnation trails
A popular road condemned by your God
Pay the reaper, Charon or Anubis
To lead you unto the black gates of Hell
Spiders spin their webs
Silk terror
For hungry demons
Witch women
Will demand children
To stew in the venom?
My pallid reflection, infection
Will not bare scars of crucifixion spells
Hell becomes me as one with the devil
Pin me down with your deviant nails
My tombs
From Helike to Pompeii
Echo the dead
The moon
From Sodom to Gomorrah
Beckons the dead
The paradigm of parades
Phantasmagorical in their horrors
Hell becomes me
As one with the devil
(c) 2017 Frank Green
Written by HadesRising
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Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625


In this room so black
Red light casts a shadow
Her silhouette vile
She's the devil's delight

She makes me crawl towards her
Just to play her murder game
Licking her boot heels for scorn
Blood and thunder, all the same

I have fallen for her
Cause she has clipped my wings
Spiral to her darkness
To worship all the things...

She does

She leads me through the slaughter
Just to play her kissing game
She is the devil's daughter
Mourn the missing, all the same

The skies have gone black
Cast a deeper shadow
Her silhouette pure
In perpetual night

And I've fallen for her
Cause she has clipped my wings
Spiral to her madness
To worship all the things...

She does

All those delightfully cruel things

She hails from the world where
Ravens and worms conquer
Where the laws of nature
Become distorted, obscured

By the rain of blood

Chain me to the wall
Pound the nails deep
Flesh eager for pain
Pleasure condemns me

And you pierce my flesh
With talons of death
Sip from my chambers
Kill me with your love

Dark magick twist souls
That are better left dead
Bound and gagged like a toy
So, we become the villains

Of the reigning blood

Casting the shadows
On the face of the void
Her silhouette cruel
Among the raven's flight

She fucks me in the graveyard
Just to play her killing game
Misuse, abuse, discard
Death so thrilling, all the same

I have fallen for her
Cause she has clipped my wings
Spiral to her darkness
To worship all the things...

She does

And I've fallen for her
Cause she has clipped my wings
Spiral to her madness
To worship all the things...

She does

All those delightfully cruel things

(c) 2016 Frank Green

Written by HadesRising
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Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625

- - - INFERNAL - - -

The House of God lost one so pure
At the walls of Gomorrah
Her faith crumbled, brittle like a son
Cast out into a frigid world
He tempted the righteous
Until the Lord's angels flocked unto the beast

Lightning strikes across indigo skies
But thunder never seems to supplicate
Tombstones that record tragic tales left cold and stale
For forgotten Hells, death day bells and blackest magic
She cums with a crucifix stained with the taint
Splash the scarlet paint 'tween thighs ranked a twisted minx
Once she was the holiest holy
Now she is a succubus on the brink
Of madness
And badness
Her cunt was dipped
In the Styx
To fuck eternally
Betwixt the morning dew
And the winter gale
I only want to be with you
Seraphim weep when Hallows come
At last, the winking stars
And the Faustus tale  
Recognize our matching scars
Together, we become one
The fire storms across restless nights
Saviors never savor or appreciate
Poetry of her witchcraft heart, right from the start
In infinite dark, stitches marked to light the path
Christ would give his noble blood, scorned, yes, for sure
Just to fuck her more 'pon the shores reserved for God
Once in company of sodomites
Now a cenobite of vaginal flood
Her caress
So tragic
She waits in throes
At the Styx
To fuck eternally
Betwixt the morning dew
And the winter gale
I only want to be with you
Seraphim weep when Hallows come
At last, the winking stars
And the Faustus tale  
Recognize our matching scars
Together, we become one
She reigns, divine
Satan's concubine
Dripping her venom
At the Mountains of Madness
Carnal desires
Burn with the fire
A cock to quench her thirst
At the Mountains of Madness
In darkness
I witness
Her cunt was dipped
In the Styx
To fuck eternally
Betwixt the morning dew
And the winter gale
I only want to be with you
Seraphim weep when Hallows come
At last, the winking stars
And the Faustus tale  
Recognize our matching scars
Together, we become one
(c) 2015 Frank Green

Written by HadesRising
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Fire of Insight
Joined 15th Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 236


It's been called many things
Throughout history
By those sensitive to it
Yet unable to detect it's origin
Usually the names of men
Because of it's voracious nature
But it has no gender
And in truth
Has no identity either
Still i find myself also seeking a term
Or something to describe it
Alas i am only human
That fact amuses it
And in fact
Everything amuses it
To varying degrees
It lays in hiding it breaths
crawls flies zooms
Wants nothing in everything
This i know at least
And it finds no dishonor in that
That word is foreign to it
As are so many others
It plays games
And it's used to winning
Because it makes up the rules
And changes them constantly
It's all alone
So it places large bets on your table
Designed to appear insignificant
Interesting even
So that you will take them
Thinking that you can gain something
That's when it plays you
And smirks at your ignorance
But it's an endless game it gets boring
It needs still higher stakes
Always on the prowl
No worries you still entertain it
In that way you have a purpose
To it
But it searches for someone
With equal capacity for evil and good
That rare half breed
Who understands it but avoids it
In an attempt to choose goodness
And finding that someone
Entices taunts throws hints
To extract a definition
Hidden within a name
And that someone writes it down
Thinking they're getting close
To identifying it's true nature
And a name will procure it
And that it needs sharing
With other half breeds
Like a disease
And it writes through that person
A name

Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 19th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 453

The Devil is a Woman

The Devil is a woman  
This I rightly know  
I met her one dark evening  
Many sad sad moons ago  
She burned me with desire  
She betrayed me with a kiss  
She fanned for me the flames of hell  
And made it look like bliss  
With the fiery gates between her legs  
A pitchfork on her tongue  
She made me sing the saddest song  
That e'er could be sung  
Her presence in my life  
was as a passing storm'  
I know we'll meet again some day  
She's always changing form  
Now while im waiting for my true angel  
To make her presence known  
I can look back on that experience  
And see how much ive grown  
Im not angry with that woman  
Nor do I dispise her  
For what ive learned has in turn  
Made me that much wiser
Written by RavenofSorrow
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128

Dark Lover in a Camaro

Dark deeds unflawed by remorse
Nothing guilt touched nor sense
Murder of souls, deeded  to devils
Or minions of the underworld
Have nothing to it indeed
This is the tale that I will tell
Of such dark deeds as yet untold
The house at the top of the hill
Where two women fair used to dwell
A man did come and stay one day
O but what a handsome man was he
He wooed and won the hearts
Of both the maiden in a row
The eldest during the consummation
Was fed a sleeping potion
It made her sleep all night you see
The potion was strong  indeed
The younger he did lavish love
So fine and fun that she did scream
For more and more and many between
The leash off her maiden confine
She did enjoy
But when midnight came, he did transform
To a hideous beast he was
A cross of wolf, serpent and worm
He took her pleasure to the brim
Of madness with his expertise
He mated with her without and within
And in his pleasure he burst her in
Her seams all gone splattered on the wall
The gore and blood from her body
Drained on the floor with nothing to pick
A tired man he was when he transformed
And cleaned the floor of all the bloody trash
Next night the older woman woke
To an ardent lover all unrestrained
Lapping her up from head to toe
She was engulfed in passionate throes
Oh how she cried for more and more
Of the pleasure that went up and down
Her supple pretty body, so unclad
The owl did screech
The banshees scream
For when she reached her passion extreme
He turned to beast once again
And fed on her  with passionate ravenousness
That dawn did come with hollow light
The house on the hill was silent
A lone man drove away
Black clad in his silver Camaro
A smile on his face
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Strange Creature
United Kingdom
Joined 23rd Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 8

I walked in,
Mask on face,
Looked around,
And saw I made a mistake,
just to impress her.

This isn't me,
It's just a character,
That I'm acting as,
To be cool,
Just to impress her.

I was the devil,
She was the angel,
Her hair was long,
my hair was short,
like a boys,
just to impress her.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880

send me a demon

send me a demon who feeds on the pain
let it come and feed on my pain tonight
as an endless vessel I will remain

prisoned me inside the monarch of reign
crushing my soul when am too weak to fight
send me a demon who feeds on the pain

find me a predator who prey on pain
let it sneak behind when the dark is right
as an endless vessel I will remain

all this emotions spreading through my veins
I’m tired of following a dying light
send me a demon who feeds on the pain

let this torridness feel a glimpse of rain
to put out the fire inside me tonight
as an endless vessel I will remain

don’t send the angels here  to die in vain
kindness lose their sight in these darkest nights
send me a demon who feeds on the pain
as an endless vessel I will remain

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 9th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 62

Divine Injustice

Fire and brimstone
Putrescent decay
The Devil cackles
As demons play
Vitriolic violence
Cast upon their captives
The Devil dances
At demon malice
Torturous screams
Fill the midnight air
The Devil grins
About eternal despair
Tear-stained eyes look to the sky
Cries for mercy, hands clasped in prayer
The Devil smiles, ear to ear…
‘Cause he knows, God doesn’t care.
Written by Chaoticwayz
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Lost Thinker
Joined 23rd Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 29

hmmmm... all great entries this will be a hard decision to make but there's still a bit time left oh well let's see where this road will lead

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 18th Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 10


By: Rise

I am sick
Sick and tired of this world that's always lying
Well I've learned from you
I've learned to say well fuck you im done trying
Trying to fix myself
And pick myself from off the ground
I'm dying
You tried to save me
“Doctor Doctor”
This one's broken can you save him
He said sure i can
Just pump him full of drugs that will sedate him
I said thanks for nothing asshole
My feelings are completed
I feel nothing flat and lonely
My emotions are depleted
So i went off my pills looking for some feeling
And yeah i'll have depression back
At least it had some meaning
I took away the drugs
And now i'm worse than i have ever been
I've never happen myself more
The sadness doesn't ever end
I've learned that sick people don't ever get a break from pain
I get to watch the normal ones
With lives i'll never gain
Guess ill sit in sadness
Watching my sad life unfurled
And that's exactly why
I'm sick and tired of this world
Written by RISE
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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 18th Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 10

pull my trigger

ready aim pull the trigger
it looms above a cold dark figure
it never leaves
we're bound for life
it stabs my heart
a frozen knife
they tell me i'm a work of art
depression, fear and a broken heart
i seems my life is picture perfect
but i'm mot even sure its worth it
with bitter song i scream for help
bet betrayals known me far to long
my screams are silenced
all hope is lost
it appears my life came with a cost
a lifetime of pay and sadness and sorrow
but ill costume as happy
i just need to borrow
it could have been real
if not for this dark figure
ready, aim
Written by RISE
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


The Asylum’s elevator goes up tonight
You’re not going to Hell, don’t fright
See the doors, push the button
The devil appears when the doors open
Hell is right here this night
Christ bade possessed pigs to die
Is this why you loved suicide?
Demonic swine, faith disavowed
The Satan is in you, you’re the sow

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