Poetry competition CLOSED 16th January 2016 8:42pm
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Contrastive haiku

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577

fearing morning light
night blooming datura shine
against velvet sky
Oh resplendent orb
burn away night's blind terror
Lord of light and life
[Gahddess Worship]

Miss Chi
Tyrant of Words
Germany 19awards
Joined 20th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 891

BoFantastic said:A Woman Is A Lion That Needs To Be Set Free

her booty hole stank
up the room. she don't use soap,
stank skank ass perfume.

she kneels to pray. her
mouth wrapped around my bible.
I baptized her thrice.

Thanks for your entry, BoFantastic! I like it a lot but have to point out that the rules only allow COLLABORATIONS! Please get yourself a partner and make him/her contribute to your entry and edit it fitting the rules. Thank you!

Dangerous Mind
United States 25awards
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941

_shadoe_ said:bound and suspended
she weeps, stripped down to the soul
by nine tailed kisses
Cupping swollen breasts
sweet moans sing through smiling lips
riding passion's wave
[Gahddess Worship]

Turned on!

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Haiku/Senryu Renga: CHANTINGS
(a Hepcat61 & Jade-Pandora collaboration)            
the one who sees all            
namu amida butsu            
crane on utmost branch            
         only the tree sees
         the crane standing in its hair
         nen nen fu ri shin              
emptied to be filled            
namu amida butsu            
sun in morning fog            
         morning fog muting            
         hiding day's new sun in vain          
         nen nen fu ri shin            
encompassing all            
namu amida butsu            
a wind in wheat fields            
         prayer flags' wing'd message
         sending proof that wind exists
         nen nen fu ri shin              
                      . (jade)


Namu Amida Butsu means "Total reliance upon the compassion of Amida Buddha."
Nen Nen Fu Ri Shin means "Thought after thought are not separate from mind."

geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028

Excellent... I  love this final version...

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

(deleted by Jade - no worries - already have an entry up)

Miss Chi
Tyrant of Words
Germany 19awards
Joined 20th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 891

Thank you, Jade, for accepting our suggestion!
I'm happy with that solution and hope you and Geoff don't mind since it's fair for every participant this way!
Thanks again for all the great entries so far!

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Chiyo said:Thank you, Jade, for accepting our suggestion!
I'm happy with that solution and hope you and Geoff don't mind since it's fair for every participant this way!
Thanks again for all the great entries so far!

Ahh, sweet Chi, we didn't mind at all, and wanted to do the right thing by the rules & you & the others participating, all along. Now all is back on track! 💗😄👌

geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028


Miss Chi
Tyrant of Words
Germany 19awards
Joined 20th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 891

Thank you so much for entering your wonderful haiku! The comp's over, the jurors go into retreat and we'll be back as soon as possible with the results!

Miss Chi
Tyrant of Words
Germany 19awards
Joined 20th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 891

Dear contributers to the competition Contrastive Haiku, we now have the results from the jury, consisting of
Vee, LobodeSanPedro, applepie77 and Miss Chi.

Each of the jurors had to fill in her or his opinion in form of points from 1-10 according to the predefined criteria, using a uniform spreadsheet. Furthermore each of the jurors made a nice little statement on one of her or his favourite team or poem. As we only had two teams which entered the competition the decisions made were both manageable as to the small number of entries and difficult because of the small number of entries .
I’d like to thank both teams, shadoe and Gahddess_Worship and Jade-Pandora and Geoff for entering their elaborate and profound haiku.

Jade, unfortunately we couldn’t accept your first entry because it was way too long and it would have been unfair to allow it in the comp. Because it is a great piece, emanating sex and humour at the same time I asked you to leave it in so that people can enjoy it. Thank you, Jade!

I enjoyed the range and the diversity of themes shadoe’s and G_W’s entries showed. They fulfilled every criteria of contrastive haiku, which was the task. They even left out the headline since there are no headlines intended for haiku, my fault that I put it on the list of rules. Though this criteria didn’t influence the judging. Next time I host a comp I’ll think more about it in advance, this one wasn’t well thought-out. I’d like to apologize for it.
What I liked about Jade’s and Geoff’s entry was the most classical approach to haiku. I loved the language and the Japanese input along with the translation. Each haiku was elegantly presented!

BoFantastic, I’m sorry you didn’t make it into the comp since you haven’t presented your entry collaborating with a partner. Unfortunately you decided not to react to my request to look for a pal. That’s a pity.
So now we’re going to approach the outcome of this competition. The winners are:

Shadoe and Gahddess_ Worship = 462 points. (I asked for a second trophy for G_W. We'll see if it works!)
Jade-Pandora and Geoff achieved 370 points.

Congratulations! Thank you everyone for participating! It was an entire pleasure for me!
I also like to thank my wonderful jurors for their love for poetry and for their being considerate and fair.

The following statements are what they wanted you to know about the reasons for their decisions:

Shadoe/Gw..2nd entry:
It captures perfectly the essence of a true haiku; nature with metaphorical suggestion to human emotions. The first part (shadoe) sets the stage with beautiful gentle strokes and the second verse (GW) weaves exquisite imagery transforming the notes into timeless wonder.
The collaboration comes across effortless with ease just as Haiku is in traditional sense, simple and elegant. The contrast between seasons and imagery is flawless giving the perfect balance in an unrefined way; A Masterpiece!

Well, it's been a very close decision, but I think the oscar goes to.....

"bound and suspended
she weeps, stripped down to the soul
by nine tailed kisses
Cupping swollen breasts
sweet moans sing through smiling lips
riding passion's wave
[Gahddess Worship]"!!!

This is a beautiful example of "bad vs. vanilla".

The second place is dedicated to Jade-Pandora and hepcat61 with their

Haiku/Senryu Renga: CHANTINGS
(a Hepcat61 & Jade-Pandora collaboration)    

What I enjoyed most about the duo shadoe & Gahddess_Worship: Firstly, I like the fact they explored different topics with each offering, from erotica, to the eternal dance of winter. The writers made a noted effort to provide a decided contrast within each piece while maintaining a continuity that made it all work.  My personal favorite was their piece on the curtain call of summer in contrast to winter on center stage.  Wonderful metaphorical references that made me feel these seasonal performances. Bravo!  My only note for change: the second verse doesn't need capitalization, as most haiku don't, and it would add for continuity with the first.

geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028

I wish to thank  you, miss chi, for this wonderful competition... I  feel true honor to have taken second to such great poets...

Miss Chi
Tyrant of Words
Germany 19awards
Joined 20th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 891

Hepcat61 said:I wish to thank  you, miss chi, for this wonderful competition... I  feel true honor to have taken second to such great poets...

You're welcome, Hepcat61. Glad about your kind response.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577

miss chi, thank you for being such a gracious hostess...
... extending gratitude to the judges for their time & critiques
this was truly humbling, as miss jade & mister cat are formidable poets [&] i personally loved their entry
danke [again]

Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 840

Miss Chi, thank you so much for this marvelous comp! I am honored to to stand in the same grove with these old growth poets. The only thing missing is a piece from you "La reina de Haiku." I always enjoy writing with Katja. But I'll admit to a little laziness. She always leads off...I am a good cavalier...I always let the prima ballerina lead :)

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